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My mma gym doesn't have any AC. The temperatures rise up to 40°C while we're training in the summer.
Is there a benefit to training in this heat or am I just gonna get tired early?
the data suggests will be cardiovascular performance adaptations because of the heat such as increased blood plasma and Vo2 max as long as you stay hydrated
but the data also suggests it needs to be done daily for a number of weeks. So it could be a useful modality to incorporate into a training camp but if you're just going into the gym for an hour a couple times a week you're likely not seeing any of the possible benefits and are just having a shittier workout
I train 4 times a week for 1.5 hous each, so it's *probably* doing something good
Thank you for your expertise, I will train hard
Make sure to hydrate before the training, drink lots of water some hours before. And while you're sweating a lot, drink a isotonic

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Why does it look like this? Why does Tonathy have a pipe under his board?
It's on the tail so when he board slides vert he doesn't end up too far on the deck.
It's a fucking camera, you mouth breathing mongoloid.

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I just wrestled with someone 10kg heavier than me. He was up against a wall
>He had old man strength, couldn't even trip him, he would wrap his ankle around mine to limit my movement
>Nothing was working, it's incredibly hard to do anything to someone resisting being taken down
>Go for a "high crotch" (learnt from: youtube.com)
>It works!
>Grab leg and put it closer to armpit then drive forward, he falls to the floor

Wow, this makes me realise how gimped and overcomplicated judo is as a grappling art

Wrestling just works.
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Judo is good but judofags are pretty insufferable. Judo is best taken supplementary for your wrestling/bjj but for grappling or MMA I wouldn't make it my focus.
What are retarded statement, how are you still alive and not sticking your fingers in electrical sockets?
Calm down ESL friend
its my esl friend

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If picrel hadn't happened it wouldn't have been so one sided. He basically wasted 2 rounds because of that shit
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Maybe holloway tripped him out, he has weird movement
He's been ducking since WSOF and even in Wittman's striking instructionals he does that even while demonstrating basic footwork and Trevor has to correct him not to duck. At this point it's so ingrained and honestly it's a huge weakness. In his last fight with Poirier Poirier tried to punish his ducking with roundhouse but Max got to be the first one to truly capitalize on it
justin "I block with my face" gaethje has never been known for his technical prowess. He's just a guy that's about it and will throw down and that's why he's always fun to watch. He entertains to his own detriment
I disagree. IMO he's the best pure striker in LW before Max happened
Eh, I still think Dustin is better technically, more efficiant. The highkick that put him out was a great move, but it wasn't a complete outclassing.

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What is this guy's secret? is there any training routine that makes someone able to knock anyone out just by a mere touch? or is it more about genetics?

he also destroyed ngannou's record btw (not that i believe that ufc powercube)
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don't get it confused

karate is the correct most efficient way to fight, whether you study karate formally or not eventually you will arrive at the same conclusion if you study how to make your fighting most effective
it's convergent evolution

karate is the only street fighting striking art, and while MMA is not street fighting it's closer to street fighting than something like muay thai is for example, and so of course MMA striking will always bias towards being more karate-like in application
hand low, weight over the hips, knees relaxed
>karate is the only street fighting striking art
This board is way too slow to be laying out premium bait like that
I think he has an bit of Taiwanese blood in him honestly. The biometrics of his arm snap line up too well methinks.

This is some high quality b8, right here.
Great bait. Sounds like you're talking from 1985. Only a few MMA fighters like Rob Whittaker and Wonderboy use a karate inspired striking style.

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With Sean O'Malley being a open side counter merchant i.e stand in opposite stance and wait to counter opponent's rear hand with his own.
Would a follow up rear leg kick (like leon edwards did)/knee work to counter this counter?
I know theorycrafting is useless but one gotta spend time outside of training to think about stuff to try
especially with bigger gloves in kickboxing this would probably work even better with the body knee

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I never see e-sports threads on this board and this puzzles me. As an immortal ranked Valorant athlete and semi-pro Valorant coach, e-sports are arguably one of THE most extreme sports. Imagine keeping laser focus, all your senses primed, for 40-80 minutes STRAIGHT. Chad thinks he’s the superior athlete because he has bigger muscles, but I know I have 100x the focus, coordination, reflexes, and endurance by virtue of my training. I literally need to eat 3000+ calories a day just to support my brain energy.

