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>BTC crabbing
>ALTs dump
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No refunds, nigger
The alts are over valued and people capitulate to that fact
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memecoins are the new alts
Not everything follows this pattern, shrl presale added like 40k within the past 2 days alone

How do I drive traffic to an e-commerce site?
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A trap house.
I know nothing about social media (don't even have any except a facebook account I haven't logged onto in years).
Do you know how receptive influencers are to reviewing/plugging free stuff you send them?
black hat SEO
abandoned house
dont know if thread is still active, but the smaller the creator is, the higher chance they will plug your merch. Scout some creators wtih small growing followings that aren't big enough to be in the Youtube creator program and therefore making money from their monetization program - they'll be more open to it.

But, you don't even have to do that. Find the target demographic of your product(age, gender, interests) and buy some ads on Instagram/Snapchat that target it. Their ad algo's are fucking godteir. as long as what you arent selling isnt dogshit, you'll get some hits.

Last but not least, make sure your marketplace can integrate directly with Instagram/snapchat/etc's shops. this makes the experience much easier for the user - just one click as opposed to them having to input all of their billing, shipping, personal information just to buy something for 5$

Lower the barrier of entry for people to buy your slop. thats the name of the game.

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It's dumping again...
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Most investors aren't permaNEET moonboy faggots who can squat on their bags for a decade. They need to cash out to pay for stuff.
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>1 month ago
we did it bros
Gentlemen, a toast.
To the dumperino thread that survived a whole month.

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no cage for me
no wage cage for me
no wage cage for me

SUCK IT BEZOS NO WAGE CAGE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Time to go back to tending my crops

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Here's the full sized one, OP.
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I guarantee nothing but the finest of bangers








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I'm a linkie.
'Cause every time I click reply
These fuddies get paid a dime
To try to fuck with my mind
I guess I'm a linkie!
'Cause I'm a linkie
You're goddamn right
I'm a linkie
Yeah, I'm a linkie

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>still only have 250k
>everyone is catching up to me
what do I do? I feel like I'm way behind here
You have to invest in the fastest growing asset in the market. That way nobody can catch up to you.

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>can it actually still continue to sell physical games in malls of all places in today's environment?
it works in japan, cant see why it wouldnt work in murica too
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>i can't believe these retarded baggies got the chance after all this time to dump their bags, CLOSE BUT NOT QUITE!!!
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Fuck gme, sharkroll presale pumping!!
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It's over, that's why I made this thread, to discuss how over it is
Honestly its been refreshing to dust off my gurt as of late. I keep on holding, im not backing down. I distract myself DCAing PAJAMAS while i wait, calmly, for the big pump brothers. Im still strong
So you honestly believe that $10 is on the cards? By next year?
Holding comfy and waiting for the June 12th and then can just sit and wait. Only a fool would pass up at least suicide stack at these prices. Might really be the last time we see around $0,30
It's over

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Why are newfags losing their minds over blockdag when many projects have been doing something similar for years? Zenon Network for one. Literally no one cares about it but tech wise wipes the floor with this shit and is years earlier. Why is crypto like this?
it's shit
Elaborate. Not based on price but on the technical flaws you see as….shit.
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Not this shit again, it was a scam anon, years ago they paid people to shill, their list got exposed and they never build any tech. kys
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you are projecting so hard lmao dumb paid jeet fell for his own shilling

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2 giga brains counter trade MEV.
This indictment gives implicit support of MEV frontrunning transactions, AKA "sandwich attack".
That's what the "Victim Traders" were doing, using sandwich attack front runs to drain LP from "illiquid" SHITCOINS.
MEV are trying to maximize profit trading LITERAL DOGSHIT and 2 CHADS raped their wallets, and the feds are supporting those NIGGER THIEVES suing the autists.
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> Chainlink builds FSS
> it works as intended
> but no chain wants to use it as a sequencer and give up the sweet sweet MEV stolen money
> it flops

This is one of the most interesting failures I've encountered in the cryptoworld.
it's hilarious how PROF/FSS would have solved this before it became a problem

oh well I guess if history shows anything we'll have another few years of hacks/failures before people wise up. hope one of the defense lawyers has more than two braincells to rub together and employs Ari as an expert witness

>but muh beautiful dance
>delegate block production to a trusted 3rd party
why even use a blockchain?
>builds FSS
where is it? SUAVE is further along than FSS and PROF is doa
>where is it?

