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Where are you on the journey?

(Business and financially speaking)
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>the life of a faggot
that thing says that you are supposed to have your second child at 40 and retire at 53.
How can you do so much before 53?
>How can you do so much before 53?
You have literally 53 years, including 35 years above the age of 18.
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>Just finished high school
>My dad gave me a choice between going to college or doing something else, if i didn't go to college he would give me the money they saved up for 17 years in cash for me to do whatever i wanted
>the only promise was that i would build a stable future for myself
>gamble the 70k he gave me into pajamas
>it pumped
>i have now officially made enough money to retire right now
I speedran the whole thing OP
Ray Dalio can suck my fat stinky chode because the lousy whores I got off Tinder shouldn't even count as a first romance

is it true people get rich by drawing simple lines on the charts?
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did on VINU
it went parabolic
it does work
I don't think so, I mean if I could barely make certain gains by looking at charts in dexview I don't think you can do much by making lines in paint
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Its not just the lines faggot, its what you do with them. Take for instance my latest investment in $conan (the national hero), i did a whole analysis on where it was going to land on the next few weeks and thanks to that a lot of people go the chance to buy it, you could say that i was larping and that me drawing some lines on a chart didn't change anything, but that wouldn't explain the sudden x3000 it got. You're just being stupidly reductive
Basically yeah, but some of them do know what they're doing

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I have

$210k in 401(k)
$500k in crypto
$100k in roth
$20k in a taxable brokerage
$25k in total bank accounts

All before 30.

Yet i’ve never been on a date before… this is so fucking depressing.

At what point are you suppose to start enriching your life?
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>almost everyone i know is a millionaire

Statistically that can't be the case, bud. Unless u just so happen to only know millionaires.

Money will never impress women unless you flaunt it in a way they find attractive. Expensive, well tailored clothes, a nice classy car, and a nice haircut. Most of all, women are in love with potential.

If i tell u "i plan on being a billionaire" then u wont give a shit. But if you say that to a woman with a bit of added pizzaz, she'll be dazzled.

And ofc, be tall, be good looking yadda y adda.
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I hope that in those $500K in crypto you're holding $super, cuz at least you'll be a fucking rich retard that hasn't been on a date lol, get laid fucking virgin
What's the point on wanting to get laid if you have millions lol
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ok virgin
>Yet i’ve never been on a date before… this is so fucking depressing.
Work on putting yourself out there more?

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Describe what makes Bitfuck valuable in 10 words or less
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>Convince other people it is valuable while offloading bags.
Number go up
Number go up up up up!!!! Hheeeeeeehhheeeehooooooooohhohohoho!!!!
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It birthed PAJAMAS into existence which is absurdly bullish and completely and utterly improved my chances of making it now that i have a huge community of retarded schizos who want to make it as well. So by virtue of being a creation of BTC, BTC remains the bullish allfather
No. Monetary expansion creates nothing but a new fraudulent claim on existing resources, fiat is always and only negative sum.

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>link starts pumping
>link fud threads die off
>link starts dumping
>link fud threads come back
so other than a few of them, the fuddies really are link holders huh
Big Serg’s favorite meme.

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>Consumer price hikes outpace producers' costs

>Corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the second and third quarters of 2023 and more than one-third since the start of the pandemic, the report found, analyzing Commerce Department data. That’s a massive jump from the four decades prior to the pandemic, when profits drove just 11% of price growth.

>“Businesses were really, really quick, when input costs went up, to pass that on to consumers. [But] had they only passed on those increases, inflation would have been maybe one to three points lower,” Liz Pancotti, a strategic advisor at Groundwork and one of the report’s authors, told Fortune.

What are some similar situations in the past? Is this the mania phase of the whole economy? If so, when will the economy crash and burn?
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1940's is a better match to this current business cycle. Corporations are realizing consumers are a bunch of shit eating retards so they can easily pass costs onto them. The ecnomomy crashes and burns when Japan grows a spine and stops the exploitation of the Yen Carry Trade. Japs are low T as fuck so this is unlikely to happen any time soon. Everything will be financialized, BNPL will be the norm.

