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Is it the 19th Century Kalashnikov?
>sold en-masse to every damn thirdie nation
>can be used even by illiterate teen recruits
>continues to be used even after newer, better rifles are available
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I think the action wouldn't look out of place on a modern hunting rifle. I'm surprised they don't still make them, I think it could compete with the Ruger 1
it can't handle the bolt forces that the No. 1 can.
If the US hadn't been retarded, they'd have adopted these instead of the Trapdoor. By 1870, they knew that converting muskets was never going to work out.
Hell, they could've reused the old musket barrels at least.
There were 7mm rollers. It can handle modern ammo.

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Why isn't the military looking into this technology? This could replace most ground vehicles we have today.
Avctual bot
>replace most ground vehicles

While he posts a picture where zakus support tanks.
Power source. Like every other sci-fi technology that is feasible from an engineering standpoint yet not a practical one, we don't have batteries worth shit to power it through.

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>american c-ram in gaza shooting down an israeli drone

the fuck did i miss?

with sound: https://files.catbox.moe/ocrha9.mp4
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>based CHUD-RAM rising up against its ZOG operators and refusing to die for israel
I'm shocked this went ahead. Seems very easy for Hamas to attack it on the justifiable grounds that the US is sending arms to Israel.
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Probably not taking any chances after Tower 22
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hey. there is literally nothing more pathetic and humiliating than claiming your people are ACTSHUALLY white [on the internet]. every time you think about doing this, take a second, then get an education, make money, buy guns, cars, and a house, have sex, have kids, and stop worrying about that shit

>t. half ashkenazi, half italian
Tara is a voice actress, and she was in a LOT of shit. Dunno what she got fired from though, I don't really watch TV any more.

I don't have much, My grandpa was a soldier in the Iraqi army fighting in Iran, he was captured very early on and spent 9 years in a POW camp :/ my uncle also fought in the war although briefly.
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Should say they ran out of fuel. Also heard he was a ball turret gunner even though he was like 6’4” apparently? I remember seeing a letter signed by Truman to my great grandmother about it, but I’m not sure if that’s something generic they send to everyone.
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I don't have anything particularly exciting, but my grandfather, who is Chinese-hawaiian served a Naval intelligence officer in Vietnam. I never talked to him much about it until recently, as I'm also a Sailor. He told me because of how he'd be less conspicuous he'd be sent to do these route reconnaissance missions along the Mekong and other river systems in SE Asia to identify routes the VC were taking to infiltrate and resupply their guys. On a couple occasions the ARVN bailed on him and he'd be out there on his own and he had to be bailed out by U.S. Marines. In one occasion what he described as an amphibious tank (I'm assuming an LVTP-5) fired its cannon during an ambush. It was pretty neat stuff. I remember thinking his missions reminded me of apocalypse now, just without having to assassinate an overweight rogue colonel. After VN he was in the secret service for the Carter, Regan and Bush administrations. I hope to emulate him as I grow older. I need to talk to him about this more
Someone is lying to you. There were only two MLB players who died in WWII, and the only one who died in the Pacific Theater was Marine infantry, not an aviator. He was killed by a sniper.
Grandpa told me this story about how when he was in the Marines the flak vests were giving everyone heatstroke and the AK bullets from the Viet Cong would ricochet inside the flak vest, so everyone in the platoon piled up their vests and Grandpa torched it with his flamethrower
His family history probably didn't change between then and now, so that makes sense.

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>still using pump action
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What it be like getting hit with a 600 tonne slug travelling 30 km per second?
343-era books are non-canon.
The Rookie lives.
it would be extremely painful
I love UNSC ships so much it's unreal
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>buying a jacket-pocket gun
>reading about snubnose ammo
>turns out nearly nothing meets FBI penetration standards
>but 148gr wadcutters do
>some JHP +P stuff does, but doesn't expand anyway.
>semi-wadcutters are all loaded hot as fuck because they're the worst of both worlds

>popular tests are done in clear gel, so in reality they must penetrate 15.6" just to match the 12" in FBI gel (found some tests across both and confirmed a lot of the info on snubnose JHPs is wrong)