Ari specified why FSS got dropped: no chain developer wanted to use it as a sequencer. That's why PROF is now a thing where they have to add in MEV. I don't follow how they're going to protect users but still generate enough profit to match MEV exploitable sequencing.
unless I'm mistaken, the idea was to reserve a chunk of blockspace for PROF bundles. validators can then choose to include a bundle or not, and receive a tip for taking one, so logically they would take them, for the extra income. there are multiple problems of course, not the least of which would be the hardfork required to change how blockspace is apportioned, or how bundles have to be created in enclaves so the transaction data won't be leaked. it does not seem especially practical

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What's the cost of running and maintaining a diplomatic kitchen?

As seen below, even the principality of Monaco has one .




How is this relevant to business? These are not commercial enterprises, they're public spendings financed by the tax payers.
Scamming the government is big business
This depends on the quality of your ingredients. As per your videos, the finest ones will cost more.

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just shorted 100k btc
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I didn't trade my youth for anything. I invested a few thousand dollars into Bitcoin in 2015 and was lucky enough to go all in LINK at the $20k BTC peak in 2017. I bought a big beach house and I've been having the time of my life (haven't worked a day in 5 years). I know what's coming is inevitable. I'll be going from 7 figures to 8 figures in the next couple years. Me and my family will never have to worry about finances and I'm living life on easy mode.

How's your life by the way? Spending it on biz fudding LINK?
awesome head cannon
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You should use a head cannon.
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How much link did / do you have?

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Any other shitcoin would be up 50-100% already. We are just not allowed to make it.
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ok we know, time to stop spamming thank you
Look, it's pretty simple, as long as Chainlink Labs owns more Link than anyone else, the price will remain supressed.
It's been signaled to Chainlink Labs that the more token they release the higher the price Link will reach.
As Link holders, you shouls strive to urge Chainlink Labs to release more tokens.
It looks like it might actually do another leg up this time but i know what you mean. Chainlink is a well-known PoS (Piece of Shit) coin.
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>Link news drops
>Bitcoin doesn't dump on it
>Link instantly becomes the second biggest gainer in the top 100 for the past 7 days

Imagine how much gains were stolen from us through years of Bitcoin dumping on Link news.
Stop shitting up the board with this crap crying like a bitch, seriously stfu no one cares

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>Get $100 worth of pennies from bank
>smelt down and sell
>use money to get more pennies
>repeat process until rich

literally what is stopping you from doing this
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better to collect pre 1982 pennies and sell to collectors
It costs 3 cents to produce, but the raw materials aren't worth 3 cents. The mint also has to pay to shape and strike them, and pay for thousands of do nothing diversity hires, and for the child sex slaves of the directors
It is if you steal it
You can make a old day furnace for cheap and use wood you find in the forest
zoomers are so fucking stupid holy shit

>Americans now owe $1.12 trillion on their credit cards, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported Tuesday.
>The average balance per consumer stands at $6,218, up 8.5% year over year, according to a separate quarterly credit industry insights report from TransUnion
> credit card delinquency rates are higher across the board, the New York Fed and TransUnion found. Over the last year, roughly 8.9% of credit card balances transitioned into delinquency, the New York Fed reported.
>According to TransUnion’s research, “serious delinquencies,” or those 90 days or more past due, reached the highest level since 2010
>Overall, an additional 19.3 million new credit accounts were opened in the fourth quarter of 2023, boosted in part by subprime borrowers looking for cards with higher limits, according to Wise. Subprime generally refers to those with a credit score of 600 or below, according to TransUnion.