How do I drive traffic to an e-commerce site?
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making it on organic traffic was possible 10 years ago
now you have to buy ads to get any attention, all by design of course
you're better off trying to play the social media algorithm these days
A trap house.
I know nothing about social media (don't even have any except a facebook account I haven't logged onto in years).
Do you know how receptive influencers are to reviewing/plugging free stuff you send them?
black hat SEO
abandoned house

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>link is pumping?
>dump btc.
>it's not working?
>pump btc.
you know what's coming next...
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A day will come when Chainlink cannot be stopped. That day is rapidly approaching.
Getting some serious samefaggotry vibes itt ngl desu
>moon in june.
Speaking of which, didn't the OG poster whalekiller state that link would moon in June? What does he know...
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what happens next??
Yeah I know whats coming next, I'm gonna swap that worthless shit for $super, bye shitlink holders

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Yes it's going up. I don't get your point or why you are so pissed off about people liking a certain coin. You're not cyber villain who controls the market, you're a cranky gay guy. Buy or don't.
AVI will break .01 in june
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FOR ALL YOU NEWFAGS https://youtu.be/TNWtRXi4k2k?si=Kuph81nnxkj-63w8
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>that vid
fucking kek
i love avi

Kek yeah, another case of an unlikeable tripfag who thinks that by being annoying they are somehow a supervillain. Aviators just stick to our own threads while so many APU faggots just go and shit on other communities and then in their own threads they say we're all "frens". What a nice way to represent your coin (down lately and being slow rugged by Palladius)

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I can't think of a single project people dedicate this much rationalization/bloviating other thank Link and I think it is because a lot of people got burned for not being early enough and are now perma-bears. I find it funny desu, like anything you just said has even a miniscule impact on the facts and circumstances of Chainlink. SWIFT and DTCC stamp their brands next to Link.

I actually can't believe you are even tempting the "tech company culture" thing, as if every fagman corpo doesn't give their employees good salaries and cushy benefits. You have to be fully braindead retarded to think that isn't a good thing.

Yes, I think it is a good thing that Chainlink Labs employees are happily employed.

I think the narratives that have metastasized around Link are worth examining. Like your foolish statements here, masquerading as legitimate discourse on the subject.

People will say they "fud4fun" when they really don't have any conviction, either direction, because they're fundamentally ignorant / lack any domain-relevant skills.

If you aren't a street shitter getting pay per post for stock bashing this shit and actually fell for the original gaslighting from og link maxis, it is time to wake up

it's like if the Gimp from Pulp Fiction were the last centipede in a human centipede, and he were laughing at me as I try to tell him that he is in fact eating shit that has already been digested, regurgitated, and re-shit 3 times before it got to his mouth which is sown to an anus

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if i cash out 6k in eth will i be flagged by my bank?
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First Republic bank.
sometimes I'm afraid to sell everything I have in dextools because I know that eventually I will have to talk to the IRS, I don't want to get ugly looks
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I only cashed out my VINU when it reached 5x and bought a PS5, I'm holding since
explain fucking nigger
not everyone is a fucking criminal like yourself
a whole 6 thousand dollars? they're gonna come after your ass. thats big money. you retard.

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What are your best picks for RWA?

My top 3
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Are you trying to make a point here?
Fucking poors man.
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Bro literally forgot the newest addition to the market

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My future existence depends on $150 LINK.
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the future is over rated
so is existence.
massively overvalued for what it is.
Why are you laughing bull
mine depends on how well a paper memecoin does in dextools, I'm so fucking done, this is what's going to pay the rent next month
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>My future existence depends on $150 LINK.
What a zoomer, and that would be flattering to say if I was talking about ticker zoomer
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You should've made smarter movements then. My future existence depends on $3k of PAJAMAS but since every single holder also depends on it and there's no big ruggable power to dump it, i can see the future clearly, so i don't have even an ounce of fear, just certainty on my bags

>"The defendants' scheme calls the very integrity of the blockchain into question," US Attorney Damian Williams said in a statement on Wednesday, referring to the public ledger that records crypto payments.

>The brothers allegedly stole from Ethereum traders by fraudulently gaining access to pending private transactions and then altering the transactions to obtain their victims' cryptocurrency.

>The process, which investigators say they referred to as "the Exploit", took only a matter of seconds to execute.

>When confronted by a representative for Ethereum, officials say the brothers declined to return the funds and took steps to launder and hide their stolen gains.

