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smoking to stay skinny edition
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I prefer taking prescription stimulants in the morning that last all day. Speaking of, is 64kg cutting things a little too close for a 180cm male? Getting close to that goal, and it's hard visualizing those metrics with my frame in my mind.
How would you have belly fat at 18 BMI? It's probably just your skin. Stop imagining things
Nta but cardio or low intensity exercise could tighten the skin

Discuss beards
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Not every ethnic group can grow beards. See east Asians or native americans for example. I'm 30% native american and I'm lactose and can barely grow facial hair, it just looks ugly on me. I actually haven't shaven right now and it just looks patchy and adolescent and I'm 30.
The mustache is more traditional than full beards for most Europeans.
Also, clean shaven isn't a demand of modernity. Clean shaven standard exists because Europeans have been larping as Romans for nearly two millennia.
>rub some minoxidil on your face
Does this actually work? I can grow a beard just fine but I'd like to fill in some thin parts near the cheek bones
Yes. Check out r/minoxbeards

Power of a haircut
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it's temporary in the sense that it can be washed off, but it's not like a guide line that's supposed to be washed out before you step out of the shop. It looks good on black guys because they have thick dark hair so the line creates a sharp division that works with their skin tone, but this guys hair is lighter and sparser so it just appears artificially harsh and distracting. You also usually see them on the hairline where it frames the face rather than just cuts through it. Really weird decision desu though the guy does of course look better.
he doesn't, I've seen enough of you to know what a downy looks like, he isn't downs, he just looks retarded
this guy is obviously either a degenerate drunk or severely depressed or both. all he actually needed was a shower and a shave.
wtf black dudes do this as a stylistic choice? Like outside of the barbershop?
Did the barber shave his chest also? wtf?

Post good wallet reccomdations. I currently have one that is too small for foreign currencies and the amount of IDs I have. Any suggestions for a nice leather one that can fit in a front pocket?
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ive had the same leather guess wallet for 8 years, it was also my first, got it on sale for like $15
Ferragamo makes unironically good wallets and card cases
I’ve started carrying cash and credit cards in a rubber band.
stop carrying your wallet in your front pocket i promise it looks bag unless you're wearing insanely baggy pants.

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What’s so bad about cargo shorts?
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I wouldn't wear them in the wilderness either. I need proper protection for my legs from bugs and uppity critters. But since some people like to do the safaricore, it's fine. Especially if you're going to wade through streams and marshy areas. Wearing pants that are half wet at the legs is disgusting and weird.
Every single person in that photo looks like complete shit, why should the fat sperg be singled out for having pockets on his shorts?
Nobody outside Cape Cod retirement homes wears that shit. Honestly I'd love to but Gen X killed fashion for everybody, you'll be viewed as a try hard freak if you go beyond jeans and an untucked long sleeve shirt unless absolutely required to for work.
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Who's singling him out for having pockets? I am anti-shorts, not just cargo shorts. That faggot near the door in checkered shorts is even worse. It's like he literally just crawled out of the bed and showed up to the movie theater in boxers and flip flops.

There should be a dress code for entering any public place, whether it's a restaurant, movie theater, airplane/airport, or a market, mall or grocery store. it's the only way to get these shameless degenerates to present themselves in a civilized way and show some respect to their fellow citizens.
Sorry, dude, but that's literally high school sex core. If you dress any differently than that you're not getting any.

How do I stop my jeans from being so wrinkled after I air dry them? I wash in cold water
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I like the phrase “marbly fades forming”
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>$200+ item of clothing
>can't be machine washed
tons of expensive clothing is dry clean only, that being said I machine wash most of my denim stuff without issue

Would you throw a suit in the washing machine? Or even a basic SLP t-shirt?
you can machine wash but it requires a few extra steps and a little extra care & attention. so its easier to just tell people to hand wash because there's no way of fucking it up.

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Ugly or weird looking watches from brands you like - edition

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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In the pictures it looks fine, but in real life it looks so tiny on my wrist.

They're just Legos.
pretty based ngl
Thanks anon.
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Lange and F.P are the only 2 ultra luxury brands I am interested in buying myself I am new to watch collecting and have been picking up entry level stuff - Breitling / Omega / Tag being the pricier ones working my way up to something like what you got sir very nice

starting one because I need help.
how do you call the type of shirt in pic rel? and how do you call the inner part being of different color from the outer?
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whats a good way to get rid of unwanted clothes without those clothes ending up in a landfill?
I heard that most donations end up in landfills

Is there any specific place i could donate them for them not to end up in landfills
I think you might take into account that "most donations" are probably done by retards who think throwing out stained/ripped clothes is a donation. Don't know where you live but in my country we have these metal containers you can donate clothes to and dumbasses just leave their shit next to them so it gets fucked with by animals, insects, the rain etc so obviously it's going to end up in a landfill
Who wore it best?
if you actually care about what you wear and not just wear because muh brands and muh consoomerism then you could use those old clothes to practice maintainence and how to fix your clothes.

