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If XL bullies are allowed to be kept as pets then I should be able to own a lynx or a bobcat, it's just that shrimple
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I love Uni
it's the proximity to video game animal mascots that tips you off. that fox could be a homosexual sly cooper villain
It's bad for the cat you dingus. They're not suited for captivity.
Shame those games died so unceremoniously. Never got to play them
i want a caraval

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A small dog is the best pet you can have by every objective metric
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would. all of them. (not the bottom one)
People on this board often forget that if you find someone desperate enough you can make them into your pet
>all of them
>not the bottom one
English motherfucker do you speak it?!
small dogs are gay i will stick with my big cats thank you
I understood him perfectly. What are you not getting?

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Are you retarded, or are you retarded?
>no link to post
fake and gay
iirc wally had a medical condition that prevented growth to full size
Personally I would castrate him, then lock him naked in a cage with a bunch of giant HIV positive gay niggers
sounds like a fate worse than death, anon

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ITT animals that make humans feel insecure
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>admitting to being a thread-derailing troll
Ok but they didn’t “pioneer” the field, Britain did, they might have been the first to put it into practice on a large scale if that’s what you mean but that’s not the same, and also several other countries had their own eugenics program so it’s hardly surprising for Germany to follow suit
It doesn't stop there.
>landslide occurs with millions of tons of polluted dirt from a company that has been praised for being green
>it's a huge scandal with fingers pointed everywhere especially by people in government
>cleanup will be expensive as fuck
>government says the companies whose trash dirt it was should help fund it
>a huge portion of it turns out to be from the mink culling
It just keeps coming back to bite them in the ass.
Moral of the story: don’t fuck with musties
Fair point

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So my cat has been gender-questioning ever since he was a kitten, with all the usual signs such as squatting to pee in the litterbox. I've tried buying him food for both male and female cats and he seems to be preferring the female food at least 75% of the time so I think he has quite a bit of dysphoria and isn't feeling like he belongs in his current body.

Are there any good gender reassignment vets in the US? Specifically west coast if possible? I've heard about them in Canada but not sure about the US. I've set up a dilator on the wall next to his litterbox in the hopes he'd start getting used to it before an operation but it doesn't seem like he's trying it.
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This would be funnier and get more replies on /LGBT/
Are you more stupid than a bird?
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No, I believe I'm slightly smarter than a bird
>I’ve set up a dilator on the wall
Funny joke thread and all but you just know the time when “people” start asking questions like this seriously is right around the corner at this point.
Will they answer honestly and seriously?

Slow and steady will win the race to page 10
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Sure, I won’t stop you :)
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Since you’re already here I’ll wish you good luck and Godspeed little tort
Objective: escape dinosaur island
Damn. They’re actually kind of speedy.

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Death for no reason is murder.
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>another low effort veganoid bait thread that will get 300 replies
Is it worth reading so far?
So true.
> Humans have been eating mostly grains and vegetables for the vast majority of history.
Source? As far as I know we’ve ate a healthy mix of everything for most of the time “humans” have been around
NTA but he said history, not prehistory. After agriculture become a common practice, it's been pretty well known that the lower castes (most people) had poorer mainly grain filled diets when compared to our prehistoric hunter gatherer ancestors. This can be seen in how our stature shifted to be shorter (something that's only recently shot back up) and by how much of a religious and historic significance bread or rice or corn has in any society. History has been fueled by grains.
>You put 15 million calories into a cow
Again, calories from a source we can't digest, and the waste that comes out of the cows' asses is sold as fertilizer.
I actually rototilled cow shit into my garden a few days ago
the reason is that meat tastes good. if i could only eat plant based slop then eating would become an unpleasant chore rather than something enjoyable that i look forward to

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...where did the canine race go wrong?
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I really hope this is not a male dog
>>>let the wife pick it out
Well there you go. Also is this guy watching TV on a projector
i think there’s a difference between being “introduced to new ideas” and being brainwashed by the largest most pervasive propaganda machine in human history
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>...where did the canine race go wrong?

