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I usually don't make this thread twice in a day but two minutes after an anon posted it was archived obviously bull crap.

NOTE: ANY DUPLICATE POST IS NOT MINE ANY B*S*** R****T* IS NOT MINE this thread is for the discussion of KotH
another note: to the janny stop wasting my time and your time you know this thread is not spam and you know mods aren't going to ban me for making a legitimate thread on /tv/ about a television show

Season 1
1 Pilot
2 "Square Peg"
3 "The Order of the Straight Arrow"
4 "Luanne's Saga"
5 "Hank's Got the Willies"
6 "Westie Side Story"
7 "Hank's Unmentionable Problem"
8 "Shins of the Father"
9 "Peggy the Boggle Champ"

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Season 3
38 (1)"And They Call It Bobby Love"
39 (2) "Pregnant Paws"
40 (3) "To Spank, with Love"
41 (4)"Good Hill Hunting"
42 (5) "Next of Shin"
43 (6) "Jon Vitti Presents: 'Return to La Grunta'"
44 (7) "Peggy's Pageant Fever"
45 (8) "Nine Pretty Darn Angry Men"
46 (9) "The Wedding of Bobby Hill
47 (10) "Pretty, Pretty Dresses"
48 (11) "A Firefighting We Will Go"
49 (12) ""Three Coaches and a Bobby"
50 (13) "Love Hurts and So Does Art"
51 (14) "De-Kahnstructing Henry"

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Quentin Tarantino's comments on Roman Polanski: “He had sex with a minor, all right. That's not rape” On February 1st, 1978, Roman Polanski fled the US after 42 days in jail while he awaited final sentencing after pleading guilty to raping a child.

>Tarantino: He was guilty of having sex with a minor.

>Quivers: That she didn’t want to have.

>Tarantino: No, that was not the case at all. She wanted to have it and dated the guy and—

>Quivers: She was 13!

>Tarantino: And by the way, we’re talking about America’s morals, not talking about the morals in Europe and everything.

>Stern: Wait a minute. If you have sex with a 13-year-old girl and you’re a grown man, you know that that’s wrong.

>Quivers: Giving her booze and pills…

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The “rape” case is dead, he’s trapped in a legal loophole surrounding “fleeing justice,” that doesn’t care if the original case is dead.
For anyone who thinks the girl was raped just read a transcript of testimony to the grand jury.
The "rape" case isn't dead. He pled guilty to rape without the quotation marks in 1978. He's a convicted felon who needs to be sentenced for his conviction.
Why didn't Roman read the transcript before he pled guilty to rape?

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>I heard you criticized Israel in a way that violates the governments officially recognized definition of anti-semitism
>Time to die
It’s a power fantasy. jews have historically always got their shit kicked in combat for their entire history. That’s why they evolved to fight with their tongues and not with their bodies. It’s also why they have a “history of persecution” because they just piss off their hosts until their hosts start to get violent, like the snot nosed babies they are.

They can’t even win a war against children right now with all the military aid in the world. 50 percent of the Palestinian population is under 18.
They have standard military service that teaches them how to shoot children in the face and they can barely do that. That’s why when a Muslim sneezes in public they get a heart attack and shit their pants.
yeah i was really disappointed, even before i got red pilled.
>wtf is this a Little John reference? i wanted to see a big hairy dude obliterate a guy with his bare hands
>instead you get some guido prick who beats up a man better than him in every way with a baseball bat

My expectations were subverted.
Eli Roth is a frustrating filmmaker, every time you feel like there might be more to his movies but they always end up being schlock and simple torture porn. It's like he has some talent hidden in there but the knucklehead always takes over.
Thank you for reading my movie blog.
Maybe that's the point the scene is making. Folks put up so much fanfare for a myth but once you learn the truth, the real thing is not all that terrifying

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Despite being compromised by the studio, Resident Evil 5 still goes hard as fuck. #ReleaseTheAndersonCut.
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>It's like how Barry Burton catching the revolver is a homage to the Saints Row 3 trailer.
Also, obviously, Platoon. But again, subverted because of how he's framed by communist iconography as a commentary on how capitalism is so all-consuming it consumes even symbols of anti-capitalism.
I'm not talking about the shot itself, I'm talking about reversing it all.
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Sure, but that's just moviemaking. The trench run scene in Star Wars A New Hope is a shot for shot, line for line copy of The Dambusters. The essence of moviemaking is to take existing artistic source and remix them into new ones, while putting your own flourish on top.
Which is based on the real life photo which is actually a guy guiding a helicopter in.
One thing about the series is that it always had amazing tracks

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Punished Carrie edition
prev: >>199246807
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this not a marble movies you shud go back pew pew a scholl redit faggots
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My mom is now in the mood to watch another sad vibe Italian horror with me after recovering from beyond the darkness. I asked for recs before and these are the one's I personally won't watch with her.
>The New York Ripper
Not really sad until the ending. Rest of the movie is surprisingly boring as shit.
>Don't Torture a Duckling
My mother would probably love this, but I don't think I can handle it.
I watched this alone before and it was worse than absurd in every way. The island setting should be done more desu.

