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How do ugly guys escape the stigma of tryharding with fashion to compensate for their looks? Obviously they can't get away with sexcore, but are they doomed to generic jeans and T-shirts, or are their light notes of effort that aren't too cringey?
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After I lost weight I started wearing slacks and just a plain, black t-shirt.
People have been complimenting my looks, but I'm not sure if it's just due to the weight loss, the way I dress or both.
I'm still ugly.
herro saar

women think all men are ugly.
As an ugly guy all effort you make in your appearance will be seen as tryharding. Similar how any assertiveness will be seen as napoleon complex if you are short.
Sadly, if you're ugly you will look even uglier is nice clothes because of the contrast.
Smart + ugly = nerd
Funny + ugly = clown
Musical instrument + ugly = band geek
Flirting while ugly = creep
How do you dress anyway Sieg

What hair products should I buy to get long poofy hair? Right now I have
>Loreal volumizing shampoo and conditioner
>Sea salt spray
>It's a 10 miracle hair mask
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dude why would you want to look like a woman from the 90s it makes no sense fashion wise just grow some long ass tangled viking hair and be done with it
>I just did troon.
Exactly. I'm not a tranny and nothing in my post mentioned trannies but you're so brainrotted by politics that you saw someone posting a girl with long hair on the fashion board and instantly assumed out of nowhere that he must be a tranny, which is fucking retarded. Now post something relevant to the thread or fuck off.
>you saw someone posting a girl with long hair on the fashion board and instantly assumed out of nowhere that he must be a tranny, which is fucking retarded

>Asking how to get hair like a woman

Lmao cope, seethe and dilate. I'm right, you're just mad it's that easy to tell. I mean really, there's three options here:

1: You're a woman asking how to get better hair. Real women don't post here, and if a woman did post asking how to get better hair, she's an idiot. Also, you stated you're a man so this is immediately discarded.

2: You're a man asking how to get a woman's hair, in which case you're either troon or troon adjacent.

3: You're a straight man who wants hair like Pam Anderson. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this option is somehow worse than option 2. It at least makes sense for a tranny to want giant 80s women's hair.

Seriously, what was your thought process here? Did you think 4chan is full of anons with giant hair fashioned into a style that hasn't been popular since the early 90s? Just go to a woman's hair salon, ask them how to get your hair into Motley Crue configuration, and fuck off.
You forgot option 4: OP posted an image of a girl with long hair because he wanted to make a thread talking about long hair (which is what this thread is about btw,)
Do you have the body, fake tits, and XX chromosomes to go with the hair?

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Post your ideal girlfriend fashion style
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Audrey Hepburn is cute
I love hnnnng
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This guy gets it
sundress + leather jacket + sneakers always does it for me. i don't have any examples but if someone would be kind enough to oblige.

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My hair developed a curl pattern after Covid. Wtaf. Anyone else?
One of the many, many side effects of getting the vax. Others include heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and increase chance of becoming a massive faggot.

I'm sorry anon, since you've already got two of the above symptoms you should probably see a doctor.

SAD. Many such cases.

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What are some great ways to pull fast, cruel insults at somebody who has these
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why the fuck would a sane/normal man
that post? like really? you would punch a woman in the face as a man? no probably not.
is the proper pronouns to use. context matters. words have meaning. fucking dipshit lowiq.
quit talking like a retarded tranny its completely nonsensical.
>my partner
>my s/o
fuckkkkkkkkking kill me
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get that newspeak genderblob trash vernacular off this website
back to plebbit freak
grills with veneers give the best BJs
there i said it
This is way better than the original
>rent free
Get over yourself, obsessed faggot. "Them" and "their" are plural, as in referencing punching the false teeth out of multiple individuals.
Why can't you stop thinking about mentally ill dudes long enough to read a sentence as written?

I'm a buff incel that wears baggy walmart clothes

I walk in public like I own the place

There's normies that life mog me n money mog me yet they act timid af

It seems they only can be confident when they're drunk or on drugs

Why is that
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Cant change the fact that youre a gossipy little faggot bitch lol. I know your type. You talk shit about people behind peoples backs while pretending to be nice. When you get 1200 pounds of fists to your face you wont be talking shit anymore.
you've got it all, except the maturity. the one place where you seem to be lacking. shame, really. you could've be a role model.
Bait used to be believable
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Have sex.

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21 year old college student. Upper middle class background, aspiring for that or higher. Tips and critiques please.
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Are you part Asian?
This is a riff off of a tiktok trend from China where a slob loser did everything the people on social media told him to do in order to improve his life.
It turns out that people enjoy this kinda thing which is why this thread has stayed up for 3 months dumbass.
Yea, but this guy's trying to go from a 7 to a 7.5. Not enchanting.
better than being a dem intern
What model of Wranglers are these?

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Hairstyle & Facial hair Thread

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Is there a guide that will show me how to dress according to my body type or is that a meme? Pic not necessarily related

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W2C nice rimless glasses like pic related? Something with good quality, not cheap chink shit.
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These look kind of cool but the peripherals are awful if you have a prescription, you only get a small area of coverage you can see thru.
It's a really small correction for computer screens, should be fine
Get better eyes blindfag
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White boy summer maxxing
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more importantly the temples and temple tips

What are some disgusting smelly, beast mode perfumes that will make everyone leave the room once I enter it?
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Ard Al - Zaafaran Oud Kambodi
Muscs Koublai Khan is insanely based.

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what should i say to the barber to get a cut like this? its not mullet. its just longer on back and front and bit trimmed on sides
What sunglasses are those

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Now I need help putting together a closet. I've posted before about my internship, but now I'll have some money to get some real stuff. Please help me out.
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OP here
Im gay
When do you start? Tuesday?
6 figures is barely middle class in every major US city now
Why would anyone want a pajeet consultant?
It's LinkedIn, and he has zero experience on his resumé.

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lets go to the mall

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It’s just Asians dressing like Italians but with extra sleazecore when blazers are worn. Also get balloon fit pants from ASOS
Real yakuza moved to other countries
What's left are just generic street thugs
british, slavic, japanese, chinese
all thugs just wear tracksuits and athlesiure shit now
the way to do this for white people is to just get absolutely geeked up and hit up a department store.

yaks dress the way they do because they're all absolutely blasted on meth 24/7

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