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>cycling on sidewalks is... le misdemeanor!
>you should drive on the streets with a speed limit under 50 km/h
name a more braindead law than this, jesus fucking christ
99% of people riding bicycles do it all their life
I am convinced the only reason this law exists is so that the ONE time some cop(s) with nothing better to do blocks your path, they can milk you for fines and report all your personal info to the big brother system

the whole fucking point of a bicycle is that you are not a car and that you can go places cars cannot, but carbrained lawyers the want to regulate the shit out of it for some reason, even in le walkable non-carbrained EU city

fuck I'm so pissed off right now
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>What kind of totalitarian hell hole do you live in where you are expected to produce documents for anything other than a motor vehicle?
this should be the end of the discussion
Nobody wants this. Roads are for moving people. Sidewalks are for people. Cars belong on a racetrack. Go fulfil your nascar fantasies somewhere else.
about 15 years ago I saw a teenager riding his bike on a sidewalk, and some middle aged man punched him right in the face as he went past.

The man was totally confused when the entire mcdonnalds ran out and surrounded him until police came.
"He was riding on the footpath! it's against the law! i was protecting my family!"
his family were all fat adults

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Does anyone have any good pilot or passenger pov videos of airplane disasters? No edited or news reel faggotry.
that's MY image
that's MY flight

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Post Your Bike Thread
Slow Roll Spring Edition

Previous Edition
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Aren't you the retard who wanted to spray paint his bike? Of course you want to buy chink wheels next lmao
Bike is good but why the fuck did you choose this retarded paint scheme?
oh nevermind ill just buy a £900 wheelset then silly me
why do you believe doing a half decent paintjob yourself is hard
are you retarded?
others sold out and i didn't wanna wait months, kinda dont mind it now, ill just wait till its all chipped and fucked and then do something else
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Old photo but I don't hate suspension forks and tiny tires.
That o-ring/grease ring shows you have used a fair amount, and if I remember right you live in south america or a place with bad roads.

Oh, and I hope I offend the guy who doesn't like high fenders again.
I like this paint scheme.
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...I like it.

Lime bikes edition


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walfort must be the brand for active chase theres a ton of that stuff
dont have bike yet but gonna get it in next couple days

fantastic, lmao
looking for square taper bottom bracket tool and im seeing some chinesium ones listed that allegedly can work as cassette tool too
is this true and if it is which cassettes is it compatible with
well, I just checked my Shimano BB tool made by park against my Shimano HyperGlide cassette cracker and lockring and they are NOT compatible with each other.
wrong circumference, wrong number of teeth and spacing .

maybe sram? maybe sensah and microshift just went ahead and made both into one standard. that would make sense to do if you were starting from scratch like they did
how the fuck do i know whats a "good" bike when looking second hand?
assuming you're a noob, you don't. use the buy thread and /n/ will look through your Craigslist and explain what's good

Comfy Winter Edition

Old Thread: >>1938049
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I think it might be bugged, it just showed me three Narita Expresses coming to Tokyo within 2 minutes. And yes I did check, they all said 成田エクスプレス, and besides the only other use of E259 series is an occasional Odoriko which would be going in a different direction.
JR Central has issued a stop work order on their maglev Shinkansen as Gifu Pref. water levels around the construction site have gotten very low as a result of JR's tunneling. Local residents, rice farmers, local government are obviously upset:


Daily reminder (now former) Shizuoka Pref. governor was right all along and JR Central is doing their build out haphazardly and on the cheap. Why are these greedy fucks incapable of doing it properly? It really doesn't cost that much to hire a few extra hydrologists and understand what is going in the environment of where you want to build something. Say what you will about JRTT, but at least they're a scam to enrich the buyers of local politicians instead of JR Central's scam to defraud local governments for the benefit of their shareholders.
Huh, I thought the Sunrises passed each other somewhere closer to Ogaki, but no, less than one station from Maibara
The Train Crash That Exposed Japan’s Toxic Work Culture
Hiroshima's 'Atomic' Trams - Working Survivors of the 1945 Bomb

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>they used to serve McDonald's Happy Meals on United flights.
we used to be a real country
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>Back in the comfy days airfare was so expensive only quality white people could afford to fly, which is why things were so nice.
Not arguing this, but also remember a lot of things used to be included that aren't anymore. Seat selection wasn't a "luxury", almost everybody gave you at least 1 free bag, carry-ons were unregulated, priority boarding wasn't a thing, etc. Add all that on to your basic United economy fare and you'll find it works out to at least $600 round trip.

