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>not a toy guy
>see toy
>suddenly want toy
Why is this happening? What do?
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Come out of a closet anon
I am not even collecting physicals.
I literally pirate shit and put it in my 2 x 4 terabyte sandisk.
I think I have enough media to last me for the rest of my life, it I start consuming NOW, as a neet.
I still collecting…
I think I am just a digital hoarder
You know why I am saying that? Cause I once lost an entire 1 terabyte sandisk and my reaction was sadness for two hours, and then I stopped caring.
I don’t even need them lol
I just like to collect
Oh and something else, if I just “favorite” the tabs, it fills the same retarded side of my brain as storing them in my drive.
Weird, isn’t it?
Fortunately I am poorfagging life at the moment and it will take a long time for me to upgrade my tech to 4K.
4ks are too obnoxious to collect unless you got in early.
Just my opinion.
Too much limited edition/store exclusive shit I hate it. Also WAAAY too many steelbooks, I don't even like steelbooks.
Thank God I don't care about steelbooks.
There's also a Figuarts of his "Rocket Dive" look. I have it, really solid figure.

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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>10942150

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

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Good for Air Commander light-year. You can even attach a parachute on his army.
Very soulful idea Anon
You know what? I honestly never even thought of doing that. But I'm going to do that now! Thanks!
Nice. I've found one on e-bay. I'll have to import it though.
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Work, inclement weather and even forest fires have all conspired to delay the great Green offensive against the Greys. Remains to be seen when the next good opportunity will come along, might have to wait til my vacation time next month but we'll play it by ear.

Bakugan gen 3 is probably completely done at this point.
With the near complete second season of the show still without a green light, and year 2 toys reportedly getting destroyed, I think it’s pretty safe to say it’s over

On the 7th, spin master will publish their investor Q1 sheet. If Bakugan isn’t on it, then I think it’s officially over.

It’s not like we didn’t see this coming, G3 has kinda sucked ass and nobody is buying it.
Do you think we can expect a G4 after this? Is Bakugan no longer an evergreen brand?
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Ionix was a good idea, imo if it sold well it shouldve continued
So goddamn underrated. Tenkai Knights, the brand's flagship series, took a hit with the Beast World arc, and it forced the cancellation of ALL lines in the brand, meaning we couldn't get other cool designs like Venetta and the Tenkai Wolf.
Is it impossible for Bakugan to disconnect from the TCG aspect? Like how Turning Mecard has completely dropped that battle hobby aspect, gone full combining mecha and aren't even using cards this season.
So it's a nothingburger that OP blew out of proportion?
that happened twice

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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

Previous thread:>>10983528
902 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Rodimus wasn't in the US marvel comics except for one flash forward episode where he was crucified on the twin towers in NYC, so it could be that.

OR big red, with randomly chosen orange hands to break up the color monotony
Wish it had ankles though. Also my copy has that problem where the car panels don't close flush, I've never been able to find a guide on how to fix it.

oh boy I can't wait for figures of characters I want to be ruined by autistic yearly gimmicks or forced errors/design changes for the sake of planned obsolescence. Like the Prime Universe characters but for everything.
>The Stuni-Con Job
I remember this was the first botcon I went to when I was like 10 and I had the money saved up, cash in hand, but my cousin that brought me there dragged me to meet Stan Bush and when I went back to the line it had sold out. I kept waiting after and the price for the set just kept climbing and climbing
I never realized how much I want a gender bent G1 line before

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Any good "flame shooting" effect parts for this?
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What & why is she wearing on her head?
Also, flamethrower thread, because the general 1/12 guns & accessories thread seems to be missing.
Classified Series Torch is the most appropriate donor.
NV goggles of some sort. Couldn't say why. She's wearing a seifuku while wielding an flammenwerfer, so it's fine.

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Welcome to the Lego General, the worst place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion!
Please note that any new thread that uses promotional imagery or leaks for the OP image is a corposhill spam thread and should be avoided at all costs.

Previous Thread:

>FAQ (Why?):

>/lg/ Flickr Group (lol):

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kys weeb faggot
must get hot in that cockpit
It's probably easiest to sell through FB marketplace again desu. You won't get the best prices like BL but no fees, no tax, and no shipping.
Where do you think you are, retard kun??
Bobby, I've got propane in my urethra.

Holy grail thread
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Tanya is my grail until she gets a reissue. Paid the extra for her preorder awakened face. Close second is my Pure Neemo Azone 1/6 Rimuru Tempest doll
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The closest thing I have to a grail is the botcon stunticon set
I was too young/poor to get it back then, and now anything botcon related is ridiculously expensive and also very rare
I don't think I'll ever even have the CHANCE to buy it
i had something very similar. I think it fired a rocket or something out the wrist. What were they called?
Shogun warriors
I cant wait for the Bionicle after market crash

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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Dark Discipline Edition:
Previous Thread: >>10954877
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

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So what do we think guys?
Right? It's so malnourished-looking
I can't pass up a cute girl with big round glasses
need more faces too
New Thread

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Previous thread: >>10954256

Did you order anmything?

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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They were close until 2023, then McFarlane suddenly became totally different and started producing bright, colorful figures. I blame Mattel guy.
Do those straps come off the shoulders easily? Only thing holding me back.
They do
Is that underboob?

