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barely anyone does military cosplays nowadays, and most of them are considered larping anyway. good news is that the market isn't saturated and ripe for the taking

long story short if you Google csgo cosplay you'd probably find me on the first result
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Those are just three and they're zip tie handcuffs for detaining anomalous humanoid entities, terrorists linked to the CI, AWCY or other groups of interest adversarial to the SCP Foundation, or just for detaining bystanders irritating the scene. It just fits the costume, ya know.
A bulletproof vest has layers of kevlar sewn into it and can stop pistol rounds but not most rifle rounds. They're relatively light and flexible and are usually meant to be worn under clothing.
A plate carrier has no protection of its own and is instead meant to hold metal or ceramic plates that can stop rifle rounds. They're usually meant to be worn outside clothing and have magazine pouches and/or MOLLE webbing for attaching various pouches and accessories.
A flak jacket is like a bulletproof vest but with less protection, only designed to stop bits of shrapnel from nearby explosions etc. but not direct hits from firearms.
There you go anon
I made this back in 2014 - my 3rd costume and still my magnum opus. Have tried multiple times to top it with limited success.
looks awesome chief, any current projects you're working on?

Discussion and analysis of CAP & SNK cosplayers.
Post cosplayers names if you know them.
Also Event & Year of pic.
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wish i could dwarfmaxx like this
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"Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them." edition

>>10915881 (previous thread)
>>10915378 (previous previous thread)
>>10913960 (previous previous previous thread)

May 17th-19th, 2024
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

What lasting impressions did ACEN 2024 leave you with?
Anything you want to see changed for next year?
What cons will you be attending next?
Any lost connections you wish you could reconnect?
How much is the Hyatt charging you for the damages that were caused to your room over the weekend?
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I bought nothing. Why would I spend money to help artists live? They all deserve no money.
I-is it finally over?
Warsie eats poop
And is dating a girl.
Confucius says.

How come they’re never as cute as JP idols?
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also tried to cancel UOs for being bad for the environment
they are pretty wasteful though. all that plastic and whatever that glowing liquid is
and battery operated penlights are any better?
depending on the model they can absolutely eat through batteries.
now THATS financial suicide. what’s she doing trying to make it in japan if she thinks that way lmao?
Australian...... idols? What reality did this thread fly in from?

Previous thread: >>10902439
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>almost all dark coloured cottons will discolour white lace trim over time
not sure what detergent you're using, but this is just not true.
nayrt but I machine wash colorways and prints that are well known for bleeding color and my lace has never changed color because I followed advice from people in my local comm who already had experience with it. I even fixed yellowed lace on well known color bleed pieces. If you use color catchers, the right machine program and a sensible detergent you won't have any problems. The first few washes of "bleeders" are the most important and most of the issues with dye run happen in this stage when the piece isn't washed the right way. You may need to wash the piece 2 or 3 times consecutively to get rid of most of the unfixed dye.

Hand wash if you want to, there's nothing wrong with it. But machine washing isn't bad in any way and won't lead to discoloration of the lace or other white details if you know what you're doing.
It looks like to me that this is actually a skirt with a (detachable) apron attached, because the skirt portion goes all the way down. afaik all btssbs aprons are shorter than the main pieces.

It could also be an altered piece. If you attach buttons to the inside of the skirt waistband you can add a detachable suspenders and add a heart shaped apron bib. Will only look good if your fabrics match though.
ended up snagging this bad boy for not much. can't find any more photos, sold listings, or info on it besides the lolibrary listing. supposedly sold out at the event.
anyone know anything more abt this event/general value???

What's the measurement like for BABY's dessert OP? Says bust is 86cm on lolibrary but was wondering how accurate that is.

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Have many anime cons outgrown their current convention centers / venues?