Am I retarded? They really haven't made a better bullet for these guns in a hundred years?
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Huh. The 130gr micro HST is not on there, and the 129gr Hydra Shok has been added. Shame federal did away with the only decently performing .38 load and replaced it with yet another HP that doesn't expand.
Just go with soft lead bullets
38 special is among the highest rated bullets for one shot incapacitation. Never let anybody tell you 38 special isn't enough.
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wtf happened here fellas
oops try this one again, st paul took quite a few goes with ye olde .38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ru1SldF5BM

So this... is the power... of turkshit shotguns...
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nvidia shotguns?
I'll take the hair transplant and 1 cone from the funny ice cream instead
Both from the same vendor, of course
still don't want one. had a turkshit, rattled loose.
not going back.

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Shitty new cover Edition

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0 [Embed]

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

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Its a heavy barrel ar
You're saying passive aiming is too front heavy, right? I'm saying you're going to dislike active aiming since that's usually adding some non-negligible amount of weight to the front of your already front-heavy rifle.
My right arm is bigger and my left arm holds heavy barrel. Might get a lighter barrel later idk. When I put my LPVO+DOT on the pistol build it wasn't bad
Whatever works for you man. Just practice with whatever you decide you like.
Passive aiming makes more sense with a mk18 instead of 20" musket, I neglected the little guy and still need a can

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Ukros has no time or personnel to built cages and additional armor.
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my god you are so new your skull is still soft. lurk moar newfag
What is this nonsenses?
It was just barely two years ago, why do you try to rewrite history, shill?
Is the crew okay?
Crimea is exploding right now, in case you're wondering what all of the sliding is about

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Want to get a very small pistol/revolver for carrying.
any recommendations?
I'm divided between the CZ 92 in 25 acp and zvi Kevin in 9 Browning. Both are small, but the CZ is very very slim and comfortable to shoot.
Both guns are DAO so I will be carrying with one in the chamber.
Does anyone here have any small pistol or revolver to recommend? for reference, I want something significantly smaller than my sig 239, and something that will allow safely carrying with one in the chamber.
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Just get a j frame in 22lr or 22mag. 12.3oz loaded, long, heavy and safe trigger, won't be fazed by lint, can fire from coat jacket, can't be limp wristed, no matter how shite your draw is, if it fails to fire just pull trigger again, etc.
Clearing a malfunction on a tiny little pistol is a huge pain in the ass and they generally just feel like shite from an ergonomic standpoint. If you won't consider rimfire check out the new 632/432 j frame chambered in .32 mag. It's a few ounces heavier though which can add up innapocket.
Dress slacks tend to have the biggest pockets only being beat by store brand jeans sold at farm and feed stores. You're just wearing the tightest clothes you can find and are built for bbc (big boomer cock).
t. 5'13" manlet J frame pocket carrier
Idk abt p32 I shot p11 and it was the worst fucking piece of shit ever. Pf9 is bigger tho its alot better but fuck man literally just buy a NAA .22 I think you'll enjoy it more if you aren't concerned about usability and just want something cool and tiny. But pls just buy something that isn't a piece of shit. If you want something usable buy a stoeger cougar or something idk
I've shot the pf9 and p32 and the p32 is much more controllable and easier to hold onto even though it's so small. The p32 trigger is pretty much the same as the pf9 and the sights are technically there but it's reasonably accurate and doesn't have much recoil unless your shooting fiocchi 73g which you should be if you plan on carrying it then it's got a little snap but it's really not bad
>lick lick slurp slurp mmm daddy gimme more boot to lick

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Fresh attack right now. Ukraine is landing the third major wave of strikes on Crimea this week. Arrivals in Yalta, Alushta, Dzhankoi, Simferopol, Yevpatoria, and more.
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>I’d have the VVS chase off the AWACS.
This already happened apparently "accidentally", and it just got escorts around the AWACS.
Ahhh sweet! A schizo thread!
>brown genetic abomination
Ftfy. xD
And yet they still wont allow Ukraine to target inside of Russia, the one thing that would actually start to make a significant difference in this war
>Forget about them doing SEAD
But Ukraine is CURRENTLY conducting a SEAD/DEAD campaign.

