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Anyone goin
do you like it
idkfk how to post
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Loved it at the start, but things went downhill for CCE very quickly. The Kalahari kicked all of the cosplayers out of the water park on the last day of the con in its second year, and ever since then there have been more and more problems with the con.
The Poconos Kalahari staff isn't afraid to let CCE attendees know how much they fucking hate them there, and CCE management ignores any and all problems entirely.
It's a good con for room parties, so it's still worth going for that aspect. It was cool taking pics in the water park, but they've essentially banned that. Night swim/after hours water park "party" is just way too fucking crowded to enjoy it anymore.
Get your fill of the party scene there while you can, until they put a stop to that in the next couple of years.
is the rave in the waves or whatever they call it any good?
I went on Saturday night last year and there were just waaaaay too many people there. If you wanted to get on any of the popular slides it was a long wait. Forget about getting a spot in the grotto/hot tubs because it was shoulder to shoulder in there. Don't get me wrong, I like to socialize, but it was so packed it was just uncomfortable.
I might try going Thursday night this year in hopes it will be much less crowded. I did enjoy the rave/night swim the first couple of years I went when there were fewer people.
All that said, if you're staying at the Kalahari, just go to the water park during the day. It doesn't get really crowded there during the day/afternoon/evening. The rave is a good cheaper option to be able to visit the water park for those people that don't have day passes.
Went last year was fun
Mostly bc of the group I was with
Will go again even tho it's not the same crew probably
If it's anything like the con itself Thursday night, it's definitely gonna be hella less crowded. Didn't actually go to the waterpark myself tho (wasn't actually staying and the kalihari and didn't want to deal with changing/trying to get parking again) so I could be wrong

Heya /cgl/! I made the decision to give cosplaying a try. I cant describe how much i enjoyed it, especially because im a very extroverted person. What do you guys think of my first cosplay? :]
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I'm going to do my first cosplay soon too.
Me too anon
Tomorrow in fact
what did y'alls cosplay as?
Denji from Chainsaw Man
TV/monitor heads have become the absolute laziest form of character design.

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The biggest one (Anime North) is hardly relevant and only has washed up VAs, random indie vtubers, or just straight up completely unknown people as their guests. The vendors are mostly just people reselling cheap stuff from taobao or stolen prints.

It feels so shittily put together that I think I'll just not buy a ticket and instead stroll around outside taking pictures of cool cosplays. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but the grass always seems greener on the other side.

On a side note, if anybody's into Project Moon stuff, please hit me up, I... I wanna make friends.
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>Using con jannies as a flex
Sorry but the cuck truck is under new management, it is an AN event now
Na, was going to do a Heathcliff cosplay but things fell through, might be doing it for Otakuthon instead. You can add my burner discord if you want - teppeisensei
FYI - Check for sneed’s if truck goes to shit.
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>he hasn't been to Ai-Kon

So I'm trying make the weapons in pic related and I was wondering what materials I should use.
Real metal. Go hard or go home.
That looks awesome. Could try 3D printing. But as the other guy said, real metal reigns supreme.

Should I use aluminum or some other metal?
Model them in Blender, turn them into pepakura models, then cut and build them out of cardboard or a shit ton of EVA foam. Balancing weight and durability is going to be a problem no matter what, but cardboard or EVA is your best bet. Even if they're completely hollow and made of the lightest material possible, they're going to feel heavy as fuck after a few hours at a con, so you'll want to be able to slip your arms in an out of them as easily as possible or else good luck eating, pissing, or opening doors.

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Old thread hit bump limit.

