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Tried and True, Old Friend Edition

Post Wood (Furniture)
Love Your Wood
Polish Your Wood
Anime bad, Robots gud

Thread's Theme -

As Always; No Rules, look at me. I'm Captain Now.

Previously, On \BRG\: >>61588165
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>dessicant baggie
I use the ones I get from Amazon packages or certain purchases to keep my ammo dry. It feels good to have a full ammo can. Running your fingers through that cold metal, smelling the gun powder and hearing the clanks as bullets shifts. Women just dont understand the finer things in life.
Where were m76 being sold and for how much?
Over $2000, and have been sold out for days.
Oh, and Atlantic but made my Southern Tactical.
I signed up for notification when they re-stock I really like the idea of shooting .50 per round

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Post em
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Pyccкий Cтaндapт is vile. Everything else is pretty good though
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third time's the charm
Y'ever fucked on a bed of pine straw under the light of a full moon? Well you should.
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In this thread we discuss national war heroes of your country, or heroes from other countries that you like.

I will start

Enrico Toti

>War starts
>dude doesn't have a leg
>goes to coscription
>dude you don't have a leg
>eventually he got enlisted in the Bersaglieri
>goes to war with a crutch

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But you're a nigger

0 x 0 = 0 and you're a cuck while a jew fucks your wife
It's muoio
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It’s a natural human instinct to respect and admire our brave warriors. But it’s important to remember that for at least the last two hundred years, that admiration has been turned into a lure, to attract young men to fight and die, for evil interests that see them as disposable, and will discard them at the first opportunity.

If you want to fight, fight for your family, your home and your community, on the home front where it matters. Not in some foreign country on behalf of rich men seeking to become richer.
Amerimutt niggerfaggots at their finest. Thank god I'm an 80 IQ swarthoid like you
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I know your childish spaghetti pride wont allow you to accept the truth spoken by the master race from living atop the white mountains.
so lets hear an -forvspaghettis- objective writers conclusions from the anglosphere (Mark Thompson, "the white war"):

"The general staff expected to be ‘in Vienna for Christmas’. It was not to be. Over the next two and a half years, the Italians got nowhere near Trieste, let alone Vienna. Italy’s offensives clawed some 30 kilometres of ground – mostly in the first fortnight – at a cost of 900,000 dead and wounded. The epicentre of violence was the Isonzo valley, at the eastern end of the front. In Italy, the names Isonzo and Carso still resonate like the Somme, Passchendaele, Gallipoli or Stalingrad."

you were given South Tyrol and Triest by the US, French and the British, italy archieved nothing by its own power.

"It happened when defending units spontaneously stopped shooting during an attack and urged their enemy to return to their line. On one occasion, the Austrian machine gunners were so effective that the second and third waves of Italian infantry could hardly clamber over the corpses of their comrades. An Austrian captain shouted to his gunners, ‘What do you want, to kill them all? Let them be.’ The Austrians stopped firing and called out: ‘Stop, go back! We won’t shoot any more. Do you want everyone to die?’
Italian veterans described at least half a dozen such cases."

"A few weeks earlier, in September 1915, the Austrians urged the survivors of an Italian company to stop fighting and go back to their own line, taking their wounded, or they would all die. ‘You can see there is no escape!’ Eventually the Italians gave up, and the Austrians hurried down with stretchers and cigarettes. The Italians gave them black feathers from their plumed hats and stars from their collars as souvenirs."

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In the future of interstellar war, when mechs, tanks and vtols can shoot and be shot at from 3km to 100s of km, the heavy exosuit will dab on them for point defense. As for mechanized infantry roles, of course they will be operating with said mechs tanks and vtols.
The heavy exosuit weighs 1 ton and runs at a humans pace, but it has a battery and can jump hundreds of metres.
It should come standard with a HMG, a SAW, and a pair of ATGMs, or some other anti armor weapon. Needless to say such a platform would be dangerous at least within 2000m.
The heavy exosuit will also excel at space and in adverse conditions, being big enough to carry the necessary life support equipment
They can also be excellent drone and ewar carriers, as well as fulfilling other odd roles, command, air defense, VIP escort, pogue guard, mortar carrier, mountaineer, SRBM carrier.
When the poor, regular soldier grunt is under fire and needs support, the first big "thunder" to arrive is a squad of heavy exosuit men, NOT a mech, tank or vtol. Except maybe when it does idk.
Why does a grunt exist exclusive to an exosuit? People realized decades ago that real space combat is not going to involve dogfighting, so why would future infantry (if such a thing is still even relevant) be deployed in lieu of better protected and self-sufficient infantry? In fact the notion of having any warm bodies on a hostile planet is goofy when you can just drop ordnance on them from orbit.
The rules of war.. As recognized by the combatants who signed the treaty
> My video game faiey tales are weal militawy i swear!

