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Previous Thread:


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

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GWP for purchases over 500€ in LEGO Star Wars fag stuff
Older meme hit me hard with nostalgia
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>lean daddy with deep voice, probably hairy too
>good amount of testosterone
> fertile
the amount of crazy sex Jangbricks has...is insane...
That's honestly what scares me about something like this.
you're thinking about it too much

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Discuss all things Street Sharks here.

First wave of the new figs will be released on June 1.

Previous thread: >>10967862
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i had the same reaction. im still stuck in a state of disbelief over these fuckers' return. the pops will get a free ride this time. still need to fet those bootleg legos...
I’m sure they’ll at least get the basics. Shirts, comics, a few trinkets (like maybe they’ll do world smallest figures like with MOTU and Transformers), and so on.

It’s true that most series get Funkos but Street Sharks didn’t get any until its 30th anniversary. So its safe to assume that they’re gonna have more Sharks merch for the anniversary.

Yeah same, been waiting for this toyline to return for years and there’s been a bunch of let downs and false starts (like with Storm Collectibles teasing that they’re gonna do Street Sharks and especially those disappointing Mattel Creations figures that were 75 bucks).
idk what this series is about, but these figures look kinda cool.
im glad someone else still remembers the storm blueballing. makes you wonder how far they even got to begin with if they were that quick to post the teaser before deleting the post. in terms of output for the 30th Im expecting they'll cover the same ground masters did. pretty much everything you mentioned in addition to licensing the sharks out and making their own sister lines to accompany the new figures. Im really hoping the sharks get an eternia minis or mega construx styled line.
A new line of mini figures would be great. The closest thing we have are those Hot Wheels figures and those go for 25 bucks loose.

There were so many blue ball moments for Street Sharks. The Storm Collectibles tweet, those M.U.S.C.L.E. figures showing up at Five Below, that weird unofficial comic that tried to get the trademark for Street Sharks only to fail and fade into obscurity, and especially the Mattel Creations line (kinda amazing that they made 3 concept figures for art that wasn’t publicly available and for a line with 3 infamous unreleased figures).

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Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Savage Crucible wave 1 shipping out now!
>Nacelle C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa wave 1 up for pre-order
>Loose Collector The Crypt Great Wolves:
>Animal Warriors of The Kingdom Primal Collection
>FuRay Planet Kensai the Nameless One 1/12 Scale Figure

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Realistically, why do you think there's any chance for Renamon? There's not even an Agumon figure out there (unless you count something like block toys, or vinyl figures), so why would Renamon get anything? Only chance would be some 3rd party figure, I'd think.
My hopes went up when I saw some Digimon in the Anime Heroes line but haven't seen anything since. The Beelzemon from that is great by the way.
Ya, unfortunately that line stopped at those first 3. But honestly, if it still went for 5 more waves I still wouldn't have expected Renamon.
Yeah, I don't get that either. Digimon feels so badly handled.
Hey kino Cooma figures here?

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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Pillow Pets Edition:
Previous Thread: >>10993187
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

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Holy shit shftards are mentally ill. I knew they would start shitting up the coomer general again once they move on from the revoltech general. SHF really can't make toys it seems
Its clear the thread hijacker/roboposter that got the board autosaged is the same guy as the coomer spammer but it would be truly unhinged if he was also the shfredditor brand wars schizo.
I dont even see subjectautist post as much anymore this single schizo is so mentally ill even subby has to take a backseat.
Damn, coomers are mentally ill
Athena (chungus poster) and Zatlit (OP spammed/retrospammer) are two different retards.
Sounds like you need to COOMa, kek

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Calling all diecast enthusiasts!

Welcome to the Diecast General, your one-stop shop for everything diecast! Whether you're a Hot Wheels fanatic, a Jada Toys collector, or simply love miniature metal marvels, this is the place for you.

From cars and trucks to figurines and statues, we celebrate all things diecast. So buckle up, join the conversation, and let's roll!

