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This Daria face got me feeling monkey paw'd.
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So what scale are these figures? 3;75? 5 inch? 6 inch? 7 inch?
8in. These are even taller than most Neca human figures.
Jane > Daria
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Daria looks like Daria, but why does Jane have blowdoll lips??

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Cool or cringe? Call it.
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yeah, from what I can tell it was somewhat popular in the 50s and 60s.
back in the day I had a job cleaning used trailers/rvs and carpeted bathrooms were common into the early 00s, especially on the big luxury trailers with full shower bathrooms. still mystifies me how anyone accepted that.
imagine if the toilet ever overfliowed
This. It is cool. Even as an art thing. But in the end, why would anyone buy it for $3000. it is only cool as an idea.
They make special rugs for the bathroom, so it can absorb the water that drips off you when you get out of the bath

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Show me your displays.

Looking for lighting solutions for this big cabinet at the moment.
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Glass, and yeah it reduces dust a ton similar to a detolf. I've had it for a little over a year and am just getting to the point where I see even minor dust. You could probably also dustproof it like some people do with detolfs to eliminate it completely.
>the long plastic corner sleeves
>based on the price (more than the fucking detolf itself)
Holy shit you got robbed. https://www.tapplastics.com/product/plastics/plastic_rods_tubes_shapes/joining_section/246
It's funny you say that because I actually tried this exact piece from this company FIRST and it wasn't even close to fitting.
Ah, that sucks. What went wrong? Was the glass too thin for it?
Yeah the panels are closer to 1/8" thick. It was kind of a pain in the ass to dial in too, and what i got still isn't perfect.

I was in Japan and didn't see anything about this doll and scale. I was so happy to not see some nepo baby succeed. Who does he think he is? He vets the customer? After I buy his doll, I can use it to post and make porn if I want. Some how "Free use of the #HammerTimeClub hashtag" is a perk of his club....Father's money but not father's success. Its like he can never make his dad proud.
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I don't know what the fuck that creature on the right is, but it's the gayest-looking thing I've ever seen.
It's an anime girl sitting on the frame.
I want one now too.
I always felt so bad for that lady. Imagine having a husband that's totally obsessed with his underage anime girl OC who looks nothing like you. Hope she at least drained a lot of money out of this guy over the years.

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What action figure company in your opinion has the best quality for the cheapest price?
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Jakks has consistently been best value for money lately.
I thought of grabbing one of these as a generic utility bot or something but with how cheap they are I figured they'd fall apart or something. Are they actually any good?
what are these and where can I get them.
They're all over the place on Amazon. Just search for "action figure 3D printed".
Fair warning, they’re cheap as hell and built like it. They are very clearly mass printed with minimal quality control.

Anthony cumstains

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/A7H2E8L02zw?si=u8vHcA-xWB7MlsgP
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I hope you get the worst possible cancer there is because you deserve it...
Nta but and example would be any figure with a 'rubbery diaper' that isn't NECA, he barely pushes at all and says "that's all the range it gets". He does this notably with Storm Collectibles (sometimes) and McFarlane.
If he pushes it further it'll rip.
In one of his latest reviews, he complained someone shat on him for making unfunny jokes, and he said he would continue them just to spite that one person. He really sounds like a women sometimes.
>If he pushes it further it'll rip.
It won't... Look at any other review of those exact same figures.
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>He really sounds like a women sometimes.
He sounds like a bitch, and tries too hard to present himself as a badass. His a 40yo faggot doing toy reviews, c'mon. Also I don't care about negative reviews but at least be consistent.

>In-universe toy made of rubber-plastic mix
>Give her a plushy
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these weird toys that look like they are for kids are actually horror toys for kids, sorta discombobulated
she's about to be very discombobulated....
>toy made of rubber-plastic mix
I can't even imagine how you should implement that. It would be either as floppy as a ragdoll or really fucking stiff in order to pose it
Whatever makes you chunky, anon.
They call it "Elastic Plastic" in-universe, and from showing it off she looks to function like a stretchier Stretch Armstrong, with her returning to her original position over time

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edizione stupidissima
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>soft goods
Doomed from the start. Watch it flake off in a few years.
Impossible is nothing
>the CHAD toll barrier rod vs the virgin chinkletta.

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Looks like last one fell off the catalog.
Post your toys doing cool and fun things.
Lets have some fun!
I'll start it off.
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posted this one in toyphotography thread with adjusted focus & brightness
i regret so much not buying figma samus when i had the chance.
I cannot personally stomach the price, but this is cool. Gives it kind of a storybook illustration look.
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Ya, the price seems steep to me.
Ali has a bunch of "wallpapers " so that doing that setup might be reproducible for less home made.
The convenience DOES matter though.

