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Video Course General v.28

Hampton edition

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

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yeah, as long as you have the exact same files, if you put them in the folder the torrent expects to see them in it'll work.
i used to but I deleted it, it's in the gram does

Only the course with feedback is that expensove. The barebones one without feedback is 260 or soemthing. Still expensive but not outrageously so.
Makes sense then I can help this anon here:
>can someone seed, been stuck at 0% for 24 hours
I have the exact files of the torrent he wants.
>Picrel is exactly the same as the torrent

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Hi /ic/
Can you criticize my silent comic
I still an amateur and developing my skills, practicing every day despite my busy university scheduleand your advices and criticism is really important for me because it's direct and real (not sugar coated like the one's I got from my peers)
Thank you
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Some panels are great
And the others are kinda flat
Try to maintain the same level of details in every panels
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Since I follow the OP
He posted this today with this caption :
"Today is my birthday
I'm always trying to develop my skills in drawing so I can make people happy and in the same time to express a feeling or opinions
That's why to celebrate this occasion, here's a drawing of a girl holding a slice of watermelon

Happy birthday OP

back to r.ddit faggot
>Kike detected
At least wish for the OP a happy birthday or stfu

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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources


Might as well check archives and active /ic/ threads for references.

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Beg here, why have I not seen anybody on /ic/ ever mention Richard Smitheman b4? I've tried a bunch of different approaches to get my figure drawing to be competent but his method was by far the most informative to capture both gesture + anatomy.

I do think you have to learn some of the fundamentals else where but once I felt ready for figures, his livestreams did wonders
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I should do more gestures/ short figures
Seeing some really nice figures here in pencil, am I punishing myself with pen at the cost of being more dynamic?
Maybe I just need to get bigger balls.

thankyou, I like how you iterate most of them, looks pretty effective
1m to 15m. I'm being able to do so much with the time that I think my next step is thinking of finding the most attractive sections of figures and doing more work in them, proportions are sliightly off but shouldn't be too hard to correct
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doodlin' while watching the 5th element, tough to draw on the couch. Went back today and filled in some blank spaces.

I never really took a course, kinda just cobbled together different lessons from all over the palce. Proko, Hide, Hampton, randoyoutuber69420, sinix, etc. looks like you're going with hampton, let us know how it goes!
nice studies
lookin' good!
these are good sessions, maybe take a little time after each one, and do some takeaways. like, "I learned this today"
never heard of Smitheman, I'll take a look. thanks for sharing.
I like some of those faces! I use all kinds of pens/pencils. Don't give yourself arbitrary rules on what you have to use.

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Finally managed to draw some timed gestures again

Last one: >>7121414
A bad sharpener will slow you down and ruin your pencils.
A good sharpener is like a fresh breath of air, such as pic.
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The chink copied it and sell 20 cents each. Quality is the same.
what proxy did you use
Dejapan shipped them, but when I wanted to buy Holbein paint I used blackship. You have to email and ask before ordering for most art supplies
thanks anon
Do you use anything in particular to get nice solid layers with colored pencils? Too much grainy white gives it a kid look

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Can someone explain how people complain about calarts then go around enjoying something like pic related? Both styles are kinda just ugly copy n past slop to me
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I still find it retarded how genshin has 8 characters with a loli body type, but no male equivalent
This man understands.
the mc and their boyfriend both have aids. I am not even joking
the people complaining about calarts are not the same people who play genshit. The retards that enjoy this nuweeb shit are the other side of the coin of calartsfags. Once again, both sides are retarded and I'm right.
They really did him dirty holy shit

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No /TRAD/ general? Aight, this will be the trad general. Post your recent trad artworks/WIPs in this thread.

I will begin. Will really appreciate critiques.
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It's a commission for a Catholic church.
Even if it is for study, it is still good to make a large piece. In the pursuit of excellence.
Looking good!
THat lock of hair comming out of his sideburn instead of behind the ear is kinda weird but it's all pretty clean.
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too dark but still great
You're great with contrasts, everything really pops.
Looks great! I personally enjoy painting animals and little landscapes in watercolor (probably because one can be a bit more "sloppy"), but struggle with portraits.
I didn't catch the little girl on the path the first time I looked at it, and Im jealous of your contrast control. It is both technically good, and fun to look at as well.

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The truck has a ballsack?
It's a fine balance that I have not found yet.
It's new; Trump is known to wear diapers, so his supporters are trying to embrace it with t-shirts and other paraganglia.
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Add something about being proud to be circumcised

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Post art channels that actually teach you how to draw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii0BiZIykh0
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You know the difference between Japanese cartoonists and cocksuckers like you, that Japanese artists highly value their country and their industry, unlike you, who dedicate yourself to criticizing and tearing down the West.
You are worse than a crab, you are literally an idiot.
You are literally seething right now
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>You are literally seething right now

stop projecting
didn't know that meme was still around on the internet, brings back memories.

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For oil painting, how the FUCK do I replicate daylight lighting?
>paint at night
>"it's beautiful"
>next day see it with natural light:
>smudged trash

I can't stop painting at 6pm, I wake up at 2pm.