>inb4 just post to /vg/

/vg/ is full of casuals. Is it too much to ask that my sport get the respect it deserves on this board? By that logic, martial “artists” should post to /fit/ instead. Brawling like an ape does not make you an athlete, Chad McNeurotrauma.
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OP here I’m trans btw
Valorant isn't an e sport game and takes no skill
No, they don't. E-sports and gaming is a waste of your life.
the worst time of my life i would stay up for hours drinking whiskey out the bottle and playing league of legends
i was hard stuck silver
same but I got to plat at least
i fucking hate league

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>Counters brazilian jj
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Was it the dude who kept making the "catch and shoot is the best style of boxing" posts? Every post reeked of somebody who had only started training 3 months ago and had just learned how to parry.
you mean /gif/ but yeah
The kind who's still seething about the result of UFC1 30 years ago, I guess
you mean /gif/*

>nothing beats a well placed pipe bomb
How about two well paced pipe bombs?

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Is grappler's chance a thing?
No, because it's rarer to see a grappler who has an X-factor like ability to finish the fighter with grappling, compared to a guy who has a puncher's chance meaning he is so capable of knocking you out in any exchange that you are basically never safe unless you avoid exchanging completely. When you get a guy like that, like Palhares maybe, it's not a sudden, random chance sort of thing, it's the guy being very good and very fucking strong, working his grappler diligently and finishing in ways that you can see coming before they happen, as compared to a big punch seemingly out of nowhere.
A lower chance, but yeah sure.
The opponent would just have to make a pretty bad mistake for it to be considered chance and not skill.
>bad mistake

It certainly is, but one you see fairly often is someone clearly winning a striking exchange just shoot out of nowhere and do fuck all with it.
Ironically Chael was probably the better grappler overall, it’s just that he had some massive holes in his game (IE he doesn’t know basic BJJ), hence why he wound up jobbing to a white-belt level triangle choke. If he’d just kept both his arms in guard he would’ve won the belt EZ PZ.

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~~Actually got the title fucking right edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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it's confusing to have multiple live threads at once and pollutes the board. if a new thread was made each time we hit the bump limit there would be like 5 /cg/ threads right now.
>approaching a month
is that really a plateau?
>I find this shit so temperamental and I don't progress linearly
that just isn't at all how actual climbing progression works. the only time you should be seeing relatively linear progression in climbing is between sessions on routes you're projecting.
you should be more concerned with your sends than your metrics. that said, if all you cared about was upping your 20mm max hang, you could probably be training it more efficiently (I don't recommend it but you could do a higher volume of sets of x reps with 70% of your max for example)
fault of the board for having 10 pages instead of 5.
I love my slightly disrupted achy nights sleep, unironically.
This shit is like a drug
>is that really a plateau?
maybe not but does feel a bit like one as only been hangboarding 8 months (I'm at like 130% bw). I'll just keep doing it and not stress
>higher volume of sets of x reps with 70% of your max for example
nah fuck that not my bag
new bread:

Tall half white half mexican freak girl savagely beat me up in muay thai class today.
I'm 5'6 while she's easily 6' plus. My nose was bleeding earlier today, one tooth from my upper jaw is loose, while my sides are still hurting from her roundhouse kicks. She humiliated me in front of everyone. I couldn't do shit, just fucking overpowered. She kicked my ass while wearing the most girly clothes possible, a pink gym skirt barely covering her asscheeks, black top with visible sports bra straps, and pink gloves. Our instructor fucking hates me, and I think he intentionally paired me with her to give her a good practice punchbag. She looks sexy though, when she bends, her ass looks shapely.
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why? this is not a woman problem, this is a bad gym culture problem.
the girls at my gym aren't dumb fucks and they understand the consequences of going hard. I've dropped a couple with liver shots, bitches be tough as nails, they get up and keep fighting.
Found the dyels
yea same here.
I'm 165 and lean at 5'7 bro you just need to do legs.
genuine skill issue i'm afraid

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S&G 6730 Internals Edition

A thread dedicated to the art of lock manipulation and the art of lockpicking.

