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Is excluding white males a based stylistic direction?
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Only if QT Sith girls lezz out. Only way I'm watching.
>Giving a shit about Star Wars in the year of our lord Two-Thousand Twenty-Four
lmao Disney is going to make star goys trash into bankruptcy
what a soulless fucking company
looks Jewish
Israel only exists do to the goy factor

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>gaijin is sad?
>send him tight asian pussy
his name is actually anjin
cheers guv'na
tight sidways transfer student asian pussy fixed my sadness
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What are you expecting from Longlegs?
Hope those legs are long enough for the box office!
it looked interesting but iv tired of women
I’m expecting generic satanslop, and a kino performance from nic cage
I like Maika

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ITT movies only you remember
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I saw it in theaters and it's just a really lame nativity story. Mary's portrayal in Passion is so much better
I only remember this because the actress was a pregnant teenager irl
Saint Augustine famously prayed “Lord, make me chaste, but not yet”
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Dude is that Sean Bean on the poster? Does he die in this too?

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How would you convince him not to take part in his game?
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i would say how about this game and then play the game by motorhead and he would be like yoooo this is actually sick
Wow, did your dad explain why he thinks that?
I don't think you could get any of those charges to stick
There's not enough evidence
I wouldn't say anything, I would listen to him and that's what no one did.
I wouldn't, I would listen and play the game according to the rules and become an apprentice who maintains the integrity of JigC's philosophy, which is what no one else did.
I would say "the past cannot be changed, nor the future. Only the present can change, and only our actions now are important. Ever since it happened i was filled with regret. Regret is something that helps me be mindful to act skillfully so that i never repeat my transgressions. I cannot promise you i wont cum in my sisters fresh underwear and put them back in her drawar again, but i can tell you that if you untie me i will do my best, which is all anyone can do. If that is not good enough, then i accept that drowning in a tank of pig cum is how i will pass from this world.

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>De Bont had the idea for the film after he had a recurring nightmare about a cruise ship crashing into an island.
>Instead of using stunt doubles, De Bont persuaded Bullock, Patric, and Dafoe to perform their own stunts, so the scenes would appear more realistic; the lead actors were required to engage in physical exercise sessions before and during filming.
>During a motorcycle stunt on a Ducati 916 on the second day of filming, Patric flew off the bike 30 feet (9 m) into the air and landed on a small bush; Bullock said the incident was so serious that Patric "should be dead."
>Of all the stunt-related incidents during production, De Bont said the most frightening was when a stunt woman was hit in the face by a boat cable and required reconstructive surgery.[64] Following the production at sea, De Bont said that filming on water "was 100 percent more difficult than [he] imagined."
>The five-minute scene cost $25 million to produce, roughly one quarter of the film's entire budget,[16] and set records as both the largest and the most expensive stunt ever filmed.
>The film was also a box-office bomb, earning $164 million worldwide against a production budget as high as $160 million. It was nominated for eight Golden Raspberry Awards, winning the Worst Remake or Sequel category.
What the heck was their problem?
it flopped because they couldn't get john wick
wtf they're flirting
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The Ship That Couldn't Slow Down 2

Literally no one remembers this shit lmao
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>felt like the movie theater itself was filling up with water and you were desperately trying to escape
sorry that was me cumming to blue space tummies
>muh le cultural impact
Shut the fuck up faggot. Movies exist so that you can chill out for two hours with your family and leave bullshit behind, if you obsessively talk about them outside of cinema, you might be low IQ.
She so cute
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I remember. And we have daily avatar threads

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why do they only talk about streamable movies now? They skipped Dunc and will most likely skip Mad Max too. Hacks.
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With a murder most foul.
They put out a HitB on like the Saturday night after it opened.
yeah because of aidsmoby. who used to work for the escapist
It was pretty good actually

Not for good takes on games, but it was comfy and entertaining. Similar to that thing Yahtzee and his friend did, "let's drown out" I think they called it
This is Colin from Canada

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This PBS documentary was pure kino. What are some more like it?
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Keseberg was painted as the villain of the Donner Party but William M. Foster was the only person who killed people to cannibalize them, it was just largely ignored because he killed Indians, not fellow white emigrants
American Experience: Ansel Adams
I remember watching this on PBS

Thanks friends, I'll watch those.

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/tv/ OC's thread

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>he imagines himself on a talk show promoting his latest movie
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my lastest book
No I imagine talking shit about people and exposing them for being the shitheads they are in front of the national media
Literally me expect I'm a cute girl. I'm not a troon.
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>>he's never been on a talk show
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>blocks your path

Furiosa would have been a success if it had been a 60 million dollar movie directed by Paul W.S. Anderson and starring Ever Anderson as a teenage Furiosa.
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It's not really feminist at all. Men run everything and she just wants revenge for her dead mother. Several instances where men straight up overpower her and her mom, which goes against the feminist power fantasy. It was decidedly anti-feminist if anything.
does she beat them at the end?
>does she beat them at the end?
eh kinda, its immortans joe's army fucks up the main antag's whole posse
furiosa comes in at the end when joes army is recovering post war, to hunt down the main antag now that his whole army is down to like 4 people
>why won't people want to watch a movie that is the prequel to that other movie where the character ends up with no arm, and serves the bad guy in the end
they need to stop with firing the pyro at the instant of impact. explosions are too fast so it looks like it happens before impact

Is this any good? How are the other movies by this director?
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some events take place before, some during, and some after Suicide Club
How come every Japanese movie that ever gets recommended seems to be about teenagers, usually school girls, being graphically killed
Well, in this case they just kill themselves, don't know if that's the same.

Also, it's a kino trope.
It's a pretty interesting but weird movie. I wrote a review on Letterboxd for it. The sequel, or prequel, Norikos dinner table is arguably more kino.
Yeah it's kino. Exte was another good horror movie by the director.

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Why are films set in a post-apocalyptic setting so kino?
Because you are high test and understand the intrinsic masculine idea of defending the tribe against the outer threat and environment.

dude fish out of water lmao
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only women have ever recommended it to me
The fact that in the script the Brits use American terms for shit tells you everything you need to know. Muttified media.
Season 1, fun. Season 2+, fuck this is only entertaining when Roy is around. Coach episode? Skip
as a Kansan who spends a lot of time in Kansas City, Ted's accent is completely off the mark where he goes for 'goofy wholesome southerner'. it's not ignorance, because Jason lived in Kansas since he was in high school
anyone in Kansas who uses an accent remotely similar to that grew up in the country, but Ted is supposed to have grown up in Wichita, our biggest city. The canonical accent should sound more NPR than NASCAR but that's not what gets viewership

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