How do you explain the stylization of this nigga?
Don't we already have two threads nearly identical to this one up?
he wrote a book about it "The Silver Way"
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Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

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Worth it for the rotation.
yeah, I'm just so pissed that theu're not even trying to hide it with the
>oh it only works with the New Product and you're gonna have to buy it again because uhhh thats just how it is okay
This is the same shit they pulled with the hover being only on the m2 pro
By succumbing to this shit you are only perpetuating the cycle.
Oh no, don't worry I am not buying this shit. If I do, it'll be years down the line, and I'll buy it used on ebay or something.
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>device-exclusive cable I was using went under(huion 3-in-one cable and power outlet)
>mfw looking at delivery time its gonna take the same as buying anything new since its straight out ching-chong land

Anyway how's the kamvas 20? Considering going for that one since its an upgrade over my current one(kamvas 16) and weirdly shares a similar price in my country's amazon store

Also what do you do with old but working tablets? Selling sounds like a hassle but throwing it away seems like a waste of good electronics

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Let’s see what /ic/ are fans of, all styles welcome!
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You have great taste is movies anon

Your art however needs a lot more work
Those monochrome ones are awesome, gj!
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I'm here to ask: what is the best country with the best schools to enter the manga comicsist profession?
The kind of school that will teach me how to make deep soulful stories that will tug at people's feelings like guitar strings and make them think and feel. Like the manga "Goodnight PunPun."
And also where it pays better.
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The school of life
Just move straight to Japan if you insist in manga profession
There a multiple schools around the world that teach comic art and creation, America included, though I doubt any can really teach you how to make "deep soulful stories that will tug at people's feelings like guitar strings and make them think and feel", that's on you, and your own creative abilities.
As for which country pays the best in the comic field? It's a bit difficult to say - Japan has made some very financially successful comic creators, but unless you're there as one of the greats, you'll probably be barely scraping by AND have terrible working conditions to boot.
America's industry is collapsing, though graphic novels, indie, and particularly children's comics are doing quite well (though that doesn't seem to be what you want to do).
Europe is a little vague, there seems to be a larger culture of reading comics there, but there doesn't seem to be much success from their comics internationally; nor is there much evidence that they're doing well domestically either, or I'm sure we'd being seeing more of it on the internet. Surely people would be sharing and pirating European comics as much as Manga if they were so loved, right?

Honestly though, expecting to somehow get into comics professionally is like expecting your little garage band to make it big - you're dreaming.
Make your dream comic as a hobby, and see if any publishers are interested; if not, go indie.
If you want to study comics in school, that fine, but be sure that the course's skills can be applicable in other industries such as animation, or video games, etc. (or study something else afterwards).
Did you just type what you read on quora lol?
There's no school that's going to teach you that. If there was, it would be world famous and well well beyond your means.
But there's no evidence that even the schools in japan will actually make you more likely to succeed as a professional manga artist or storyteller.

You don't have to, but it would probably help. Although having to juggle whatever you do to keep your visa with making manga will likely not end well as those who have tried can attest. IMO it's better to get into japan THROUGH manga rather than FOR manga. Become a publishable author first, THEN go. Ideally, get published first. Get in on an artist visa, or something that will allow you to work while you're there. Publishers aren't going to work with somebody unless they can do it legally and above board, so you need to solve that problem first, and it's not an easy problem to solve. Although that might only be a temporary problem, maybe in the future more publishers will be willing to work with authors overseas.

Exactly how many hours, days, and recourses until I can draw a fox like this?
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Adobe illustrator looking ass. You ruined all its dynamism and charm with those lines, they have no flow or appealing line weight.
huh, interesting. I didn't even find my lineart particularly bad at all. I'll think about that.
I dont think your lineart is bad, I think it just looks almost too clean is what those anons are saying.
I have a tablet I'm just lazy
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bro went from master to beg with lineart

see? It's easy to draw popular stuff, you just need to keep drawing and git gud anon
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>cloutschizo still seething that one random anon doesn't deem meaningless numbers meaningful by spamming that he actual cares
unironically needs to cope that 80% of his followers are bots
>look for the perfect pose that is dynamic, full of gesture, and has good composition
>carefully connect the lines and draw outlines correctly
>carefully draw the hair and clothes as accurately as I can
>looks stiff as fuck

>other people in this thread criss cross lines all the time and wont even fully draw the outline to something
>looks way better

I finally get it. construction is a virus
Yes. "Perfect" sucks, if I wanted perfection I would just look at a photo
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>construction is a virus
Close, but no. What you're describing goes further than just construction.
Problem is that in our pursuit to make things look as functionally accurate as fundamentals dictate, we forget to make them visually pleasing, effectively neglecting the design aspect of art for the sake of following the fundamentals. You end up with a piece that looks correct, but doesnt look nice.

That said, you should definitely not ignore the fundamentals, but you have to always keep in mind that you're supposed to make something that is meant to be visually pleasing (assuming that's the end goal).
Think of it as the "security vs freedom" analogy, Fundies being the security and Appeal being the Freedom.
>doesn't post an example of his

gay post

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