My comm president is having her 40th birthday tomorrow. Wtf, I would have guessed she was like 25, but she has 2 kids who both cosplay Sonic th Headgod chracter
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yep, parasocial relationships are unhealthy.
You sound like my friend
>I'm an active member of her community and saviorpost when she's sad.
>i'm not fat at all, I think I'm a bit handsome but I could use a flat firm belly. Pls tell me hacks.
>It's true she has either chads or paypigs orbiting like any other woman that spends some time on the internet.
>We have similar interests in outdoors activities, sports, and things to do in the city. She's a ponyfag though but that isn't a dealbreaker more like a quirk of hers
>I wouldn't cold approach her, only if she was ok with meeting me
Now I want to wife her just coz you called me fat without any idea
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I understand. I have/had this massive crush on this adorable cosplayer in her late 20's.
It started when I stumbled across her profile, I'm a content creator and saw she was in my area so I figured fuck it why not shoot my shot and ask for a collab, I even asked her on a date and she very politely turned me down.

We quickly became friends though, I shared her my pictures and she called me handsome, she even made me a custom fumo doll which I still sleep next to every day. Hell, I'm even on her private account.
Although I genuinely enjoyed talking to her, after a while, it became very clear to me that I would never be anything more than just a casual fan/friend of hers. I'm not in her close circle of friends, I'm not an active member in her community/chat, she would take hours or days to respond, she'd stonewall me when I wanted to ask for more personal details about her life etc.

I'm just one of the 50+ guys in her DM's (no seriously, she posted a story about how she got 50 dm's and will try to get back to all of them, lmao)

if I tried hard enough I could get into her close circle, but I'd rather not compete with like 5 other people for scraps of her attention, instead of obsessing/simping over her, my energy is just better spent on someone who can make more time for me.
I'm still friends with her, and I'll reach out to her when it's relevant, but I'm trying to just stop fawning over her, there was a period where I didn't talk/message her for over 3 months until she reached out, I'm proud of that.

My advice to you is that it's okay to be a fan and a part of her community if you enjoy that, but you should eventually move on from being in love with her, like with any female cosplayer/streamer online, you're basically competing with her mods, donators, the several dozen people in her inbox's AND her actual IRL social circle.

YES it is possible that as a fan you can eventually wife her, it does happen, but man, It's stiff fucking competition.
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>saviorpost when she's sad
The kids call this "simping", I call this "being an emotional tampon free therapist".
>not fat at all... but "could use" a flat firm belly
So you're fat AND deluded, got it.
>she has either chads or paypigs orbiting
And you're her emotional tampon orbiter who's neither. You literally just whiteknight for her on the internet for free (and I bet you listen to her bitch about all her problems too, but she doesn't seem too interested in yours) thinking you're going to get pussy in return like a thousand other losers following her.
>we both like to drink water and breathe air, we were made for each other... oh her actual interests? Yeah I find those unpleasant and would ridicule her for them if she didn't have a pussy, but since she does they're... le quirky!
>I wouldn't dare approach milady without her consent
You're too far gone to save, now I'm just looking forward to the whiny woe-is-me greentext 5 years from now about how the mean Stacy used you like an ATM and you never saw it coming. This is beyond pathetic.
At least this one was man enough to actually ask the bitch out, he just made the mistake of sticking around after a no. Move on bro, begging for attention between 50+ other guys is just demeaning.

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It's been 10 years
Are cons safer now?
Anyone encountered any con creeps?

I (male) got my butt grabbed by another guy once, didn't bother me desu (not gay)
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What defines a "creepshot" in cosplay conventions?
wow look its this bait thread for the 1000th time to fish for reactions from radfemlitas and coomers. Not sure which is worse, this or the chinese girl bait thread
I've never actually seen this with a real person. Obviously there's a line, touching or really inappropriate comments are a different story, but I know a bunch of girls who wear slutty costumes and I've virtually never heard a single one complain about ugly guys just looking or whatever, and the few exceptions were told more as jokes about really extreme cases, dudes visibly standing there with boners or really ridiculous looking dudes or whatever.

