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>ramps everywhere inside the trains
That's because of accessibility regulations. Corail coaches are high floor, so they don't have that problem, but they make accessibility for wheelchairs (and prams for that matter) very difficult.
However I think trains should simply be mostly high-floor, with just one or two coaches with a low floor section. It would make for a more comfortable interior design, and likely be cheaper too, since you get a lot more space for the mechanical components.
Ride them while you still can anon.
>Pierre, how should we, cheaply, renovate the Corail interiors for our Ouigo Train Classique?
>I don't know Jacques, maybe we could change nothing and just add a few blue and pink stickers here and there?
>You are a genius, Pierre.
The sleeper corail coaches did get a proper modernization and are really nice. Frogs should restore more sleeper trains.
Couldn't agree more but SNCF really doesn't. Maybe ÖBB will save us and extend the Nightjet network into France.
25 or so years ago as a kid from bumfuck-nowhere (25,000 pop.), north-eastern France, I could take a direct Corail sleeper to anywhere on the Mediterranean coast for summer holidays. Now there's only the one service linking Paris with some minor cities deep in the Pyrenees.
>Ride them while you still can anon.
I will as long as Grand Est is keeping them on their TER services.

Still the most noble form of transportation is to be carried around by others, walking yourself is for plebs. Show us your palanquins then!
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Hey, even the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob got in on the act. The Ark of the Covenant was supposedly not only a box holding holy relics from the Exodus, but its gold lid (the "mercy seat") was where the Israelites believed the Spirit of the Lord hung out before they were able to build a proper Temple for Him. It was a palanquin for God, carried about on poles by priests.
Pic related. Although according to Exodus it was a bit bigger than this and carried by 12 dudes, not 4.
yeah, the Falasha of Ethiopia are supposedly one of the original tribes of Israel, there were originally 12 I think, I can't remember the name of the guy who the tribe is named after but supposedly he ended up with the arc of the covenant. real or no, they still have the fucker stashed in their temple, but they parade it around as your pic shows once a year on one of the high holy days.
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>pisses off lycrajews
>enrages four wheelers
>fun as hell, corners like a boss
>dont even need to break a sweat if i dont want to
>extremely practical, even in suburbia
>20 mile range, 20 mph limit
>not a waste of lithium like cars
i love dailying this thing
the other day i made a right turn onto a bike lane and some fogie in the other lane got spooked because he wasnt paying attention, at the next intersection he yells out "what about the rest of us??" and i yelled at him to kill himself repeatedly until the light turned green
pedestrians ask about it because its beautiful and has so much cargo space
i love exploring corners of my city that i would otherwise never go to
the only way it could get better is if it was more like a motorcycle
i would like to see a light electric motorcycle segment created for this kinda thing, maybe if i could go 35 mph for 30 miles
right now electric motorcycles tend to just be niche or try to be too similar to conventional motorcycles and have too high a barrier to entry because theyre legislated the same way as a 100 mph 400 lb machine
i love going zoom zoom on an ebike, even in the rain

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But it looks gay
Ive seen similar in my town. The chic green mommys like the 20" wheel bikes for easy on off.

Aventon makes a great fuckhuge 700c ebike its a tank. Seen boomers ride it pn my railtrail.

Im tall the only non 700c wheel e bike I can fit is a Sun Etrike which rides on 24s I think.
>looks gay
lol, you mean it is gay, motorized anything are for the weaks and disabled. Human powered purity
Doesn't matter when it's so god damn fun
Almost crashed it today taking a corner too tight, I fucking love leaning it as far as it wants to let me and leaning off the bike like I'm racing motoGP
>i need to portray myself as based even though i am just an obese unfit incel

Streets were made for people. Bikes, buses, pedestrians, and streetcars belong on our roads. Personal cars do not.
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>The idea that they've all moved out to the suburbs and run the cities as some kind of Disneyland is a uniquely American and wrong idea.
Don't believe your lying eyes.
Step 1: Ban cars!
>He has to cherry-pick the single most geographically constrained city in the world otherwise his argument falls apart
A few things anon. First, the entry fee is primarily targeted at cruise passengers because the cruise lines just dump 50k people a day into the city during the daylight hours. These people don't contribute much to the local economy and the ships literally damaged the city's foundations just docking and undocking. This points more to how shitty mass-market cruises are for the ports of call rather than any failure of cities that aren't built on automobile dependence.

