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>Team is in bed with cb
>They are not even hiding it anymore
>Onchain summer about to start
>Release of smart wallet
>Avi team were handpicked by Jesse to attend their smart wallet seminar for devs only

The comeback is real and that cuck "whale" that spassed out + palladius himself sold the absolute bottom you can't make this shit up

Let's fucking go star fox
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>I'll fuck your ass, faggot
>bitch faggot tranny
>retarded fucking faggot
>i-i'm not emotional, y-you are!
Oh no, is he going to dump his 600k bag again like he did last time before he bought back in?

Was it moonshot or comfy?
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This is (You).
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>This is (You).
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this is (me)
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Good for you

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>GMEtards got rugged for the 3rd time
when will they learn?
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hopefully never, they're the ever giving lulcows.
>22 dollars
oh no no no no
>GME pumped 3 time
Post your profit kek bro
spoiler : you won't
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Oh no no no

Lol lmao

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does anyone have that song?

Why the fuck wasn't anyone posting about BNED today? Could've made thousands if I knew.
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If I had put my life savings into FFIE a week ago and sold when it peaked today, I'd be a millionaire. But then again, I only say that with hindsight.
The "hindsight" thing is key here because only a retard would put their life savings into a volatile penny stock and hold it for a week.
You guys have no idea what you're doing, and you will all lose your money sooner or later if you continue to think like this.

Trading isn't a community thing in this sense. What would Reddit have said, you morons are trusting random retards on the internet for stock picks? Literal degenerate behavior.

Learn technical analysis, fuck. Listen to a successful trader (me) or don't.

It's only hindsight to these idiots because it went up. Truth be told, BNED will produce a higher low in the future, and they won't buy it because redditors didn't post about it.
>Why the fuck wasn't anyone posting that BNED would jump before it happened?
Because nobody knew it would before it happened.
they were waiting for the last Vromans to fall....

Where my real world asses at?
Bought this at 0.20c back in January and took profits this morning. Such a comfy coin.
why didn't i buy this at 22c?
wise anons were saying
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>tfw I went with QAN
i sold about 10% of my stack.

how high can this go unironically

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What's the LTC sui?

>20k in crypto
Is there any chance of me actually making it in the next 5 years? I have to get a job, right? I'm taking about 2M or so. What is a good path to get citizenship in Canada/US and get a good paying job? My options, regarding fields of work:
>actuary (would have to take the exams)
>computer science (code monkey, machine learning, cybersecurity, I can learn whatever pays the most)
I have a STEM degree in a (the) hard science and I wouldn't be learning2code from scratch.
>pic related is the gf I'm willing to leave behind in order to make it
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I traded $500 cad into 1.4 million cad since march so yes theres a chance just stop buying midwit shit like chainlink and start gambling
why leave argentina? isn't the economy turning around? lots of canadians talking about moving there. don't come to canada, it is a sinking ship. cost of living does not match wages, don't cuck yourself, USA is better.
The wages here are useless for propping up my crypto portfolio. It's just a matter of making and saving as much money as possible. I would still prefer to retire here, though. So 1M might go much further. But I'd like some freedom to travel around or whatever, I don't want to be confined here forever in exchange for not wage cucking.
if the money is easy come then it is easy go. So sadly you are going to lose all that
seems like canada is letting in anybody these days
just get a student visa and then you can work and apply for PR
we have millions of indians doing it, can't be hard for an argie

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Aurum Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

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The big upside potential for platinum is in hydrogen fuel, which is far from dead, contrary to the battery EV press.
>Is it better to buy silver coins or silver bars?
Yes. 10+ ounce bars tend to get you more weight per dollar, but divisibility is also nice so keeping a few tubes 1 ounce coins or rounds is also a good Idea. Maybe even some junk if you feel extra schizo.
Coins are generally more recognizable but after a while I started stacking bars just because they stack more efficiently space-wise and I'm running out of room in my safe
Depends which country you are from. Here in frogistan, bars have a 20% VAT, coins haven't. The premium on pure silver coins is pretty high, but the old coins (often 90% silver) especially from the Latin Monetary Union are pretty cheap and easy to buy/sell
From what I am reading they have been converting hydrogen fuel cell production to nickel nanoparticles as an electro-catalyst because it is so much more affordable.

Alright /biz/nissmen. I have 13 years to create a portfolio for my kids before they turn 18.

I want it to be dividend rich so they can get a annual/quarterly/monthly dividend payout.

What are your big payout go tos?
What are your thoughts on REITs? I'm a little scared of these for some reason.
The plan is to reinvest dividends, then after the kids graduate from highschool, they can use dividend income to live off of until they graduate from college. Id rather them live with me and just have to pay for car, gas, insurance and food so they can just focus on school.
After college switch it back to reinvesting.
Also what are you thoughts on 529s? I have one but would I be better if investing in stocks instead? I know I'm playing the long game but they didn't feel aggressive enough for me.
I have a portfolio for myself that does decent but I pieced it together with shit knowledge and dumb luck. I want to learn more and be able to teach my kids better.
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Thanks anon. I like the big names because they are probably a lot more stable over time.
Get in on some presales. If you’ve gotten kas, rsr or ocean early enough, you’d be rich already. Shrl presents the same opportunity now
Explain to me like I'm an idiot, because I am.
capitalism is coming down within that timeframe
buy influence
Anon wants you to be his exit liquidity on pump n dump scams.

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I need to diversify. It's starting to freak me out.

I currently have 978sol to my name. Most is staked or providing liquidity and earning interest. The vast majority, in fact.