Now we have people who can't afford to be flying burning up what little savings they have because the priceline commercial told them that they and their 7 kids deserve a vacation, while making flying a living hell for literally everyone else involved.
>You need to inflate using %GDP
What does microsoft and google spending has to do with the affordability of air travel for the common man?
>Fucksake learn how capital, wages and profits work.
Marxist/Keynsian economists are the last people to listen to about economics.
I think you are overestimating the amount of additional cost for the services that have been monetized, but that has allowed the creation of a flying nigger class which opts out of those 'luxuries'. Still, when you look at the overall cost of tickets since 1990 has trended down, even as the cost of fuel has gone up, which of course is a major driver of cost. We are left with a cheaper, lower quality product; just like most things we buy today.
i'm always a little amazed at the way some corporates had their shit together to pull stuff like this off. putting out ads like "call any travel agent, tell them you want mcdonalds served to you right there on the plane, like a fucking maniac" and then it would actually happen.

i had the same thought and found $260 rt on UA ($110 on F9). airfare staying the same nominal price is an insane feature of the last half century
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>be me
>ride Amtrak for cross-country tour across the United States
>have lunch
>can't have a burger and fries

Explain yourselves Americans.

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Not polished yet: https://close.city/

It's an interactive map to show the best places for transportation and walkability.

The default is Grocery + Library which makes the map really really narrowly defined and there's no real way to weight the options, so I recommend disabling Library and/or using just one at a time. But it does an incredible job of highlighting walkability and would make a great tool for deciding where to develop or move
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Walkability and anti-car is a leftist ideology. But I'm actually positively surprised that even some rightoids are getting into it, even if they bring undesirable prejudiced opinions with them.
In the end, paving the way for more walkable, humane cities just like the old days is a conservative point, if anything. It's also progressive because it makes people more united and open-minded.

In the end, people complaining about the discourse are just a bunch of centrist neolibs who suck the dick of the status quo. And that includes (You).
Thankfully, just like every status quo sucker, you will be trampled by the zeitgeist. You people are in the wrong side of history
they're poor
I’m not anti-car, I just don’t want the government to FORCE people into using cars. Ergo we give all modes of transport equal priority and funding. That’s the best for the city’s transportation system and economy.
oh no no no no no zisters our ip theft honeypot got exposed again
I work from home so I don't care, I also hate cyclists when I'm driving and cars when I'm cycling.

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Do you wear a helmet while riding your bicycle?
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I rode with no helmet for years, and suddenly I got a "fast bike" and that sentiment changed.

People close to me nag the shit out of me when I just want to go for a cruise without a helmet. I know my path to work / neighbourhood, so it seems unreasonable.

But conversely, I'd be worried if they didn't wear one.
other than looking like a fag (you already do, you are riding a bicycle) i can't really think of a reason not to wear one.
but seriously, does anyone look cool riding a bike? maybe the one guy on the cover of that real volume where he is riding on the seaside but that is not real life. mr romance looks kinda cool, but he smokes so maybe that just cancels out the fact that he's riding a bike.
this is a nice setup.

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AA20, this locomotive has the most amount of driving wheels on a single rigid frame, 14 wheels

What are the most /n/ films?
For me its Kontroll, the hungarian masterpiece
>Opens with a budapest transit official say they were happy to help make this film, but please don't think it reflects on our actual service
>Entirely set in the subway
>Excellent soundtrack
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I remember seeing trailers for this and thinking it looked like unwatchable garbage. How was it?
>ctr+f pacific blue
>no hits
I saw it when it first came out. Still watch it on occasion.

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Confess your sins, /n/.
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For road I ride on the bike trail and I tend to mog half of the people since they don't take it seriously. Serious riders I can pass some of them on the flats, but I am 40 years younger, riding a 40 year old bike.