Second, this is only a major problem for Venice in because the city center of Venice is geographically and architecturally constrained in a way that no other city is. Naples, Genoa, Pisa, Barcelona, etc. don't have this issue despite getting just as many cruise ships, because they're not built on a bunch of tiny islands in the middle of a lagoon and also aren't as constrained by building size for new construction. I'd bet you money that Venetians are moving to the mainland more because it's a pain in the ass to have your streets regularly flood every year and the cost of building and maintaining houses on stilts directly over saltwater is fucking astronomical.
I’ve been to pedestrian streets all over the world where delivery and emergency vehicles were allowed. Gets all the heavy lifting done and pedestrians are prioritized, no need for personal vehicles.
>Has to cheery-pick one of the least common uses for automobiles: Transportation of goods that would otherwise be impossibly to transport by carrying on foot, on a bicycle, cart, barrow, trailer etc.
ITT: One forced argument after another, in between fallacies.
Per ejemplo:
Historical argument. Somehow the past situation is an indicator for what is objectively better now ?
Appeal to authority. Also bilding and maintaining the same infrastructure but banning private use of cars by (potentially) healthy and able bodied people and capping the pace of all cripple-mobiles to walking pace and outfitting those with all sorts of collision avoidance tech would not be 'anti-bike' in any way.
Yeah sure. Sitting in the middle of the street. Sure >>1997018 was actually all about his right to sitting in the middle of the street.
Collectives. Wow. Is the collective now objectively relevant too ?
Parks do not span from place A to place B and this guy knows it.

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A guy with a very high fitness level and a bike touring experience, on a recumbent diy ebike, won a race practically against an ebike spaceship (a velomobile adapted to be sun-powered).

It appears that the main factor to win the competition were the top speed limit for the motor assisting and the fitness level of the competitors. THIS IS MY TAKE. Maybe i'm completely wrong.

I think this thing is worth watching.

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see >>1998319
>Wondered about the case of jack.
He had less mechanical problems and better luck with the weather.
I don't know. According to his early numbers he rode his bike 17 hours more than Jean-Marc (who, btw, did 500 more km just to avoid climbs)
i mean, the rece lasted 24 days. if you stop 15 minutes earlier than the time limit every day, it's 6 hours that you lose over the curse of the race. if you take off your jacket in the morning, pack it in bags and take it off every evening, and if this operation takes 2 minutes: it's almost 1 hour of riding that you are missing.
i guess the main focus of ultra racing is managing to stay focused for SO FREAKING LONG.
Imagine committing yourself to piss only once a day for 24 days. and imagine doing the same for a million different micro things.
Yeah I've been reading the analysis:
I don't know why JM avoided climbs so much, especially given the only time he took the same route as Jack he nearly matched him for time on one of the steepest climbs. Lack of confidence?
his Velomobile was 70kg with no load or rider.
i think JM built a system very efficient for when there is sun, for when there is front wind and for when there is now wind.
terrible in side wind, ineffective in rear wind and so heavy that going uphill is almost entirely based on batteries.

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Do you enjoy any /n/ games, like city builders and tycoons?
>picrel OpenTTD, the best transportation game
If not a game, what software would you use to make model junctions and rail systems? /diy/ has solidworks, autocad, etc. Unironically a dumb game like OpenTTD seems to be the best option for exercising what you learn in your hobby, at least for free (so, not including real model railways.) It's also just fun as fuck.
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Tour de France on the current gen xbox is GOAT.
Did they ever fix this game or is it still so broken with passenger numbers (ie low vehicle capacity and extremely high demand)?
Especially trams were literally unusable. Did they even test it before release? ffs
Hm, nah that's still an issue. I noticed it with planes. In Summe cities I have 100 people waiting at the airport, while planes during earlier game seat 10-15. But that becomes less of an issue with more modern planes.
this is their 3rd go at making a game that doesn't ship so broken they give up on it, and they've announced the final patch, so maybe by transport fever 5 or so they will learn how to make games
The game is fine.

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Why are there no container ports for the Great Lakes, like there are on the East and West coasts of North America?
Why is it only used for bulk cargo at the moment?
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Meds. Now
Not samefagging, this is just some sad terminally online bikefag who thinks they’re the sheriff of /n/ and has to have the last word in or his fragile ego will fracture.
Well stop engaging with them and stop bumping. This is a slow board.

