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Welcome to Alacity, a world where you have full control over your actions. The server has been online for coming up to 2 years, with over 30,000 people joining at least once. Enjoy raiding, griefing and building bases, and doing pvp with other players. The server is running on version 1.20.4, and you can connect with 1.12.2 and above. The IP to connect is alacity.net.

Formerly Wiimmfi's

Wiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):
For DS, use:
>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)
>an unprotected mobile hotspot
and set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimfi):

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they very much look like that
>The backlight was a game changer in several regards
Obviously, I'm not defending non-backlit Jewtendo products, but devs had to work around that limitation, hence the saturated colors.
It wasn't a limitation for devs at all. It was technological limitation at its core, something that simply wasn't advanced enough to get there, afaik. at least it wasn't around back then otherwise lots of people would have ended poor from all the batteries those handheld would eat.
can you guys makes qr codes for virtual console for super mario /v/orld for o3ds
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>mfw you only need to download the firm then luma will enable a switcher for you to select what firm you want to launch
>you can have godmode9 and openagb just fine togheter
I guess... I can now finally play gba natively without faggotass dark filter and without taking home menu space slots with a long wait to launch. Learn from my mistakes, /vm/

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Is it possible to enjoy MMORPGs as a functional adult?

pic related
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It's pretty good, especially if you're willing to use a mic and team up with randoms.
I logged in today for the first time in 6 months, assisted some dudes build a thing then squaded with them for 40 minutes, planning attacks and watching their backs - was great fun and very easy to get into.
Some battlefronts can be terrible - particularly bridge stalemates - and dying over and over again can be frustrating, but when you finally get the artillery needed to break through it's a great experience.

A single player can turn the tide of a battle with use of scouting and map markers to direct other players.
What would be reasonable expectations as to when Riot's MMORPG and fantasticpixelcastle's "Ghost" will be released?
>each taking a tax on your loot
This sounds like it'd be a very bipolar system. Groups will either take no tax, or they will take as much as they can.
>anyone setting up a checkpoint would actually have to man it.
People will not want to do this and they'll just sit afk at the checkpoint. If it requires button presses, it'll be botted.
anyone remember this really obscure japanese(?) action-rpg mmo? completely forget what it's called. i know it wasn't dragon nest, at least
I wake up at 8, and usually start having free time around 5 or 6. I don't go to bed until about midnight (7-8 hours of sleep on average), which leaves me plenty of time to do things besides chores.

Even then, if you have time for games, an mmo is just a game you play for a few weeks at a time. The decent ones these days don't expect more than that, unless you *want* to put the time in.

Conan Exiles bread

Age of War Chapter 3 is out, and it's Funcom's finest mess yet, just in time for the devs' holiday leave.
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yeah, seems likely. The current chapter being god themed and how we were supposed to fight gods in purges
farting build
RIP tsw
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What feats should I focus on first?

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NEOTOKYO° is a multi-player first person shooter that provides a visceral & realistic combat experience in a rich futuristic setting.

The game is a standalone Source mod, so you don't have to own HL2 or Source SDK to play.


There is always a game every Friday evening, around 18:00 UTC, and there's always a possibility that a game is going on during weeknights and the weekend.
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How sweaty / competetive are these games?
I've played NEOTOKYO before a couple times years back, how have things changed?
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I'm a pretty average player and I manage to do alright.
The support class can shut down sweaty recon and assault players pretty well.
There is a dedicated competitive scene for the game if you're into that.

I don't think much has changed, the game doesn't receive any updates other than new maps made by the community.

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Is it worth it?
I've played EQ a bunch in 99, and I've always wanted to go back.
TLPs are lame and gay, with krono bots and retarded redone zones.
Project Quarm has none of those issues, plus coins have weight and other neat classic shit.
But now I have a level 10 Druid, and the reality of the difficulty is setting in, and it has occurred to me this server is full of EQ autists. The world feels less magical with all these people talking in depth about the mechanics.
Do I really want to commit my time to this?
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the gofundme goal has been doubled quarmsisters, hop to it!
Daily reminder that you can play on this server without interacting with or giving any money to the admins
>He reverted it back to Gypsy.
no he didn't
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>replaced all references to gypsies with "consortium"
>people actually play on this server
lmao explain yourselves Quarm sisters
>replace Gypsy but not Kodiak
That makes no sense. Kodiak Bears are called that because they're from Kodiak Island in Alaska. So if they're going to remove a Earthly cultural ethnic term like Gypsy, why not that?

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The EU server opens on the 29th.
Which weapon are you going to fame up first?
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To be fair, recalling to bank when you are in a party is always a selfish move unless you lootsplit. You did the right thing.
You're a cuck for giving someone else your property. You know that? You're a prey animal. You're a victim. You were virtually raped and mugged. Some smelly brown man has your shit.
Do you still live in a car?
I don't know man, it's a psychological thing I guess. I went in wearing a set worth fuckall, and I treat found but not yet banked loot as something that could be mine, I'm not attached to it emotionally. I used to play enough DayZ and Tarkov to know no gear is every really "mine", it's just my turn with it. The combat fame was nice though (which was the main point of us going to the mists in the first place).