Shouldn't you go watch cartoons or something?

Can't find a streaming link anywhere

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Post the slickest, sweetest, coolest, most SOVLFVLL ammo packaging you have. The more esoteric and rare the better.
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German text would use u. s. w. instead of etc.
Alt 0214 for Ö instead of Oe(ldicht).
Not rare but I've always liked the Kynoch packaging. Makes me think of a 12 bore shell sitting on end and a .410 lying sideways.
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see i thought the same thing but the bopx i was usin as my base has ect

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This is just since the start of the red sea crisis but I was curious to see where the United States was sending these babies.
It seems they're moving around Yemen in a clockwise sort of way based around the losses
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Damn that much is controlled by the Houthis? Godamn the Saudi coalition is literally a joke. I heard that the issue is the Saudis don’t have an actual army; it’s just African mercenaries and I guess it doesn’t matter what kind of gear you give them. I mean imagine NOT just crushing these people damn.
The Saudis don't really have a professional army nor do they have the logistics or power projection to even deploy units to Yemen. The only thing they could do was perform airstrikes, but they had to stop those when Biden the Democrats cut off aid and essentially forced them to sign a truce with the Houthis.

Now you know why the Saudis don't feel like lowering oil prices for Biden.
Houthis are almost just hell bent on not losing their new state so they fight harder
>Cut off aid to the Saudis because progressives made a big stink about them
>Still end up fighting the Houthis
People can bitch and moan about guys like Kissinger but at least he understood realpolitik
He was smart

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How can it simultaneously be the case that hollow points matter and also that caliber selection doesn't matter in handgun ammo? Everyone pogs out when 30 SC (0.312" diameter) expands to 0.468" (1.5x it's originally diameter [as per FBI protocol]) but cringes if 45 ACP doesn't expand at all: .451". That's a difference of 0.017, much less than the difference between 9mm and 45 ACP: 0.451 - 0.355 = 0.096". Huh?

Either these minute differences really do matter and in which case, caliber wars are justified, or these differences don't matter and hollow points are overrated. Perhaps there's a way in both can coexist, but I just can't see it given my reasoning above. If the differences don't matter, why not move to smaller cartridges that still penetrate adequately? Please explain anons...
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The short answer is that hollow points like federal hst have comparable expansion in the 9mm and .45 bullets. The .45 drills almost the same size hole. So you can carry more ammo, have a lighter smaller framed gun, and have less recoil for the same wounding profile due to the construction of the bullet and higher velocity. Therefore .45 has fallen out of favor. I can carry a g17 with 17 rounds of 9mm and drill 17 holes that are almost the same size as the holes a heavier g21 with a smaller 10 round capacity can drill.

There are improvements that can be made to handguns that can substantially improve their wounding capability.
Tipped soft points > hollow points > FMJ > green tip
All are lethal if you shoot someone in the right place but the tipped soft points work the best. Green tip is the worst because it drills a small hole straight through without shattering.
Green tips absolutely yaw, tumble and fragment. They just do it inconsistently and farther into their travel through flesh, often not fragmenting until 4-7".
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1) Move to Japan and master the language and customs on a student visa.
2) move to parts of the USA with large Japanese population or jr colleges with a lot Japanese students (I.e., foothill jr college in the Bay Area).
I have a lot of Japanese friends, but I am more into Vietnamese women (East San Jose, and Orange County).
how do scars beat up optics? Or is it just the Scar 17

I am looking into a scar 16 or saiga AK
Money is no issue

>*huff huff huff*
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why did we not fund this? I want my tax dollars going to the bomber that literally shits on the enemy. I want there to be no doubt exactly how little I think of anyone who is not American.
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the imagery of this has had me giggling for like 5 minutes straight now. a bomber that literally just spills it's spaghetti the second it gets a shot. amazing.
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Anon. She was real. Arguably the best looking naval aircraft in history. She's a svelte supermodel (with anal fetish) compared to the bimbo F-14.
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Ultra Kino

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We have plenty of threads when Russia starts fielding something "New", what about the stuff we don't see anymore?
What happened to all the Kamaz Typhoons?
Oryx only lists around 30 lost, out of the 300+ Russia supposedly had. I'm not sure I've seen one since 2022.
Did they lose way more than were documented?
Are they being held back for internal troops within Russia?
Are they such huge pieces of shit that Chinese UTVs are a better assault vehicle?

What other vehicles or equipment have quietly vanished from the battlefield?
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>Industrialization didn't stop in the west, or decline,
You are going to have to back that up again with something more then “trust me my guy, I saw it on r/manufacturing”

>uses the bridge

what did they mean by this
So, you admit that the "3 day special operation" is a lie, tovarich? Watch out for open windows.
Consider the following: You're a tank commander in the Russian armed forces. The engineers have built you a pontoon bridge. The engineers are also Russians, using Russian logistics and materials to construct the bridge
Would you immediately drive onto that bridge or do you want some lighter vehicles to try it out first?