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any tip, pic, possibly shit like sawed off dropbars, or bullhorn made with bar ends?
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Youre being taken for a ride numb nuts
just get drops, aero position without easy brake access is bad news
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Where I live, this is called "The Asian Flip". You see it a lot around campus & their neighborhoods.

>upside to flipping road bars?
Raises the bars, but doesn't require installing a longer stem. Makes for a more casual riding position.
Ritchey comp ergomax

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That the track is narrower? That it's elevated (chicago already has elevated trains)?
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I love that building but's a real shame they ruined most of the rooms and mid century theming in favor of (literally) slapping an Incredibles theme overtop a downgrade of every aspect of the overall experience. Glad I got to stay there back in 2013, they had some decent plans pre-pandemic and then went as cheap as possible for one of the most expensive properties. The main concourse is also a cramped joke. Speaking of they're building a big DVC concrete box next to the Polynesian and I'm sure they'll do the bare minimum theming.

While I'm ranting they no longer do cross platform transfers at TTC (i.e. Kingdom to Epcot track) which is just fuckin stupid.
Everything about WDW has been going slowly downhill since the mid-late 2000s, sucks but the change in management has not been kind to the company. Makes Eisner's reign look good by comparison.
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I think the main appeal of Monorail in a post-futurama largely car dependent America was that image of sleek futuristic and quiet trains running through existing cityscape. Cheapish concrete fabrication and manageable construction costs compared to the astronomical environmental review and red tape of today. Hell Seattle's Monorail just kept ballooning in cost every year it dragged on. No idea if LA's monorail would have worked out either had they gotten to actually building it. While I was in Taiwan it was hilarious how they just blasted these huge elevated MRT lines through Urban areas, very blade runner but at least I can get where I'm going.

Preaching to the choir here. I've never been directly involved in parks or attractions but I grew up in A/V and entertainment, hell Grandpa worked on D'land in 55 and a lot of the tech crew in Anaheim are from my home town. For all of his faults Eisner at least had vision, now there's so much blatant bullshit. I'm amazed Joe Rohde is coming back after all this, it's appalling how bad even regular maintenance is now.
Hey, the new guys have their vision too, Six Flags-ifying the parks.
Seems like a vision that's totally bereft of ambition, creativity, and accountability.
Why does anyone line up when they propose this vision?

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I'd like to buy whoever invented the thru-axle a beer. It's a fantastic invention and I have no idea how it manages to be so good. It makes replacing a wheel so much nicer than fucking qr skewers.
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solid-axle > qr > thru-axle
I was going to buy a giant but I got ignored when I walked into the giant authorized dealer near me so I just ordered a canyon on the internet and called it a day
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You overthought it trying to own people...

The way you determine what size thru axle you need is you measure the old one.
My lbs has last years tcr (the bronze flake and blue one) for 1990 isd.

I think canyon and giant are the best values. I know canyon is in the pro Peloton but there are no dealers nearby where I can take a joyride.

If I literally didnt just spend 150 bucks on tires and chain for my AL frame carbon fork Poseidon triton id have bought it.
Doesn't work if you've lost the old one. Which I imagine would be the most common cause cause to need a new one. I don't imagine TAs break a whole lot.

Grew up on 90s MTBs in the 00s, fell for the fixie meme around high school and college '10s, and now that I have $$$ I really don't care for peak performance Road nor MTB. I just want to cruise around the same dirt roads and trails around me in no rush. I had a gravel bike, it was okay. I saw what you guys meant by being under biked.

Money sorta isn't an issue and for the first time ever I can afford high end shit, but instead of listing after the latest full suspension trail bike or high end proper gravel bike, I just want some old school and as simple as possible.... but capable of mild trails and dirt roads.
I had some trek with 35mm tires. A Giant Fathom 29er.... KHS Zaca... Cannondale F400 I just get bored and want something different, not necessarily/better/

None of my friends care to ride. I don't like group rides. I Don't like riding on the street.

What should I get?

It has to be all black and I'll put on a Brooks saddle.
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I remember in officer school when we had to do a 8 hour patrol on those bicycles, wasn't a lot of fun with the minimal sleep I got. Damn you Ordonnanzrad.
that is an absolute garbage bike, you have been scammed. For the money you could have converted your own and had 5x better components
Wabi thunder

Also fucking kys prick
You have ridden classic steel. Go to carbon.

