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Why the fuck is the show so obsessed with meetings anyway? Can't we get actual happenings or at least action instead of meeting after meeting?
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You don't need his monologues to see the mental issues of Rimuru, it's just less obvious. Milim's mental issues on the other hand require some mental gymnastics to realize for an anime-only.
Like specifically what.
Her mental issues are mostly related to how everyone she cares about dies too quickly since she's immortal and because of that she finds it hard to love anyone, but I just don't think that's very relevant in the anime yet.
current action will finish in 1-2 episodes and it'll be back to meetings again
Why are they fighting, what kind of meeting is this?

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Dumping the newly translated chapter.
The situation became worse.
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>you don't care about his life
He's bullshitting to stop her questions. Because he wants to keep the gold a secret but it's all linked. Gold - lie about being a researcher - break and enter - open hole for killer animals.
He pulls the gun when she asks about his bag. It's all about the gold.
Pool's closed due to aliens
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weird scifi experiments plus goverment corruption with a side of gore

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I just went to a panel with noriko hidaka and asked her about Anno
she said he was shy and didn't speak to her much for gunbuster but he was very particular about how all the attacks were shouted, and performed them himself for her to mimic
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>panel with Noriko Hidaka
That's pretty cool, anon.
ok but did you frick her
>and performed them himself for her to mimic
If you're the creative director of anything you should be absolutely fucking obligated to do this, always. It's why the JP voice acting for Gunbuster is so good

*puts a ring on it*
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It has a hand attached, you can see it on the right here >>266951677
I wanna put her meat ring on my dick, if you know what I mean.
>undead abomination
>creating life
Please, anons. Think!
A lich is basically a corpse with a soul magically glued to it, so no.

I finally found SoulTaker and can confirm it's not a fever dream it's a real anime as surrealistic and bizarre as I remember it. However, now I can see how similar(influential) it is to Shaft's works from the Bakemonogatari period
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>kizu 100% Oishi
That's how I lost hope in this guy
This sounds worth searching, see the hand of the master even on preview shots
MariaHolic first season is so impressive, kinda sad that manga wasn't good enough for such an adaptation but op in Alive really good https://youtu.be/Z9zTQmKpOjI?si=jd-ZBjdk-OFd_ErA
I would watch it but it's only in 480p...

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Damn sailor mercury is so smart
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She's just into 80s music

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Is there anyway to stop the 801 onslaughts of the live action plague to homo shows?
Do they even get any real ad boost from these shows I can't imagine they're too insanely good at generating new fans or anything.
It feels like it's just a way to force your fans into supporting something in the hopes of it helping with the material they actually want, borderline abusive.
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They probably just returned to their original purpose: rowing.
I can't even pinpoint what it is about him but he is so soft and cute.
Damn, I kinda want to rewatch it now. What I dropped as a teenager I can probably watch fine now.
>Excited for it since it's pretty gay and normie friendly
>Don't wanna deal with the middle slog
I really don't understand why she didn't have some second layer of intrigue, the secret counsel people don't do anything.
I'm not sure if I can recommend it as I watched it years ago and it's kinda hammy shoujoshit but it has a star-studded seiyuu cast. and the OST is nice.

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Why do people hate Rin on /a/?
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She falls for a native isekai self insert protagonist
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I don't, I love her but I still love Illya more.
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Because we like No-rin more.
Good thing that Rin is a character and not a trope, and Shirou is the bigger tsundere between them anyway.

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>no one has made a sneezing fetish anime yet
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>sneezing fetish
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that's incredibly specific
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That doesn't look like it was drawn by a Japanese person.
Thus it isn't anime/manga.
Get out here OP.

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Met a tomboy irl and am catching feelings, hard. Help
She might look like a girl but she's boyish, have no sexiness and act like a man. You don't want that.
i know, i'll take this one for the team.
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No... I learned I love petite brown girls more.
Nothing stops a petite brown girl from being a tomboy, anon.

I've been rewatching Tamers, and I realized Renamon is an excellent role model for little girls watching.
>be strong (including physically)
>be responsible for your actions
>be brave, do not run away from challenge
>be polite and well mannered overall
>be graceful and elegant
>grow a tail, snoot, etc
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>have to beat the ones saying renamon was a female..... don't they know thre are digicards.
Her cute butt made me such a retarded horny little boy.
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Damn where's this from
from the mod of jedi knight academy

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Continued from >>266912496
In pursuit of a future wife, Gero, the poison virgin, tries to rescue Himekawa, a shark-loving thief. But the Water User stands in his way...
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I don't need to make "arguments" to point out your mentall illness my friend. Last (You) 'll get
females having sex != cuckoldry
you are the textbook definiotion of "mindrbroken"
nta, imagining things in your head does count as mental illness
is the girl really a dude
Out of 10!

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How many times will Miyuki say ONII-SAMA this week? Have you tried doing the ONII-SAMA drinking game yet?
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You asked about the next arc.
onii-sama looks gay
>beta incel suit
>accompanied by epic ost for the fight
Director understands the anime audience atleast.
Looks great. I prefer the bulky look to the slim one we had previously. It looks more like actual armor and not just a skin suit.
What the fuck was this arc? Literally nothing happened.

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It's out.

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That's hermano's eldest brother you are talking about. Hermano is the prince most fit to be a king.
I'm honestly kind of done with the Arabs and KRT. I feel like characters like Kay and Gawain have run their course and they shouldn't really have more to show. Unless they bring out the other knights who really are just fodder as of now I don't know how they could bring something new.
Aladdin is a main character in a series that isn't his own, but Sinbad is just kind of there and Ali is really just there to be a plot point for Aladdin.
The smart people arrived.
Thanks a ton for the TL
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It still feels like it's far too soon

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Yep, there's a new chapter!
Shirayuri makes an announcement.
Shirayuri and Yukiya meet to discuss a few things.
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How does this dumb contest even matter?
They're going to end up together at the end anyway and fuckboi has no shot, there's no stakes.
>yukiya finally gets to let miku taste some ntr bait?
>lol no silly, nothing bad ever happens to miku
Thank you for posting.
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Miku is just that easy to please if it's coming from a dumbass sperg like Yukiya.
What baffles me is the team/class buying into that shit just because of those two.
thanks op

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