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What breed of dog is this?
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It's ooooooolddddd OP
which one?
mutt probably german shepherd, maybe some rottweiler

just guessing, you could do one of those dna tests, they aren't much and it's not a big deal to add your dog's dna to a commercial database, unlike your own
Siberman Huskerd

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New thread to replace the old one that maxed-out and was archived
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Many such cases.
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He's right, I help
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>Haha! Look at how smart and quirky I am! I can balance a ball on my nose and climb onto ledges! Look at me! Look at me! Aren't I the best??

Kill all border collies.
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Killing the smartest breeds of all dogs. Literal Jew take.
my thoughts exactly xiao
if dogs were humans, these would be the pretentious ivy league white boy
Which internet argument did you lose today OP?

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>children are precious and cats are pest prey animals thoughbeit
>a dog that kills cats isn't guaranteed or even more likely to kill children. be careful with your language. cattards say "it could have been a child" when their roaming pets gets murked all the time and if pressed they shit out a cringe rant that sounds like
>>cats are predators, dogs are scavengers, cats are wild and dogs are domesticated!
>yet all those greyhounds that kill cats have yet to kill many people! rather they save lives, toxo kills more people in the west than dogs. 20x more people than pitbulls, to be exact.
>as far as you know those are two good pitbulls that would never harm a human and just really love getting rid of vermin, and all they need is a stronger owner
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TDS was funny because they were seething over nothing.
Pibbles actually kill infants and other pets. Pretending it's unwarranted is delusional.
Don’t try to argue with pitcucks. Nothing will convince them they’re the owners of what are effectively land sharks
>Pibbles actually kill infants and other pets.
Owner issue, not my problem.

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Why are birds so fucking cool bros?
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Whatever they do they already won.

Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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How come pines can move in just fine then? Even the fire-adapted pines from the southeast US?
They grow fine in the UK, they just never took hold and made forests.
There's a few I can think of, but they have all been planted by a human.
So how do we propose we introduce them to Europe then? Plant an entire forest somewhere in the Mediterranean where fires occur? Picrel is a costal redwood(not giant sequoia) grove planted in Australia btw.
Thanks for the knowledge. Not sure about the watering advice though, I'm alright with that. I don't know why you're so adamant on drowning plants

Hey my family was in the smoky mountains, I was home. My son(8yo) was going to grab this sneak. His mom and uncle advised him that Tennessee has poisonous sneks and to keep a distance. Can any anon tell me exactly what snek this is? We are from sw lower michigan, and only have non venomous ( except michigan rattler) seeks. We go snek hunting all the time here, finding mostly corn, milk, rat, Gartner sneks. Thanks.
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It's already been pointed out that it's a water snake, so I'll just say that while they're not venomous, they will bite and their saliva has a minor anti-coagulate so any bites suffered will bleed a little more.
And also they musk, which means they're going to shit and piss all over you if you pick it up.
But you can still pick it up and not worry much.
meds + bwc immediately
It looks like a snake
Snakes are venomous, not poisonous. Snakes produce venom in special glands. Therefore, the snake isn't poisonous and it is safe to touch.
Fun fact, snakes won't bite children.
>Snakes are venomous, not poisonous.
>He doesn't know.

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A man in his twenties or thirties with 2 or more cats is a red flag
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it means you're not doing the nasty, sir
Tinder. Swiping right on their profile means you ‘like’ them. Swiping left means you don’t
Pretty much. They get lonely and bored.
That’s quite dangerous anon. Having children at 40 can end badly in a number of ways. Old sperm + dried up eggs are not a good combo. Hope you turned out alright
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Pic reminds me of this
We need to retvrn

>It's an asexual half frog mutant born in a tube
>paleotards still seethe about the collar
It's fiction, deal with it already
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lighten up that was hilarious
I always thought it was funny how much they seethe over the frill because there’s no evidence of Dilophosaurus having one but at the same time they will also draw dinosaurs covered in fleshy growths and turkey wattles
>there’s no evidence of Dilophosaurus having one
modern lizards and birds having frills is evidence of any dinosaur having one.

it's just not strong evidence.

but then most of what we "know" about dinosaur appearance and behavior comes from similarly weak evidence. We just assume they were similar to modern animals of similar niches because evolution tends to do the same things over and over and over and over.
I don't think it's the palaeoartists who are the ones seething about the dilo-frill.