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what is money really? i will give you 2 apples now, but you need to give them back in 2 weeks and 1 extra as interest, eats 2 apples, fuck you faggot
as always, perspective is what's being purposefully omitted with such reporting.
have a look at picrelated and you'll see that the past decade+ has been pretty much well below the long term averages and now it's reverting back to what used to be considered "normal" and manageable.
if you think this is a problem now, then please elaborate on how the US made it through the 90s at all.
Were there any regulations post-2008 financial crash that prohibit CC companies from giving enormous amounts of debt to those that can’t afford to pay it off? Either way, the trend is definitely up over the last decade.
hey, that's me!
I'm taking out as much debt as I can, putting it into crypto, and I'm just not going to pay it back
simple as
ive been seeing these headlines my entire life along with "omg most americans can't even cover a $500 emergency expense!" its all fake and gay, nothing ever happens

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When Litecoin hits $4k each I'll have 12 million dollars
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Keep stacking bros
Just flipped mine for AAST. Easy peasy.
yes and that fact that a lot of people were mistaken and thought this is the reason for price suppression
same thing as with the FTX scare for Solana
it's nice to see how everyone is making it little by little, I just hope my Maga stays the same for November, since I started this year everything has been a fucking waiting game

You will rope non ironically outside of minecraft for ditching litecoin

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>Invents Bitcoin
>shoes on the couch
Do burgers really?

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email verification gone. base season back on. post your base gems.
I've been very happy with the okayeg run and am also holding bananas. just picked up a bag of bord. haven't seem this one shilled here yet so I'll start: $500k market cap with solid memes. liquidity burned.
what else are we buying?
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Ooooo didn’t realize we had a nice lil poompa recently. Is 2,000,000 enough to make it?
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That's .2% of the supply. You tell me.
all i care about now is SOL gems since eth is going to zero and sol is going to $1000
>inb4 "it's not on Base"
YET. Get it now before it does.
Checked. I am ngmi

In 2026, Litecoin will be worth £25k

False, it will be worth around $15k

I think the litecoin mania will take a few more years before it starts matching more closely the price of bitcoin, adjusted for litecoin's increased supply

When am I gonna make it? Also portfolio rate
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I just bought Grt based on a fren's recommendation, idk what's going on with that one but whatever, FOMO train choo choo. Also got some Push, gonna enjoy the for tendies when that API staking hits
>invest in some high risk high reward memecoins
There still low risk high reward utility altcoins like RIO, AAST and RNDR.
You would have double that if you just bought BTC
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the 40 year old burnout from previous cycle who's too tired and wants to just somehow let it ride to one million folio
get at least 20k of some memes
future 5M folio, idk how /biz/ still haven't moved on to solana from ethereum
based fellow chudjak
this is fucking insane
10k in chudjak on tnd wallet
civilization is too far gone for hyperborea at this rate

My bad bro I've just not been exposed to these rates of rot yet but I'm getting there

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>guhhh im never selling!
Why do so many tards romanticize being a bagholder?

You know successful traders take profit often right?

You know retail loses because they never sell, either to take profit or cut losses, right?

Is it some sort of comfort in being a permanent community member or what?
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and what OP said is usually said by wagecuck uber drivers who are a couple bad trades away from being homeless, most of the other very successful crypto people I know are bagholders to some extent, whereas most of the people who overtrade end up going broke and larping about being some trading wizard
It implies that you're holding your bags for well thought out fundamental reasons. Of course everyone has a plan to sell but the implication is you're not selling until your very well thought out plan plays out because you're smart and confident.
OP has crab in a bucket mentality, he lost a lot trying to daytrade after watching youtube video tutorials and now is trying to make others share that fate.
dont fall for it.
There's no way in hell you saw it going from 1 to 20 usd then back to 2 usd and never sold
There's no way you didn't panick in 2014 3ith the mtgox fiasco
Or in 2019 with tetherultrafud

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