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Thread for good cosplays that are suggestive but still for a blue board (no nudity)
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A Tiona cosplay would be pretty risque and sexy too.
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Imagine her walking around the convention dressed like this
I'll masturbate to your gf anon
That wouldn't be a surprise, she's a cute petite girl.
Enjoy yourself.

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So I roomed with other people this year of the first time and it was actually a fantastic time. Why do people always make this seem like shit? Any of you got any horror stories
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J for Jamal and M for Melissa (who was white)
Lmao amazing

I've taken to using instant film for a lot of that as I get older. Gives people a cool memento, but it's gone for 20 quid a pack to over 100 and they're a lot less reliable since the last ones expired in 2019.

Still feels special.

I might just adapt the damned thing to run on instax.
My horror story isn't so bad but sucked at the time - roomed with friend (con-goer) and their mom (non-con-goer). In the days before public wifi. Friend's mom is obese and snores insanely loud all 2 nights of 3 day con so neither me nor my friend get any sleep. Then the mom racks up hugeass phone bill by calling relatives on hotel phone - didn't listen to the receptionist's instructions during check-in, nor read the instructions written on the phone, both explaining it's not free. Friend's mom can't afford to pay own phone bill, irately argues with hotel staff for 2 hours while my mom drives down to bail her out and pay for her.

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>covid is over
>too shy to cosplay without a mask
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know what you need?
If 162cm 47kg is fat, then sure.
cosplay is a hobby with a lot of leftists who love virtue signaling. covid related stuff like masks, social distancing, vaccines, are the ultimate form of virtue signaling because you are literally saving lives and those who don't are literally killing people
I despise these people because they made conventions a no-go zone for 3 years
All true, but there were also plenty of pussies who outright said "I love that we all need masks because, nobody should see my ugly face". Peak skill issue + not my problem, so not sure how that works. Plus kids either in or right out of uni are STILL the most likely crowd to mask in general, so some of them must still be afraid of getting sick. Not that any of this invalidates what you wrote, more the exact opposite really

peter griffin or cosplay whoever you want dude xd

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What do yall think of her? honestly i love her so much, she reminds me of belle delphine a bit. i think of buying her patreon but idk if it's worth it, like tell me what you think
I hate Belle Delphine.
she looks like belle but i dunno if it's a flex to look like a child bait for pdf's
>look like a child
Even she claims that she looks like a child and calls her fans pedophiles but all I see is an emaciated 20yo-proportioned woman.

You can say pedophiles without being demonetized here. Not that the mods here aren't pedo groomers like in other platforms. They're just negligentful and won't ban you unless you insult their posse or they hate your show.

>the year is 2017
>everyone at the con is checking their streetpasses every 30 minutes
we'll never get this back, and it hurts so much
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I wasn't being cynical when it comes to cons in the current decade. Cons now are still not as good as 00's cons, but they're way better than 2010's cons. The only big thing I miss from the 2010's that's gone now is viewing rooms since they were somewhere to go when you ran out of things to do and didn't feel like going through the dealer hall for the fifth time.
Is it still possible to do local? Example, acnl locally? Thanks
Pre-2009 was peak conventions.

Basically just people interested in anime, games and Jrock.
That was before they started milking Marvel/DC movies, so you didn't have to deal with people cosplaying cringe Super Heroes™ at cons.

No cancel culture around that time either (People didn't see "Boothbabes" as a problem that can LITERALLY DESTROY THE SOCIETY), we didn't have organizers dedicating panels to discuss "diversity" or "how we must do X in order to fight against Y in the gaming industry".
I went to a small local con this December and I only met 4 people with my 3DS, it was so sad. I plan on going to Japan in June and will go to some big event, I'll bring my 3DS with me and see how it goes but I have low expectation and will mostly take my 3DS to play in the plane anyway.
i went to a 100 gecs concert last year and people were doing this in line

Hadn't realized how long it's been since we last had one of these. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts!

>Hi there ! Here's my coord for my friend's (@roridoll) b-day !
>JSK, OTK, Clip : Angelic Pretty
>Bonnet : La petite boutique de Mamie Zwiffi
>Cutsew : Sleepyland Shop
>Apron : @MlleEpine (on instagram)
>Shoes : Modo
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you should kill yourself
Cringe level of offense
so what language then?
just trying to appreciate the effort op put into designing and making original dresses, if you hate them that's fine but you could at least say what u don't like and actually contribute to thread discussion. peace and love <3
yeah i agree, i normally don't like it but this is the one time i've seen it work well bc it fits the theme and she has the same/very similar trim on the collar

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Sewing Thread: post your sewing related questions here.