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genuine thoughts on them?
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they cute
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they really are just gummy worms…
The rightmost guy is just sinking his claws into his friend's back, ouch
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Horse General

Drinking with the fellers edition

>>4804296 - thread that lay down for even a second
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no fucking way
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Is alcohol actually safe for them to consume?
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>drinks like a fish
>GOAT female athlete
>fabulously wealthy
>has millions of adoring fans
Teetotalers are such babies desu
Horses are long-gut fermenters, alcohol is a normal byproduct of their digestive processes. It takes a prodigious amount of liquor to get one drunk, and not just by the standards of "this animals weighs a thousand pounds". I use malty full bodied lagers hide the taste of medicine for horses pretty regularly (stuff like Coors Banquet or Lienenkugels Original), but not all horses like the flavor, so make sure yours likes the taste before trying this,

I had an Arab, years ago, that would steal and chug any beers left unattended on fence rails, It was good for a laugh now and again.

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/dog/ clothing:
For work and play:
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise:

/dog/ training:
Be nice to /dog/s:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Send poodle pics please!! trying to see more standard poodles and variety of haircuts... I'm really considering getting one but I hate the big poof on top of their head that most people do so just wanna see other options. picrel to show what i mean
based archosaur establishing dominance over mongrel
>Huskies are the most manly dogs
- and other copes to tell yourself at night
>my dog eats a bee
>gets stung
>she keeps doing it
Based and trve

HVSKY STVDS are the most popular dogs at the park

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It's simultaneously fulfilling, rewarding and pretty nice.
But pretty depressing.
Puppies and small dogs come and go.
But if they grow taller than someone's knees, they stay there forever.
Nobody wants a big dog.
We cannot take surrenders because there's just so many strays filling the place.
Absolute lack of people coming to help
To even just spend time with some dogs.
We're three people right now with 70 dogs at the shelter.
There's not enough time in the day to both clean and tend to them while spending enough time socializing them.
It's rough out there for the big poochies, anons.
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What even is the solution for the dog overpopulation problem? Are people just not spaying/neutering them enough? Should we start killing strays/ferals? It’s sad that the situation is like this
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>Are people just not spaying/neutering them enough
This and people just want to breed puppies to sell
They don't sell so they jump dump them
We're a no-kill shelter and don't get funding from the local government because they only fund kill shelters.
We require every adopted dog to be neutered and spayed.
These puppies are energetic though and mob you in a pack. So they're likely going to be here for a while too.

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As usual, post and discuss foxes.

>filter all tripcode users
>report all potential fetish content
Don’t feed the foxes, and keep your yard clean!
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both are ep*c, yeah
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Less than a week until Summer now, the end of Spring :|
look like goofballs? we’re still figuring it out
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Foxes are already evolving rapidly, and we need to start thinking about how to integrate them into our society and involve them in the economy. What professions do you think would be best suited for them?
As mentioned earlier, foxes are very vocal, and also they are agile. I think they would make excellent singers, dancers, and overall entertainers. Surely some foxes will work in pest control, as they are naturally adapted to finding and eating mice and insects.
They also possess natural wisdom, but I am not sure how they could utilize it.

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Leave Earhart to me.
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The punchline is
>why so sour
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the expiration date is funnier than whatever could have been in that third speech bubble
>purple life saver complains about his situation
>red life saver points out existential demise showing that life does not care
I see this post on tumblr a lot but with funny characters instead of colored circles.

I'm going to post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread hit image limit >>4684291
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If you can use San Diego as an example get involved with your biggest zoo and try and get them to copy the model to get a pair as conservation ambassadors. My very end goal is to hopefully inspire enough anons to get involved that future generations can actually have a platypus like Texans have big cats. Just less irresponsible and more careful breeding and protecting the genetic stock from ecological disaster responsibly. Captive tigers are being used to prevent the wild population from failing due to inbreeding in some areas of the world.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
I want a platypus now, thanks based aussie
you're the lone good poster on this dogshit board, platypus aussie anon
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Thank you for the complements and I'm glad to hear you want a platypus, but I know there are othef good posters on this board.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus.

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