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6 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
Haim Saban, creator of PR, is the most stereotypical jew possible
sometimes when i dont have a drink of that purple, ivan itch
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Same energy

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Can you recommend me experimental films not weighted down by sexy female bodies?
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Buh bye.
Reading in the dark or low light is terrible for your eyes
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>Can you recommend me experimental films not weighted down by sexy female bodies?
robocop 3 and the star wars holiday special. also water world.

General Grievous is my favorite because he has 4 lightsabers
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General Grievous is my favorite when he has 2 lightsabers.
Well, Obi-Wan kinda forgot abut the force
try to pry apart the claws of an assembly line robot
Why wasn't he made out of that metal that shorts out light sabers?

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>wine prank show
>they think they're drinking a Beaujolais Nouveau
>it's actually a Pinot
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this is the best thread I've seen in ages
Thank you, i work hard on these
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What are some movies filmed and written in a way where you know what you're watching is obvious propaganda?
most characters written by women are just self inserts.... even if they make zero sense in the show/movie
>Any movie where a character slightly homophobic is secretly gay. It's usually written or directed by a fag (American Beauty is one example)
>Any movie made by Jews about how anti-semites are evil and Jews are enlightened and never do wrong (Al Pacino's Merchant of Venice; American History X)
>Any movie that preaches "save the environment" messages, especially if there is a native american allegory (Avatar)
>Any movie where a 5'2, 100 pound woman is a bad ass and beats up multiple men twice her size
>Any movie where most of the characters are niggers and they don't speak in ebonics
>Movies where racism against whites is played for laughs (Bullet Train)

Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Jewess edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

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251 replies and 45 images omitted. Click here to view.
No one here can give you an informed opinion without knowing how exactly each of them looks.
The 1080p one could simply be a horrible washed out upscale of the 720p version in the first place, in which case it makes no sense to go with it. And if it isn't, the type of encoding says way more about the quality than the bitrate. Or what if the 720p is itself an upscaled VHS rip, just without any compression?
Way too many variables.
Just compare the two versions if you have them. Or at least post screencaps if you're unable to do so yourself, for whatever reason.
>temples have started receding
Temples receding? As in ... the sides of your upper head are caving into your skull? That sounds terrifying.
she's perfection who is it
guy maddin is closest you can get
It’s vile nooooo!!! Don’t mention it I can’t handle it!!!!

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I want to buy physical copies of a few of my favorite Disney animated films. Pic somewhat related but there are others.

What's better, the Diamond or Signature edition of the movies? I've read conflicting info.
get pussy
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Silence, marketer!
>If I use a generic Disney pic and make a generic post, I get no replies
>If I make a catchy image and carefully worded post, I’m a marketer
There’s just no winning.

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Movies where people get digested alive?
Creepshow 2
The Blob
Foreverial tied up and loving it

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Only snobs hate this scene.
A good burger is amazing.
Not some fast food slop or pretentions shit like Gordon Ramsey.
A good burger tastes like happiness.
not united statian btw
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roasted potatoes in olive oil are not French fries dipshit
>contains no cheese
beat the shit out of him and take his burger
I know, I was responding to Harrelson's comment about octopus being fine dining.
Are americans embarassed of burgers?
A good burger is fucking good

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>watching movies on x1.75
anyone else do this or am i weird?
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except I can't stand the sound
only thing I watch sped up are silent films
Some people do it without even knowing. Older shows in syndication get played at slightly higher speeds as the older run times didn't allow for the modern standard amount of ads.
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>TV channel edits your kino to fit ad breaks
Watch movies you know well at 2x in a non native language you want to learn, and the closed captions set to another language you have already learned. 4d checkers. I know kung fu.
Just take Adderall and watch at 3x , you can watch Lawrence of Arabia in about 1 hour.

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lust isn't love
co-dependency isn't love
Co-dependency is literally what kept every single successful relationship in human history going.
its the closest I'll ever get
Not if you get aids first!
Holy shit it’s actually real. I had no idea he was even gay. Or the other guy from Supernatural. I’m shocked.