Anime Expo and Katsucon both seem at their limit
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Nope, Anime Boston recently signed contracts keeping them in the Hynes currently up to 2028. It's also been said that the BCEC layout/configuration does not align to what Anime Boston wants to do/offer.
It shrank down to about 24,900 in 2017-first year in DC, climbed up to about 28,500 in 2018 & 2019. Coming back from COVID in 2021, it shrank down to 25,564 despite only having a masking requirement. It climbed to about 40,500 in 2022 (in part due to AnimeNEXT's issues in 2022) and to about 42,000 in 2023.
ACEN needs to fucking move shit around or extend vendors/artist alley.
The vendor hall was all packed at the back with massive open space upfront, artist alley was cramped as fuck, and then the cosplay/gaming area was massive with miles of empty space inbetween.
Yeah no kidding especially when the front of the dealer hall is all the corporate industry booths nobody really cares about. That section of the floor was empty all last weekend. Only part up front that had lines was the con merch and I'd imagine that was mostly to buy the glasses to get free whiskey lmao
>try to go to artist alley
>one guy stops dead in his tracks to look at his phone
>whole line gets backed up
>nobody can pass him because this is happening in several places at once
>parents bring their fucking kids to these things and have them waddle around these crowded spaces
>others have theirs in strollers being space thiefs
>groups walking slowly and horizontally, sometimes stopping in the middle of walkways

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Naka-Kon is this weekend so I figure I'd make a post.

What are you cosplaying?
What panels are you planning to attend?
Is there a non-formal dance/rave this year?

Posting mah slab or iron since I'll be Guts on Saturday.
I’m only going this Saturday, and after traveling out to LA last month for Touhoufest I didn’t feel like putting together any cosplay or anything right now, so I’m just going in casual clothes.
I’m interested in the DDLC and Godzilla panels on that day.
This is actually my first time going to Naka btw. I’ve gone to other cons and stuff, but I always keep forgetting to try this one out. It seems like it’ll be cool.
Might come by Friday night to support my friend at the rave, and hang out afterwards, then I'll probably be here most of Saturday afternoon and night to party
I'll probably put on my shitty meme cosplay if I have the time to clean it before then. It's still smelly from sweating in it at Acen

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Why is there such a stigma against girls who cosplay for money? As someone who has never had a girlfriend, being able to send money to cute girls who cosplay as the characters that I love is one of the only things in my life that makes me feel like I have a purpose. From patreon to onlyfans, it's on of my biggest joys and motivations in my life. One day I hope I can give money to a cosplayer at a con in real life and not just through the internet.
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if capitalism bad why monetize the body for primal non-baby-making MarX?
It wasn't banned in Christian medieval Europe though
Me thinks the anon projects too much
Excessive Porn use does lead to pedo rape stuff so stay away from it anon
None of that is true thankfully
I hope you mean the person I was replying to.

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who's going? what are you going as?

this'll be my first con since like 2007.
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The merch was disappointing. Kept my eye on Saturday prices for stuff I was interested in but saw no discounts on Sunday. Almost entirely stickers, keychains and mini posters jacked up to $15-$50 each. Saw a thermos $17 on Amazon marked up to $50. The sword booth was selling $20 Temu swords for $50-$100+. Only saw a couple oldschool series merch besides Pokemon and Sailor Moon, and when I went back later to buy it was sold out. It made me want to become a dealer
were masks common at this con? why are people still wearing them is it an anime con thing?
I noticed that quite a few vendord were wearing them. People will never stop being terrified of the coof, I guess. I never got vaxxed and I've been fine after all of these cons that I've attended lately.
there were a lot of koreans there because there was a kpop convention going on at the same time, and most of the koreans were wearing masks. of the cosplayers very few were.

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We're just under four months away now.

