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Risk of Rain
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plushies and sheit
also host when
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acrid plush (soulless)
this is because the only person actually fucking passionate about modding at all is Rob and he's exclusively a survivor modder and regularly fucks off from nearly all means of contact.
this community sucks dick
Probably most, if not all of them honestly. I don't really see Gearbox killing any of them off with the mostly unserious vibe 2 has going for it and after they already changed 1's canon to have Huntress survive too, with more characters from 1 likely to come back.
Stone Golem plush to go with my (hypothetical) Rock Golem plush. I might fork the money

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Interaction Speed edition

Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvPvE extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid (releasing soon)

Three areas to explore:
>The Ruins of Forgotten Castle (three maps of progressing difficulty)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>Frost Mountains (one of three maps released, WIP)

Playable races:

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not an argument, just admit you're retarded
the game turned to dog anus the moment they introduced solos/multiple maps, but got progressively worse as they added things like AP and free HR and other gay baby shit. you are all truly retarded for continuing to play it. take me back to alpha 5 where everyone got dumped into the same mode and had to dealwithit. simplicity and chaos > gay faggot treadmill meta horsecock discord-monster features for babies.
The AP system was a mistake

holy shit fuck this gay ass game like actually fuck this game into a grave
>He didn't already know there was a leaver penalty
So then the people crying about the game actually just don't play it, understood. This has been my suspicion for a while as there were people(probably you) complaining about ruins non-stop. This thread and their discord are the exact same thing (:

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MMO beta in 11 days, If you know, you know.
enjoy the crypto miner launcher
shut up butt-rice
Is there any other pages on the site?
Only ones I've seen are /begin.html /hope.html /faq.html and /wander.html
Any proof this is real? and not >>1288870

Halo has fallen , Microsoft killed it , 343 killed it , their greed , they where blind , no one will ever buy a halo game again thanks for their bad decision making destroyed the franchise , they gotta pay for their sins , they took from us one of the greatest games ever now gave us shitty Micro transactions

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MMC Halo 3 is just annoying sometimes. I dont know if people are just better now but BR starts are utter cancer. The only playable mode is Auto Slayer.

Even then it just feels like...halos sandbox is vastly overrated a majority of the guns are kinda ass outside of power picks.
Non-power weapons post Halo CE have been basically useless all the way up until Reach with some minor exceptions (notice how the Bruteshot and Grenade Launcher both aren't necessarily power weapons but are really solid if you can get good with them?), and even CE had a useless needler. But man, quick camo with plasma rifle + it could headshot + rotation and movement stun, that weapon was a monster. AR shredded people up close, Fuel Rod was never on original Xbox but it's probably the best iteration of the Fuel Rod Gun.
I’m with you. Halo went from great (1&2) to terribad.
I've never played another game where the ranked/competitive mode wasn't just the regular game but with MMR. Is this not normal in COD? I can't even find a ranked match in halo infinite there's not enough players, who is it that wants this?
this is retarded. in actual competitive games no one would use any of the other weapons anyway. It might be fun to blow someone up withe the needler but its just not something you'd pick up in a serious match. I also don't fucking want to use an AR basically ever as it's boring and takes exactly 0 skill to use with matchups being decided on who shot/meleed first.

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Designated /vm/ fightan thread.
Come talk, compete, vent and shitpost about your favorite fighting games here. Post your coolest webms, maybe convince some anons to play with you on fightcade, pull of some sick wall combos on Tekken, get slime rushed on Street Fighter, get infinited with incomplete characters in Them's Fightin' Herds, or do obscure things in obscure games only a total of 5 people have ever even heard about!

Previous thread: >>1010381
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I don't think TFH can really ever make a comeback, as at this point the best it'd get is some form of community install and caster similar to how MBAACC is set up, but I'd hope that M6 can move forward onto a new project, even if it means having to set up a new studio. Hell, Mike Z would probably give them the Lab Zero name out of spite or at least use the Z-Engine again, and a new cartoonish fighting game that isn't so tied to The Forbidden Show would probably do numbers.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, because Texas and Stronghoof were kinda ehhhhh, but the original 6 were paragons of their archetypes, and Shanty was pretty good, so maybe they'd still be able to pull off a great new entry.
How do I stop getting tilted? 1 dropped combo or one retarded decision spirals me into even more drops and retarded decisions. Even if I end up winning the set I'm not enjoying myself for fucking up things I shouldn't be fucking up.
Remind yourself that mistakes happen and you'll do better next time.
But I don't do better next time.
Even if you don't, it's better to tell yourself that you will.

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Early Access is now LIVE!

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ci3RzUSKgk
Website: https://www.tribes3rivals.com
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687970/TRIBES_3_Rivals
Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tribes
Previous Thread: >>1176915
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>tribes3 was 5v5
>honorball was 4v4
>ultra strikers is 3v3
What’s next?
Yikes. Did they not spend anything on marketing...
Why did T:Vengeance fail? I only played the campaign, it was okay.
spinfusors only
final destination
love tribes but hate the terrain?
play light sentinel!

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What's the future looking like for this genre? And any games now that are thriving?
The best current example I can think of is Hell Let Loose (Squad 44 is on life support). '83 by the Red Orchestra guys will be coming out god knows when but hopefully will be great
>'83 by the Red Orchestra guys
That's wrong,

RO:OST, RO2 = Tripwire
Rising Storm = Modders+Tripwire
Rising Storm 2 = Antimatter Games, published by Tripwire
'83 = former owner/founder of Antimatter Games
ill never give these fucknigger faggots my money i wont even do a free weekend. suck my shit hole
Genre peaked at RO2 but RS1/2 are okay too. Everything after has been dogshit.

