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If there's a magic potion that'll turn you into a cute girl will you drink it?
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>no argument
>weak attempt at "no u"
concession accepted
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Not the worst Onimai thread but definitely not the best
Repent and turn to God, or be crushed in 10 years when you hit the wall.
This post should have gotten more attention.
If it's a one and done thing, then may as well double lifespan. (Although gg if you just die in an accident first I guess).

Would I to do the whole "muh sex change" thing, no. Would I to do a sort of "second childhood to get over certain traumas", sure.
But it's also heavily dependent on whether it's a one and done thing, or temporary, as if I recall properly, the onimai drug also has a cooldown / duration of effect, though I forget how much it is.
>good luck getting an ID
A matter of perspective. Read it instead as "good luck getting ID'd". Just imagine the headlines:
>footage acquired of the popular serial killer "kawaii-chan" as she escapes from the scene. Disturbingly vanishing into what looks to be thin air.
>Despite desperate attempts from the police, facial recognition software has returned no results despite cameras being every 10 feet as mandated by L O N D O N law
>it is believed she is a foreign (read: russian) agent sent to destabilize the already delicate political situation because of her light hair color
Just think of the possibilities being able to swap back and forth in a reasonable time span.
If I become a cute girl I'll have to perpetually live in fear that some ugly fat bastard will kidnap and rape me...

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Will we ever get any more sexy pinups of HxH girls from Togashi?
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>sheila was a girl
>pariston is named after a woman

>sheila wanted to become a hunter
>pariston is a triple star hunter

>sheila wore mouse ears
>pariston was the rat zodiac

>sheila was inspired by dino hunter which likely is a book about don freecss
>pariston knows about journey to the new world and is going to the dark continent, the place where don is

>pariston feels compelled to hurt things dear to him
>sheila's friend sarasa was tortured and murdered

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it's a nothing burger because hisoka is chrollo anyways. hinrigh helped the troupe albeit unintentionally.
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Parisheila fags will look completely retarded after Togashi reveals that the woman in Beyond's crew is Sheila.

>hair looks like mouse ears
>is a hunter
>wants to go the dark continent
>same face as sheila
>doesn't even have the twinkle in her eyes unlike pariston
>also didn't have to transition to make this theory plausible

there are some minor anatomical details, like the fact that Pariston seems to have a shorter neck than Sheila, while Beyond crew girl has a long neck. People don't usually get shorter necks as they grow up.
>reveal character has a disguise ability
>all fan theories afterwards:
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There's some more similarities with their designs, we can see these sorta wrappings around Sheila's legs which are similar to the ones that Beyond crew woman is wearing, and I doubt her outfit is likely to change much since Sheila says "a hunter wears whatever they want". Given that Sheila is wearing rat ears and a dress between the years of the troupe flashback and vol 0, there's no reason for someone like Sheila to change their appearance this much unless they're 1) a tranny (which is plausible given other characters in HxH) or 2) evil, but both of these are assumptions begging the question.

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It's going to be crap isn't it
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Finish the manga first...
It's getting discussion anonbro, just not in this thread
What with the characters named Hikaru and dying being their plot?
>It's going to be crap isn't it
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If only Nagahama wasn't frittering away a decade failing to adapt Uzumaki, he'd have kicked ass with this.

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New episode in less than 5 min
Are you ready for more Aki's bullshit and /ourChuggsie/?
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Drawing flowers is difficult, pls understand.
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>. 8-bit staff only skipped scenes from Aki's delusional camp trip
They should have skipped all of it
Reminds me of when Megumin camped outside the dungeon in Konosuba.
With Rie and Aki voicing both characters I'm surprised it hasn't been flooded with crossover art.
Please understando. Chiaki is the token jobber of the team and comic relief sidekick sometimes

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Do you think Holo cared about the economics?
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If he hadnt fell for her, he wouldn’t have supported her when she mentioned she would be lonely. Specifically that scene where lawrence mentions that he could just get his own merchant store with the profits he earned.
I haven't watched any of the remake. So how does it fare compared to the original?
- and general faithfulness to the novel
Overall animation is better, backgrounds and faces are biggest improvements, yet style changed a bit (allthough people say its closer to ln illustrations, im not sure). I think shadow and lightning is worse though
Exactly the same as before, both sub and dub
pretty much the same, maybe a bit more concise
>- and general faithfulness to the novel
Ive read only first 4 LNs, but so far its been very close, closer than original anime
this thread fucking sucks, let's post Mani instead

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>sarcastic emotionless maid
>gets saved by Subaru once
>turns into his loyal dog, falls in love with him and fantasizes a whole married life with him because HE SAVED HER ONCE
>literally has no other aspirations or motives but just to help that screeching mentally unstable dumbass, JUST BECAUSE HE SAVED HER ONCE
Emilia's love for Subaru is a mystery to me as well, but Rem's is just fucking bullshit, they treat Subaru as if he's the second coming of Christ but in reality he hasn't done much. Maybe there's a proper reason for that in the LN, idk
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She was very explicit about why what he did was incredibly meaningful to her and thus why she would want to repay him in the manner she views that he helped her.
She essentially did not have other motivations because she was stalled out, this was pretty thoroughly explained. Once she started back up again she did have other motivations and was gaining more as time went on until she was suddenly put into a coma for most of the series. She obviously is going to start her new found life with the people, or in this case person, immediately responsible for giving it back to her or so she would hope starting out anyway.
>literally has no other aspirations or motives but just to help that screeching mentally unstable dumbass
Wrong, she abandoned him in a place she thought was safe to try and save her sister. She refuses to run away with him and scolds him for trying to run away partially for his benefit but also because she won't abandon her sister or what she's supposed to be doing. Both of these actions are against her established orders to never go against anything he says or wants to do.
You really weren't paying any attention at all, were you?

