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>18 are locked behind postgame
>6 are version exclusive, meaning three are unobtainable without trading
>3 are event only
>only 9 are obtainable before postgame
And that's before going into the other issues like
>no megas for any kalos pokemon, meaning if you want an all-gen 6 team, you will not be able to use megas
>4 of them are for the gift kanto starters, meaning you will only get to use 1 without trading
>the aggronite and houndoominite are exclusive to y, but the pokemon themselves are exclusive to x
>vice versa with the tyranitarite and manectricite in x
So, realistically, you have about 5 Megas available to you before the post-game in XY without trading or cheats. Thank God ORAS fixed these issues. Hopefully LZA redeems XY's Mega Stone distribution, as well as gives a bunch of Kalos Pokémon Megas.
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Well I got to go around the region getting stronger and stronger and slowly build up my team so yeah
>Introduce a new gimmick into a generation
>Give it to none of the new pokemon of that generation except one
>It's for a legendary
>That legendary only gets it a gen after the introduction of the gimmick and region
>wtf why didn't they give this gimmick where the entire point is new designs to these pokemon that are already new designs
>my autism makes me physically incapable of using the other 650 pokemon in the series
>It's almost as if a gimmick that only applies to a small number of mons
They've literally never done this unless you count the stupid special ones which are basically reskins anyway.

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>It's not fat, therefore it's a shit starter
Why is /vp/ like this?
/vp/erdents have a fat fetish
I was thinking more along the likes of /vp/ is fat, but that works too.

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Do you have a /vp/ gf yet /vp?
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It's not the same when it's some thot trying to sell their nudes, girls who post nudes for free are a true blessing
fortunately my gf does not care about pokemon and neither do i really these days, except when it comes to playing romhacks. instead i got the femcel mmo gamer special gf
>constantly go after "loser" women
>they still reject me
how the fuck you niggas get femcel gfs...
I'd love one
Living in Japan, you’d be amazed how many girls look like Lacey. It’s whiplash every time but its really shocking how identical she looks to someone you see everyday on the subway.

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You now remember this thumbnail.
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On the train to KANTOOOOOOOO
Only Legends Arceus and Sword Shield are legit bad games.
I miss him... I wonder where he is now...

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What if they replaced the Pokemon artists with AI?
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They would never do that because the AI would probably give all the female characters cleavage. Can't have that these days.
>muh DEI boogeyman
You have to go back
AI trained on gen 1-2 designs would 100% make better designs than the slop GF has been shitting out gen 4+
Like moth to a fire.

It'd certainly save them money, which GF and TPC love doing the most, but the backlash probably wouldn't be worth it.
sorry, didn't mean to trigger you
I'll say "nigger" npcs next time

Chicken time!
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This pic activates my almonds like you would believe
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I powered up Super Chicken!
so like... why is she a power ranger
I’m a fan of Chicken
They haven't worked anything out it's my barbecue sauce

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Let's get a sprite recolor thread going.
Thanks Doc
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>Generate two random pokemon
>try and recolour them using the other's palette
>ez new shiny form
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I used to mess around with sprites like this when I was bored so I have a handful of these saved - another one I did sometimes was recolouring evolved pokemon to match their pre-evos.
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Thanks for the dose, doc!

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Entei on the Horizon Edition

What is Pokémon Sleep?
Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.

Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.

>How do Shinies work?
If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.
>What should I spend my diamonds on?
Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.
>When should I use my items?
When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.
>What should I spend my sleep points on?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>set phone down on bed to start tracking around 8:30
>Phone doesn't start tracking for 2 more hours
>Doesn't record last 3 hours of sleep

I'm so sick and tired of this shit happening
When you start tracking and when you "fall asleep" are two separate things.

It should be tracking from the moment you start tracking.
The game doesn't register you as having fallen asleep until you hit your first slumbering phase, so if there's a lot of motion and struggling to fall asleep that's why.

As for the last 3 hours missing, wouldn't surprise me if the phone did night time routine stuff like background updates and it closed the "inactive" app to save memory/resources.
See if you can change app settings to give the app processing priority. Dunno if you can do that on iOS but it works on Android.
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I put together a sheet of what I consider "Goal Pokémon" and why, and where to find them.
Goal as in team building, putting aside favourites. Sorry, Arcanine.