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>Free to play
>On Steam
>Same great quality as the Puppet Master movies
>Few different game modes: puppets v puppets or puppets v humans or puppets vs puppets defending humans
>Play as the original puppets, demonic toys, totems, or survive as the humans

Been having a blast playing this and I hope it keeps gaining popularity
neat I'll give it a go.
feels like it's bound for that same type of development shit as F13 tho.

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For years now TF2 casual has been completely unplayable, full of automatic aimbots. New players have been left completely in the dust. I think we all know Valve won't do shit. What can we do about the bot hosters to make the game playable again?
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>You've lived long enough to see the Furry Pound servers become the last bastion of true vanilla joy
The enemy of my enemy
Agreed, I really dislike Kogasatopia. I've never met a more obnoxious bunch of players then the ones playing there. Probably just rose-tinted glasses, but I genuinely remember weebs being more tolerable and enjoyable to be around 10+ years ago. Nowadays I can't stand them.
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the bots aren't even an issue outside of the first one or two casual matches you join, once you get on a server that's mostly humans the bots tend to give up connecting and the ones that do get instakicked anyways. Just roll casual until you get a human server.

Granted it does get worse during the holidays but even then you just need to stay with the first human populated server once you find it and not disconnect after every match just because you wanna do a specific map.

I've mostly played community servers for my tf2 career but after a while I've gotten bored of 2fort and tranny jannies that don't let you say niggerfaggot. Playing with an actual map rotation and no rules is fun
holy shit this is what I've been wanting for years
>Valve won't do shit.
OK smart guy, you figure it out. What should Valve do to solve the bot crisis? What magic bullet is there that instantly kills every bot?

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>what is eve
mmo space sandbox
>what is eve really?
ded game
>ingame channel
>should I start playing EVE?
probably not
>previous thread
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>6 event T3s in row without a single EDENCOM container
Either my grace period is over or CCP did something after downtime.
I made 60m/hour doing that highsec exploring btw. Can't wait until I can fly an Anathema so I can crank the money even higher.
>noooo you have to explore low/null/wh for real money noooo stop itttt >:(
Lmao, have you tried being good at the game?
>Lmao, have you tried being good at the game?
Yes. Because I am not some shitter who thinks 60m/h is a lot. I triplebox frig abyss for 900m/h.
>Using the combined income of multiple accounts as some sort of argument
Don't reply to isk/hr fags

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tl;dr After 6 years in the ground, cult-classic hero shooter hybrid got a proper release that everyone can actually play, and with none of the corporate bullshit and mismanagement that killed it prematurely last time (just a shaky release with bad bugs). New faster gamemode, Rush (aka retard brawl, much simpler objectives, non-evolving maps and insta-max-level on your preset build), all maps have been touched-up, two new characters are out, a ton of adjustments / bugfixes, and there's stated post-release support.

Crossplay is fully functional too - so don't be shy, post ID and play with us if you've got nobody else to have fun with!

>What is it though
Kinda like a hero shooter, but good. Dedicated melee+shooter characters, stamina management to balance them out, solid skill ceiling and gameplay expression, highly-custom abilities, non-instant TTK, and lots of depth past that without being too hard to get into. Rough around the edges in areas, but there's a reason people played it offline on hacked servers for 6 years.


Works on PC / Linux / PS4/5 / XB1/X & 'eck; full crossplay capable.

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>Imani players when you deal then a single point of damage from any range
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How do we fix him?
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>1) stop having retards play him
>2) bump up the damage on his focus
>3) armor crack on one of the Torus upgrades
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Imagine if his focus was actually a 4s stun like the tooltip says. That would be silly.
He's fine, play him more antigank than initiation.

Running-Attack Armor Crack is what you're after

We are going to host events for the following games:

- Supreme Commander Forged Alliance on Thursday
- SWAT 4 COOP/PVP with SEF mod on Friday
- Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart on Saturday
- Starcraft 1+2 on Sunday
- Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes on Friday 24

If you are interested you can join here:

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Playstation had such a problem with having no exclusives they had to fuck Helldivers 2 on PC so much that it effectively is PS5 exclusive lmao.
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If you bought the game a certain point after launch, but before this whole debacle, you didn't get asked to sign up or link PSN when you launched the game. And the official sony website has always had it written in text that linking a PSN account is completely optional.

This whole drama is dumb but faggots bootlicking a big corporation that doesn't give two fucks about them is even dumber. What do you get out of excusing shitty behavior by people 1000x richer than you that would bend you over and fuck you in the ass if you gave them enough leeway to do it?
The ones who sold the game to people in countries without PSN are the biggest retards.
shitdivers lmao
>Can't wait for the Joel alternative and open source solution.
exact same scenario played out with Minecraft so who do you think

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Can I enjoy this game without having to shill out more money for ingame currency/premium subscriptions?
I just want to play some comfy MMO for story, exploration and questing with other people, and I've always enjoyed the Elder Scrolls world, but recently playing LotRO with all its over-monetization has left a bad taste in my mouth, I wouldn't want to make the same mistake again especially for a paid game.
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why not both? i think 76 is getting some content updates soon, you just missed ESO anniversary event fyi
f76 is free at the moment if you have amazon prime, i've been playing it a bit and it's not a good game at all.

ESO isn't exactly a good game either but it does have some decent qualities despite the mind numbingly easy and boring combat
i'm a n00b player, but the sheer content even in the lowest cost bundle (i got it free on epic store some past time) is overwhelming. dozens of quests in my log across the various regions without even trying or fully exploring the areas / NPCs. dunno, perspective of a more veteran player is probably more valuable
It's how I got the Black Marsh DLC for free. Helps that they falsely advertised you getting all the previous content when you do not.
bump. does ESO have a /vg/ thread? if so, i guess this is redundant

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We're back

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