Good resources regarding the art and skill of lockpicking and primarily safe manipulation.


Thanks for stopping by!
OP here, I don't know if this can be classified as an extreme sport but it a very niche sport.
While competitive, /diy/ would probably be a better fit. In the vein of chainsaw and wood chopping stuff.
That's probably for the better, I'll just repost this thread there. If the mods choose to delete this that wouldn't be a bother.

This will be a thread for people of all grappling disciplines (judo, wrestling, BJJ, etc.) to come and discuss or ask about technique. Here, we can avoid the retarded debates and help each other out with youtube links, instructional suggestions, troubleshooting ideas, etc.

Any serious grappler likely has questions from outside their main discipline. A judo guy starting BJJ might have some questions, or a BJJ guy trying to get better at wrestling.

This is NOT a self defense circlejerk thread, or a A vs. B circlejerk thread. Start with something like
>years of experience
>technique question or problem

I train at one of the most popular gyms in the world right now and I'm an instructional addict. I'll do my best to point people to the right resources.
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Unfortunately this is a common way bjj (and many other things) is taught
Grey haired boomers showing something then you "practice" against a compliant partner to build "muscle memory" (doesn't exist) this is called the IP method and is really ineffective at building skills
That's why you'll see "advanced" people still needing to pop in to beginners classes to tighten up supposed fundamentals since they don't really know it, they just copy it from memory and memories change over time so if they haven't done it for a while it's all out the window
Consider how many math equations you learned in school and at the time you were able to pass the test at the end of the semester but now you would look at it and it's complete gibberish to you

When my gym informed me we were switching over to 100% ecological I was so excited almost ordered milk out of my nipples. I've been bugging people for weeks about this stuff. Finally we can actually get some real training done but it had to be done by ousting the old man in charge and his decades out of date gym teacher training methods
My gf is highly competitive and interested in starting a combat sport, and wants to know which sport would she be at the least physical advantage in, being approx 100lbs (46kg) and 5'1"? This is just for sport, not self defense.
Not only in competition, but also taking into account the practical sparring considerations.
Least physical disadvantage*
She wants her size to impede her as little as possible.
Jiujitsu is of course the most girl friendly because you do it on your back and girls actually participate in it in a higher than average percentage compared to other things. If possible I'd shop around for a location that has a solid group of girls because they always form a clique and it's less time she has to spend rolling around with men

And people will say "oh its fine there's nothing sexual about it" but that's not true because even if most guys are on their best behavior there's always going to be the permavirgins that go a g-g-g-girl!! And see it as an opportunity to actually touch one
BJJ fags
Watch the next couple mins of vid and then tell me why your ground game (bjj) is better than mine (judo)
You guys move like snails compared to us


>Let me tell you first, I've been around.
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Dun you eber do dis
I dunno that sounds pretty based
Especially if he beat up one of the bullies
I fail to see the problem with this. Are you mad he gave you the dangity dangity dang or something?
Say what you want about corruption and fight fixing, but Pride used Bas and Rampage perfectly for promotion in the West. Just the right combination of violent and goofy. Almost literal cartoob characters that appealed to everyone for the same reasons.
Like 3/4s of Europe were vicious martial people until they recently softened up

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>Just Another proof Boxing(SUCKER PUNCH) is the best fighting technique
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that's not a sucker punch though
There is not a single sucker punch in that webm.
all of those guys had knives if you pay attention btw
Not a sucker bro, get it right. Dude was squared up with him, full eye contact.
This dude's a cunt. The other guys are deescalated as fuck, and he literally turns his back on them, and then proceeds to make a 180 turn just to elevate a regular sucker punch into a SUPER sucker punch.

I mean, if he had simply punched them while he was yelling in their face, that would have been bad enough, but he turned his back just to make it even LESS telegraphed? What kind of sociopathic shit is that lmao

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