You will have lots of different fabric and materials to do with whatever you wish, why is your first thought to get rid of them?
everyones been wrong so far about op's question and its bugging the shit out of me but i can't remember the vernacular. the shirt isn't lined. its woven in a way that shows a different thread color on each side. i've had one like it. i watched a video about how to weave it recently. i can't remember what the term is called.
ask on mfa/sf/sufu you'll get a real answer i'm sure.
far right and 2nd from left
have you tried a unstructured really casual sport coat? or is that what you're already doing?

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Can I wear low waist jeans or do they look bad on my body type?
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I'd eat you out
[spoiler]yea it looks good, contrary to that other anon you would also look good with some chub[/spoiler]
yo these have to be the best fits u have put on so far, better than the granny type shit i think
it’s part of my coquette core arc, I bought the top last week and the jeans this week to match the black top on the left. It’s longer, so all my other high waist jeans didn’t match well
dont forget the bows! but fr its v swag
yes yes I love bows a lot! Just hard to fine pieces with them. Not many stores carry stuff like that here

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>tfw acne scars and not enough money to spend on procedures to get rid of them
Time to rope, /fa/?
livestream it
Get a sunburn and exfoliate

tretinoin, asap brother, strongest percent, it’s not too late, also cleanse, moisturize and sunscreen everyday
hit the plates. nobody likes a dilbert with acne scarring. but a guy who could kick my ass? what acne scarring? you look great king.

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What do we think of g-unit shoes?
they give me the ICK
They look pretty similar to most shoes. Kinda insane to own multiples of the exact same shoe with slight color variations.

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i can't believe the amount of people that just jump straight into tret. your skin barriers are fucked lmao
That’s not funny
Not really. Retinaldehyde has to go through more chemical changes in order to convert to its active form (retinoic acid).
>captcha: N0HO
Differin 0.1 is gentler and its effects are considered comparable to Tret 0.025. It doesn't work for everyone though. I'm in the process of switching from Differin to Tretinoin because I still get some discoloration and occasional pimples. Differin is great for adjusting to retinoids.
.05 which is the mid level and they only really give .1 to extreme cases and after using a bunch of other shit like doxy and clindamycycin. That shit causes so much flaking you're better off going on accutane at that point.

When I was a young idiot, i just used a whole fucking tube within my month. Not the finger length and full points, so i ended up over drying my face and making shit worse. I even applied it twice a day like a retard as well. Plus, when you're young you think anything that doesn't work in a month is voodoo shit so you slowly stop.

Method, I apply a finger length of cream, dab it on my forehead, chin, cheeks and nose and then spread it. Then wait :15mins for moisturizer.

It's mainly about consistency and ignoring purges and everything. I didn';t even get a purge, but I didn't see any improvement until the overnight changes in months 5-6. I was thinking of getting fraxel and wanted a consultation about six months into my tret run,. but by the time i got there i realized it was fucking pointless because most of my marks and scars faded and rose. I got a regular mask, exfoliation for like $30 instead.
Guess ive been stressed every day for 10 years

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What do you think?
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I thought that was casemods for a minute.
You can do your part to save the environment by letting the government take all your rights one by one.
why should I give a fuck about the opinion of some homo who looks like he gets gangbanged every weekend?
This is your brain on tribalism
As an American it was 90% of my wardrobe from 15-25.
This is how russians cope with bot having an economy.

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Let me guess, you "need" more?
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I have a pair of Carreras, and the quality is pretty shit. They definitely feel flimsy and plasticky. They were cheap though so it's whatever... But yeah the quality is definitely noticeably worse.
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Best clubmasters that aren't R*y B*n?
what about Eyevan, Ayame, Julius Tart Optical, Yellows plus, Rigards, Yuichi Toyama, Nackymade, Kaneko optical,Miga Eyewear, and other boutique artisanal brand i am forgetting right now, Japanese made eyewear brand mogs the shit out of other nation's independent/luxury eyewear brand
I can't remember every brand under the sun
Half that shit you can't get outside of Japan anyway, good luck finding a seller
I love my Matsuda M2040s.

170-176cm is the most /fa/ height
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Not my problem, I have a gf who loves me for who I am. Enjoy your random short term relationships.
No, it's 6'2"-6'3".
Haha sure you do little guy, any way, >>>/v/ is that way, you can never be effay so you dont belong here
tom cruise, JCVD, bruce lee, james dean, marlon brando all 175cm or shorter and mog lanklets to hell
they have never recovered from tom in original top gun lmaoo
I'm 176 but I find this hard to believe

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