On the mtb I get wrekt when they climb faster then me. I have ridden on nicer bikes and it doesn't help as much as you think unless it has a motor, or you are actually riding bsos.
Something like a current 3k usd bike for sale at 2k would be plenty good. Or a used high spec bike from the 2000's found for under 500 can be damn fast.
You know how they say it's not the bike it's the engine? In practice there is no meaningful difference, nobody is putting a ferrari v12 into a pontiac aztek. If you see a geriatric riding a very expensive bike it's invariably either something weird like a calfee, or increasingly these days, it's just an ebike with some superficial "real bike" features like a bottle cage and maybe drop bars.
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>the world is full of guys on shitters with world tour tier physiology
>he doesn't know
>one guy
LMAO. If you commute and have at least some sort of mindset actually reality rather play put like this:
When spring comes around you start gapping lycrafags on crabon BSOs en masse on your coaster hub commuter with panniers. At the next light fred will catch up and blow the light only to be gapped again a few hundret meters down the road. Then theres police constantly harrassing you, searching for imaginary motors and dropping comments after not finding any.

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Space transportation general. Since spaceflight is increasing exponentially, since we are up to at least a launch per week and since we are days away from an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:

Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Starliner delay upgraded to indefinite.
What kind of technical issue could they be dealing with? It sounded like something was wrong with centaur, but It almost seems like it's more serious than that.
RCS leak in the service module. Can work around it instead of fixing, but they need to develop procedures to do that and NASA has to sign off on it. Maybe they do, maybe Boeing has to end up fixing it.
Texas DOT went on a camera bagging spree at Starbase. Looks like a crackdown on vehicle mounted live cams parked on the side of the road. Other cams on private property are safe. Maybe the number of car cams is getting out of hand. LP, NSF and WAI all have them and probably a few smaller channels too.
can you put "/stg/" in the title next time?

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/ck/ is having a meet up and /n/ is invited.
Yes you can walk or bike there from the Texrail station

Details here: >>>/ck/20472038 #
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No really, you can train and walk or bike there
i would ride metra through there from lisle so often that i forgot there was a warhammer shop steps away from the stop, the farmers market there sold me fish burger patties and they were really good.
Wish I knew, just the usual MBTA quality.
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This confuses and angers the American
What does the top part say? "Rent free"?
the bottom is a rough translation of the top
>be american
>rant about "europoors" 24/7 because only cucked men would drive through narrow medieval streets or something
>"europoor" makes one thread
you lot are so pathetic it's hilarious kek
>Rent free
it's a sign that reminds you to not be a commie
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>pic related: you

It disgusts me how today's so-called "cycling activists" are doing the work of the automotive lobby while thinking that they're the good guys.

Imagine if a bunch of politicians started pushing for a special residential area for a certain group, after having them habitually assaulted with weapons for many years. "We're terribly sorry about all the bloodshed but can't guarantee your safety, if you want to be safe, you have to go in this special place we designated for you".

That is what bike lanes are. We've tried "separate but equal". It doesn't work, because tyranny of the majority means a highly flexible definition of "equal".

People who have been riding bikes for many decades know what the game is. But zoomers and corona cyclists believe they know best. Instead of demanding justice, they demand segregation. Which is exactly what the automotive supremacists want.
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Daily reminder that the people who want to force you to use bike lanes for your own protection also curiously support summary executions for cyclists who don't obey they rules that they intentionally make impossible to follow
youre AGAINST bike lanes? the fuck are you smoking. its what needs to be done
every bike heavy country like germany and netherlands has bike lanes, its well tested
You mean the country that says my taillights can't blink or I'll be arrested? The country that says I'm not allowed to have a headlight stronger than the LED on my surge protector? Oh but those things are fine for cars.

>spoiler, yes, you are
>I used to bike by taking the lane and being assertive when I lived in Boston and got doored by a squatemalan and had a boomer follow me home and threaten to kill me.
I think the different here is the design of the roads and bike lanes as well as the people here. Some of the bike lanes here are just straight up designed retardedly, made by people who don't ride, created as an afterthought only to prevent another lawsuit against the city for unsafe infrastructure. Then you have the people who block the bike lanes on the street because they think it's delivery parking space, uber pickup/dropoff, or the same as the multi use path at the park with people slowly walking 2 to 3 abreast. The worst in "protected" bike lines is that it limits a biker's avenues of escape. There's right ways and wrong ways to build bike lanes but the politicians and planners here have shit for brains when it comes to proper bicycle infrastructure because they don't ride.

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