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i made a mistake and went to one of those cheap immigrant barbers and came out looking like this meme character. what the fuck do i do.

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Its weird as fuck that tall people, even hot chicks, always notice him
I thought manlets were losing
Hes like 5'5, jacked interesti g style and hair and carries himself like royalty even though he only has normal merchant genes
Im feeling a bit jealous even though im taller than him
Im 6 3
Why do people notice him? And not me
I have better genes than him
What the fuck
It sounds crazy but i am not lying
His face is average looking
My face is better btw
Idk if im underrating him tho
Im pissed off
he exudes charisma, meanwhile you silently seethe with jealous rage. women don't care for your petty loser mentality, they want someone that's at the very least likeable. which you clearly aren't. it's not that difficult to understand
simply put; you're the sidekick.
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its a generational thing
manlet hate took off with tiktok. if you're millenial or older and a manlet you never really experienced it until the last few years, if ever at all. i'm 5'6 and i had to teach all my 6'+ friends from high school how to talk to girls without shitting & cumming their pants. manlets can avoid manlet hate by simply avoiding contact with people who use tiktok, which is easy for millenials xers and boomers.
He's confident and charismatic and you are weak, jealous and bitter. People can feel you give off that energy and are repelled by it.

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Let me guess, you "need" more?
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hate em
simple as
Can you prove they are objectively ugly?
Can you prove they're not?
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Late 90s/early 2000s rapper/RnB singer core. So incredibly ugly pretty much.

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Why did this outfit became so fucking popular in asia?

Literally all the girls wear this style when going out.
Asians are thinner and have no qualms showing their flat bellies (and their legs as opposed to their prudishness for deep necklines).
They're a singular hive mind. Consider the propensity for females to follow the herd, then add the fact that they're asian; we're talking about a doubling of conformity here.
This is how every girl under 28 years old dresses in the US as well.

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Picture a younger version of this guy and you get what im talking about

All that daddys money and trust funds just to look like a normal google software engineer
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10/10 rage over totally innocuous statements
Homegrown Koreans or american transplants?
both. the 'han' must be a real thing
>All that daddys money and trust funds just to look like a normal google software engineer
Because they want to look "relatable" and one of the plebs.
>Oh, we're not a bunch of super rich trust fund kids who are swimming in billions while our daddies' corporations pay you plebs in peanuts! No fellow goys, we are just like you!

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Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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Oh...how rude.

See pic rel, fag.

I like the semi casual style
leave it. i dont like the bezel
Maybe I understand you (it takes space from the dial)
I wonder Watch Gringa promotes them so much then. Does she not know the damage they do?
Even their watches with "normal lugs" have weird cone shaped appendages. It's like you described lugs to an alien and they made a watch from a memory of what you said they looked like.

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Previous thread: >>18115434

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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I don’t know why but I have four from zara and as >>18120295 said tender amber and something sand dunes last all of an hour and that’s it.
tobacco collection rich warm addictive and sensual vanilla have acceptable performance to me however.
if you’re stupid enough to buy anything from zara (clothes or perfume) you deserve to be slaughtered like the goyim cattle you are.
Cosigned for sure.
>Do you think that really plays much of a role?
I generally think so, but all of these terms are kind of bullshit and don't really matter. To me a "prestige" brand is something a person would wear as a flex. It's the sort of brand a person doesn't necessarily buy simply because they like it, but because it's a status symbol.

Nicolai is respected within fragcom, and the "prestige" associated with that brand comes from the fact that the fragrances are really good, not necessarily because they're expensive. I think if you have to explain to a person why a brand is considered a prestige brand, it probably isn't one.

I think these sorts of terms are less esoteric outside of fragrance. In fact, fragrance is one of those rare things that consistently proves the emperor wears no clothes and that all of our ideas about the innate quality of prestige products is bullshit because fragrance is invisible. You can spray a thousand dollar Roja fragrance, a $500 Creed Fragrance, a $90 YSL fragrance and a $15 Armaf fragrance and have people sniff them blindly and get all kinds of varying answers on which one is the best. You can't really do that with a Lamborghini or a Rollex or any other product where the label is right there for the world to see.