What threads do you guys use? I need recommendations for strong wholesale thread sites
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Well then I guess you're not going to bend your arms or flex the entire time. Suck it up for physics.
A looser sleeve for the whole length will look less awkward than a bulge or a hole at the elbow.
Is there any truely invisible thread, that's not shiny? Or could I dunk transparent plastic thread in something to remove the shine and make it less visible?
I specifically bought a $50, 1950s children's sewing machine because there's no bobbin (and it doesn't use electricity, and it fits in a backpack). It improved my motivation to sew.
sort of. go in person to buy the matching thread. bring a scrap of your fabric along with you. hold it up, scan around the shop display with it, and zero in on the spool of thread whose color is identical to the fabric. and then leave it there. don't purchase this color thread that looks so exactly the same you think there's no way in hell it could be anything other than a perfect match. instead check this spool's immediate neighbors because the /actual/ perfect match is still that same color but just a shade or two darker.

an exercise. if you live with or near someone who sews, you can maybe raid their stash for edification. gather three spools of the same color thread that are, relative to the fabric: 1) exactly identical in HSV, 2) one shade or two lighter in V, and 3) one shade or two darker in V.
>set fabric on table flat
>set spools on fabric
>pick a spool
>unreel few inches of thread from it
>lay this single strand across fabric
>repeat other two spools
>step few paces backwards
results? thread 1 will visibly stand out a little. thread 2 will stand out a lot more. thread 3 has effectively disappeared.
I'm embroidering my girlfriend an animal crossing hat for her birthday, does this look like the right pattern for LA ISLA? I'm most dubious about the Ls

Excluding the superhero and scifi genres (which seem to be their own crazy things), does cosplay of Western or heavily America/Europe-inspired series attract a better or worse level of cosplay than typical anime?

My favorite Miku cosplay pic
not coomabe enough

Does visible acne (maybe even with no attempt to cover it) ruin a person's cosplay for you? How much does it bother you compared to other commonly-complained-about accuracy dealbreakers in cosplay like obeseness/scrawniness, height, wildly inaccurate races, etc?
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Acne I can ignore because depending on body chemistry it’s not always preventable. Those chapped fucking lips on the other hand are very preventable
It honestly depends on the one's acne, but if all if his or her face is a fucking covered in landmines, It's bad.
The right makeup can cover acne pretty well. But idealy you should do something to clear it up. Spend the months leading up to con season to take care of it.
It's over
I'm not bothered by height or race. However anything that makes someone look unhealthy or like a cheap whore kills it for me.

Acne makes me feel sad for the person because I remember being a teen and researching desperately for how to stop acne, and all anything I could find said was "it's just genetics" and "cover it with some cream" bullcrap. You really have to stop eating anything containing cooking oils, among other things. Unlike an obese lady choosing to go to a con in a bikini, absolutely no one wants acne, so I feel like anyone who has it just hasn't been told how to stop it.

Which do you prefer
>Looking as close to the source material as possible, even if that means a lack of details or lack of realism in the clothing/hair.
>A realistic version of the cosplay, how it would have been if the char were a real-life person, even if there are details to the cosplay not supported by canon
Whatever appeals to the eye more IRL.

So people doing stupid ass thinge like fucking up their eyebrows to match a cartoon tends to look 100x uglier than leaving them mostly alone.

New friend finder thread because people in the old one won't stop derailing it with dumb useless arguing

Same info as before:
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
>Other hobbies, interests?
>What are you looking for?
>Not looking for?
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
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Hey yes! Sorry, I changed it because of creeps, what’s your email or discord? I’ll just message you there.
NTA but I'd like to add you as well if that's ok with you
>Discord: cowgucci
Munch3r is my discord I am in south washington

Im going to Kumoricon in November
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Video games and Anime
>Other hobbies, interests?
Reading and gaming
>What are you looking for?
Friends to perhaps company me at UK (or any) cons
>Not looking for?
Under 18, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, racists
>Contact info
daydreamingprincess on discord
>Anything else we should know? English is not my first language and this is the first time I'm using this side so pls be nice :(
go back.

Post kumya themed coords, kumya collections, etc.
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what the mccalls
aren't these dog clothes? this picture makes me rage. atleast we can assume they're replicas based on the rest of her stuff.

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last one hit bump limit
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I had color transfer like this except it was a black jsk that transferred color to a white blouse.
I never got it out, but that was a long time ago. If this happened now I would use a specific laundry product that claims to remove color bleed. I have seen it at the local drugstore, just never tried it. It's called laundry SOS or something.
Poly from sheglit and BPN feels so good why did no one tell me polyester could feel so nice?
I wanna start dressing like a guy from a magical girl anime. Do I just go full visual Kei?
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I really like lolita styled boots and was wondering what would be a good brand to purchase from. I know that brand shoes aren’t necessarily good quality (i.e. synthetic leather). Here’s a reference of what I’m looking for;
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What kind of j fashion would work best with this hair style/color? Let's assume the person can not change their hairstyle to fit the look better.

>I think mori kei is super pretty. But I feel like the hairstyle might not be feminine enough for it. >Amekaji looks neat. I kinda like the gaudiness of it. I don't know popular it is though. Like if you saw that outfit in America, would you be able to identify it at all.
>Don't know if you would classify Sex Pot Revenge as punk/goth, or if they're considered Japanese Hot Topic. I generally like their designs though.

I've also thought about kogal and egl. But I feel like the short hair disqualifies it from egl. Kogal might work though. Any suggestions?

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