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How do I look more feminine with a cut like pic related? I hate wearing wigs
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Yeah, I have a very normal female face, it’s not masculine but it’s not neotenous either so I’m kind of paranoid about people thinking I’m a dude. I’m gonna buy some headbands and earrings
Long hair is bland, I had it for most of my life. I wanted to go for this but the hairdresser went psycho mode
the girl that jeremy fragrance sniffed had the same hair
Im indian maam
Can i sex you maam?
You are very sexy maam
i thought indian men hated short hair for women

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What does /fa/ think of this? Seems like the sort of androgyny akin to the 80s with guys like Prince and David Bowie is making a comeback (not accounting for all the trans/genderqueer/whatever nonsense)
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How do you guys find makeup inspo. Not makeup like op but more sublte less trans.
male eyeliner is 100% making a comeback. zoomies call it "guyliner"
>male eyeliner is 100% making a comeback. zoomies call it "guyliner"
2020 called
why do zoomies have no culture of their own?
and a lot more bisexual

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Carol Christian Poell Disparate Fingercuff gloves, drip or drop?
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You could literally buy all the materials and a sewing machine for like 50 euro
looks great but not for that price, unless you’re rich of course, dont like the two fingers in one hole though (no drizzy)
you could put the leather gloves over the woolen ones and graduate the cut of the fingers accordingly. no sewing required
they look good. they look practical. they show no signs of being poorly made. they are six times as expensive as they should be
These look like props from a shitty made for tv 90s sci fi movie

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Redpill me on socks, I need about 30 pairs, all black, minimal fiber shedding. How much money will be stolen from me for a decent quality stack? Any (euro) brand suggestions?
Depends what you want. Good quality merino wool socks cost a bit more
idk I just want socks that aren't garbage that falls apart after a few times in the machine. Got a few bamboo ones, going to test them.
Learn basic English before posting pajeet
Learn punctuation, fashion victim.

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21 year old college student. Upper middle class background, aspiring for that or higher. Tips and critiques please.
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Basic boring white guy look. You look like you sell insurance and kneel for blacks
Bad angle, but candids are a true test. Slim down some.
just say fat
Look like a Republican party intern lol
What's that supposed to mean?

Can you have Pectus and be /fa/ at the same time?
Is rather have that than my moobs, I’ll tell you that much. But wait… maybe I don’t because my moobs are like soft armor whereas pic in op looks susceptible to death by even a light punch. In short, for /fa/ yes, but for practicality no.
no but you can have pectus and eat chili cheese nachos without a plate

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Japanese designers asking 350 dollars after putting mickey mouse on a cotton tee:
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>anon thinks of buying a mickey mouse shirt
you're new to this fashion thing so you dont remember when you could get these for scraps. go back to making tiktoks kiddo.
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Not my point
Westerners like Balenciaga and the like get tons of shit for every stupid thing they release, meanwhile Japanese designers can sell pic related for 300-500 dollars and everyone still sucks their cock


Are they /fa/?
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I thought they just straightened their hair lol

Some black women do, some don't, and a lot wear wigs.

Watch picrel Chris Rock documentary.
Yeah, i'd fuck a bitch wearing a wig
no, black women should wear afros instead of frauding with fake hair
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weave snatch

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building a new wardrobe from scrap, don't really know much about fashion so idk where to start. My friends are into streetwear which I don't like so I don't ask them for advice, it's just overpriced oversized tees imo. I usually wear jeans and tees. I also like wearing polo shirts. I'm 22 but I look older so a youthful style won't look good anyway. I do have a friend who introduced me to this old money style which I think also looks good.

Any tips how to start?
order a bunch of stuff and return what isn't fit. just need a lot of money to start
Left looks like garbage, right is fine but a little meh. Seriously just avoid any meme clothes or woke bullcrap
>building a new wardrobe from scrap
You don't need to build a new wardrobe. You need to iron your clothes and start using fabric rinse and fabric softner
>I'm 22 but I look older
Damn you got the short end of the stick kek.
Don't buy a whole wardrobe in one go. Get some good quality basics that fit right, and start trying on stuff in shops/thrifts. Learn how stuff should fit, try stuff that you may like, see if it looks good on you. Look at people you think are well dressed and try to understand how/why that is so. The key is to develop personal taste, no use wasting a ton of money in one go only to find out it doesn't really fit you/you don't actually like it.

