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I agree that 500K is not lifechanging, but I think ~3M would be enough. I live quite a comfortable life with an 80k salary, 3M at 4% would likely be enough to more than match that.
>No it isn't. It only buys you some breathing room or some toys. You need at least $10 million to make a significant change to your life.

If you don't have at least a 9 figure networth you aren't even middle class.
500k is life changing money anon
Yes you can buy the biggest house in Bangalore and live like a king.
Turkish interest rates are 55% now. Move to Turkey if you want to make it

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Previously >>58411815

We're back, comfier than before

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:

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why are you talking about Zelda?
Just got to 25k tonight. Gonna open a 25 year old bottle of wine tomorrow to celebrate
it's over isn't it?
luckily I swapped most of my XRP for apu when it was relatively low mcap
saved my portfolio and my sanity, only regret not swapping all of my XRP and all of shit utility coins for apu
Can someone tell me why i should use XRP instead of some stablecoin?

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>$67.2K rejected
fucking stupid nigger stfu already

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is it gun go up?
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You got chinked boy
Imagine fading the official blockchain of the UFC™
I don't know what it even tries to be anymore and I say that as someone who holds over a million. "Sustainability" is cringe to me
>it is time to let go of your bags.
Highly based. I have already repositioned my bags to new utility projects like AAST, CORE and UPO.
>t. Rajesh Kunar Patel

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>Largest financial market infrastructures in the entire world fawning over Chainlink
>DTCC dedicating an entire page to hype up Chainlink, ctrl+f Chainlink 13 results, infographics with Chainlink square in the middle
>SWIFT stage two results a raging success. Sergey the King of SIBOS. "We can't believe you built it this quickly". Appearing with Solé in less than two weeks
>Hong Kong Monetary Authority first to go live with CBDC experiment, SmartCon in Hong Kong this year literally talking about "The convergence" between tradfi and blockchain
>Indian Sergey telling us that the first institutions go live this year, more verticals next year, global parabolic adoption 2026
>/biz/ larpers telling us it's all happening in JUNE

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cope answer #349
>This must be reflected in the chart
it will be in June

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>Stating that Ethereum is currently undervalued. Dr. Salami went on to give the coin a $20,000 forecast by 2025. This brought the average of the panel's predictions to $19,842 per ETH by 2025.
>Dr. Salami
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>my financial future is dependent on Mr. Salami’s prediction being true

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surfing the great material continuum edition hehehehe


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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Based and redpilled
Jokes aside be safe man
Having looked into it: No, escalation on the peninsula creates a blip that recovers almost immediately.
How tf did you reach that amount? Surely it wasn’t investing/trading
You da man anon
Haha, nice. I'm not even half way to six fig hell in my stocks folio. How old are you nigga?
ive read few i made it and ill leave posts. so thats what people usually do i think

put some aside so you dont lose everything if you goof

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Is he just going to post memes? I thought he had power. The weekly candle is the worst pump and dump we've seen all here. I was genuinely happy for GMEbros. What happened? Also fuck your schizo thread.
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is this next level schizo posting or real
q anon retardation levels
Two more weeks
Roaring Kitty Secret President
Re-expand your thinking
Re-read crumbs

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>Bitcoin pumps
>open short
Back to 61k in a day. Literally free money.
repeat ad infinitum
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it's funny to see how everything changes in just a couple of days, I think I should have stayed, we are already at 67k and I sold everything I was watching on dexview
Well, just focus on accumulating altcoins for now while the market is red. I'm thinking of continuing to increase my DePIN gems as that's where I make money. Peaq network is the next big target, and the Coinlist token sale has ended with oversubscription, which is not surprising.
One day we'll wake up and it'll be back to 61k again. Probably because somebody farted in the Middle East or some other completely unrelated retarded thing.
Professional bobo veteran OP is still dead I see
Bobo is dead and we have killed him

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who gives a shit
Just tell me the sui and makes it stacks
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I dont know I'm just here to shitpost about being right
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If you can grind out enough in passive income to stop working should you keep grinding to become rich (i.e. having tens of millions in assets)?
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Musk is the ultimate example of a richfag using his money to build passion projects to have a purpose in life instead of leaning back and calling it a day with 200 mill. Most people laughed at both SpaceX and Tesla in their early days and insisted that Musk was a delusional retard for thinking that he could just swoop in and do in 10 years what the experts at all the major automakers and NASA said was impossible, inefficient or a waste of time. He took the challenge despite not needing the money
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you think elon musk works?
People like Musk are just built different. Like 99% of people de-risk by diversifying when they get to 8-9 figs and only use a small part of their folio if they ever launch new companies. Musk took almost all of his paypal money and went all-in on two companies that tried to do the impossible. If he failed he would have become a poorfag again. And he was close to failing a few times. At one point Tesla ran out of money and was only a few days away from forced bankruptcy
Musk is a depressed workaholic who has to use ketamine and cocktails of multiple other drugs to not kill himself. He is certainly not a good example. I'm pretty sure that almost all the people that stopped working to relax and enjoy their wealth are happier than him. Musk doesn't work to be happy, he works because he's afraid that if he stops working he will kill himself. That's a pretty standard workaholic behavior. It's fleeing from life, not embracing it. You're only happy when you take time to connect with your inner self and solve your inner conflicts. Not working sounds hard to most people because that's the beginning of the process of confronting yourself, without the distraction of daily life.
Yeah because they can basically work on passion projects or work jobs they actually enjoy.