I suggest a Salsa Warbird C. Frameset is 2199. Full builds go from 3350 to 7500 usd.

Youll fly down those trails in carbon comfort.

Share your ride, ask for advice, shitpost about 'em, so and on and so on.

All posters with pedal less monstrosities like Sur Ron's will be summarily executed.
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That would be my next comment/question: regulation is mostly a dream. But not to be evasive, it would keep your average dummy from hurting most people. Probably a net positive. But I don't want anything to hinder a car replacement. First step of that is stay just below the line of regulation.
>Retards think their electric bikes are reducing their carbon footprint
Nah but it does help when I have a 25mph head wind with 35mph gusts riding back home from a day of work in the office.
>daily ebike thread
>4 months old
Retards think they know what I care about or think

Not an ebike rider but even if I were you’d still be wrong

Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets you

The only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that point

Also discuss wheels and stuff
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I have silver everything on my bike but when I built the front wheel, the spokes I wanted only came in black so I sanded them down to silver. also the levers on the brifters, same deal. eventually they polished up, took forever. figured the spokes would go quickly but they took forever, too. no regrets, though
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So I hit a rock going downhill at about 35mph and I felt it bottom out. Hookless, so that's a bonus. I see sprayed sealant on my frame and a weird spatter mark of sealant on the sidewall, so it looks like it burped a little, but no impact damage on the rim. It would be visible, right guys? I can just keep riding?
every time i see a post like this i'm glad i stuck to innertubes, and i say as much, and several people call me an idiot.
Complicated. At that range you're racing and either going lightweight or aero. If aero, CF is a complete no brainer.

If you're a dirt eater disregard that, I don't suck dirt.
You just suck cager exhaust fumes.
Although that must have improved a bit lately with increased popularity in electric cars.

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If you want help picking out a bike, post your height, what you will use the bike for, and a link to your local craigslist.

>I want to buy a new bike. What should I watch out for?
Don't buy Wal-Mart garbage.
Don't buy department store garbage.
Beware of amazon and alibaba garbage.

>Should I buy from Bikes Direct?
If you are clueless enough that you need to ask, no. If you have no mechanical ability, no. If the alternative is walmart, maybe. Ask first.

>I want to buy a used bike. What should I watch out for and where should I buy?

Craigslist is good for old bikes. Pinkbike.com/buysell is good for used modern mid- to high- end mountain bikes.
Ask in /bbg/ if uncertain.

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By the way, I asked about a 29", not a 27.5" toddler bike.
>wagon wheel posting
sir.... fat bikes have 4.0in tires. OTOH that is bordering rigid mtb territory with how large the knobs are.
Anything over 50mm with large knobs is a mtb.
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Well first off, rude as fuck. Second it's literally normal ass MTB tire sizes. Third you did not specify tire sizes. Fourth you can still put 700c wheels in there. Fifth your requirements are niche and retarded. Sixth fuck you I was trying to help you, you moose
I currently have no bike, but have moved to an area with amazing bikability.

I think it would be best to buy a bicycle in person, at a store that will also service and maintain the bike.

I am looking for a hybrid, due to a broken wrist a few years ago I can't use the road bike style handles and positioning comfortably.

The brands in my area of Korea are
Samchully (local brand)

Decathlon is only in the capital city, and that's on the other side of the country from me.

I'm looking to spend roughly $1000. I intend to ride a 6km journey to work daily, and then use it for recreational and fitness riding on the weekends on the beautiful "bike path of death" by the Taehwa River. The name was given to the path 20 years ago when it was an ecological disaster, but now it's a beautiful nature reserve with otters, ferrets, raccoon dogs and many water birds.

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is your bussy on onlyfans?

So it happened again, we can blame tactics, workers, management but we simply aren't good enough.
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If only there were whistleblowers willing to take the aircrafts' faults public.
The airline name says it all. It wanted to join the 40%
I suppose you could say he will be a Spirit very soon heh
> plane falls 6000 ft in 4 minutes
That probably wasn't a 4 minutes downdraft.
More likely pilots staring at the cockpit without knowing what's going on, pretty much a la Air France 447.
Modern pilots can't recover from a stall. They can't even identify it.
Maybe having flight schools filled with rich fucks with no vocation (of which half are rich arabs) was not a good idea.

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