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I know they look sloppy or even trashy but I just love hoodies (and sweatpants with sneakers, easy to style and comfortable)
On the other hand I also like elegant fits, draping fabrics, linen, shirts, loafers etc

What should I do?
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I live in europe but yeah I'll try to find cheap alternatives like what you posted, thanks. I'm more into monochrome fits with wool or linen, for pants gray/black trousers, linen shirts (long or short sleeve), I also have a slightly oversized burberry prorsum overcoat which I really like and would probably go well with these kinds of fits
Should shirts (except short sleeve) always be tucked in, by the way?
>the shoes
I like Loro piana summer walks, I see a bunch of brands trying to imitate them but I'm not sure about the quality.
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I mean it definitely take legwork, keeping an eye on end of season sales that sort of thing but yeah you can find nice stuff without spending out the ass if you look.
Infact often these lower profile brands will be better quality then the big labels. At least the good ones.
If you want that cozy sweats feel go for those elastic or drawstring waisted linen pants that still try to look formal, go for cozy slightly oversized knit sweaters.
But yeah those pants, "comfort waist trousers" they are sometimes called. You will fuckin love them and they are considered pretty acceptable these days.
>comfort waist trousers
That's exactly what I'm looking for, thanks man
Tryhard look
In the US maybe. In southern europe it never looks out of place anywhere

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Is fashion gay?
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I live in america amd the white boys here like him even the middle class ones and upper class ones
Seems like white burgers aren't that soft than euro whites.
It's nice to see a redpill youtuber finally showing the trans community some love
dude looking like he's about to teach me the art of drunken boxing so I can defeat the three tigers clan
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Trans and white women, i see some similarities that i enjoy. I'm a weird mulatto.

>you do skincare? Lol that’s kinda gay dude
How do you respond without sounding mad? Pic not related
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this is not true, that being said I've only ever gotten approached in bars, never randomly off the street
>seething at being called gay reports them to Hr like a fag
she might have been on to something you fucking loser, cant handle the bants
the jews? idk probably some false sense of being above the rest while knowing full well that nobody fucking likes them and that there was a reason or plenty of reasons that one painter wanted them all dead. just like gypsies and any other leech
if you're waiting for women to approach you - you have internalized a female mindset. you will never make it unless you adopt a masculine mindset and express it as a masculine behaviour.

ie. approaching women if you like them and making a move.
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Don't fall for the drape psy-op. It's being pushed by guys with shit physiques to try to get you to hide your body.
As soon as you get fit, start wearing the tightest t-shirts and flex and show off at every opportunity.
Since I got fit I went to about 20 first dates and the times I got sex on the first date was when I was wearing ridiculously tight $10 t-shirts.
Ignore drapecopers and show off your physique.
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Yea I love also shit like silk
In oversize it feels like wearing a pijama
Comfy is comfy, but you have potential for an impressive body for a relatively short period in your life. You should exploit the opportunities. There's plenty of time to be comfy when you get old and saggy.
Post body and fit
This one always shuts them up

>Takes shower
>Oils my hair
>Leave it at it is for 1-2 hours
>Wash it with water and style it using comb
Is this good hair styling routine bros because I don't wanna use shitty products to style my hair since I don't want hairfall
Yes. 100% coconut oil is all you need for hair. Stay away from degenerate goyslop hair products. Nobody ever needed them. And while you're at it, don't use shampoos either. Use a milk body soap. If it's good for your skin, it's good for your hair, since they're made of the same thing (keratin).
coco oil is comedogenic as fuck
Learn basic English before posting pajeet monster
is it ok to put this in your ass
the contents i mean
yes. It will stink really bad though. I had to explain to my mom why the toilet smelled like death.

id this t-shirt. now.
michiko london jeans distressed skull tshirt fromt he mid 1990s
Retard shirt for fags
woah, thanks

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