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I'd like to buy whoever invented the thru-axle a beer. It's a fantastic invention and I have no idea how it manages to be so good. It makes replacing a wheel so much nicer than fucking qr skewers.
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sounds like a <32mm problem
was that the bad guy in "marathon man"
Bumping this thread to remind non thru axle havers that there are NO thru axle standards and in fact every single fork has a different, custom, proprietary axle despite superficially having the same "spec"
As a first time thru axle haver, you people aren't kidding. 12x142mm with 1mm thread spacing but it's a sufficiently different pitch to be incompatible with my trainer and my trailer, both of which came with like three different thru axle adaptors. Mavic speed release how bout I speed release this dick in your mouth

Previous gen TCR is pretty much an unbeatable value play innaUS. Polygon is possibly better, but Giant has as big a dealer network here as any brand for in-person support and trying before you buy. Agree that Canyon is somewhat disappointing on value.

Sensible chuckle
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solid-axle > qr > thru-axle

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Hey guys, new bike day for me. I pretty much just ride for exercise but the road bike has gotten a bit boring... So I bought an entry level trail bike and although I likely overpaid I'm still happy for now. Gonna try some easy trails in the next few days and see how it goes. How important is it to have knee and elbow pads? On the easy stuff?
Also how much hate should I expect for going with a trek?
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I've met one or two roadies who seemed like jerks, out of hundreds. The vast majority are friendly and have good manners.

Most MTB people I meet are obnoxious low class boors.
Ok you win, I hope some good happens for you today
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dumb leftcel
My experience is the opposite. Roadies mostly tend to be grumpy sourpusses and mountainbiker are much more likely to be happy and friendly.
Sounds like you're an anxious beta cuck who's intimidated by loudmouthed guys.

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>they used to serve McDonald's Happy Meals on United flights.
we used to be a real country
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You need to inflate using %GDP not CPI. Even GDP/cap is incorrect for luxury goods like air travel in the past.

Fucksake learn how capital, wages and profits work.
>Back in the comfy days airfare was so expensive only quality white people could afford to fly, which is why things were so nice.
Not arguing this, but also remember a lot of things used to be included that aren't anymore. Seat selection wasn't a "luxury", almost everybody gave you at least 1 free bag, carry-ons were unregulated, priority boarding wasn't a thing, etc. Add all that on to your basic United economy fare and you'll find it works out to at least $600 round trip.

Now we have people who can't afford to be flying burning up what little savings they have because the priceline commercial told them that they and their 7 kids deserve a vacation, while making flying a living hell for literally everyone else involved.
>You need to inflate using %GDP
What does microsoft and google spending has to do with the affordability of air travel for the common man?
>Fucksake learn how capital, wages and profits work.
Marxist/Keynsian economists are the last people to listen to about economics.
I think you are overestimating the amount of additional cost for the services that have been monetized, but that has allowed the creation of a flying nigger class which opts out of those 'luxuries'. Still, when you look at the overall cost of tickets since 1990 has trended down, even as the cost of fuel has gone up, which of course is a major driver of cost. We are left with a cheaper, lower quality product; just like most things we buy today.
i'm always a little amazed at the way some corporates had their shit together to pull stuff like this off. putting out ads like "call any travel agent, tell them you want mcdonalds served to you right there on the plane, like a fucking maniac" and then it would actually happen.

i had the same thought and found $260 rt on UA ($110 on F9). airfare staying the same nominal price is an insane feature of the last half century

What's the most retarded bad faith argument against improving transit and walkability you've come across?

I'll start with "But but but, AMERICA'S TOO BIG"
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>I took a few train rides in Europe and now I realize
This is about you retard
The last post you linked is literally about (You), you fucking numbskull
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>Imagine losing to fucking line 2 of the Toronto Subway

Why are US transit systems aside from NYC so cucked
If that’s what you think food shopping is like….you really need to get out more.