>Hot Wheels:



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Para 64 is frustratingly inconsistent. Some of their cars are bangers and others are a big letdown. Pic related. But I guess for the price they're alright.
I know right? We have a surplus of Ej1 hatchbacks in 1/64 scale. I'm glad to see that the coupe is finally getting some love too.
>he doesn't know about the Ej1 coupes
I meant in their regular lineup. How come I can't just walk into a store and get a girly Hot Wheels for a buck without it being more expensive, special collab releases?
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Speaking of Para64, I finally decided to buy this CTR2. I has been saved on my wish list for more than a year.
I will post pictures when it arrives,

Everything in those pictures from 2018 on (except the monster trucks) is a regular, $1 release in the basic assortment, anon.

I know we complain a lot about pops but genuinely when will they stop making these? I'm sick of websites not implementing any way to filter these out of my search results.
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I spend all day complaining about it to my funko pop collection.
Fucking Americans
I hate these open-mouthed dead fish stares. As for OP, I don't think they're going away because there's always something to make a new Funko of. Unfortunately, it's also the only way to get some merch of certain IPs, like Great Mouse Detective or Black Cauldron.
>don't think they're going away

Cringe Americans can't make anything other than YouTube face
>They’re now selling micro-sized versions of old Pops with added blind box FOMO, presumably to cut down on manufacturing costs and inventory space.
for like 8 years now lmao
The bubble is already bursting, they're too hard to offload. Even supposedly scarce ones.

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>not that into starwars, DC, or marvel
>don't like most of what neca licenses or their rubber diapers
>not into MOTU or TMNT nostalgia
Should I just not bother? It doesn't seem like there's anything for you if you're not into a very specific range of IP and figure lines or not willing to shell out for import shit.
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heh lets see...I want an...altered beast figure! bet you don't have an answer for that smart guy.
Isn't this guy like $10?
its your lucky day anon!
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Goo Ji Tzu
are really the only currently available toys that aren't tied to a major IP. Plus, you don't really have to be "into" anything to buy a toy. If it looks worth it to you, then bite on it. You could always do research on amazon, walmart, ebay, or local thrift store like Ross, Burlington, Macy's Backstage, Ollie's, if you want discounts or discoveries. If you want weebshit but money to save, Anime Heroes or that 5" Bandai line is worth a look. If you get a taste for the premium stuff, hopefully you live near a physical store so you can get a close look even
You could go for Papo figurines, or similar products by other companies. Papo has some pretty unique and detailed designs.

What’s the appeal of Cowboy/Wild West toys?
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I dunno, pardner. They just look cool, I tell ya hwat. Shuddup, Dale.
Just like the Crusades and Vietnam War, it's about the mythology. Also the cool aesthetic. And killing savage cannibalistic natives.
Deus Vult, Get Some, and Yippee Ki-Yay Motherfucker.
"Cowboy" Is in a sense a catch-all term for the varying types of those who lived in that wild time. Rangers, Gunslingers, Rustlers, Outlaws, etc.
A Ranger is probably the more apt comparison to a Knight or Samurai, especially when some of the best gunfighters were soldiers, in some ways, they were western ronin. Even then, that doesn't encompass the whole of a cowboy.

What makes a cowboy appealing is that is of no class or caste, you just are.

Hats be nice too.
Oh shit, it's a different one! I couldn't remember where I saw this pic posted, but I found this one, and thought they were all the same. Well, whatever, foreign fag will rage with envy all the same.

Forgot to give my take; the appeal of cowboys is the romanticization of a time in history where justice was a revolver, and your own steady nerves. It was dangerous, but rewarding. Very similar to the romanticization of pirates and ninjas; in reality, they were harsh, and reluctant jobs, but the idea of dedication to the art of the shadows to fight injustice, or collecting gold while sailing the open seas in swashbuckling adventures, is spectacular.
Never noticed the old super-deformed aesthetic of those toys. I just watched the cartoon and game

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Soooo, they dropped.
And better PO the pwo-pack, as it comes with a lot of extras for both of them: weapons and hands it seems.

Dunno, but POed the 2-pack immediately.|

Whatcha you thinking?