Spinefags get all the attention despite making up only like 3% of all animals. This thread is dedicated to all of our favorite inverte-FRIENDS!
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Lmao so now your story is that you’re actually imitating the “uneducated” yeah man I totally believe it
you’re one of the most pretentious insecure posters on here in a long time and that’s saying something
This is now a jelly thread
Post jelly
>so now your story is
If I have to tell you the same thing 10 times before you understand, you don't just sound uneducated.
At that point you're retarded.
Lie through your teeth harder. You embarrassed yourself by showing your bare ass and are now doing damage control - everyone can read the thread. You’ll be getting no more attention from me now.
Everyone that is a biologist or knows a biologist knows I'm right. You look like a fool every time you speak.

I hate lions. Overrated motherfuckers don’t deserve their reputation as King of the Beasts or King of the Jungle. They get mogged by so many herbivorous animals and even the lesser carnivores give them tons of shit. END THE LION HYPE.
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means kill urself
you first
deleted posts (?)
Furs or penis enhancers are no retarded shit.
First, this is a lion hate thread. Second, this is America and everything that can be turned into money must be hunted. Third, whenever a Lion was shot and turned into fur or a penis enhancer, it was self-defense.
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>survive childhood
>get kicked out of the pride
>survive untold years alone in the wild
>finally get a pride of my own after overthrowing another lion's one or entrepreneuring my own with some random lioness
>finally get to rest and enjoy the fruits of my labor
>actually no I still have to engage in deadly duels against other lions trying to overthrow me
>still have to join big hunts because lionesses are too weak
>all the lionesses sexually harass me
>mfw get called lazy

Went to clean out his cage this morning and he was cold and lifeless. Had been suffering from a skin infection for a while but didn't think it was that bad. Probably should have taken him to the Vet but you never know.
Buried him in the backyard but I have another guinea pig that's all alone now.
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these dudes always die suddenly in the most retarded ways
Vax status?
time for roasted cuy
Seconding everything here.

PLEASE compliment this dog
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Depends on the age. An old dog 15 years+ deserves it in my opinion. Anything less than that should be culled.
>people dropped tens of thousands of dollars on this stuff
like i get the sentiment but come on
It's a dog, i get it, but if you had a beloved pet, and you could ease its suffering in a small way, you would. It's part of the deal you make when you go "Yes, i will take care of you". Granted, 20k is probably a lot more than most people would go, but it's not like the dog gets a little sick and you put it down.

Requiring an entire knee replacement isnt a little sick though. That's 20k worth of surgery. A dog that requires knee replacement isnt going to live another 3 years even if it has the surgery. At some point you have to use common sense.
anon, i'm not suggesting that 20k is the minimum. But what if it's not a high hurdle. Or even a mildly difficult hop. Is it still common sense the surgery to maintain an active lifestyle and prevent pain if it's not a problem?

>You can't live feed your snake because the way it suffocates rats is far too cruel
>you can introduce wolves to locations where they will horrifically tear live deer limb from limb with their teeth though
how does this make any sense?
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Forgot to mention that:
>Wolves also keep other predator populations in check
>Wolves actually help the population of some herbivores, since they won't have all of their food eaten by elk.
wtf travolta finally gave up on his weird looking fake hair?
Long, long ago, yes.
He usually keeps his dome completely smooth and well-polished so it's weird to see it with fuzz
As already stated the two situations aren’t the same. Just about any animal can be fed dead prey barring the ones too stupid to register it as food
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>buy some salmon for people food
>give cat a piece of it
>he hits it a couple times and goes back to eating his cat goyslop
ummmm i thought cats were supposed to be smart?
>buy some raw unseasoned chicken for cat food
>give human a piece of it
>he hits it a couple times and goes back to eating his flamin' hot cheetos
ummmm i thought humans were supposed to be smart?
>wtf why is le cat addicted to slop i feed him with all the time????
never happened

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