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I work in/commute to a dense urban environment and drive about 45 minutes to get to a country property. I've been looking for a 'get home' gun/chassis that I can keep in my truck having lived in a few places where it actually has kicked off, mostly during the St. George riots. I work in a secure gov facility that does not allow me to carry on property so I lock my CCW in a backseat, underseat safe. What options should I be looking at? I've been eying up the B&T chassis as it seems like the highest quality of the options and I already carry a G19/17(Flux looks a little flimsy to me) but feel like there's probably a wealth of stuff I'm overlooking. My budget is extremely open.

PCC thread if that's easier.
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Hey asshole, the kid did good.
He capped three, killing two and maiming another for life and walked down the street like a Fucking BOSS and the zfuzz told him to go on home like a good boy.

And then he wiped his smegma under the nose of that Faggot DA and all the weenie-lovers who were screeching about “muh STATE LINEZ!”.

How can you NOT be a FanBoi of SuperKyle?

He turned out even more bad-ass than Honorary Honkie ZimmyMan.
>God there is nothing more cringe than rittenhouse fanboys
That thing looks sick, if I lived in burgerstan I'd buy one.
>anon what if I have to ditch the truck
Then you're fucking dead and you'll find out quickly that you're not John Wick.

OR you're being a paranoid little bitch.
If you can't secure your firearm maybe you shouldn't have it

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Why are they so hated? Ukraine has shown that other than trench warfare, soldiers are engaging past 500m.
NATO this NATO that. Shut yo fucking ass up Americas is why NATO is even relevant. Cant fucking wait for the USAxit if NATO.
Shouldering a 15lb rifle for a minute should be the minimum phsyical standard planetery wide
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>i mean it's not like the enemy infantry are gonna rush you and "tank" your "weaker" bullets so that they can kill you with their stronger "bullets".
What is an assault? 99% of Assault tactics relies on you believing that you're imprevious to bullets while the other guy will explode into giblets on hit. Anything less and assault is impossible without deeply suicidal mental conditioning. Even soviets in WW2 issued anti-SMG body armor for infantry CQB.
>6.5 Grendel
Opinion discarded.
>siggers pissin hot meme round with laughable barrel life
yeah it's mystery I guess
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>military Classic
Not a single country has adopted it for its military.

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i am the fastest draw on /k/

prove me wrong
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hey bro, what shirt is that? looks comfy
you're pretty gay

Third result just by googling the date of the video.
>He didn’t tell the next officer on the scene or the responding paramedics that Thomas had been shot.
>He didn’t radio dispatchers about the discharge of his service weapon.
>And Feaster didn’t say anything when an injured Thomas told another officer that he’d been shot and that officer responded, “No, you haven’t.”
lol and he only got 6 months in jail.

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What current (((trend))) is just marketing making up a thing so people will consume gun and then get excited for new gun? Tactical combat shotguns to me fit this bill. Like I for the life of me don't see the use case for this shit unless you have an action range or something
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don't worry anon this thread is basically just noguns LARPing as hasguns, been noticing a trend of that in these threads with OPs like this one that are just bitching about [insert jewtuber fad or whatever here]. almost like the only people who have the time and energy to spend moaning about something so pointless are stupid kids.
You are never going to combat; shut up.
Sounds like a skill issue. Git gud.
I don’t think you own or use shotguns.
>do not require a follow up shot
Why might that be?
You have to be 18 to post here, zoom-zoom.
Also, use some barbells if a shotgun is that fucking heavy to you, you pussy.
Cranky dad energy.
Listen man, pistol caliber carbines are a joke. They are sold as range toys for rich people and incorrectly marketed as a rifle alternative for poor people. There is nothing that your anemic "long gun" can do that pistol couldn't have also done just as well.

>while handguns and PCC are still accurate at 100 yards, the bullets they fire have lost a lot of kinetic energy and start to struggle around that range.

Praise the lord I don't have to operate. Last thing I want is to have to do recon in wilds and have to worry about those ticks that paralyze you or venemous spiders/snakes. I am blessed that all my trips to the wild last as long as I want and not as long as the mission requires.
tall mounts for lpvos = literally retarded

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