Pretty much every single person I've ever seen actually post or talk about "creepy" dudes staring at girls in skimpy costumes was a girl who doesn't actually wear skimpy costumes, some bulldyke who thinks it's her responsibility to protect all the other girls from the evil that is masculinity or fat/ugly girls who are just coping with jealousy or just straight up prudes who are uncomfortable with any kind of display of sexuality (my ex was one of those) or whatever.
Jajaja funny as fuck
pussy is easy to come by if you crossplay and are willing to go whaling

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Old thread: >>10903515

Featured Idols: Nonsweet CA

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Any gals here?
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Lol is it your first time on the board? Asking if Ageha is still running could start a discussion but you're not even gal so you clearly don't want any. Maybe take your own advice and stop being a waste of space with a small cock.
This whole thread is women deep diving debating the deep lore reasons as to why niche pop culture trends died out in the 2010s and I don’t know how to follow any of this
By posting gyaru, which is not happening cuz gyaru makes everyone mad at each other
Is it meant to be funny or do they think attempting to twerk when you have a completely flat pancake ass actually looks good?

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It's my first time cosplaying and I want some tips

(You can find my name pretty much anywhere lol )

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Last thread >>10900041
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I mean… does she look sane to you?
This isn’t even her worst coord. She could fill this entire thread herself.
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this photo was captured ‘users’ underwear’… i have so many questions. is this a man or a woman ?
I'm 99% sure that's a man.
>negra tratando de convencerse a si misma.

>bf says he’ll take me to a lolita fashion store
>ask if it is a sweet lolita, classic lolita or gothic lolita fashion store
>he laughs and says it’s a nice store
>go with bf
>it’s kawaii fashion
you forgot to pull out an illustrated diagram explaining what is sweet, what is classic and what is gothic
at least your bf is nice enough to say he'll take you to a lolita store. My ex would never.

This is more like well intended family members giving you a hello kitty bag because they assume you'll like it and they can't tell the difference.
Leave it to a woman to forget a step.

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Alternate title: "Eager for a New Thread After a Full Month at Bump Limit Edition"

Keep it /cgl/-related! Cosplay or J-fashion like Lolita/Brolita, Aristocrat, Kimono, Nanchatte, etc.!


ITT you may post:
- Useful guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing
- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)
- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts
- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressing

NOT allowed:
- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff
- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.; >>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for this

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Use the unisex / family bathroom, or if at a convention, pee in your room.
>calve sizes are not gendered.
Ask me how I know you're a hon.
Unisex isn't a thing in most places
I wouldn't quite say the size is gendered, but definitely round and smooth is more feminine than muscular and defined
nayrt, we can often see if the legs belong to a man because of what you mentioned (women's legs are rounder, smoother and softer looking), but also men's legs are often more bony around the knees and quite tapered between the ankle and calves, they also often have more definition on the shins.

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There hasn't been one, which is good, but I want to ask who is going to the gooner con Waifu/Kimochii con and what thoughts you have on it and the loss of A-kon
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Just doing colossal Texas this time
have any of you tried going to anime Midwest event
i'm kind of disillusioned with texas cons right now, so i'll probably only do cctx and san japan this year
It's their last year in Austin. They don't know where the fuck they're going to be next year. Who knows if they'll stay in Texas?

just doing afest, afrontier and san japan this year. The first 2 because they are less than 20 min away.

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Previous thread >>10858314
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Anyone interested in selling this Meta Gobelin Princess OP? The BluexBlack colorway preferred but am fine with the lighter lace too.
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looking to trade my Arabesque Rose short version for the midi version (other colorways considered) and my Jupe de Chapelle for the JSK version (either colorway/size)
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Any interest in this MAM OP in the pink colorway? Would trade for more OTT gobelin/shantung/jacquard/velveteen/lace monster pieces, interested in old school sweet, gothic and especially Meta's monstrosities. Located in EU, will ship worldwide.
sent an email

Looks suspiciously the previous OP pic but with a new account
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the listing can still be viewed
Buying these soley to wear them on my head
$15 for cheap, used taobao trash bras. amazing.
>over the past 6 months the price of items from a certain brand shot up from 3000 yen a piece to 25000-50000
It's alice auaa isn't it?
>These are the same old-schooler lolitas that are itt crying and screaming about scalpers
Source: your ass

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