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Whats a good way to sell toys when i have too many of them? Should i do a yard sale or open a shop at a flea market or what? I dont expect to get much for them either btw i just want them gone
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Ive purchased stuff from the bst and have outright received an extra figure along with the one I purchased. I got the very Rita in that set from someone here and the guy threw in an extra Putty and all it's accessories with her.
I agree with this.

You might want to look around for someone else who has something comparable to sell (e.g. comics, genre DVDs or something else - or maybe two someones and split the costs of the flea market, plus have someone to chat with and keep each other company during).

I also think if it's not a lot and has minimal resell value, this >>11001249, just not to Goodwill as they will simply turn around and list that crap on EB; give it to church related thrift or something local.
Local hospital probably has a children’s ward that takes toy donations.
You're probably not going to sell them period at a flea market or yard sale. Stuff like this is niche. Plus you run the risk of someone you know coming across you and wondering why you have a bunch of Power Rangers shit for sale.

Another option is if you have a local toy store they usually take trade ins. They're going to rip you off but you can probably get something you've been looking for out of the trade.
Yeah i oughta try them, local game store isnt interested in them. Im not asking much.

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Finally, no more shelf-space gobbled up by those blocky monstrosities.

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picketing for what?
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I like the xeno funkos, it actually makes sense for them to have soulless insect eyes
>where she oversaw the company’s portfolio of games that includes Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering
So she oversaw the only profitable IP that hasbro has had for awhile now, sounds like she’s gonna do pretty good then.
Hole, dumbass.
They aren't as miserable as you are. Also

Also, not as illiterate apparently.

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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>10971143

New reveals! BUSTER DOLL recolors! R1 is now 2! Wilber-Nine prototype! GIANT Gourai and Sophia! Zoid girls return! Rayfalx's torso?

What do you think? Are you excited for anything shown off? Do you expect more this weekend?

Why is the middle child of the imperial sisters such an edge lord? Is it Amaterasu's fault?

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:

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He could also cannibalize one of the Figure Rise Standard Digimons.
I'm fairly sure one of them has dragon like wings.
NTA but those things are twice the size and prlce of a 30MS just for a set of wings.
If you can still find them for cheap, try the old 1/144 Gundam Epyon or the UE/Vagan HG AGE models, they all have dragon wings you might like.
I was speaking of Arcanadeca more in terms of the aesthetic, I.E. did he want dragon wings that looked more organic, such as how Elena's horse half very obviously is not mechanical, as opposed to more abstract representation I.E. the wings off of Gundam Epyon or something.

Actually, doesn't Deathscythe Hell have bat wings of some sort?
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New thread!


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What is your favorite toy/toys that you own? Post it here and discuss. Pic related are mine.
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You were a cool kid for wanting a zombie toy, i didnt get into zombie movies until i was a teenager
Do they not make the toybox figures anymore?
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Both duocons, they are what inspired me to start collecting
I just recently got both triple changers too (wfc astrotrain and legacy blitzwing)
I had that set the Bubo came in! Such a cool set, played with all the figures a lot.
What is the rat monster and the dino from?
Rat monster is the Womp Rat from Disturbance at Lars Homestead battlepack.
the last star wars toy box figure came out in 2022 and they did all the main characters, so I doubt we will see more unfortunately.

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Howdy partner! I got this for last year’s Christmas! It includes shells and things that the real gun has! It even has a working bullet ejecting spring! It also has a bullet loader door!

To use the caps, put them in the bottom of the shells.
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I have one like that, except it fires 357 magnum bullets
I thought Denix only made soft metal replicas, that tend to break if you shoot them too often.
too many guns man
Not a toy, shit thread
that would make it not a toy

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My kid loves Godzilla so I want to get her some Godzilla toys for the bathtub. No fucking idea what's safe for bathtub use. A lot of the toys I grew up on and used in the tub got gross and shit and apparently some materials are like toxic in water? Fuck if I know.

Godzilla and stuff like it toys safe for baths basically. Any ideas?
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Is that why you never bathe nigga?
Which movie monster series figures are glued on?
Even if there was glue and it did come off, you can always reglue it back together. You can heat up most soft vinyls to take them apart. That is how people remove the plastic tags- heat up the area and pull the tag out. The plastic will reform back to shape when cooled. And plus, if your bathtub is hot enough to remove glue then you should probably not get into it.
Great great great point on the paint, i recall advising my buddy to be careful buying tf ko figures for his young sons due to cobalt posioning from paint. I guess his kids are fine, they aint dead
anything you can buy at US/Japanese retail should have been pretty thoroughly tested and safe if they're actually toys for children
Pffft... HAHAHAA

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