I keep ~50 in a hot (photon) wallet for large cap plays + farming their eventual airdrop. Never more than a day at a time in a single position. The final 15 are for my daily pumpfun launches, where I'm still actively earning a ton.

I NEED to diversify a bit. I have VERY small allocations in btc & eth (~.08btc and .5eth). That's it.

What else is out there that's worth my attention? I don't want a shitter. I can find those on my own.
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Eat my ass

>wait until you have a large amount of money to diversify.

Anon... I have nearly 200k. This is a LOT for me
Why aren't you all in LINK?
What proportion of your overall net worth is in SOL/crypto?
Well damn, you about to make it sir. Getting early into shrl with just 5 of those sol would make you a millionaire tho
For how much?

>BTC crabbing
>ALTs dump
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No refunds, nigger
The alts are over valued and people capitulate to that fact
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memecoins are the new alts
Not everything follows this pattern, shrl presale added like 40k within the past 2 days alone

How do I drive traffic to an e-commerce site?
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A trap house.
I know nothing about social media (don't even have any except a facebook account I haven't logged onto in years).
Do you know how receptive influencers are to reviewing/plugging free stuff you send them?
black hat SEO
abandoned house
dont know if thread is still active, but the smaller the creator is, the higher chance they will plug your merch. Scout some creators wtih small growing followings that aren't big enough to be in the Youtube creator program and therefore making money from their monetization program - they'll be more open to it.

But, you don't even have to do that. Find the target demographic of your product(age, gender, interests) and buy some ads on Instagram/Snapchat that target it. Their ad algo's are fucking godteir. as long as what you arent selling isnt dogshit, you'll get some hits.

Last but not least, make sure your marketplace can integrate directly with Instagram/snapchat/etc's shops. this makes the experience much easier for the user - just one click as opposed to them having to input all of their billing, shipping, personal information just to buy something for 5$

Lower the barrier of entry for people to buy your slop. thats the name of the game.

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It's dumping again...
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Most investors aren't permaNEET moonboy faggots who can squat on their bags for a decade. They need to cash out to pay for stuff.
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>1 month ago
we did it bros
Gentlemen, a toast.
To the dumperino thread that survived a whole month.

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no cage for me
no wage cage for me
no wage cage for me

SUCK IT BEZOS NO WAGE CAGE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Time to go back to tending my crops

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Here's the full sized one, OP.
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I guarantee nothing but the finest of bangers








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I'm a linkie.
'Cause every time I click reply
These fuddies get paid a dime
To try to fuck with my mind
I guess I'm a linkie!
'Cause I'm a linkie
You're goddamn right
I'm a linkie
Yeah, I'm a linkie

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Is he just going to post memes? I thought he had power. The weekly candle is the worst pump and dump we've seen all here. I was genuinely happy for GMEbros. What happened? Also fuck your schizo thread.
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q anon retardation levels
Two more weeks
Roaring Kitty Secret President
Re-expand your thinking
Re-read crumbs
That’s cuz you follow the hype. Whereas true traders know sharkroll is where the utility is

>still only have 250k
>everyone is catching up to me
what do I do? I feel like I'm way behind here
You have to invest in the fastest growing asset in the market. That way nobody can catch up to you.

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>can it actually still continue to sell physical games in malls of all places in today's environment?
it works in japan, cant see why it wouldnt work in murica too
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>i can't believe these retarded baggies got the chance after all this time to dump their bags, CLOSE BUT NOT QUITE!!!
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Fuck gme, sharkroll presale pumping!!
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Ethereum fumbled their #2 spot when they decided to give up on the L1 scaling problem.

Have you ever talked to a normie about L2s and tried explaining it to them why they have to pay a retardedly expensive fee to use their Ethereum on a different network? I have, their eyes literally roll back in their head. It's a retarded, expensive and clunky process to buy cryptocurrency already. To have to do some nonsensical bridging operation on top of that is just too much work.

Normies aren't going to use base despite it having the backing of one of the most normie-friendly companies in crypto.

L2s are dead on arrival.

Solana will win because it can onboard normies into an ecosystem that's frictionless and low-fee. Simple.
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Still doesnt explain away the fact that there are two ethereums (ethereum and ethereum on base) and that's incredibly confusing for normies

Theres only one Solana.
Just tell us the name
you people are delusional if you think normies even make on chain transactions. they literally just send fiat to centralized exchanges and market buy. no blockchain needed.
Fuck Solana you pathetic Indian. I can't believe I read all that just to just shilled SBFs pet scam chain. I'm staying within Optimism ecosystem you can have your pump and dumps
That's actual chaos in those eyes

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It's over, that's why I made this thread, to discuss how over it is
Honestly its been refreshing to dust off my gurt as of late. I keep on holding, im not backing down. I distract myself DCAing PAJAMAS while i wait, calmly, for the big pump brothers. Im still strong
So you honestly believe that $10 is on the cards? By next year?
Holding comfy and waiting for the June 12th and then can just sit and wait. Only a fool would pass up at least suicide stack at these prices. Might really be the last time we see around $0,30
It's over

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Why are newfags losing their minds over blockdag when many projects have been doing something similar for years? Zenon Network for one. Literally no one cares about it but tech wise wipes the floor with this shit and is years earlier. Why is crypto like this?
it's shit
Elaborate. Not based on price but on the technical flaws you see as….shit.
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Not this shit again, it was a scam anon, years ago they paid people to shill, their list got exposed and they never build any tech. kys
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