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Why do IFV's use necked cartridges?

It doesn't make sense to me. An IFV wants to have a large caliber HE shell for infantry etc. and a sub caliber dart for armored targets.

So why isn't everyone just taking the small 25 mm shell that you can carry a fuckton of and making it straight walled so you can lob heavy big 40 mm grenades with low velocity and still shoot effective darts?

That would be the best of both worlds, good payload, good ammo capacity, and good penetration, and while you're at it, make the case telescoped and out of plastic.
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Might just go full circle then
No there's plenty of solutions that can be made to achieve fairly similar performance as the mouse while working in a moving vehicle.
A couple of things, the amount of movement the user can make must be large so that he has more incremental control, this is why FPS players have low mouse sensitivity and large mousepads.
Another thing is the type of movement, currently the aiming devices work like console controllers, where user input corresponds to movement speed in a direction, whereas with a mouse, user input corresponds to movement distance in a direction.

So for example you could have controls that are similar in form to the current one but much wider for more accurate control and also work similarly to a mouse where you have to "lift" the mouse and move it back and forth to make the full circle.
>lack of proper heat dispersal requires active cooling, else a low sustained rate of fire
>square-cube law means that thermal energy is increased by the third factor for a increase of barrel area in contact two times larger
Albeit, we have very good energetics that aren't hygroscopic, and can take a beating. Heat sensitivity will always be lower given the reduced density and properties of propellant, but again that can be accounted for.
Cost is definitely harder to work around without compromise.
What the hell are you talking about? Do you even know what CT is? Are you a chatbot?
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>Comic Sans

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Even-More-Dead-Than-Before Edition.
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Looking to trade muh usp45 with tlr3 for either a 308 reticle acog or a colt delta elite. Send me an email if you have either.
forgot email
Gonna make a burner for the jig later today
want shekel for 8mm? how many shekel for 8mm?
email sent from tossawayk

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Why did russia even adopt a camo made by their rival? The EMR camo was essentially their pet project in modernizing their military and now they are abandoning it for some foreign made camo with a uniform likely made in china. What went wrong with the EMR?
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>not important
Its important to blend regardless of the thermals. Most soldiers do not have it, at least in the conflict.
because it's effective
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you see I wear special color, and talk about it online all day
the color make the bullets go around me
I wear the color and I become invincible
While true, the U.S. camo is alot more versatile.
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Were talking about india, he modifier fake has no meaning there
They're not allied with you though
>the entire planet
the whole middle east at most
which is something that's desirable
stop using your head and debunking idle threats, blyat!
>Otherwise i see US getting a bunch of new states
The US doesn't want new states, it doesn't even want statehood for Puerto Rico.
What it wants is trading "partners" with "free-trade" agreements
>narrator: but the trade was not free...

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Is it a good idea to have ERA on top of ERA?
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That's the ticket, add a welder to the tank and it grows armor over time.
it's actually fine
Quiet, we don't want Russia unlocking the GLA tech tree.
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>ERA on top of ERA
>caring about stacked ERA
The plastic bottle is the real cope here, that a'int gonna stop shit.

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New photo just dropped.What will the turd-worlders say to cope about this beauty?
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That's the reason B-21 is optionally manned.
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Still one of my all time favorite edits.
>that wing flex
beautiful, thank you anon.
The head-on shots of this plane are something else
Its predecessor was often reported as a UFO when it was being tested at Area 51
>They’ll never be flown into dangerous airspace

lol this anon thinks ukrianians have been the ones hitting all these oil refineries

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Grandpa's War Trophies Edition

Post your Peepaw's trophy that was saved from the boomers.

Previous Thread: >>61591532
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Buying vs consigning anon

I never buy from either of those sites because most of the stuff they have is retail price
But i've had good luck consigning at legacy because i can get retail+ for my guns sold there, which is better than trying to sell myself on my <30 feedback gunbroker account. Once you get into the $1000+ range for selling, you get much fewer bites on GB if you don't take credit card
Do you ever like shoot your guns my dude
Nice patch.
I love this
There should be a general thread where we all pretend to be boomers at gun shows

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It’s pretty amazing to me that a Bradley can meet a tank on an open road, both facing eachother, and the Bradley still come out on stop. Bradley praise thread I guess, drop your favorite bits of combat featuring this beast
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you can't sage with an image retard
Drones would potentially be the equaliser. I was going to say that to the other guy. Of course the Ukes are better at drones.
I’m sorry CHADley
I think you got lost on the way to your gaming forum to discuss project reality
does someone have that webm of the bradley blasting the tank with the autocannon in a snowy destroyed village??