I also recently discovered that beyond was actually a ripoff of another gothic Italian horror called The third eye. The ending is extremely retarded. Probably the most retarded I've seen in an italian horror so far, but everything before a certain character's death was mostly good.
What Have You Done to Solange? (1972)
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I watched immaculate last night and didnt realize it was sydney sweeney as the lead until the credits. She's actually a pretty good actress I thought she was just a titty queen because I never watched any of her stuff

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>KIRAC 23 Honeypot - In this film, you will witness the unlikely endeavour of right-wing conservative Sid Lukkassen who chivalrously tries to win the heart of lefty student Jini. When he enters her boudoir in Zandvoort, he gets caught up in a literary, enchanting and unpredictable world, in which Jini starts to undress him, surrounded by classical music and grapes. While Sid tries his best to connect to Jini, he realises that the woman has set him up for humiliation. How will Sid save himself from this situation? Will he, despite everything, find love?

It's finally been released to the public!
censored version for those of you that don't want to be distracted by tits
Downloads for the uncensored version
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Science disagrees and I already posted the source.
the double BJ part is what caught my attention and yes it's a great goon sesh. That's how I know it's pornography and this thread should be deleted
all women owe me sex
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why are dutch women such sluts bros
>autistically ask for the permission to smack your ass
who wrote this crap

I can fix her
>incestuous drunk walled schizo
No thanks
t. Incel
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Lost cause
Viserys and Arya could have been great tho

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kill all greaseball italians
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agreed desu
russians are niggers with white skin
Nah, those are Amerimutts. Same culture, same blood.
>white skin

Korean Drama / K Drama

Piggyback rides edition.

Previous thread:

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Are they so stupid that they can't finish high school, and stay stuck there for another decade?
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>period show
>FL has lip fillers

Is there a samurai K-drama? I so wish to watch kino samurai fights without occidental politics shoved in. Japs themselves make cool anime and proficient enough movies but are surprisingly lacking on live action shows.
honor? he did drugs, that's bad
I doing drugs right now.

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The show, surely written by feminists and cucks, tries to convince us that he did something wrong, but he absolutely didn't. I don't remember all the accusations because it's a long time sense I watched it, but I remember all accusations were like “Oh, he didn't treat women as if they were some mentally retard disabled person who need to be taken care 24/7”. Like, if you invert the roles, and BoJack was a woman and she did all the same things, nobody would be saying anything against him.
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Much like a 29 years old woman, practically a little baby. Probably still wore diapers.
Ghosting someone for getting fired is though
They had been friends for years
This show climbs up it's own ass a lot but it does a good job of showing how the entertainment business destroys people
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post kinos that should make you run the fuck away if a roastie says she loves it
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Banged so many arthoe BPD cases who loved this flick

now that the dust has settled, what do you think of this movie?
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dont forget they need to prevent Hitler from dying as the main plot
Remove the 30h long chase scene and it’s 8/10.
Organise it’s 2/10, the chase scene is just aggressively disgustingly bad like a shit on a plate.
am i the only one who thought it had a bizarre ending? very abrupt
couldn't even finish it
They got ripped off with the opening face cgi

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>still no documentary
what are they waiting for?
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>and suggested she had falsified some test results because she believed the Navy's policy of testing at -100F (-70C) was "stupid
Wtf I didn't know women could be based
>sperm whale
>evolved to sense the minutest of movement miles under the sea in areas very few creatures reach
>use it to speed dive into the deep black to hunt and do battle with giant squids
>gotta deal with humans mucking around making a racket down below now
must suck a little bit
Imo better than suffering.
not every woman, but always a woman
that book is super extreme gorilla grade gay

Jennykino is back on the menu boys

Bit of a short video this time but it will have to do
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Anon, this is my WIFE you're talking about!
i don't get it, boomers gen x and zoomers age like milk
Millennials kept getting told not to smoke cigarettes. Zoomers went and got addicted to vapes in middle school.
WigOnHead fans are insane.
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millenials are beautiful on the inside and the outside

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Why did Temple of Doom get a reputatin for being "bad" or worse than Last Crusade or Raiders? It's amazing
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I've never seen anyone hate classic Indy, especially Raiders and Last Crusade. Stop following faggots.
It's fucking awful please fucking kill yourself
Only fucking pajeets like this dogshit movie
Because its the worst of the trilogy, objectively. Its not a bad film, but its worse than the other two and also seems to contradict them both (1 and 3 affirm the existence of the Christian God).

The female lead is also pretty shitty in 2. Marion was great, and the nazi woman in 3 was great, but the overly girly and prissy dancer of 2 was just annoying.
It's fantastic
They hate it, you dumb fuck.

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