Btw,. T.E.S.T. is a company made by Tsutomu Nihei and ex-employees of 1000toys and Sentinel, who were pissed of at Sentinel turning the line into licensed series of figures, no place for collabs with artists like it used to be before.
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These are prototypes, but though it'd be good to see the detail in normal lighting.
To be honest, for designs like these, they don't need complex paint. They just need to nail the finish and have a nice textured sculpt, and that will do 95% of the walking for them. Even the level shown in this pic here would be more than enough for me, the gloss is bringing out all the little bumps and wrinkles in the sculpt.

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Unpainted shiny plastic has never looked and will never look acceptable. Joints not withstanding.
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When have they ever been ABS, aside from maybe some of Bandai's model kits? I would wager that like 95% of the Stormtroopers out there are PVC.
You can play with crazy bones. Millennial kids were more creative than Gen-Z and Alpha kids who grew up with an endless supply of mindless media consoomption.
God these were so good. You don’t need painted toys if you have shiny variant plastic that looks kinda like you can chew it.
It depends
there's figures with parts that are fully painted and cast in a totally different color for no reason

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Welcome to Plastic Building Blocks General!
Previous >>10973872
Archived Threads:

Here, you can discuss foreign and domestic clone brands. Show us things that you've recently bought, built or discovered!

Top brands (not exhaustive):
>Qman (formerly Enlighten)

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Dollar tree legos have some issues but for the price they’re great. You can attach to the bottom of the quart baseplates but you’ll need a center support or it pops off the edge underneath when you even glance at the middle.
Literal block heads lol
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Wange have unique figs for sure. Rather like the little buggers, though I wish I could say the same about the sets. Overall they haven't been terrible, most of my negative thoughts are from that pirate ship set in the OP. In pic is one of the little bugs that added up with quite a few more to take much of the wind out of its sails - the rag hats provided were copies of the original Lego one, not modified for the square heads. Somewhat peculiar oversight considering the bicorne and tricorne hats were properly modded.


Best sources for Mega news:
Archived Threads:
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Yeah most stores do the squad option where you know exactly what you're getting and they often include some heavy weapons, got a few of those in the same order. So far this is the only store I've seen with the random figures option for the not-CoD stuff. Yeah too bad about those, hopefully they'll come around again, was bummed out when the tan German figs were no longer available but a year later they're back in production so who knows.
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These little fucks would have been so fun.
yes its trademarked for ninja gaiden
What happened? I remember seeing some firetrucks then I heard nothing.
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Probably limited runs to gauge interest, only to find out the military dudes are far more desirable I guess. Had Mega kept their Probuilder line going we probably would've got something like it, another for the "what if" pile.

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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>10971063

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

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Yellow color notwithstanding I like this one best, the round pillbox has a twin-machine gun turret built into it.
That mech is sick.
While on my quest to find licensed army men I found out McFarlane made not one, but two lines of Halo figures that fit the description. Like most Halo lines I think it was pretty Spartan heavy but I’m certain.
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Very reminiscent of the Star Wars Battle Packs Unleashed from about 15 years ago now, my brother collected a bunch and they fought with distinction in more than a few campaigns. There were also proper Star Wars army men around the time of The Force Awakens, a couple of anons have shared them here in the past.

I was in Walmart yesterday and i was seeing how good the $10 figures from other companies look but then hasbro has these stupid 5 poa figures that will sit on the racks for months and don’t even get me started on Jada, practically outdoing every company including some imports
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>light flesh female
I thought you mistyped female fleshlight

Think I'm gonna go out and buy another Zelda...
too late
You paid 120 bucks for 10 bucks fig, and you call people retarded?

Dunno about that, but the Werewolf is easily worth it.

Well, a jaw hinge would have been nice, but oh well.
I take issue when these plebbit tourists clearly seen 4chan as a place to be unfunnily retarded zoomers because they watched too many youtube reads anon greentext videos.
I dunno it's pretty chunkin wholesome if I do say so myself.

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What are the best Gundams to buy that you can play with outside in the dirt? Something you don't care to get dirty and won't hurt the wallet?
Gundam Universe line I guess.
the average HG is cheap enough that I wouldn't feel bad about playing with them outside
i see, some are fairly good quality starting at the $15 range.
Found some cheaper $10 ones on wal-mart like barbatos that are still decent.
Autism: The Thread
The one in your picture :^)

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