Usually with prestige goods, there is definitely an undeniable difference in quality, but that's not really the case with fragrance. For the most part, all these brands use the same oil houses and the same revolving door list of perfumers. The only real difference is in the packaging. Is a Spirit of Dubai fragrance of higher quality or more creative than a Nicolai fragrance? Hell no. But it doesn't matter because perfume is all a big grift

How much do you pay for jeans?
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Rotating how often you wear them and regular dry cleaning. Stuff like dirt and sand and other abrasive daily objects contribute to wear and tear. But you can only control it so much. That said I have a 10+ year old pair of N&F that still look fine, and thats only 13oz. So you can preempt this by buying a heavier fabric I guess, but even if I only got 10 years of wear that's still really good. But having a larger rotation (3-5 pairs) stretches the wear over time. Also if you notice hot spots, take them to the tailors ASAP (or DIY) to have that area fixed and the fabric replenished.
I won't go over a grand
>that jawline
Is this the chick from Stranger Things?
selvedge rustlers or selvedge wranglers?
there are wranglers in cone mills selvedge but they're harder to track down

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I bought a dress like pic related. Can you wear pantyhose with that? Are you supposed to wear a bra with that? I don't have boobs yet but I feel a bit naked.
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Why is this board 90% trannies ? Go back to your containment thread (waywt)
good morning dear sexy lady
write me I'll precious you, many soft nipple kisses yes?
beautiful so holy <3 <3 <3
hes a tranny, there are no girls on the internet
I would say dont wear a bra unless the straps go under the straps of the dress. wear pantyhose if its cold or u dont wanna shave idk
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If anyone can recognize it. Also scholar aesthetic appreciation thread. Bonus points for economy/maths teachers.
nigga u r pathetic
I'm white though, sorry to bother african fellow.

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So I just have to do this? Every time I was my clothes? Forever?
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hang ur clothes up straight out of the dryer
This, you can also hang them in your bathroon when you take a steamy shower to help get wrinkles out
No, you only need to for clothing that needs ironing
Jesus Christ there's no way a whiny bitch like you runs a company.

1: Laundry service. Only a couple dollars per item, get them washed and pressed to your liking.

2: Hire a housekeeper. They'll do your laundry, clean and cook for you. Also occasionally suck your dick, but that's hit or miss and honestly not worth it these days. It was a blast for a few years though.

3: Get better at it and do it yourself. It doesn't take more than 5 minutes total to set up and put away an ironing board,and an iron will cool down pretty quick. Ironing is like shaving,slow going at first and eventually you can blow through it with your eyes closed.

Train yourself to do it in bulk either immediately after washing your clothes or pick your fits for the week and iron then in advance all at once. Saves lots of time.

4: Remind your lazy fucking wife that you run a multimillion dollar company and can afford a good enough lawyer to make her miserable during the divorce and not get as much money as she thinks she would.
>Jesus Christ there's no way a whiny bitch like you runs a company.
I'm not the guy who said that

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Where can I find this shirt /fa/?
the faggot store
Maybe try Grailed or Depop?
fuck that coon

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Hygiene/skincare General #8 post your sunscreen edition
Previous >>18080800

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

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literally me. i feel like one day im just gonna pay for a laser treatment or something
Does the face wash with zinc help against problematic skin?
hi! i have a few questions as a skincare noob. i would like to get a routine that is as minimal/basic as possible

1. i heard that some cleansers or moisturizers also act as a sunscreen. is this correct, and are there any downsides to that as opposed to having them as two separate products? moisturizers seem intended to be applied in the evening(?), so would it be a bad idea to use a 2-in-1 sunscreen+moisturizer in the morning?

2. can products in the Basic Routine™ also include retinol? again, i would like to get a routine that gets all the essential stuff done with as few products as possible

>post routine and products
Only evening, with:
Some 2% salicylic foaming wash that I didn't get the name of, green squeeze bottle
Neutrogena Clear & Defend 0.5% Salicylic Acid Moisturiser

>is it on other parts of your body?
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Thanks for the advice, it seems the holy grail of Salicylic acid toner would be Paula 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant I will be ordering this and will start washing my face in water that isn't boiling.

>Topics appropriate for discussion

- Pens, Pencils, and various other types of stationed equipment

- Paper brands and types

- Inks

- Carrying Cases

- Pen Design

>Previous Thread: >>18053134
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So do you want a handwriting book or a calligraphy book? Because they're different things. Calligraphic scripts are drawn, handwriting is written.
But to answer your question:
>Is there a more comprehensive guide to learning different calligraphic styles
Zanerian manual is the standard book for most things. You'll need to be more specific if you want more special books
I want something that one could learn old Euro (German and French) cursive styles from.
How do i fix my shitty handwriting in a week ;-;
It looks worse than a child's handwriting
Write more idk what else 2 say

Write a story about a little butterfly and his trip down south

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Yeah but what are you supposed to do with the built in belt when the jacket is open, it looks downright clownish
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Plenty of people wear motorcycle jackets and don’t actually ride motorcycles, that’s like saying you have to fly planes to wear flight jackets and aviators, it’s a style
polyester lining you fucking retard
Buckle belt. Zip up halfway. Crush puss. You're welcome.
>designed and built for the third world

why do you think that is a bad thing? third worlders ride the shit out of their bikes.
"You have to do X to wear Y" is the most retarded take on fashion ever. I've never heard someone say this in earnest outside of this board, so I assume it's a /fa/ exclusive. Perhaps by migrants from other boards who never go outside and don't know how to interact in society. But it's weird how persistent this take is.

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