>Emilia's love for Subaru is a mystery to me as well
There basically isn't one unless you consider her saying he has the same gross eyes as her 'mother', in which case she wants to fuck her 'mom'. Which is fair because Emilia is as retarded as Subaru's own mom and so he wants to fuck his mom too.
>turns into his loyal dog
She very much doesn't do what he tells her to do. He, like you apparently, made a critical mistake in thinking all she was is some loyal doormat when she isn't and wasn't. She's a yandere who now has expectations for him and he will not be able to easily weasel out of them.
Him physically saving her is not the reason. Him saving her from herself and her complex is. So in that sense he saved her twice, but the physical danger she was in barely matters.
>She essentially did not have other motivations
And even with this Ram was trying to give her a motivation that wasn't just being her replacement and wanted to open a hair salon with Rem in the capital or something.

>Commander and chief of the World government
>Second to only Imu and the Gorosei
>Bad ass name and design
>Hasn't done shit in over a decade
Monkey D. Kong when?
Luffy has never had sex
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Tama won the nakama war.
Carrot LOST and will never join the strawhat crew, sorry.
This guy has only shown up twice and people think he is top tier.

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Get ready for a wonderful hugging good time.
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>heroic spit
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Didn't see it but he should fuck off too.

Ironic that you'd use Reika since she's into fatties herself.
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I want to taste Sora's heroic spit when exchanging a kiss with her.

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Yuyubeans, if you're still awake, I happened to be in Osaka today and stopped by the Yuyushiki pop up in Volks Nipponbashi. As a pop up shop it was mainly just a showcase of cute exclusive goods, but there were still plenty of pictures to take, which will be dumped in the following posts
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Yui's ancestor
Who's your favorite Yuyu?[/spoilerp
Depends on my mood, it's Yui most of the time
Yuyu boobs

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who's the toughest delinquent? /a/?
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OP wasn’t asking about your blowjob skills anon
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Studio Colorido's newest film will be out in 2.5 hours.

"Suki demo Kirai na Amanojaku" tells the story of Yatsuse Hiiragi, a first-year high school student who struggles to make friends despite his efforts to please others. His life takes an unexpected turn when one summer day, he meets Tsumugi, an oni (demon) girl on a quest to find her mother in the human world. Snow mysteriously begins to fall... and their adventure begins.


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>released the same day as the Uma Musume movie in japan
it never had a chance
1 hour
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I saw it at Anime Central last week. Kino is on the menu for you guys (and again for me).
dang, I was at acen and missed this. Main heroine looks cute so I hope it gets a quick release here.
it's this the new Patema?

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Weekly Oricon Ranking (by Series): May 13 - 19
01. Kingdom - 261,258
02. Blue Lock - 198,812
03. Haikyu!! - 116,997
04. Wind Breaker - 109,936
05. Kaiju No. 8 - 92,011
06. Daemons of the Shadow Realm - 83,714
07. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End - 53,684
08. Jujutsu Kaisen - 42,318
09. Shura no Toki - 36,853
10. Mix - 35,327

Weekly Oricon Ranking (by Volumes): May 13 - 19
01. Kingdom #72 {2024.05.17} - 247,521
02. Blue Lock #29 {2024.05.16} - 111,523

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Has it ever happened to a rookie’s first volume out?
ruri stayed in shoseki for about 4 months too
but that's the only recent example i can think of
>sales decrease because Axeman can’t get his shit together
Anime can only do so much when your story doesn’t fucking go anywhere. Reader retention sucks with the manga nowadays and I don’t think I’m even gonna bother blaming it on shit like inflation.
June Jump volumes:
Mission: Yozakura Family #24
Kill Blue #5
Sakamoto Days #17
Blue Box #15
Two on Ice #3
Two on Ice #4
Blue Exorcist #31
Captain Tsubasa Rising Sun #20
Captain Tsubasa Memories #3
Oblivion Battery #18
Heart Gear #6
Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective #14
Magilumiere Co. Ltd. #12

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NUEBROS!? Our growth? Our Nasu recommendation?
I can't believe CHADurabachiGODS are laughing at us again...

Is Soul Eater the most underrated anime of all time?
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Bleach wishes it was as good as Soul Eater.
It's not underrated at all. It's pretty well remembered these days and one of the anime most mentioned in reboots you want threads.
It's genuinely insane to call Soul Eater a Bleach rip off.
You are mistaken. And to be clear: Pretenses aren't standards.
Blind to the Naruto and Majora's Mask inspiration that went into it, apparently
Bleach is way better than Soul Eater. There is a reason they don't want to touch that series with a ten foot pole anymore. It flopped.

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She'll never change.
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It's just a part-time gig
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>anime called "Jobless"
>look inside
>gets a job
>jobs to a weirdo
>gets another job
>jobs to a monkey
A lot of jobs in this supposed jobless reincarnation
I knew that joke was coming
Wasted 7 hours playing this and only pulled base Roxy...

I's Flint's birthday soon! Oarai's beautiful singer!
Happy Birthday to shark team's beauty
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she's a weak fatty
If you get beat up by any guppie that isn't a loader you're a bitch
But what if I want a guppie like Karina or yuuki or sodoko to beat me up?
All the girls are quite fit anon, moving in tanks and maintenance takes quite bit energy
Not enough energy to compensate for a diet of burgers, fries and soda
I could easily beat her in a fight. Same for most of the girls.
I might lose to loaders.

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