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hello anons. wich fighter jet is the bestest and more high tech and powerful? The american F-35 Lightning II or the russian Suhoi Su-35?
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an F35 with the right missiles can shoot a target that is directly behind it at point blank range no fucking way is some POS sukhoi going to beat it in a dogfight
Correct. That was precisely my point. Also, top speed is pretty meaningless too, beyond a certain point. And most planes can only get to their advertised top speed with no exterior munitions or drop tanks, and with like less than a half a tank of fuel. And they can only do it in perfect conditions and for like a minute on full afterburner, making it worthless. The F-35 can rocket to its top speed with a full loadout and a full tank of fuel. Most dogfights occur at like mach 0.6 - 0.8 anyway. Top speed is a meme. Supercruise is very helpful, though. Getting high and getting fast without wasting a lot of fuel is very helpful in a lot of engagements. It gives your missiles more range and lethality if you can Obi-wan Kenobi your opponent's ass.
Physics dictates that the F-35 CANNOT reach it's theoretical "top speed" when it is fully loaded with weapons and fuel. Which, by the way, will increase the size of the explosion when it flies too close to an S400 Site :)
>Physics dictates that the F-35 CANNOT reach it's theoretical "top speed" when it is fully loaded with weapons and fuel
All fuel and weapons are internal, which is why it can. It's state top speed by the US government is with full weapons and fuel. Sorry, bro, you're wrong.
F-35A can likely reach mach 1.8 in good conditions at altitude. Mach 1.6 is with full fuel and internal munitions. This has been tested and verified many times. It's not a theoretical number that's up for debate.

>I need a reliable 9mm that looks aesthetic as fuck
Say no more.
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The actual correct choice.
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Wrong 9mm, fagasaurus
How much of a pain in the ass is this for EDC?
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I did it for about a year, you have to be motivated to do it, otherwise you’d just find a smaller more comfortable gun. The compact fits that bill, it’s roughly Glock 19 sized. I switched to the PX4 Compact since it makes sitting down much more comfortable
>be me
>regularly carry HK.45 to meet ups and finger fuck each other's guns after playtime
Can confirm that most cuckolds are 9mm bros, but that might be because it's the most sold caliber in the region. Had an older client with his gramp's original M1911 issued to him before becoming a legend in the Argonne. The thing still reeked like trench foot and ass.

They will have 118 eurofighters soon
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fucking nigger
Womp womp niggermutt, go suck your kike master's dick faggot
>Buying Eurocope Typhoon
It is just as expensive as an F-35
If they want to go cheaper, just buy the gripen then.
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Ooh did I strike a chord Guido? How about you bow down to the country that perfected the slop that you call "Italian food".
>you'll never be white btw

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Oops, I accidentally dropped my entire shipping container of kudzu seeds onto the planet. I'm sure it'll be fine.
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I'm glad I just got one of these for a very low price. Everything about it is easy and inexpensive, from piloting to maintenance to spare parts. Nowhere near high performance, but it's a good solid MS that's a lot of fun for flying around and target practice.

For serious work I've got an upgraded Jegan and a rebuilt Doven Wolf. Now that one was hard to get parts for, and don't get me started on the EFATF giving me shit about the INCOMs despite having all the paperwork in order.
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Dump one trillion tons of VX nerve agent and Agent Orange into the moon’s atmosphere’s then call it a day

That or
Do this, it will probably be cheaper than making one trillion tons of chemicals and would be nicer.

That or
>someone should post the canonical picture showing that Humans have bigger dicks than Na’vi
It’s Human Boy Summer on Pandora all the time
>Humans have bigger dicks than Na’vi
they are taller so we wouldn't go in as deep, but they're much more slender so we'd be much girthier
"short but fat" they'd describe ours

but IIRC the original movie lore (I've only watched it once) their bodies are much more robust right? it'd be a case of snusnu for humans

Yeah yeah war monitors brown etc etc
But it looks like the rumors that a samad drone crashed into the MQ were wrong
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I wonder why the USAF is flying Reapers into AD nets. Are these those passively-guided SAMs posted from before?
Good for them. They needed a win.
>doing the CIA/military's job of sabotage
Either they were directed by someone with connections to the americans or they are retarded
Well it was shot down over marib a city that's not under Houthi control so likely the American based militas burned it down
That's why the video didn't have wreckage
It wasn't in their territory
Well our if the last 4 drones that were shot down. Only 1 of them had missiles so only 1 was used for a striking missing

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Can we talk about gun minimalism? I'm relatively new to firearm ownership, have a pretty generous hobby budget and I'm trying to not go overboard with frivolous purchases as I have in other hobbies in the past - I don't want to end up with a bunch of shit to resell. What in your eyes constitutes gun minimalism and quality over quantity?
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I love it. I've considered selling off everything but my p2000sk and ar-10 (I can basically everything I'd want to with those), but I have several guns from family I can't sell and if I have to have 5 I might as well have 20.
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Pic related is also a Del-ton on a PSA lower.
Has approximately 12,000 rounds on it. It is my first rifle that I've kept upgrading.
Yeah it has nice accessories/optics. Nitride barrel, 1:9 twist.
It's not even free-floated. Fixed sight block. Still less than 2.5 MOA
I have much more expensive guns. This is the one if show up with if I needed it though because I trust it the most experientially.
Not saying Delton = KAC but they're damn decent rifles
>they're the .22, 12 gauge, .30-30 and .30-06 a flannel walrus has on his rack
That's pretty close to optimal if you only have four guns.

doesn't matter how much you spend on the gun, the bottom guy will still die to someone with a PSA + thermals.

thermals + NVG = king
I think most people are a mixture. I have a few min maxed tactard setups but also quite a few collectibles and even shitty guns that have no real defensive value. I just like em
I hate that the internet pretends you have to be 100% a fake soldier or 100% a boomer collector. I'm both

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I like this handgun
It was a decent offering when it came out for the price.
For a little bit this Ruger, the Shield 1.0 and PPS M1 were the only respectable single stack carry "wonder" 9's available.

