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Post Your Bike Thread
Slow Roll Spring Edition

Previous Edition
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Electrically actuated bicycle brakes when?
what's the advantage over nice dual-pivots?
They're retarded light and retarded expensive. The silver pair I have are from aliexpress. They were 140 for the pair but I guess they wen't up. Let's see if I'm still alive in 6 months.
so, lightweight but not particularly better braking performance?
count me out .
A common (validated) worry with truly lightweight brakes is actually that some braking performance has been sacrificed on the most retarded altar of marginal gains. You want nice stiff brake arms that can transfer leverage.

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No thanks commie faggot, I don't fuck with (((mandatory purchase of auto insurance))) and (((registering your vehicle.))) I carry a gun with me wherever I go.
>pic related, your stupid trailer trash ass
Oh, and:
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Why does this line still exist?
just in case
There were some old rich retirees along it, plus the Delaware Valley rail passengers whatever association fighting to keep it.
For the record, I think it should still run, but it's hobbled by infrequent service and doesn't go far enough since the area north of Cynwyd is a trail. Its days are numbered to whenever that bridge over Zoo shits the bed.

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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i rode to the gas station for ice cream
I love eating ice cream on rides.
good for you.
what kind?
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New Apartments Edition

Discuss transportation, zoning and walkability improvements in your city or nationwide.
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this is globalhomo trannyspace
>Glad to see the stadium moving downtown, but stadiums aren’t a great return for the public via taxes.
The idea of a stadium is that takes up space that wasn't gaining a lot of tax dollars in the first place and generates demand for the land around it. The idea of "just build apartment blocks in empty parking lots bro" is a flawed idea that doesn't work if you actually think about it.
It's good to see KC doing downtown redevelopment. We have a bit of that going on over in Olathe too. Our downtown is like 1 block, but it's slowly transforming from a sea of bail bonds businesses and government offices into a proper downtown. They've added bike lanes, slowed traffic, built apartments, a new library, and are slowly selling off office buildings for restaurants.
As usual, urbanists cannot talk about a city other than KC or Houston
I think it's a bot

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This thread is for talking about railways, and things related to railways, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Trips, tracks, tickets, trains and stations, they're all good - making up rules is boring so let's just be normal. Questions are, of course, most welcome.

If you feel like travelling, head over to National Rail Enquiries (nationalrail.co.uk/); tell it where you're leaving from and where you're going to, and it'll tell you how you're going to get there; then it'll hand you over to a train operator to buy a ticket. The golden rule is that it doesn't matter which train operator you buy a ticket from, as they'll all sell you a ticket from anywhere to anywhere, for the same price. If you're a visitor from overseas, your best option is probably Trainline (thetrainline.com/) - they charge a booking fee on top of the ticket price, but they'll accept just about any payment card. There's also trip.com/, who are apparently a 'thing' with overseas students: I've not used these myself, so please speak up with any thoughts.

Here's a few links:
~The Man in Seat 61 (seat61.com/) - easily the best rail travel resource out there.
~Geoff Marshall (youtube.com/@geofftech2) - Likes trains. Mostly harmless.
~A Visual History of Railway Rolling Stock in Great Britain (gaelan.me/br-stock/)
~Realtimetrains (realtimetrains.co.uk/) - live train timetables: ideal for keeping on top of ETAs and platforms.
~TIGER (tiger.worldline.global/home/) - live station departure boards.
~Traksy (traksy.uk/live/) - live signalling information.
~Openrailwaymap (openrailwaymap.org/) - railway infrastructure, mapped.