I’m always stunned at how flimsy the cagetroll arguments are.
Let me actually address this point by point because you're retarded
>racism is not an argument
>just as true of your personal shitbox
>ok, and?
>not every country is Japan
>but that's bad transit
>but that's bad transit
>only if it's set up in a retarded way where you still have to drive to get there
>equivocation fallacy
Verification not required.

>20 dollar toll peak hours to travel under 8 miles
I set my transponder to 3 occupants so it's free, if I ever get pulled over ll quickly set transponder to 1 and tell the cop their machines are malfunctioning. I've been doing it for about 2 years and have saved so many hours of time. What will eventually happen??
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>They have cameras checking occupancy in Virginia.
Pretty sure all of them do and have for a while, enough to catch on what's a person and what's not. Stuffed animals are common and in Portland someone was ticketed for it.
I'd be very surprised if the state ever caught up with you anon, express lanes are just another way to milk money out of bay area tax cattle, and I don't think any self-respecting cop is going to bother enforcing it

CHP is currently banned from using them because of CA's privacy laws. Individual cities and counties use them extensively though, it's why looters don't hit San Mateo because they got red light cameras on all sides and will fuck people before they get into SF.

I've seen it enforced, I've also been cited for not paying my bridge tolls and I have had my car towed for it too. Owed $1,500, DMV pulled my plates, and I let them keep my '98 civic lx because it was a pos anyway. They got me at benicia and made me discover crockett (dont google) while I walked to a safe area where a cab was willing to pick me up.

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>accidentally bust a bravo
>gf as passenger
>told her to jerk my dick
>she jerks me
> high voltage light
> so much stress
>no phone number
>busted in her hand
>she wipes me
>turbulence starts to kick in
>landed safely
fake and gay
Mokulele is peak regional kino
>working for the devil
i'll pass
Bot thread, niggers tongue my anus

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What are your thoughts on Embraer? what is the future of the company? What do you hope they accomplish?
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https://www.wsj.com/business/airlines/boeing-partner-embraer-aircraft-manufacturing-edf3758a it's happening
They already denied it, though they did announced studies for it last year.
Those motorcycle style yokes look retarded.
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I know, the Brazilian Air Force has something similar on their website, lots of KINO pics.
>what is the ATR
>what is the C408
>what is the C208
>what is the CRJ-200

>This is a

>Red Line train to

>Shady Grove
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If you build homes for the average BART hobo, they will just tear out the pipes and wiring and sell them so they can keep getting high on the street. For some people the only way to help them is through force, and if that doesn't work the best solution is a final one.
Oh and fentanyl dealers plus the bankers who launder their money should be flayed alive and left on screaming display on Market St, that would also help resolve the problem.
Exactly. Can't believe people still vote for these dipshits thinking that they'll solve the housing problem.
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>operator is high
>"red line train, red line train, thanks for boarding, five points next station"
>Shady Grove
that's when you know not to relax

I’m no airbus fanboy but has the A350 pretty much totally dethroned Boeing’s long haul offerings at this point? It’s reputation is so good that it has had a total hull loss and people are saying they’d fly on one again in a heartbeat
Twinjets are boring
Give me an a340neo
777X is just a 30 year old plane with new wings and engines, but 350 is designed with 21st century technology
If you want to use PC from the 90's or Core i7 PC, which would you rather use?
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In theory the 777X is not a bad plane, it could be great in fact. The original version of the plane was fantastic at its introduction. A few significant upgrades is honestly all that's needed for it to stay competitive, but the flying public doesn't really have faith in Boeing to deliver a quality aircraft. Deservedly so, this due almost entirely to all the bad press Boeing has earned itself. The airlines as well don't have infinite patience either as its languishes in production/certification hell. It's difficult to replace a 777 with an A350 especially with the new variant's even more impressive capacity but it is an option.

Age isn't such clear cut simple factor to consider - the A320 is just as old as the 777 and its neo is the belle of the ball when it comes to orders.

While I just defended the 777, I like the A350. I like big twins and I cannot I lie. The A350 is one of the best planes flying today alongside the A220 but unlike the A220 it doesn't have as unique a character to it. At least it doesn't require as frequent engine maintenance however.