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Has there ever been a franchise that significantly changed its focus or themes from what it was originally about?
Jurassic Park
Fast and the Furious
Pirates of the Caribbean
Just off the top of my head.
45 replies and 11 images omitted. Click here to view.
Really proving my point here, aspie.
>At this point, yes
Oh great, so it'll be the seventh film where to go to some nature reserve, kek. How dare they go from an island to the Alps?
>Lamentations of the uncreative
Really fucking creative, kek.
>All these words to say nothing
Any words will roll off your head because you're autistic and incapable of arguing.
>Let's do the same shit again!
>That's repetitive

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No, we saw dinosaurs in snow too, it was cool.
The T. rex in Lost World is already fucking stupid, thoughever.

>people really thought this was deep in the 90's
It's like subtly didn't exist until the 2010's / A24.
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i love the scene in whatever jennifer connely movie it is where she's on her knees getting a hot cum facial and looks super displeased, and then the guy hands her a tissue from out of frame. is that this movie?
I had stretch marks on my back in my late teens and early 20s because I had a very fast growth spurt

From the time it came out a lot of people thought it was tryhard, with the string music, etc. It's alright. Better than the shitty book, holy fuck.
I always wondered why people that want to get high on opiates don’t just go to methadone clinics and sign up for treatment. Maybe even go to several clinics until you’re fucking blasted; and just make that a daily thing. My fallback plan if I ever lose everything and it’s either homelessness or ??? Is that I’m just going to call 911 and say I’m suicidal because I JUST CAN’T QUIT FENTANYL! And then (here in my state) they are required by law to hold me for a psych evaluation for 72 hours, but if you keep telling them you’re gonna kill yourself they extend it to 14 days…then I don’t know what happens, but let’s say they kick you out on the 14th day, you can just walk over to the ER and say you’re going to kill yourself and then do it all over again.

I had a friend who was held for 72 hours but he was actually suicidal, and when I went to go visit him I was very impressed with how nice the psych ward was. He said he had his own bed and that they would feed him like steak and mashed potatoes for dinner and breakfast was pancakes and scrambled eggs with bacon, along with a roast beef sandwich and really good mac n cheese for lunch in real large amounts. He said they give you so much food because antipsychotics make you like insanely hungry and when you take them and then eat all you wanna do is sleep. Fuck, that sure sounds better than tarping fucking flatbeds in negative degree weather in Wyoming and then eating ramen in my truck at a truck stop where it’s so fucking cold and scary I can’t even sleep. I really don’t understand why homeless people don’t just do that instead of sleeping on a sidewalk. Just don’t get it.
Ive been to a "behavioral health clinic" which is just a nice way to say psych ward for suicide twice and the first one was in florida and it fucking sucked. They had a barracks like room for everyone and a shared shower and the food was terrible. The second time I went I was in Indiana and it was much better. The food was amazing (they had a salad bar, Salmon, Steaks, turkey and all kinds of good stuff) and I got my own room with it's own bathroom and shower. The day room was just a bunch of couches and a large TV they just put movies on all day. It was incredibly boring and made me want to kill myself.

People don't go to methadone clinics because methadone is incredibly weak and doesn't really get you high. It also cost about $20 a visit, which is about 3x as much as buying the stuff off the internet.

Everyone is dying from fent because the dea rescheduled opiates from schedule 3 to schedule 2 which made them considerably harder to get prescribed. This killed the market of legit pills and everything turned into fake presses with fent. And since drug dealers are retarded they don't know how to properly mix drugs and filler together they create duds that barely work or "hot pills" that contain way too much fent where one pill will literally kill you. They also put fent into everything so if you just want to do some coke there might be fent in it. They put fent into everything.

Dumb decisions by the DEA has lead to skyrocketing opiate overdoses. The government is fucking retarded when it comes to drugs.

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harrowing psycho kinos?

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What would you do if you could hear what women are thinking?
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This would be torture for a below average guy
This mostly. But it would help when you think a girl likes you but have no real gauge of knowing
try to profit
how the fuck does he go from mad max to that shit?
Kill myself.

The shit that comes out of their mouth is bad enough, the stuff swimming around in their stupid heads must be truly awful.

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