What's happening?
~Phase One of High Speed 2 (Birmingham-London): hs2.org.uk/

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>Senior leaders, infrastructure experts, engineers, and operations specialists from the East Coast Partnership boarded a 09:00 LNER service between Edinburgh Waverley and London King’s Cross for the networking event known as the Coffee Cup Run. While travelling at 125 mph along the East Coast route, the teams from Network Rail, LNER, Hitachi Rail and Northern Trains assess the journey and identify potential issues which may impact performance, reliability, and safety. Once identified, the cross-industry group then works collaboratively to develop and deliver solutions. More than a dozen improvements were identified and actioned after last year’s journey.
>The annual Coffee Cup Run is a revival of an earlier concept, also on the East Coast Route, to simply place a cup of coffee on a train table and see how much the cup moves, or the coffee spills, which provides engineers with a basic indication of track quality. Key decision makers from across the industry then work together to share plans, best practice, and ways of further enhancing performance.
>Things are a bit more sophisticated these days however - throughout the journey, engineers onboard use cutting edge on-train monitoring systems and information livestreamed from the train’s forward facing and pantograph CCTV cameras to identify issues which could affect ride quality and safety. The information, along with ideas generated on the day, are then acted upon.

I'm glad that the company 'uses their own product' ... laughing at the idea of someone having to waddle on board heaving a monitor, power & data cables wound around their neck and arms, warily plugging an extension lead into a power socket, etc
Kek, absolute classic
Victim mentality
I love Liverpool Street: it reminds me of a greenhouse, in a good way, or your retired, slightly-upper-class neighbours' conservatory.
>Why did postwar station architects have such a hostility towards trainsheds?
Trainsheds trap pollution, and when the station isn't on an electrified route, it rapidly builds up to be really nasty. Steam was terrible for that, and diesels aren't great either.
Keeping the train in the open air avoids a lot of that (or shoves it into the air for the rest of us to breathe in; your pick).

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/bbg/ Bike Building General
"I'm not paying Park for a fucking bike stand, or cleaning my shed" Edition.

A place to ask questions, and to share tips & resources. Post your projects, your finished & in-process builds, restorations, etc.

Barnett's Bicycle Repair Manual - https://www.flwlib.org/DocumentCenter/View/2461/Bike-Repair
UCSB Associated Students Bike Shop Manual (2022) - https://bikeshop.as.ucsb.edu/files/2021/08/AS-BIKE-SHOP-WEB-MANUAL.pdf
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Technical Info - https://www.sheldonbrown.com/
Bike parts, tools, etc. - https://www.universalcycles.com/


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If you only need 1 or 2 parts then yes, new or ebay is sometimes your only option.
It's 2024 and dick brakes is all that's being produced anymore thus rim brake parts of any kind will be dwindling. Eventually the parts will go the way of downtube shifters where only a couple brands make new stuff.

Modern chinese stuff seems decent enough.
I got basic bitch 3x7 mtb trigger shifters that are just cloned 90s tech that the patent ran out on from a no-name chinese company for $12 off scamazon . they work pretty great. not sure how they'll hold up long term, though. stems, posts, and bars by zoom or uno off ali seem fine, too. got possibly bootleg microshift brifters there for like $50. they're working well.
the answer is China. Japan ain't making money on that stuff anymore and China is filling in the gaps.
Redpill me on PAUL components.

What's the deal? They look nice, but fuck me, why so expenny? They don't perform braking any better than stuff that costs 1/100th of the price.

What gives.
Autist bling for people who want something besides framesets and wheels to sperg over. You had the money for Dura Ace but you need to show everyone that you know the One Cool Trick Big Cycling Doesn't Want You To Know. Like sure you could get hydraulic brakes that work better than any mech shit or or hey what about... what if instead of addressing the real problem (cables) we just came up with an extremely expensive and labor intensive "hack" that isn't better, but it looks bad ass.

Basically if you are the kind of weirdo who hand compiles gantoo every morning for your MBP with 16 cores and 48 GB of RAM, which you then use for shitposting on /g/, you should have Paul shit on your bike.
fancy old school components milled out of aluminum billets is my guess, oh in america too.
My dad has some on his fat chance and they are nice.... but it's bling.

That's also why their parts get copied on ebay or aliexpress, it's bling so most people just want the look.