However, flash forward to 2024, it's pretty dated as far as capacity and other doo-dads.
No I don't
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I have the 380 version. I love it
Still an affordable pocket carry gun. I like it too, OP.

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For discussion of pistol caliber carbines and cucked smgs. Imagine that.

Will this turkshit last edition
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What is it like to shoot? 9 hole said the recoil is significant because the reciprocating part is heavy in an otherwise light rifle. But it puts you right back on target or something to that effect.
for my first firearm, I found it to be INCREDIBLY easy to shoot. Smooth, not much recoil at all. Can't say much about "back on target" as I am noob and slow.
lmao that is fuckin retarded dude
Are you going to SBR and have it converted?
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>About as accurate as all the other pcc ive tried. I've got a ap5, cmmg banshee with endo mags and one of these and it's got a bit more bounce when mag dumping but nothing terrible considering how light it is. It's definitely the best option for the price just make sure to get the sb brace and not that shit ass blade bullshit gen 2 was coming with
good to know, thanks anon
>endo mags
how do these work for you? I'm trying to decide on a 9mm upper or separate PCC and I like the idea of these if I were to go with the upper. I've heard about the ejector being in the mag, but do they seem reliable?

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>beautiful state
>based gun laws
Why do you like it here anon?
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Those guys are fags, never talk to discucks.
>Quite a bit of growth in NKY.
Isn't most of it warehouse slave labor though?
If you don't want to work in logistics or manufacturing, then yeah, you wouldn't like the jobs here.
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would you rather carry a Glock 19 Gen 5 or a Glock 43 Gen 5
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>essentially the size of a g19
it's significantly slimmer you dumb fuck
t. 43x owner that had a weak recoil spring out of the box
No one carry the Glock 30?
Whichever one has the thinner plastic and is more likely to blow up in my hand
a thermal, so i can avoid any threats from 800 meters away

What does /k/ think of my SLR?
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Congrats on preventing your barrel from cooling, you retard faggatron.
>no Irons.
>I haven’t the money for magpul
PMAGs are like what $3 more?

no thermals

might as well as get a knife man
it's an AR.
they are all the same.

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What is the purpose of the bullpup?
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you mean the bestpup?
Do they use them rn?
urban combat springs to mind just because a military force would potentially have to transition from CQB to 300+ meter engagements pretty often in any kind of serious city fighting. if you arent enlisted in a military force currently fighting in a city, the purpose of bullpups is to let other gay men at the range know youre DTF
I'd unironically take a VHS-D2 with the optic

>t. Have an 18" railed one
In this day and age, any well-equipped infantry force is already mechanised.

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Here's your submarine, bro.
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>torpedos perpendicular to the long axis
but why?
>torpedo is like bullet and submarine is like gun barrel, it has to be aligned with the long axis in order to work right
>Ship is longer than it's operational depth so if something goes wrong with the dive (a very common possibility) the stern could be sticking out of the water but the ship would still be below crush depth
Who writes this shit?
Do you honestly think this is a situation worth worrying about? Can you point to any situations in history where a submarine was oriented vertically in the long axis and not already sinking?
>Who writes this shit?
Coked-out naval engineers.

>WW1, 1915
>be French High Command
>Complete supremacy of defence over offence has been proven by several offensives with exorbitant losses, maneuver is impossible, maxims are ruling the frontline
>In order to win, Germans must push, we can just wait this one out untill Krauts run out of sausages and cabbage

Why did Entente keep on throwing men into the meatgrinder, even when it was clear, offensives are horribly costly and bring no sucess?
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This "lions led by donkeys" bullshit needs to end. The most dangerous job in the BEF was being a battalion commander.
>During the course of the war, 78 British and Dominion officers of the rank of brigadier-general and above were killed or died during active service, while another 146 were wounded, gassed, or captured.

And no, they were not "out of touch". The Germans leadership knew the war could not be won in the long run and thought their only hope was to prolong the suffering to secure good terms (sound familiar?)

The Entente’s leadership was actually surprised the Germans collapsed earlier than they had forecasted. Foch wanted to pause operations after the defeat of Operation Michael, but Haig convinced him to keep pushing. End result was the 100 Day Offensive and total victory a year ahead of schedule.
>What is that houdini shit?
>Taking out a dangerous amount of credit with American financiers?
This made me lose it lol
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>Plan 1919
I'm sometimes of the opinion that we are actually living in one of the best timelines, and that things could have been so very much worse.
Gotta keep pressure up
Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>watch footage of russian assault on trenchline
>drones come in and drop munitions on them with impunity, defeating the attack
So why isn't russia using any of their frontline shorad during these assaults? They have plenty of range to stay away from ATGMs and the sightlines in Ukraine are great. What's preventing them from just sitting one of these in the next tree line and dealing with drones? Is it just incompetence or does their shit not work as advertised?
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>refineries, airfields, ports, and other high-value areas
I request the drone strikes (webms) at each mentioned subject
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>they are being used to guard refineries
They are parked near Putin's dacha. Please understand.
yoou see comrade
if we cannot drive tank into battle
we cannot lose tank to enemy fire

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