Pretty sure 99.9% of people who both make enough and are working a job they enjoy are just going to keep at it until they retire late.

When am I gonna make it? Also portfolio rate
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You will make it
I just bought Grt based on a fren's recommendation, idk what's going on with that one but whatever, FOMO train choo choo. Also got some Push, gonna enjoy the for tendies when that API staking hits
>invest in some high risk high reward memecoins
There still low risk high reward utility altcoins like RIO, AAST and RNDR.
You would have double that if you just bought BTC
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the 40 year old burnout from previous cycle who's too tired and wants to just somehow let it ride to one million folio
get at least 20k of some memes
future 5M folio, idk how /biz/ still haven't moved on to solana from ethereum
based fellow chudjak

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Memes ruined crypto. I wonder who is behind them?
We did this
It's all our fault

In 2026, Litecoin will be worth £25k

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If Swift and DTCC use CCIP the token will be worth ~30 cents. Being generous here if dtcc and swift settle 1 trill$ txns per annum and 70% supply locked up in nodes or staking and link is only worth 30 cents in fees. The fundamental value is that, I understand speculation etc... Check my Homework if you want.

Transaction Volume: We'll use the hypothetical annual transaction volume of $1 trillion processed through CCIP.
Transaction Fee: Assuming a 0.1% transaction fee for using CCIP, payable in LINK tokens.
Staking Percentage: We'll assume a certain percentage of LINK tokens are staked by node operators. Let's say 70% of LINK tokens are staked.
Token Demand: The demand for LINK tokens will be driven by the need to pay transaction fees and secure the network through staking.

Estimation Process:
Total Transaction Fees Paid in LINK Tokens:

Transaction fees = Transaction volume * Transaction fee rate
Total transaction fees paid in LINK = Transaction fees * (100% - Staking percentage)
Average LINK Demand per Transaction:

Average LINK demand per transaction = Total transaction fees paid in LINK / Total number of transactions

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>he doesn't know
lmao, somebody tell him before we get the lasn7##-f534 ->output.resend (failed)
take your pills
>i don't get the joke
There's no joke, I was just asking him to take his pills so he calm down and stop posting unhinged shit
>I'm doubling down on not getting the joke

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do you ever wonder about where chainlink will be 25 years from now?
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Holy shit that Kiernan Shipka! She grew up on the same street as me for a while

way outta my league now
Chainfuck is going to ZERO
I'm all in on QanPlatform's future with quantum-resistant blockchains on the rise. This is gonna be epic.
That's a biological male.

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Dead cat bounce.
Alive cat bounce

how are we feeling eg frens?
Next stop 20m mcap. Once we pass that disgusting meme roost, then we can take out that scam brett. There is no second best.

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>be 35
>hate every job I've ever had
>got fired last year from $130k job
>haven't found another one
>have no assets
>building up debt
>have $100k in 401k account

thinking of withdrawing it all and seeing if I can make it in business - I can't fathom the thought of working for another fucking asshole company - my whole life has been a sham just doing bullshit I never wanted to do.

I'd rather fail or win on my own then be an employee given breadcrumbs.

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I’ll give you the current cheat code to making money in business. I’d do it myself if I needed the money.

Laser clinic for tattoo/hair removal. Only a very short training course required to learn the ropes because it’s so incredibly simple. Equipment to get started is less than $10k. And best of all? Tattoo removal clinics are charging $200-300 for 5-10 minutes of work, and people gladly pay it to get rid of their shitty tattoos. And each tattoo requires 8-15 sessions. Once you got one clinic up and running, you can hire some out-of-work nurse to actually run operations while you expand and open even more clinics. There’s an infinite flow of new clients because thousands of young people keep getting shitty tattoos every single day they will inevitably regret
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100k all in on picrel and you'll have fuck you money for life, fren.
>Only $100k in 401k
Millennial, I....
Just find another job. Clean up your resume if you're not getting contacted. Use ZipRecruiter.
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Based as fuck
>thinking of liquidating my entire 401k
how does 4 dollars sound?

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This is an on-topic thread, I believe. But delete it if you must.
Just 1 month ago, all 4chan users' attentions were drawn to the stock market. They were presented with a simplified market where as long as you played it smart you could get insanely rich quickly. This was made apparent by seeing wealthy anons sprouting up all over the site via their names.

I'm about to make a huge non-logical leap, but have you noticed how some biz generals are always up? /GME/ for example. It seems like the bakers don't sleep... Or there's a team.

I propose this theory: 4chan is one a network of many where the goal is to get us to get filthy rich/collapse the stock market, possibly to lead to a new regime, or maybe in a more boring alternative, just so manipulators can get richer.

The April fools was programming the anons here. I bet millions of anons started to look into stocks after that.

Also notice how GME was one of the only few real stocks.
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>I bet millions of anons started to look into stocks after that.
There's maybe 15 of us here daily.
We all buy high sell low here
it was this year's april fool's for the entire site
Its a canary. We then had the /biz/ dox via email shortly after. Now we had a minidox wait time of 15 min. Rumor on otherboards is that is enough time for the glowie tools to track you in detail. Both shat relies on cookies though and there's always plausible deniability options ala campus, wardriving, bumming off a connection, botnet, 7 vpns, etc etc.
Millions is an understatement. QUADRILLIONS of people were introduced to the STOCK MARKET thanks to this year's psyop.

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