Still the most noble form of transportation is to be carried around by others, walking yourself is for plebs. Show us your palanquins then!
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Hey, even the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob got in on the act. The Ark of the Covenant was supposedly not only a box holding holy relics from the Exodus, but its gold lid (the "mercy seat") was where the Israelites believed the Spirit of the Lord hung out before they were able to build a proper Temple for Him. It was a palanquin for God, carried about on poles by priests.
Pic related. Although according to Exodus it was a bit bigger than this and carried by 12 dudes, not 4.
yeah, the Falasha of Ethiopia are supposedly one of the original tribes of Israel, there were originally 12 I think, I can't remember the name of the guy who the tribe is named after but supposedly he ended up with the arc of the covenant. real or no, they still have the fucker stashed in their temple, but they parade it around as your pic shows once a year on one of the high holy days.
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am i retarded how is this possible
this doesnt seem sustainable in the long term
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,,,,jump to26;00
I work for a mid-tier carrier as customer support, traps are gay, any other questions?
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any trip that can be replaced by an electric train should be. end of discussion.

>cycling on sidewalks is... le misdemeanor!
>you should drive on the streets with a speed limit under 50 km/h
name a more braindead law than this, jesus fucking christ
99% of people riding bicycles do it all their life
I am convinced the only reason this law exists is so that the ONE time some cop(s) with nothing better to do blocks your path, they can milk you for fines and report all your personal info to the big brother system

the whole fucking point of a bicycle is that you are not a car and that you can go places cars cannot, but carbrained lawyers the want to regulate the shit out of it for some reason, even in le walkable non-carbrained EU city

fuck I'm so pissed off right now
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You tell me, you're the one shitting yourself with rage at the concept of riding a bicycle on infrastructure that you paid for, oh wait you're a NEET so you don't pay for anything
Cyclist should give way to pedestrians, like cars should give way to cyclists. When I see a ped, I get off the sidewalk, pass at walking speed, or dismount and stand still to trim up to my half of sidewalk, in that order.

Sad thing is 70% of people are terrified leap off the sidewalk, which I beg them not to do and apologize and tell them that's their sidewalk, and I know that, and don't take this any shit from sidewalk riders.
>I just give them a fake name
You'll be asked to give your ID afterwards which will expose you as a liar that is obstructing the job of law enforcement officials
Enjoy your felony
>What kind of totalitarian hell hole do you live in where you are expected to produce documents for anything other than a motor vehicle?
this should be the end of the discussion

Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets you

The only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that point

Also discuss wheels and stuff
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Been wanting a dynamo/touring wheelset, but I'm not super certain on what rim I want to use. I want something and wide, so the Velocity Cliffhanger looks like it fits the bill, and velomine has this set for pretty cheap even though I'd be getting a new hub and spokes for the front, which would still be cheaper than building my own set from scratch completely.
Are there any other (maybe cheaper) options? I'd re-use my rims but someone reamed the fuck out of the valve hole and now they're too big for a schrader to presta adapter even. I also have some wide 28h rims, but I don't see any 28h dynamos for a comparable price to the Shimano dh-3n72. I didn't particularly want to spend $300 on a SON hub.
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>nooooo every wheel has to be solid black with black spokes you're not allowed to have color or personality
I'm planning a rebuild and I want to alternate my spokes black and silver, silver hub, black rim. My plans are to convert my coaster brake only cruiser's ultra wide 32mm 584 rims to a front drum and fixed gear rear
I have silver everything on my bike but when I built the front wheel, the spokes I wanted only came in black so I sanded them down to silver. also the levers on the brifters, same deal. eventually they polished up, took forever. figured the spokes would go quickly but they took forever, too. no regrets, though
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So I hit a rock going downhill at about 35mph and I felt it bottom out. Hookless, so that's a bonus. I see sprayed sealant on my frame and a weird spatter mark of sealant on the sidewall, so it looks like it burped a little, but no impact damage on the rim. It would be visible, right guys? I can just keep riding?

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Riding a bike in a way that causes harm to others to be treated the same as murder under new UK laws.

>'Cycling where people are walking needs to be done responsibly' Said Rishi Sunak, 'And people who put the lives of other people at risk should know that the full force of the law will be used to punish the, should they cause harm to others', the PM added - 'Cycling may be good for the climate, but dangerous cyclists are a menace and this new law is long overdue.' - The law change comes after a spate of fatalities involving cyclists and pedestrians, including the death of 6 year old Hannah Dobbs in 2023, who was struck and killed by a man on a mountain bike as she walked home from school.