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Ukrainian Sea Baby maritime drones are now equipped with Grad systems. Thoughts?
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People said Arsenal ships were a bad idea but look who is laughing now.
Regarding their lack of accuracy, it's possible these aren't really meant to hit anything anyway. A few of these lighting off just before your cruise missiles enter their terminal guidance phase to inundate the targets SHORAD might be effective
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Before these things, suicide drones had to physically touch the target to damage it.
Now, they can just come into say 200 yards and let rip with a volley of high explosive rockets
It's taken away that last 200 yards of time the ship has to destroy the drone.
That's not insignificant.
Cargo cult imitation of IRGC navy. Most dire.

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What's the ideal height for a soldier? If you're 6'6" for example, there's of lot of positions that you would have trouble fitting inside of, such as pilot cockpits and tank crew positions. So theoretically there's an ideal height to be, that's not too short, and not too tall for the military. What is it?
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5'11. Thats what Armored vehicles are made for, that's what most clothes are made for, that's what doors are made for, tall enough to not struggle with rucking and have a decent stride length but not so tall it becomes difficult to put on muscle. While manlets struggle with LOP in rifles where its not adjustable and tall people have to chickenwing uncomfortably, you wear them effortlessly. The world is made for you when your 5'11. I mean you reasoned it out in your post, so you already knew the answer, or at least were in the ballpark of what it is.
How was the Chieftain able to do it at 6'5"?
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So only a bit below average US height?
Lots of stretching and officers automatically get a +25% health, durability, and appearance buff. It comes with the commission.
Take a look at how a 15 year NCO compares in those categories when contrasted with a 15 year officer and the results are striking.
need tall gf

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Be me
>order AK front sight tool on Amazon
>10 scheckles to bezos
>arrives in a day
>attempt to adjust elevation
>it breaks.

Note to self and everyone, don’t buy cheap shit and expect miracles out of it.
Not sure what you expected. Send it back and buy a better one.
Should get a UH1 instead. Maybe a 3x magnifier. Put in on an MDR.

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lol, America lost to Cuban sugar planters
Be me
>order ak front sight tool from Amazon
>7 dollars
>arrives in 2 days
>attempt to adjust elevation
>it works great for many many years on all my aks

Note to self and everyone, buy cheap shit and use it forever and if/when it breaks order a new one from Amazon and return the old one. Don't be like OP and waste all your money on toys.
If you weren't mentally ill, you'll know that the cleaning kit from the AK can be used as a sight tool

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What do you think?
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1. they look really cool
2. the Anaconda is Ruger-tier in terms of what loads it can tolerate
3. you've got it ass-backwards—the only reason to buy Colt ARs, SAAs, and 1911s is for the rollmark
It's fucking Colt, you dumbass. Like asking Chevy to make a Studebaker.
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Should have called it after a bull instead of a snake.
CZ is retarded and instead of fixing Colt, Colt took over them instead.
You know how lots of M1913 rails these days have a channel down their length to save weight? Somebody should make a revolver with a topstrap/vent rib that has a red dot cut at the very back, and then pic rail all the way out to the muzzle with the lightening channel acting as the rear sight notch for a dot on the inside middle of the frontmost rail slot.
That way the gun comes with fixed sights no worse than revolver people are used to, but it also has provisions for installing modern aiming solutions without any aftermarket involvement.

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Why isn't the military looking into this technology? This could replace most ground vehicles we have today.
Avctual bot

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I like slavshit and relevant memes.
Stupid vatnik putin lover.
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lol, America lost to Chinese rice Farmers.

what are some good interviews or podcasts where the guest extensively talks about his experiences in the armed forces? both about the training, the institution, and combat.

I'm a Gordon Ryan one with Tom Spooner who's a guy that's been in for 22 years, 10 years delta, and yet in a 4h long podcast he doesnt talk about his combat experiences but about his alcoholism recovery and sbit for the first 2h.

so could you give me some good ones? I watch them as war memoirs, so I dont care about them if it's just a therapy session.
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Boo fuckin hoo, darkies will always find a way to bitch about any situation they're in. The Army gave those coons the chance to improve themselves by earning respect from their peers, instead most jigs preferred to rape and pillage our southern allies and were nothing more than a PR nightmare. Then when the fucking spearchuckers get called out fro their niggatry they decide to chimpout and "kill day whities" cause they couldn't handle the stress of fighitng a war were they had combat superiority at almost every stage of the war.

In short, always ignore anything these double dipped liars say, even today they'll join solely to rob the tax payers of their hard earned dollars so they can buy their shitty walmart tvs and "peacefully protest" any time they're foreced to do any real work.

>> source: Dumb fucking monkey bosen didn't want to go to sea so the fucker took a big gulp full of gasoline and splashed it on the fucking fire control panel on the USS San Juan resulting in our ship getting fucking stuck in port so we could fix the shit since all the systems got fried.
>Gordon Ryan
The one with headshot don was interesting. Imagine killing talibeans for years, and then surviving a hick shooting you in the head once you retire
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Billings Gazette Vietnam Voices are pretty unbeatable. Some of them are very long. Available on YT. Everything from long range recon guys to people that drove earthmovers.
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Seems like you're just proving the point, Anon.

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