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Chapter 29: Flying
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Not so long as I'm here
they shouldve drawn themselves naked
shota plane
Thanks OP
fuck you

I think the author of Disaster Fox Kuzure-chan manga has fetish for fat tummies.
what do you think about this serie's chance of getting an anime?

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No, I will not get mad at ragebait character.
Wrong thread?
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Nina didn't bother me too much. Ohgi, on the other hand...
Why is she such a dyke?

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Copying successful things clearly works. After all, anime is still plagued by Devilmans and music themed X meets Y to this day
All the Madoka ripoffs failed because they misidentified what it is they're copying:
edgy magical girls, gay magical girls, magical girl deconstruction, magical girls with deadly stakes, or magical girls straight up killing each other: none of it is right.
When you see the reveal about magical girls transforming into witches it instantly clicks, when you see Madoka's plot developments you recognize them as good
>this feels right, I can get behind this
Not because you know incubators are evil, or because it's logical (it really isn't, that harvesting energy from the transformation thing is contrived as fuck and you all know it), the reason it works so well is because you have already seen this story before and that's exactly how it went.
The story is called Faust. Some madman looked at Sailor Moon or someshit and thought
>hey this looks kind of similar
>if this thing is Faust then the creature that grants wishes and gives you power must be the devil
>oh shit now they have to pay the price
And this is how we got here and why it's such a success: because the premise is genuinely a brilliant leap of thought
If you wanted to properly rip-off Madoka, you wouldn't do magical girls at all, you would try to force Faust onto some other genre like tokusatsu or something idk
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Absolutely nothing subversive about Mahoako
It's a classic porn game plot. I've been jerking off to these for years
It's successful because it's good, and it's good because it's based on a known thing that works + the fundamentals are solid (comedy, characters, actual porn)
I'm not huge on games but even watching an ecchi show I did not expect the rollercoaster between the violent rape, power of friendship, more violent rape, you are a hero, heroes never give up, more rape.

Since when do those type of games get a tv adaptation? As far as I remember the ecchi shows are usually some blueballing and "oh I fallen face down and ass up" gags, these Mahous went from
>I wish to see Madoka smile again
>Utena I desire your body, fuck me already
And then they actually fuck, and develop a relationship, I didn't see a lot of that in my anime before. When I watch an ecchi anime I expect comical blueballing, not a sexually active couple.
You'd see it in doujins too occasionally
>I did not expect the rollercoaster between the violent rape, power of friendship, more violent rape, you are a hero, heroes never give up, more rape
The author most certainly did. He has seen it before, and knew it results in something good. It was a known quantity (for him)
"Magical girl rape" was already in the pile of "things that are known to work" along with Devilmans, Haruhis and whatnot
It's just that nobody made it as anything but low-budget porn yet (for obvious reasons)
>Because all the contrived plot developments made perfect sense
If they made sense they aren't contrived.
They made sense because
>Faust did this
If Faust didn't do this, they would seem contrived as fuck

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holy based
Feeling's mutual spic
It's legal in most of America. Come visit and defend yourself.
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She had really nice breasts.
So round, ample, and perky.
No wonder the goblins targeted her first.
They wanted to cope a feel at those wondrously squishy meatbags.
You're kidding, Yuusha ni Narenkatta is such a good fanservice show. Pretty well-remembered as well

>it's Yuta!
>Its Takaba!
>Its kenjaku!
>Its a vision!
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itz him gojo 2
feminist Gojo
This. Whenever fujos and women talk about Gojo, it's mostly about his ship with Geto. And even then, Geto seems to get more attention.
Women love men with tight asses.
Maybe being "somewhat wrong in the head" is a good criteria for a Sorcerer, but definitely not for a teacher.

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What was your reaction when reading through a manga and suddenly came to an abrupt end? Consumed by rage? Filled with confusion? Drown in disbelief and denial? Perhaps, plagued with uncontrollable laughter at the absurdity.

Nevertheless, come. Relive, share with others, or experience for yourself the first time some of these short lived (maybe justifiably so) creations.
Make valuable lessons be learnt. And never forget, the true ending was the friends we read questionably sourced Japanese cartoon drawings on a handicraft forum with along the way.

