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would they have more fans and acceptance if they were this small?
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Lol made himself dizzy.
>Tea ceremony decoration: This mini crocodile tea figurine can be used to decorate the tea ceremony. When you pour tea on top, it will make it smoother and more delicate, adding a sense of tea ceremony ceremony ceremony.
fat fuck
>full of tea

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Life on earth peaked in the Cretaceous period
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I miss ammonites so much, bros.
Just deal with nautilus or argonauts dude, it's not that hard.
imagine being dropped off in a creaceous ocean, animals aside, just the amount of water alone would be terrifying
For me it's the Devonian
Oceans today are so small, wherever you drop you can just swim to the nearest shore.

Chubby edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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This is my idle animation.
wow 1 frame, that sure is idle
Use basic Dawn or Joy dish soap. Rinse thoroughly.
My 16 years old cat living her last days, never thought talking animals is a good idea, but now it seems so unfairly that i can't have a talk with her before she go...
i got her while i was about 9 years old, now i'm 25...
I'd definitely try a different litter. When I got my current cats one of them refused to use the litter at all. Started with wood, tried corn, soon as I switched to clay he stopped causing any problems.

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She's lived a longer life than Longcat now.
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Based and life piled, death is cringe.
yeah bro completely natural. the dog totally isn't suffering at all.
Poor thing. Because of one meme picture she's now being kept alive well past her expiration date
This but unironically

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Horse General

May Edition

>>4777567 - Previous Thread
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How about this one? I plan on giving these two pictures to the horses owner.
I would be very happy, it's lovely anon
I would gladly take your gift and show it to a better photographer as an example of what I don't want
hell yea dude
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>aaaaaaaaaah a flying wolf!

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What's your favorite one?
cows exist, a good chunk of your food is probably derived from them
I was gonna say something about seeing two-headed cows in reality but I forgot in Cambodia/Thailand there's literally goat human fusions so I guess they're not far off from reality if we take into account the possibilities
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In the fallout universe mirelurks are kinda nuts have queens and hunters pop out looking like molecrabs and have weirder variations like mirelurk kings and lakealurks

But if we're just going with seemingly simple animals within the realm of not so far off possibility chocobos. Although there's no way they could be beasts of burden unless they were bigger.

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Rare Gecko Edition

previous: >>4757767

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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Lizard name?
Sphenomorphus muelleri
It looks cool but it's probably like other skinks that just sit under a log all day and you end up with an empty terrarium.
I hope people start breeding and keeping more diurnal species. Jewelled lacertas is one that's got popular witihin the last years but still so many interesting species like lacertids (pic related) and the fence lizard family. The issue is that you can't keep them in dark shoe boxes so that's why nobody wants to keep them.
I want a Malaysian river toad who's not been exposed to aids and ass worms but it seems like most sellers say they gave them generic de wormer if any treatment at all.
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>never musks
>never plays dead
>takes pinkies without issue
>poop smells no worse than other sneks

Is there a sexier animal out there? I dont think there is
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A monkey? You're into monkeys? Pretty low tier really. Lots better to pick from.
>where are we going?
>to the bridal chamber
Why she gotta be a kicker.
Theres another booru but it's literally one of the only banned phrases or sites to mention in 4chan lol

>possesses highest intelligence of any animal
>randomly goes on a murderous killing rampage after a certain age
what did chimpanzees mean by this?
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i heard chimps are literal niggers and will rape and kill their own family whereas gorillas use violence but with discretion
That's just because we're too stupid for our intelligence
that wasn't the case in antiquity
humans have greater capacity for destruction and murder than chimps.

the thing is, chimps don't have enough consciousness to temper their violence. so, the violent animal impulses get combined with an animalistic, but extremely high, relative intelligence to create something very vicious.

violence + impulsivity + intelligence + nothing holding you back = potential for horrible destruction

in humans, the capacity is higher if less random and less misguided.
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You can't do this with chimpanzee

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Previous: >>4729588
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True, even if I'm suspicious of your motives.
Hmm, well have 'em stand on a chair
The fox in your image is clearly a juvenile.
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Bucket of raccs
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Stalker racc
Why does he look AI generated. Like he has no body just a head and neck that arms and legs connect to
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I think they're just like tha
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The world's strongest raccoon.
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Racc incursion in the field

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Why do lions fuck each other's tranimal holes?
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Naturally, the end message of this program will be that homosexuality is natural because a handful of animals do it. Everything else that animals do like infanticide, cannibalism, incest, etc. however is because they’re just animals who don’t know any better naturally
Well, what are you guys up to. Spending 16 hrs of your day edging and addicted to pornography.
animals can't be gay, gay is an identity invented in the 70s not an act or behavior, you can be a virgin and gay/queer

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What king of bate even is this?
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One that made you reply. GG

Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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I that your 4chan setup?
>blocking the window with the tv
>putting the plants in the corner of the room, away from the window
Plants in the corner that don't like or need direct sun light.
The window is not top to bottom glass and has a 5 inch plastic bit across the middle with a fuckin letter box in it coz the cunt who built it just used the cheapest shit he could get hold of.
If I want to look at my garden, I have legs, I can walk and go sit in my garden.
Also you don't know the dimensions of my room or sofa or where the door is.
I hope I have explained enough for you to be satisfied.

It's an old picture, also I don't fully understand the question.

Maybe it's the colour and the light through the leaves that seems pleasing to me.
I tried to grow chilis last year but, it's England, the weather was shiyt.
>It's an old picture, also I don't fully understand the question.
Was that the monitor that you used to use to browse 4chan?
you guys think it's alright if my pots with sequoiadendron giganteum seeds are always sitting in a tray of water? It's a convenient way to keep them wet I'm just worried about the seeds rotting away or something

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I know this is like the 43898458568976457875469847183656478274839472982948 thread about pitbulls but how is it possible that people can make their minds up about this particular dog type? Sounds like autism at this point and everybody will eventually start to make tip of the iceberg memes about how these shitty debates from both side of the coin are becoming beyond autistic
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my cat can kill pitbulls
I don’t know man, I think it’s far more likely the entire country collapses in on itself by virtue of its constantly imploding infrastructure before we ever see fully functional chinese test tube babies
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Nta anon but I don't understand how you people can believe in evolution and epigenetic memory and at the same time be absolutely stunned that a bunch of people that lived in a climate where no long term planning is necessary for survival and where brutality is omnipresent would develop to be low iq and and violent.
If any other animal would be in question, you wouldn't bat an eye but when it the human animal you go into a fit.
You guys are absolutely dogmatic in your beliefs
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Hitler didn't just order the last of Berlin's defense to kill civilians because they wouldn't fight for him.

He ordered it because he concluded that the aryan people were inferior to bolshiviks and deserved to be eradicated by a superior "Race".

Feel free to continue thinking otherwise.
You're just strawmanning against a made up caricature of what a "racist" is.

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