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Trains should be powered by induction strips underneath the tracks, like really powerful versions of wireless phone charging. It's more compact than overhead catenary wires or third rails, more resistant to weather and damage, and less likely to electrocute people.
>10 times more expensive
>inefficient power transfer
God i wish only 3 digit IQ people would exist on this planet
Don't forget
>Sorry about your 5 miles of ruined induction surface because something was dragging
you do not understand how IQ works. Ironic.
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>you do not understand how IQ works. Ironic.

Thoughts on Comac's C919? Would you fly on a made in China plane?
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Sorry I don't speak anime
The CCP shill replied almost instantly to my post that happened 3hrs after the last bump hahahaha.
You can try to be a little less obvious Zhang, it would help your cause.
Your aircraft will only be sold to third world countries, at a loss, in USD. The world knows what to expect from China and an airplane built to those expectations will never be anything but a total commercial failure.
I'm singaporean, senator
Sorry but even my normie not online friends are talking about how to avoid flying Boeing
Not bothering with US regulations is probably the only reason comac got ahead, really. Look at how many E175-E2s have been sold.

For those who are sailors, what sorts of books to you take to read while underway?
Read "the eduction of a wandering man" by Louis L'amour. Describes his early life as a vagabond, sailor, surveyor, freight hopper. He lists all the books he can remember from that time. Some interesting reads in there, the book itself isn't bad either.
I have a 2TB SSD filled with nothing but hardcore gay porn

annas archive is a good resource for books
you don't look like that THOUGH

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Al Maktoum International Airport, commencing construction of the building at a cost of AED 128 billion
>over 400 gates
>capacity for 260m passengers a year
>5 terminals
>5 times the size of the current airport
>DXB will transfer all operations here in '10 years time'
what do we think lads
Is this really necessary? Are DXB and SHJ both at capacity? Not to mention AUH is like an hour away.
Isn't DWC already in operation?
For some reason many flights to Russia leave from there, requiring a landside transfer from DXB to DWC.
It will be abandoned by the end of the century anyway. The Arabian Gulf will become too hot for anyone to live in.
Can't wait for them to still be a parking lot for planes because airspace is at a premium.
>400 gates
>260m ppl/yr
they're going to need an actual metro system to get around the airport

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If I want to train-hop from Temiskaming Shores to Moosonee or Rouyn-Noranda, I shouldn't be HARRASSED by security and BOPPED on my FUCKING CAP for doing so. Even if I toss the security a twenty for my fare they still accost me. Why are they such assholes? Why am I not allowed to start the locomotive whilst the engineer is checking his brakes? I was so close to moving. This isn't FAIR! It's COLD OUT HERE.
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What has you freight hopping across the north?
jewwww white Chinese, the shit hole racist pedo American white pigs, experience Pearl Harbor again and be slaughtered and exterminated!

from japan
Haha got em

Bold choice for a jap to bring up allegations of pedophilia though
>korean falseflag
To get to places I need to without the government taking any single dime from me.

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Quill stems are pretty edition

Read this:

Old >>1991219
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there's almost no resistance on the jockey and idler pullys, though. they spin freely, they're not hooked up to anything
probably just for when someone fucks up their threads. drill out existing threads and replace with sleeve.
As I said, the difference is theoretical, in that you can measure it but it doesn’t mean much. You have the weight of moving a longer, heavier chain through some derailleurs, likely with some friction cause of the chain angle isn’t perfect like a single speed. I don’t think it’s going to be enough to even feel like a single tooth difference.
Bikebros how do i understand wich dropper post good for me? I mean: inner part on my bike (which goes inside the frame) 260 mm. Diameter 30.9. But i can’t figure out which dropper to choose, 125 or 150mm; besides, they don’t write everywhere how long the inner part of the seatpost is. I only found information about Fox transfer, it seems to suit my bike. But i'd like to find something cheaper if possible. It's kind of hard for me to figure this out

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