Fishes may be out of water, but subtexts remain forever. Some things just never change...

>Fish people have been welcomed to the town where the human girl Wakasa Otomi lives, and they are integrating well. The fish people can be identified by the physical marks of their fish species, though they take medicine to keep their lower bodies human rather than a fish tail. Otomi loves fish people, and is eager to meet as many as she can! One day, she meets a new transfer student, a lantern fish girl named Tsutsumi Anko. Anko is a bit self-conscious about being a deep sea fish, with a tail that is not cute like some other fish girls. At school, she and Anko deal with various fish problems that intersect with issues an ordinary human high-schooler would face.

Chapter 16 & 17 & 18 & 19 & 20 & 21 & 22 >>266480406
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...Wakasa, I know what you're thinking. Don't drink it...
I can't believe they actually sold people mermaid pee noodles.
me in the left.
Time for daily turf wars.

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behold, the hotter and cuter fate girl with no doubt and no space for competition.
banned from /vg/ again I see

Each week I will be posting the corresponding chapters for the episode.

Chapter 43: Ice Golem
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Kabru is called kabussy and he has a pussy
bro didn't play dark souls

Kabru mentions there are people more qualified, and I think there’s a couple of other mentions (like the extra where they mention the possibility of hiring Dragon slayers), but everything on the page seems to indicate that the Thorden Group was actually the best.
I choose to believe that Falin is now 185cm after becoming part dragon.
Most humans still are tall-men so the average height should be around tall-men average height.

Besides the new movie that is coming out, is this series dead? The author kinda just gave up.
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Does it matter? It didn't have anything interesting to say and the setting honestly wasn't that cool.
To be fair everything after 11 wasn’t the same quality as before and everything after 13 was unsatisfying to read or felt an odd combination of rushed and sluggish.
the only izekai i liked
We need to give more respect to authors who actually conclude a series with a satisfying ending.
The worst is those that drag it out until they're dead, I hope their spirits never find rest.
>a dozen more volumes

Really? They're gonna genocide the Theocracy, so there's not much left after that. All the other nations are just gonna surrender when that happens.

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Saataa andagii
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Why is the girl on the left so mad
Because she's an ideot
Who named her after a cable?
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>a cable
She thought she was the shit until a better and genkier tomboy came along and stole the show.

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New episode on the way today
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Getter Guts
Towa is performing really well, it is only a matter of time till she takes a podium spot.
If she had actually listened to the computer and hit the turbo when Ami told her to she wouldn't have crashed.
Is she a Xopowo?
Fresh water

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Why is Record the only proper classic fantasy anime? Why was there no attempt to make other epic fantasy anime?
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Vampire Hunter D mixes a lot of different genres. It's more fantasy than it is scifi.
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I agree. And it's hard to pin down why, but when I look back at anime of the 80s into the 90s, it was the first generations of creators who grew up watching anime were now making it. But since anime of the 60s and 70s wasn't all-encompassing, they had interests and consumed media outside the anime and manga industries. Which was good. It helped them bring in ideas and concepts and build more universal stories with all their influences.
But it feels like as time has gone on, anime viewers stop consuming media other than more anime and manga. And it's created an insular environment where those people who never consumed media outside the anime/manga sphere are now making anime and manga which only has the world view of anime and manga. And things have become, for lack of a better term, inbred.
And it's only getting worse with anime being made based on fucking gatcha games of all fucking things.
There has to be an end point where a reckoning comes and this spiral stops. But the industry is led by money and the money is further and further down the spiral.
Dungeon Meshi takes place in a classic wiz1-6 dungeon
Does that mean Dungeon Meshi II will take place in a wiz 7-8 settings?

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It's like they were made by completely different team
Wrong, the entirety of GT had soul. These OPs and EDs wouldn't exist without the plot itself. If you kept Goku as an adult like in Super, it would be soulless.

>the entirety of GT had soul.

No fuck off, GT is a desperate limp to grasp the past series magic in a fumbling amalgamation.
nah, it had soul
Its shit but its still better than Super.
They should've remade this instead.

I rabu lily
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I don't
Me too
shit anime desu

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