>Settles the Armata debate
>Battle tests basically every single Western and Soviet weapon imaginable, and experimental ones.
>Gives thousands of hours of content you can use in flame wars
>Even provides modern footage of old weapons and vehicles from the early cold war that we otherwise would have never gotten
You're welcome, autists.
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We have picks of them being used in 2014
A corpse will grow bigger for a while, until its putrid stomach bursts open for the maggots to crawl out.
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that's not the point. Point is glowies suck at their job. We literally do their job better than them by just not being retarded and being fed up with /pol/ retards for 6-7-8 years
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>Welcome to NATO Lake
The amount of real time shitposting that could be done to Russian vessels in the Denmark-Sweden straights could be hilarious, just straight up bully the fuck out of anything Russia or headed to St Pidors or Kuckgrad.
>Yeah, gonna need to see some TPS reports before you go through

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AK General /akg/
Interior Decor Edition
>Thread #2027

Old thread here >>61654579
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I want people to bully PSA into using the proper rivets and dimpling procedure
Not him but 5.56 Jacks had or have (not sure if they fixed it) issues with keyholing. Then at least one person had an issues with feeding on their Jack. That issue I have documentation on. Guys channel on YT with the feeding issues is Midwest__Savage has a four part series on the woes with the rifle and finally gets it working in video 4. Keyholing I am too lazy to look for the proofs you lust after.
Once and for all; what issues might I be looking at with a WBP Jack in 7.62x39? And are they fixable? I haven't seen any other AK on the Swedish market, so it's not about picking one or the other, but entirely about what I should expect, and fix if doable.
smooth dust cover
seething faggots
polish eagle on rsb
I have to travel 4 hours to find the closest public land near me

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I work in/commute to a dense urban environment and drive about 45 minutes to get to a country property. I've been looking for a 'get home' gun/chassis that I can keep in my truck having lived in a few places where it actually has kicked off, mostly during the St. George riots. I work in a secure gov facility that does not allow me to carry on property so I lock my CCW in a backseat, underseat safe. What options should I be looking at? I've been eying up the B&T chassis as it seems like the highest quality of the options and I already carry a G19/17(Flux looks a little flimsy to me) but feel like there's probably a wealth of stuff I'm overlooking. My budget is extremely open.

PCC thread if that's easier.
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Everytime I see this faggots face I smile. Just knowing that commie fuck had his bicep vaporized for doing a fake surrender and then trying to execute Rittenhouse. I read he's trying to sue again because "he doesn't like Rittenhouse using his suffering as a political platform" fuck him hope his nerve damage gets even more painful.
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Nice; for years I tried to find a good folder for an 870, and thought one of the aluminum adapter blocks like Doublestar or AB Arms would be the best way to do something to that setup. Then I moved to an NFA state and went shorty. The Sage collapsible seems pretty cool.
any pistol setups with a torch and foregrip that can be holstered?
Yeah it is, so stop leaving your fucking gun in the car moron.
>attempt to help urbanite who evacuated their bowels due to being approached by a pan handler
>patiently explain the futility of their pearl clutching induced stupidity
>get called a "hill billy", when there are no hills around
>induce so much seethe that Xir lashes out at other randoms
>this creature is planning on being armed in public

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How did they manage to hold out for 4 years against 3 NATO backed armies. They fought against the Bosniak Army (around 200 000 soldiers), Bosnian Croat army (around 50 000 soldiers) and the regular Croatian army (around 200 000 soldiers). How were they able to take over 70% of Bosnia by 1993 while being greatly outnumbered? Is it because the Serbs took all heavy weapons from Yugoslav army bases?
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Hmmhmm Renamon from Digimon, with some fluff
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Showing human superiority with my hardened suppository.
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Are scaly husbandos also ok?
>Tfw Ill never have a autistic lizard bf who gets insanely worked up over using the wrong type of cheese
Flynn deserved better :(
Idk, it is Hioshiru.

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Why the fuck did Russia not modernize their fucking service rifle yet?
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They are dramatically safer tho
>Is there any damn hope of that project being revived?
For what purpose? Small arms deal barely any impact in this war. Better to buy a bomb instead of eotech.
Better to buy a million shells instead of small arms modernization.
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AR lower, fancy AR upper, The Fucking forward assist
Yeah bro it's totally not a AR
>It has some special new barrel to withstand the pressures up to 10k rounds
No it doesn't it literally is just a regular barrel. If anything somewhat thin. That's why they bought that downloaded training ammo to go along with it. With the full power loads they're gonna have like a 5k round lifespan.

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