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if block producers implemented FSS/PROF this wouldn't be a problem

if you disagree you get raped

>fraudulently gaining access to pending private transactions
Not such thing, if it's allowed by the blockchain then is a fair move
it's funny how we're still pretending that any other coin other than monero has any validity

how long does it take you retards to understand this shit
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Why didn't they just steal that amount on monero? or better yet they could've just distributed the money among a lot of shitcoins that are purely community based ($PAJAMAS and $TRUMP) and completely anonymous, they would've hidden their tracks with the other holders and they wouldn't have half of the shit they're having to deal with right now. For being so smart they really didn't think it through

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It's true. Also I have noticed, there is something about boomers that makes them incapable of having the right opinion on anything. Even if they agree with you, it's for the wrong reasons.
I feel that even though the Greatest Gen and Silent Gen made big mistakes, at least they were generally more pleasant to be around. I love my parents but I couldn't give two shits about most other Boomers. No matter what political opinion or religion they're a part of, it's all just for vanity, selfishness, and ego. There are no sincerely held beliefs and they make no sacrifices in the name of their beliefs. Their virtual signaling is so bright it could likely be sign from low Earth orbit.
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is anyone really interested in this? i mean, it's a gigantic purchase that is almost not worth it, an apartment is more convenient in the long run, plus it's something i can pay for by selling a couple of bags i have in dextools
yeah, this. It's funny to see people still argue that mass importation of poor brownoids somehow decreases the price of housing using some convoluted nonsensical argument, despite that idea being objectively utterly disproven of the course of the past 4 years

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aren't the casino odds better than meme coins lottery?
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ok we need to bring back the email requirement
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you can win or lose everything much faster. You can win a lot at SUPER and lose a lot at blackjack.
>crapto is fully rigged
How did you get that from what I said?
If you know what you're doing, meme casnino odds are waaaaay better

So become the house. It literally costs 2 sol (between fees and your dev buy) to launch something on pumpfun. It's LITERALLY that easy.
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The funny blue dog VINU gave me $20k last year, so crypto wins

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Buy Land. Own A Home. Create More Value Than You Consume.
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Fair enough. I still prefer my arrangement to a direct landlord, in a shithole urban hell, surrounded by criminals and concrete.

what is your better alternative?

I'll take my 10 acres in the country "rented" from the government, growing my own food, living in peace, as my best 2nd choice.
Renting in a 95% white area and keeping your NW in liquid assets that can't be seized by a government aka self-custody Bitcoin.

rent on a 2B1BA in my area is 3x what I pay in mortgage for our 3b2ba hoose with 400sqft basement & attached 2 car garage, on 10 acres.

my mortgage payment: $1273
1b1ba gub'ment apartment: $775

I still invest in HYSA, VTSAX, VTI, VOO, ITOT, BBUS etc... and a *tiny amount* of BTC.

But on our homestead, we grow our own food. livestock, vegetable garden & orchard. it is new construction 2022/2023, designed by us. we already have 70% equity and we moved in June of 2023.
My rent for one bedroom is $1400 a month, a condo mortgage of the same is $2600 and a single family home mortgage is $4600. 96% white town. Go for it if you wanna larp as a homesteader but in ten years even the most based states are gonna be blue shitholes, no point of tying yourself to a location in the west.
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kek, i'm glad zoomers are priced out

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When do you think GME holders will admit they got pump and dumped?
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literally never
honestly, i bet you a good chunk are starting to see the grift, but the general is full of literal bots and scammers telling others to hold so idk
kek hedgies . ledgies

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today it's been officially 1 month since i started buying and selling shitcoins.
i started with a budget of $370 and after one month, i have managed to turn that into an incredible... $380.
one month of doing this bullshit only to make 10 bucks profit.
truly amazing...
you guys told me this was going to be "easy money"
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Buy and hold you broke faggot. Also get a job.
before or after taxes?
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>get a job
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Honestly I think a lot of people got in on the SOL shitcoins in March/beginning of April and that's when you could make ridiculous stupid fucking money with little risk. Once normoids started getting clued in, you had tons more shitcoins being shitted out on pump.fun and it wasn't a sure thing anymore.

If I had been like a few days earlier on Boden and a couple of others I'd be retired. Instead I got cucked into low 5 figure holds. Oh well. The shitcoin scene is pretty dead right now and you're even starting to see the same old shit as last cycle, i.e. crypto twatter "influencers" getting obvious cuts of a memecoin in return for shilling it and dumping it on their followers

TLDR: it's over
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You've been buying and selling the wrong cacacoins op, pajamas was right there, so was squid and so was avi, what the fuck were you investing on? Seriously

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