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Anyone collect these? I discovered these existed yesterday when I saw a Gandalf one in a store. The gimmick is kinda cute and I think they’d be cute on my front dash. Curious if anyone here also collects them or what the general consensus on them here is. I think they’re better than fukno pops at least.
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Why are a bunch of these my never evers? This is the worst monkey paw I’ve ever seen. Or should I say duck wing.
agreed I dont like them but they dont invoke the same visceral reaction from me thqt funkos do
Will they float in my pool? Because if so I would buy some
Really fun idea for a toy ruined by their inability to float.

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gonna wait for something for a view hours. This should keep me entertained
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>all these Sonic Goo Jit Zus
>no Werehog or Chaos

Come on, Moose. They're literally made for this.

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Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)
>Machine Robo Mugenbine
>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)

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Got my boxes today. I kinda like them. Actually fits 2 of the older style power suits pretty nicely, although, there's not really a lot of room for their accessories. only managed to get a single rifle and pair of grabber claws in there with them. Still, pretty good for troop transporting and storage tho.
8th anniversary set.
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pics here
tiktok exclusive
Sounds like a regular release, but the 8th anniversary coin is limited free gift.

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Anyone have any word or insider knowledge if TheFwoosh.com is finally down for good? I don’t really know where else to ask, I only browse here occasionally but mostly was on theFwoosh.
The site and forums went down about two weeks and there's been no word on what's going on.
If it's for real gone this time (the forums have went down a few times now over the past few years), then it's a real shame, because as far as I'm aware, it was one of the last true 'forums' where fans were discussing toys, as they have for almost twenty years.
I know most people on here really only know the Fwoosh as a youtube channel, but for some of us, it's been so much more. As someone who started chatting toys on the Raving Toy Maniacs Toybuzz board back in the late nineties, The Fwoosh has always felt like a community that grew out of the Toy Buzz, and has been a community of like-minded toy fans for almost 20 years now. For it to simply disappear without any fanfare feels really weird and like the true end to an era. I suppose everything was on borrowed time after Robo and Veebs left as they kind of embodied the heart of the forum community..
We've still got fandom specific forums, but, unless I'm mistaken, the Fwoosh was the last of the 'general' toy forums that embraced pretty much all properties, though they did stick to 6" scale for the most part. But as a collector of a certain age, there was a comfort there, and a snarkiness, that was true to those early days talking toys on the 'net, and I'm going to miss it if it's truly gone for good. I was a lurker for many years, and then a minor poster, but I'll still miss the gang who hung out there.
So I guess this is just one toy fan's eulogy for a forgotten internet era. Now, anyone know of any other forums that are still kicking and still active?
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Damn you fwoosh fags can't shut the fuck up about this dead scam faggot site huh? Robo don't know sure is a piece of shit.
He has a YouTube channel now. He doesn't do reviews there, he just shows off his massive collection

I remember when TNI was americandreamcomics and was considered the worst of the toy websites. Funny that they're the last one standing
He meant forums dedicated to a specific topic, it's own site that stands alone. Reddit, instagram, twitter, discord, facebook, all of it just swallowed the userbase of everything else. It sucks that I have to navigate the random shitpools of these sites and apps to find what I want to look at and discuss.
For me, its was figures.com, action-figure.com, TNI, spawn.com, and too many G.I. Joe sites to list. I know the Joe fandom has mostly migrated to Facebook, because it was always filled with lame, old fucks.
Have they delivered on those skeletons yet?

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can Super7 just fuck off? I'm sick of overpriced 5poa. I hate seeing this garbage at my target for $19.99 for one Foot Soldier while the Playmates vintage are right next to them for half the price. Fuck you if you bought these.
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How did the store end up with so many? Sounds like bad management.
Everything will collapse. Toy lines are the least of the problems.
Toys will be our new currency
I'll trade you 7 Eternals for 3 Duke Thomases
I think they're just ordering 1 of everything that Super 7 puts out but don't seem to realize that they mostly make a bunch of shit nobody wants.

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Do you throw them all away and keep the extras/accessories in a separate container? Or do you keep them to store the accessories, or in case you decide to sell the figure later or to make it easier if you move to a new house? How do you store all the boxes?
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so you send the figure floating around without the plastic in the box? lmao. You realize not having the plastic misses the point, right?
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i only keep the boxes of my imports (if i ever want to sell my figures the box of a domestic figure adds no value so theres no point)
i put all my accesories in some bead containers, works for the most part except for the bigger accesories (figma ann's whip is massive) i just keep it in one of those 3 tier mini plastic drawers. and i just keep the boxes with their plastic in the closet.
Keep them all for sure. (For imports anyway, if it's a black series or something fuck that) I consider them mandatory to store figures(I don't display everything at once) and bonus accessories. Also for re-selling purposes. I know if I'm buying a used figure that is out of circulation I absolutely want the box and am definetly willing to pay $20-30 more for it so I imagine a lot of people are the same.
I horde them. Duh. I will toss dupes though.
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I only own a few (less than 8), but I know some are valuable (the Smallville Funkos, for example) so I did keep both the box and the clam shell.

For McFarlane DCMV, I have dupes that are still in boxes including one Super Powers, that I will probably end up trying to sell; some of these were mistakes, some of these were dirt cheap and I bought for fodder parts, before I realized I don't really have ventilation in my new place to do the major work some would require and I don't know if I want to hold on to a box for that long.

Ditto, except I keep them in baggies, and then keep those in a larger box. IF I had enough accessories, I do think a tackle box is a great idea!

>I ripped that bandaid off I felt so much better

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