Have you got a room yet, or are you still hunting?
Set on your cosplay? How's it coming along?
How do you plan on getting there?
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My buddy has apparently moved in nearby, so it looks like I'm finally gonna make it for this one. I'm finally completing the Atlanta trinity. Feels good man
What are the other two? Momo and AWA?
As someone who is always glad to see more OP stuff at DC, please don't be another low effort Luffy. The characters change outfits so often that there's a shit ton of cool stuff you can do. It pains me to see someone who just cuts up a pair of jeans, slaps on a red vest and straw hat.
Oh look, a gatekeeper. How cringy
>finally got a room
it's floor space but i'm so so excited bros
in a host hotel and everything

Old >>10874898
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Previous thread >>10803531 died from a lack of posts. Not all that surprising with how little there was to post about at the time. Personally I'm also somewhat done with /cgl/ and all the pointless con drama and have been focusing on other things. But now that we've got several conventions around the corner, have a new thread!

Question of the thread: What convention are you looking forward to the most this year and why?

Upcoming major events
>22-23 Sep: Elfia Haarzuilens, a large popular outdoor fantasy event in Haarzuilens.
>6-7 May: MIA NL, a popular commercial anime convention in Gorinchem.
>21-21 May: Comic Con Brussels, a large commercial geek convention in Brussels.
>9-11 June: Animecon, the oldest anime convention of the Netherlands, hosted in Rijswijk.
>24-25 June: Heroes DCC, the largest commercial geek convention with a focus on dealers.
>30 Jun-2 Jul: Dokomi DE, a large popular anime convention in Dusseldorf.
>8-9 July: Atsusacon, Belgium's largest anime convention... I think?
>3-6 August: Castlefest, a(nother) large popular outdoor fantasy event in Haarzuilens with tons of great food.
>11-13 August: Abunai!, the second oldest and probably now largest anime convention of the Netherlands, hosted in Veldhoven.
>12-13 August: Showmasters Comic Con Amsterdam, a geek convention in Amsterdam.

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And there is Uber
it's so over for you.
You mean to tell me that you aren't traveling by car or motorcycle?
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namedrop food stands at Animecon and/or Abunai that are actually worth the price
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it's happening!!!! https://hotelkamer.abunaicon.nl/

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FAQ & Beginners Guide:

Buyf/a/g Guide:
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Nayrt, but Priroll merch is not a lottery system, you get to pick the badge you want as a bonus when you order a macaron set. I think that anon just meant she needs to win the (money) lottery to be able to afford a bunch of them because it's expensive and also the macarons would have to be discarded because they can't be shipped internationally (frozen perishable food item) which is a waste.
Oh I see, the roll in Priroll made my mind go to lottery kek
I understand their plight. I'm also working on a repeat bag and each can badge is typically listed for ¥2k+, but even with that pricetag I could never just print the design myself. It just feels a little disingenuous.
Yeah thats how I decided I feel about it. I might do the super minimalist rosette type thing. I'm pretty sure this badge has never ever been up for sale secondhand which makes it a bit harder, especially since I have to use a personal proxy because of the macaroons. I ordered one though and im really exited...
You can try to make it the centerpiece of the bag that you put together, the rosette would help draw the eye to it. It's a cute badge, good luck with your bag, anon.

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Do you agree with this popular cosplay girl's opinions on male cosplays?
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Can't men just wear some slight make-up. Hell if tb can have late 20s actors playing tweens then I think normal people can with makeup. But really who cares just do it cause it is fun.
Tbf ive had to eat cost for AliExpress/amazon cosplays just to salvage bits of them I couldn't fabricate
Please god, please increase the touken ranbu cosplays.
I think fat girls shouldn't cosplay any characters desu
For some reason when one girl I knew in hs transitioned and gained a lot of weight they had a lot more people following them when they cosplayed jojo characters. I really hope I don't see them this animazement desu.

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Post cosplays you're working on, plan to work on, or want feeback on, and motivate each other. Let's get back to our roots and away from the softcore porn, or at the very least survive alongside it.
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>thermoplastic and flour
having a hard time imagining this. more pics/details?
google "diy worbla" or "worblapie"
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My friend was working on some Panzer cop armor for me. Can't wait to die of a heat stroke in this.
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That eye plate looks a little goofy
Eyes kinda too close IMO

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