As for the projecting with the cuckoldry shit, once again, I wouldn't know.
The other day I put on one of your recent videos as background noise, and you were talking about how you might have to find a job because the Albion videos don't pay nearly enough. I hope it all goes well for you, Benji.

>inb4 if you don't care about it why did you make two posts and get so defensive about it
I just wanted to bump the thread I guess.
I'm not Benji you nigger.

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The official tf2 server of /vm/. Discuss.

IP: banttf2.ddns.net
Site: gyate.net/tf2
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sam hyde is gay and for normies though
that's beast
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>rules 1. faggots are banned
retarded, thin skinned, and transgender

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The patreon mentions that there is something top-secret in the works which is why they couldn't show much
I'm starting to think that Arc 3 for Orange Juice is going to have a brand new mode. What it could be I have no idea, but I think it makes the most sense since they seem really busy, kinda scrambled together a tiny update for the 10th anniversary, and the previous arcs always introduced a new mode.

I'd like them to update Bounty Hunt before they go doing this though...
>>1292800 if you think they actually have something big planned and thats the reason why the "anni update" was mediocre youre in for a rude awakening especially since they managed to guilt you into donating to their patreon. they arent doing shit, lol. the season 2 "finale" they hyped up was late even though it was a reskin. they just dont give a damn anymore
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A few of the characters in this batch of the dex entries were younger than I expected them to be.

I guess I forgot how based Hono is,
11 year old with a see-through skirt.
La Creatura.

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Thread for finding people to play games with.
I am going to continue posting this thread until I make some friends to play games with.
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RTS's are nice anon, and by RTS's i mean Dawn of War. The only one that matters.
The fact that you opened the multiplayer board, picked this thread with this to say is top tier comedy.
I do miss the late 2000s and early 2010s where you could find a Steam group for all kinds of multiplayer games, through /v/, or even /v/ groups.
Does a doctor only mend the healthy?
The doctor treats the healthy and unhealthy, but who mends the doctor?
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While I agree that solitude is much more preferable than most options, I would not say that it is the best. Perhaps it is not worth putting too much work into finding a better situation, but I like to put in a little token effort just for fun.
What kind of games are you interested in?

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Does anyone still play this?
I found out it's still alive a few months ago, but I don't know a single other person who plays it. Is there a guild I can join or something? I haven't touched it in like, 10+ years, so I may as well be a brand new player. I did claim that free quests coupon thing before it went away at least.
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Not anymore, since I don't have much time for vidya these days, even less so for mmos, but I would say it's one of the more interesting and better mmos.
So if you have some time, and since you have the quests and expansions for free, give it a try.
One of few games in Eberron setting too.
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I think my account might be a decade old too, probably created it when they went F2P.
Got some free packs. Was hoping for some more but they suspended the event due to bugs. There's a thread on their forums, seems like a few people are making fun of the devs since bugs get introduced after every maintenance.


I got invited to this guild on the default server, seems like the guy is just inviting every newbie that logs on.

Did you get it before the suspension?
How much money am I expected to spend on the game? I remember becoming a VIP, played for a month then quit. I don't really feel like spending money again so I would most likely be F2P. I remember that you can earn coins to buy content.
yeah, you can google favor farming for ddo points online.
don't worry about the whale bait in the cash shop, the only things that matter whether you want to spend money or not is the dlc.
honestly the "main" plot of DDO with the Stormreaver shit kinda works as a higher level game (Paragon if you're a 4rry) might steal it

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Any of yall play this game? And what are your thoughts on the current state of Rust?
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>Any of yall play this game?
No, I've never played it.
>what are your thoughts on the current state of Rust?
It's terrible
Thinking about downloading it again.
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I'm bad at games
I don't know much about Rust.
I am unreliable and probably won't log on regularly.
My PC can barely run the game.
Anyone want to play with me?
>be white man
>SteamID makes me latina with bushy pubes
>hunt down blacks with the KKKlan
good times

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Just dont make it ugly
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someone hook me up with a better shirt
send that shirt
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What's there to do on ROBLOX anyhow? The only game I play is Bulwark.

best outfit so far
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is there any way to run roblox on linux?specifically debian 12. i know roblox stopped support for linux but is there a workaround?or is using a vm the only option
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There used to be ways to run it through wine a few months ago (Vinegar or Grapejuice) but roblox craked down on them cuz muh heckin hackerinoes. You can play the mobile version of roblox on linux using waydroid but it's kinda shit.
ahahahah lox. Everybody mustn't sit on linux ,stand up from this bottle
why are you vying for my attention so bad? are you gay?
it was intentional to prevent roblox from being played on linux. there was also a windows 10 OS simulation that got sponsored by roblox recently, go figure.

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