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Honestly, and this is just my personal opinion, but the casting for the new ones are just awful.
Maybe, but the casting for the Lynch version is pretty much irrelevant since most of the characters have no idea what movie they are in.
Paul sucks, Leto sucks, Sting sucks, etc
Yuweh and Jessica are the ones on par or better than the new movies in terms of performance.
>most of the characters have no idea what movie they are in
Absolutely brilliant - wish I had said it myself!
Paul and his parents having 3 VERY different accents is one of the more entertaining bits for me.
Johan Hedberg, C-tier "kids movies" actor turned YouTube chef.
Why is kids movies within quotes? Is it like marvel or star wars movies, you know shit that adult watch but has the mental level of a 12 year old.

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>oh my goodness... get him a job! i mean get him an ambulance, hes got a job, you get a job!
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my favorite part of this movie is never talked about. The emotional music cue that is reused over and over during emotional scenes is so fucking funny.

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>Through three episodes
Yeah, it's the only real show out right now.
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That middle episode was pretty bad
>another retarded chimpanzee impressed by a run of the mill mystery box show
A run of the mill mystery box show is still better than anything else on TV currently.
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>out right now
>season 1 was 10 years ago
>season 2 is still 10 years away

Also, for me its Ms Casey

>is a neurotic background character for most of the series
>becomes the best character in single episode

Well that was a welcome turnaround.

james gray's AD ASTRA is among the best science fiction films of the last quarter century and will rightfully (hopefully?) be considered a masterpiece in due time.
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Is this the one with the retarded space pirate stuff
lmao brutal

It's hard to get past this being a "Brad Pitt Plays Exceptional Relatable Everyman" movie (which is every movie he produces)
It was interesting that society had returned to Christ
It was interesting that the soul of the movie is that we should stop looking elsewhere and solve the problems in front of us
Space Monkey and Space Pirates were bad because they had nothing to do with the plot, it feels they were added just have something happen between plot points
It would have been very nice to have a strong supporting character but there wasn't one, maybe Ruth Negga but she was squandered

>I tried really, really, really hard to like this movie
This. I wanted scifi that wasn't fag and women and schlock horror but it turns out I also want plot and excitement
The moon buggy chase was so fucking idiotic, that's as far as I got with that trash, Pitt playing himself as a conceited fuckwit didn't help.
I really liked the cold, slow, hard sci-fi way they made the movie. 2001 and Apocalypse Now are two of my favorite movies and Ad Astra is like those two movies put together. I just found myself bored by how the emotional drama drives the plot, at no point did I really care about the astronaut's feelings for his father or his father's mental issues. I just wanted more cool space stuff, or maybe some more compelling emotional driver for the plot.
it was dog shit

what makes it so good?
Why do women love man-in-a-rubber-suit Godzilla movies so much?
i love Mothra but Godzilla vs Mothra is pretty weak compared to Mothra vs Godzilla and Mothra
For me it's the music which greatly elevates nearly every scene

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Have all his shows been taken off streaming?
No, dan is the only thing other than spongebob that made nick any serious money

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Watching Creature from the Black Lagoon right now. I love how atmospheric and cozy these old kinos are, it's my go to lazy Saturday genre.
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I'll always be bitter we never got our Flash Gordon trilogy that was planned.
I rewatched The Crawling Eye last night. It's crazy how much is going on in that movie.

I also rewatched It! The Terror From Beyond Space, it's scary.
Terror from the year 5000
>both the english and tagalog versions of the original Filipino movie they used for this are lost media
It's not fair. I really want to see this in it's intended form.
I remember watching Them on tv late night when I was 12. The scene that sticks with me to this day is when an ant comes out with the ribcage in it's mandibles.

>Bitch, you’re going down!

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Any Scandinavians here,

Conceptualize the taste of, and the appeal of lutefisk for me, that drove an obese American child to scarf it all down in one sitting
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He's just so annoying. Hate Peggy second for just being so clueless. However Bobby x Peggy hard-core raw sex porn is good.
That boy ain't right.
But does it taste good?
I have had it described to me as a mixture of rotten fish and dish detergent.

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Every time i rewatch this it's seems more and more like a happy cheerful comfy movie
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NY in the 70s was a cesspit

realize that was hard to fit in due to it's funkyness but wish it was used in the end credits
Herrmann recorded the score and suddenly died, then a few days later they had another recording session to record some more funky versions of the tracks. Most of these extra tracks weren't used in the movie but are on some of the extended CD versions.
It's just a dude driving around the city, without the modern day traffic. Sounds like a sweet deal.
Seeing Travis have the confidence to just go up to that girl, AND the fact that she says yes, and also seeing him hang out with his Taxi driver friends in the diner, is all really inspiring. But other than that, it's pretty bleak.

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I'm surprised by how much this movie sucks.
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I've never even heard of it, is there any specific thing that makes it shit?
It stars Penn and Teller.

The only worthwhile thing they have ever created was Desert Bus for the SegaCD and that never officially came out.
i remember seeing this on Comedy Central all the time as a kid in probably the early 2000s, i remember it being okay-ish would have to see it again because my memory of its pretty fuzzy
It's just not funny. It's the kind of thing where the idea has potential and you could tell why they thought it was funny when they came up with the idea for it, but it's just really poorly executed and you won't laugh once.
This looks like it’s as good as Burn Hollywood Burn (1997).

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Despite being compromised by the studio, Resident Evil 5 still goes hard as fuck. #ReleaseTheAndersonCut.
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Which is based on the real life photo which is actually a guy guiding a helicopter in.
One thing about the series is that it always had amazing tracks
It's interesting that they had like 5 different composers, and 1-3, 4-5, and 6 didn't share musical motifs. I also kinda liked the music from the Netflix series, by Gregory Reveret. I wouldn't say it's anywhere near as good as the Tomandandy stuff from 4 and 5, but it's solid. If the show had been better received I think the music would be more praised.
That's really neat. But there is something interesting about how a lot of modern homage is just homage to previous pop culture as opposed to homage to real world events. Like how modern Star Wars is primarily just a homage to Star Wars, wheras Star Wars was a homage to a wide range of sources.
Not as many shared cultural experiences these days to give an homage to. People see so many images these days it's hard to form a collective consciousness where everybody and their dog can recognize a single photograph.

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Martial Arts Kino Thread

Give me some recommendations bros, I’m watching through pic related now with Bruce Lee and might watch some Jackie Chan stuff afterwards.
The Raid
Once upon a time in Hollywood

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