Everyone hates cyclists, even environmentalists, who themselves are vile, despise the two wheeled cretins. 14 year jail sentences inbound.
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Okay but can we please first jail all the cagers ? Their activity is highly dangerous and always harmful, at least indirectly, to others per se, and unnecessarily so.

>Under the change, dangerous cyclists could face up to 14 years in prison.

sounds based
I really wish he died in that crash.
You act like it won't turn out the same way automobile fatalities turn out.
>Your honour, the defense agrees the victim was struck by the bicycle operated by the defendent.
>Yes, prosecutor, but for the hundredth time what's your evidence the defendant was cycling 'dangerously'?
>Your honour, the defense agrees that the....
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>but for the hundredth time what's your evidence the defendant was cycling 'dangerously'?
Assault bicycle speaks for itself...

Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
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youre moms a walmart bike
SE bikes are pretty much only operated by juvenile delinquents in those summertime "flash mobs" that ride around crashing into people and generally being obnoxious in groups too large for the police to try to do anything about. They're also almost all nonwhites too.

I'm not saying you shouldn't like them but it's kinda surreal seeing /n/ nut over this thing when you guys are hostile to anything counterculture-ish, unabashedly racist, and generally not in favor of anything that isn't pushed by the mainstream instagram algorithm towards the 25-35 year old white male incel demographic
It's like your first day on this place
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what on earth are you going on about
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My heart is so full of love for all you here

Especially the bacon horse man

Thank you

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Here is mine:

Just do it:
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新世紀エヴァンゲリオン OST MISATO Neon Genesis Evangelion [ピアノ]
『Bling-Bang-Bang-Born』EASY to EXPERT PIANO COVER
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YOU DON'T MESS AROUND WITH JIM | Low Bass Singer Cover | Geoff Castellucci

Sir Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye ERB

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I am considering getting one of these things, but the price is keeping me back, and some of the constraints, e.g.: wheels, proprietary parts, expensive accessories, etc...

The thing that keeps me orbiting towards a Brompton instead of the countless chinkshit knockoffs is the reputation. It seems everyone has mods, solutions, know-how to how to get the best out of the Brompton.

So what's your take /n/?
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>I don't mod, I ride
Based. Even tho i do have some minor modifications on my bike but you have my uttermost respect. I do think it is kinda lame that some people modify their bikes way too much to the point their bromptons are no longer bromptons.
I've noticed in Singapore, Vietnam and maybe Taiwan, there is a big Brompton modding scene. I don't mind it honestly.

Then there is the Dutch and Scottish modding guys, putting on 20 inch wheels, with disc brakes, Rohloffs, belt-drives and so on. I agree, it loses it's spirit.


The thing I love though is that because it's so universal, parts for it are relatively easy to come by, with solutions to some inherent design flaws. I will get the decathlon rollerblade wheels to make it roll better.

I am thinking of modding the front wheel so it has a Son28, having a dynamo light is a big help.
Is it even worth to buy used brompton (assume it is the recent year model & average good condition if not pristine open-box), if yes, what's the approximate resell value? 60-80%
>Get some various new advertisement of C-Type, high handlebar, 6-speed, back rack & dynamo light for €1600-1900 (one even includes front rack bag).
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Well, yeah. It's not like you can break them easily. That's why they hold value as they are good second hand buys.
OP here, in Scandinavia, 2nd hands hold such value there is no point to get anything other than a brand new one. It's crazy.

Do you wave to other riders?
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I just nod in a non committal way and assume they saw the quality, rarity and desirability of my custom built fillet brazed 90s mtb decked out with Chris King, Ringle and Gravity Research
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>mini velo family
spotted yesterday
meme magic is real
look at all that wasted space between the bikes. a car would be much more efficient
I live in Florida, the only other riders are the homeless. Best not to make eye contact.
I always lift my fingers for others on similar bikes. Exceptions: I'm climbing, I'm on a grandpa bike.

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