Exclusions from the sheet are stuff like Raticate, Persian, Arbok, Arcanine, Magnezone, Marowak, Pinsir, Ditto, Sudowoodo, Wobbuffet, Heracross, Sableye, Swalot, Gallade. Many of these have difficulty justifying their use for a given area and have better options.

Poison types have it really bad in this game as desirability goals, Toxicroak is at least a good source of Pure Oil.
Many skill specialists also have it bad. Gallade is a huge downgrade over Gardevoir.

Tbh this sort of visualisation in a simple table is what Raenonx needs for its Pokédex listing. An "at-your-fingertips" visual reference of what you can work towards and where to go for it. It visualises that most of what you want is at Greengrass.
Having built this sheet also means I can filter by criteria, though Raenonx does that too.
Strictly as a Dream Shard farmer.
Although, actually comparing it against Swalot, it seems like Swalot is the superior farmer due to the variable version of the skill having a higher average earning.
Swalot also has a slightly better trigger rate, due to it having a better trigger chance in spite of a slower helping speed against Lucario.

Lucario's advantage is that its Cheri berries are at least helpful on Lapis Lakeside. Chesto berries don't have a set island yet.

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Which Pokémon has the best tummy?
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>nidorina Ivysaur bed group_sex male/female
>zero results
he's too skinny though
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I posted the wrong picture :(
cute! too bad the real Sylv is too skinny
I love fingerbanging my Sylveon!

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Yesterday's thread kinda went down the shitter, so I wanna try and get a proper one.

I like Avalanche. shit's STRONG. If I have the ability to run it on a bulky physical pokemon, I'm going to. shit's GOOD. Combo's stupid well with Ice Shard, too.
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i hate close combat. The description is vague in a way that allows basically anything to learn it, and there's no downside to spamming it if you're fast enough.
Gen 3 aurora beam is probably my favorite animation. As far as usage goes I have no favorite, I like sets that fit the pokemon's lore rather than slapping whatever's strongest on it, especially in newer gens where everything gets relatively wide distribution.
Water Shuriken
>meteor beam
I wish this didn't require a turn to charge.
Would've been absolute fucking perfection.
i wish it didn't fucking miss. missing a meteor beam is the worst feeling.

What's the /v/erdict?
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Is it yellow version on a gba cart or some fan made game?
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Go ask /v/ if you want a /v/erdict.
Having the trainers that block the legendary birds be self-inserts of the devs is way too much fanfic for my liking. I wouldn't have a problem with this if they were OCs that aren't self-inserts or pulled an Eto.
wtf is it
waiting for gen II remake of kanto, haven't played it

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Would love to fuck her asshole
>can't see the full body
>looks much better than usual

>Verification not required.
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Her art is cute with her bunny boyfriend

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C-Clairsisters...the Stacys are laughing at us..
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Lorelei has a really good design in 3rd gen, simple but effective!
Sadly she's not popular in the fandom
Nice hips. How this woman became a plushie loner?
I like it
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She's so hot that scares all the men around her
Recency bias. There's so much crap that gets attention because it's current like Iono.

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So wait, legendary pokemon can have babies?
What exactly makes a pokemon legendary if they are not one of a kind?
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>And after he dicked her down,why don't we see the father ? She couldn't possibly be getting fucked and then abandoned,right?
Well, Shudo thought the pokémon world was a crapsack universe, wrote Ash's mom as someone who'd hated Ash for being born, wrote his da as a loser who abandoned the family and given how he felt about his IRL parents, can safely say the father was just a means to an end to get his self insert into the canon properly (no executives to change its gender again and no scripted voice means he had to add the baby to show the big Lugia was female).
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>Who dicked that Lugia?
I did
For real, you need to get treated for your mental disorders.
Ignore and report. He’s been ban evading for a while and shitting up threads at the same time.
Reminder that everyone knows you, !Akemi, are the most blatantly obvious samefag to ever exist.

You've been caught, and banned, many times for this shit.
Everyone knows you are the one who starts this shit, every single time. Right here >>55900938 in this thread you started shit entirely unprovoked because you lost the argument and started raging.

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