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Are doc martens still decent quality in 2024? Want another pair of 1461 mono

>inb4 "solovair is le better bro"

Too much of a pain to get down here in my country as opposed to docs where I can just walk into a store. Also solovair doesn't make anything as clean as 1461 mono imo
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i got some nappa docs a few years back.
i liked them up until the point my foot rubbing in the back halfway bore a hole into it.
i have seen docs from back in the day and they were twice as thick as made in england docs today.
How about you get real shoes instead of memes ?
I don't know, I always liked mine cause they seemed the perfect mix of casual and dressy, like I've looked at other derby shoes but it's hard to imagine rocking them in the same fits I did with docs and not like too dressy
would love some suggestions if you have any
They're p shit. I got a pair of combs 4 years ago or so. They lasted maybe a few months before the leather started chipping and bubbling. It's all bonded leather schlop nowadays. Vintage docs are extremely easy to get for very cheap though on any secondhand site, and have treated me well enough from my own experience.

This is what Vieo thinks (s)he looks like lol.

What are good affordable online clothes stores?

Already know about Uniqlo. theres no archive of /fa/ anywhere so i cant just search a thread already asking this, and the sticky sucks.
>i want good stuff cheap
we get this thread every day, stop being poor
I don’t know what to tell you but I just wanted to say I love Yoshitaka amano
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presented without comment.

>fall for the archival meme
>”This is so great, I can buy all this designer stuff used for dirt cheap and still look good!”
>now everyone I know calls me a showoff and pretend rich

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It’s raf bomber jacket? I knew this from Kanye west. I think it’s shite i don’t know why people like this jacket so crazy.
Raf's bomber jacket is literally just a generic Fostex branded milsurp that had some printed patches that look like theyre from etsy sewed in
it was cool at the time because it was in a landscape of actual dogshit, but looking back on it it's retardedly generic
he doesn't get it...
he gets it...
Anon, if you're really into fashion, why not make your own?

The base is "woodland" camo:


There's a shitload of it used online, just go on eBay and search for "woodland camo field jacket" in your size. They run pretty big since they're meant to be worn over shit.

After that, you can artificially fade it like the one in the OP or leave it how you got it. Find some patches you like or whatever fabric has a design you like, sew them in yourself.

Bam. For less than $200 you can make your own that will be as unique (possibly moreso) than the original, and it will be one of a kind.
You don't need to be rich to have afford designer. All you need is a job and no kids

i want to look like SGA, i dont want to look like hemsworth... im pretty tall but im actually the same height as liam.
They both look like shit

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I exercise often & my hair gets oily real quick, then i’ll shampoo and my hair gets dry and awful, it’s a cycle. How to fix this?
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Wash your hair without shampoo. If you don't know already, you shouldn't use shampoo every day.
How are you gonna wash off oily hair with just water?
Gene editing. You can't change your hair, it just is how it is. Asian people never have to shampoo and nordic people have to shampoo like twice a day. There's no secret except genetics.
Same here anon. Thinking of taking the buzz pill so I don’t have to deal with it anymore.
you don't need to remove the oil.

>in grocery store yesterday
>See obvious Mr potato head retard
>Retard is wearing the exact same Walmart brand Hawaiian shirt that I have
>Go home
>Throw the shirt away
Pic related
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i got a full on cold approach compliment on my wal*mart rustler jeans today
and another one a few days ago
>mfw anon doesn’t know
It’s so over
Men can’t pick a decent floral/hawaiian print shirt to save their lives. I would avoid them unless you know what you’re doing.
could I trouble you to post an example of a good print? I want to see if I can get a sense of the criteria of evaluation
post bad/good example of print or you're just talking out of your ass.

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Doc Marten’s “Gothic Americana”
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i might say fuck it at this point desu i just want a pair of boots that are unique atm ive been lacking unique outfit pieces lately
u stoopid
what would you recommend for something with a unique design, genuinely asking
Russel moccasins or Rick Owens
im deep into clowncore
>Rick Owens
this is boomer shit and thus cringe

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Best military boots? Ideally they'd have the same silhouette and color as pic rel
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They literally all look the same from afar, it doesnt matter. Just find one that fits in your budget from jungle boot bootlegs, to viron vegan boots, to balenciaga rhinos

>uhm but akshually resolable midsole, soft leather blah blah blah
It doesnt matter if you are just gonna wear it to school and rock concerts and then throw them out, it’s not like you’ll be stuck in a trench in minus 20 weather losing your toes because you didnt have vent holes
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>vegan boots
im buying this in black
retard philistine has no taste, many such cases!

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Which tie width is the most /fa/?
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Pat Riley is king
>schizo on 4chan making absurd connections and social theories that do not reflect the feelings or thoughts of normal people
must be a day ending in y
It's common knowledge what ties are meant to represent. I'm surprised you don't already know it.
not to be that guy, but i'm gonna need some sources before i stop believing that you just made that shit up, and even then, i will be extremely skeptical of anyone saying something so
you really think you can gaslight me into going along with your bullshit?
the tie was originally invented to go underneath a waistcoat or vest, even in its earliest forms, slightly puffed out. it only began to be worn without a waistcoat when the 1920s rolled around, but it was still often worn with tie pins and clips to puff it up.
you're just a spiritual peasant who doesn't understand why men at any point might like the idea of wearing colored and patterned fabric independent of any whole garment but rather meant to accent it. You're a demoralized asocial degenerate who comes up with mental gymnastics to drag down anyone who would dare not think like you

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Let me guess, you "need" more?
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What does /fa/ think about rimless sunglasses? Like these examples

>Advertising which is just a women's thighs behind the product
I'm instantly sold, whatever it is
hate em
simple as
Can you prove they are objectively ugly?
Can you prove they're not?
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Late 90s/early 2000s rapper/RnB singer core. So incredibly ugly pretty much.

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Grandma watch edition.

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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Lol, think the ones who usually make new threads got banned for spamming threads a couple days back
Thank you, chatgpt
new thread
I'll bake. Give me 3

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You might as well get the use of it before you die. Goth chicks would love that shit too
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looks expensive
You can use it when you die. It'll smell of shoes but it's not like your nose'll be working

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If you ain't shaved with a Feather, you ain't shaved.
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I’m 100% convinced shaving with a razor will fuck up my skin so I don’t
I would say it has a steep learning curve, but if you’re willing to stick with it you can get really good at shaving.
>I’m 100% convinced shaving will fuck up my skin

What shaving soap should I pair with Terre D'Hermes?
I'm using personnas and I got more into Bics recently. they're both really good blades.

it barely matters what you use. Even some of the chinese blades were okay. I had green and black Baili blades which were supersmooth. the blue ones were horrible though.

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ITT: Post casual dress
Women get to wear jeans and dress them up but when men try it it looks dumb. Though I am a firm believer that loafers can go with jeans.
I love morning TV
I wonder what happened to that cushion after the show
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That feminine size of the feet slender legs and stance denoting wide hips
Omg she even has the subtle taper of the fingers



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your problem is framing your entire premise on what other people think to begin with. third worlder mentality. dress for yourself and your own enjoyment.
This, Dressing well and dressing for yourself go hand in hand.
This is very true. It's also far, far more rare to have your expectations about someone, based on their clothing and appearance, contradicted rather than confirmed when you get to know them.
We live in a SOCIETY where you can choose virtually any garment at any price point, the only limiting factors are wealth and taste, every garment you wear IS making a statement whether you like it or not.
Holy cope
coping in a 3k+ fit every day

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