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I'm here to ask: what is the best country with the best schools to enter the manga comicsist profession?
The kind of school that will teach me how to make deep soulful stories that will tug at people's feelings like guitar strings and make them think and feel. Like the manga "Goodnight PunPun."
And also where it pays better.
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The school of life
Just move straight to Japan if you insist in manga profession
There a multiple schools around the world that teach comic art and creation, America included, though I doubt any can really teach you how to make "deep soulful stories that will tug at people's feelings like guitar strings and make them think and feel", that's on you, and your own creative abilities.
As for which country pays the best in the comic field? It's a bit difficult to say - Japan has made some very financially successful comic creators, but unless you're there as one of the greats, you'll probably be barely scraping by AND have terrible working conditions to boot.
America's industry is collapsing, though graphic novels, indie, and particularly children's comics are doing quite well (though that doesn't seem to be what you want to do).
Europe is a little vague, there seems to be a larger culture of reading comics there, but there doesn't seem to be much success from their comics internationally; nor is there much evidence that they're doing well domestically either, or I'm sure we'd being seeing more of it on the internet. Surely people would be sharing and pirating European comics as much as Manga if they were so loved, right?

Honestly though, expecting to somehow get into comics professionally is like expecting your little garage band to make it big - you're dreaming.
Make your dream comic as a hobby, and see if any publishers are interested; if not, go indie.
If you want to study comics in school, that fine, but be sure that the course's skills can be applicable in other industries such as animation, or video games, etc. (or study something else afterwards).
Did you just type what you read on quora lol?
There's no school that's going to teach you that. If there was, it would be world famous and well well beyond your means.
But there's no evidence that even the schools in japan will actually make you more likely to succeed as a professional manga artist or storyteller.

You don't have to, but it would probably help. Although having to juggle whatever you do to keep your visa with making manga will likely not end well as those who have tried can attest. IMO it's better to get into japan THROUGH manga rather than FOR manga. Become a publishable author first, THEN go. Ideally, get published first. Get in on an artist visa, or something that will allow you to work while you're there. Publishers aren't going to work with somebody unless they can do it legally and above board, so you need to solve that problem first, and it's not an easy problem to solve. Although that might only be a temporary problem, maybe in the future more publishers will be willing to work with authors overseas.

Exactly how many hours, days, and recourses until I can draw a fox like this?
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Adobe illustrator looking ass. You ruined all its dynamism and charm with those lines, they have no flow or appealing line weight.
huh, interesting. I didn't even find my lineart particularly bad at all. I'll think about that.
I dont think your lineart is bad, I think it just looks almost too clean is what those anons are saying.
I have a tablet I'm just lazy
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bro went from master to beg with lineart

see? It's easy to draw popular stuff, you just need to keep drawing and git gud anon
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>cloutschizo still seething that one random anon doesn't deem meaningless numbers meaningful by spamming that he actual cares
unironically needs to cope that 80% of his followers are bots
>look for the perfect pose that is dynamic, full of gesture, and has good composition
>carefully connect the lines and draw outlines correctly
>carefully draw the hair and clothes as accurately as I can
>looks stiff as fuck

>other people in this thread criss cross lines all the time and wont even fully draw the outline to something
>looks way better

I finally get it. construction is a virus
Yes. "Perfect" sucks, if I wanted perfection I would just look at a photo
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>construction is a virus
Close, but no. What you're describing goes further than just construction.
Problem is that in our pursuit to make things look as functionally accurate as fundamentals dictate, we forget to make them visually pleasing, effectively neglecting the design aspect of art for the sake of following the fundamentals. You end up with a piece that looks correct, but doesnt look nice.

That said, you should definitely not ignore the fundamentals, but you have to always keep in mind that you're supposed to make something that is meant to be visually pleasing (assuming that's the end goal).
Think of it as the "security vs freedom" analogy, Fundies being the security and Appeal being the Freedom.
>doesn't post an example of his

gay post

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Previous thread: >>7066089

What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.
>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?
To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.
>Community Resources
>Tag the OP if you want a resource included here.
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Sorry, anon, I don't have socials yet. I just started a twitter a couple of weeks ago and there are like two drawings to jerk off with them, kek.
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send me the dang ol Twitter anyway. I'm sure you'll upload once in a while, at least much more than I check this thread,kek
shits beautiful cuh

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Is it true that every artist is into feet?
>t. an artist with a foot fetish.
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I like drawing hands and feet and putting effort into them, but yeah I don't see the arousal.
Just look at OPs art, completely incapable of drawing the feet in the perspective of the rest of the body.
Sup, Mr. Kellogg.
His feet bend, what a pain, you seriously can't understand how perspective works???
I'm into feet but this is just heinous

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What are the pros and cons of using multiple accounts to post different stuff
Currently i only have 1 account per webite ie: pixiv, twitter, ig, etc... Drawings that arent the main thing get really little engament, my mine stuff gets 100k+ views 5k+ views average but other stuff gets like 20k views and barely 1k views also want to post more porn, loli, kemonomimi and things like that.

Yes or nai? am i missing new costumers+ views? a ban? kek.
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Having multiple accounts eliminates the risk of your main account getting suspended due the porn art.
Coomers always find a way. If your porn is good, you will gain an audience.
Have your NSFW account tagged in your bio and vice versa on your NSFW account, so people will immediately know you have more than one page.
Anon you are missing the most important aspect of social media.

For all the conten that you create the total views would be equivalente to only 1% in likes
Started in 2024vand already as 30k followers. Fuck this gay ass world. Just draw anime girlcwhite canvas motherfucking vtuber furry assholev dragon pussy.
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Use your brain,The cons of this is the maintenance you do to, them, you are always going to use one more than the other, it also depends on the content you make, if you are hiding your coom art, screw you, because they will recognize you the same, the drawing is like a signature.

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>study colors, anatomy, perspective, etc
>everything looks fine
>try applying it to an original piece
>it looks like shit
>spend all day trying to fix it
>it still looks like shit
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this. anyone can be talented these days. now get prompting.
>has the ability to generate anything he wants by just typing words
>just does the "soilent faggot doing art" prompt again and again and spams it every thread

actually hilarious
so glad all perma/beg/ schizos have one tag in common now (ai-generated) so you never have to see their art again
You got a chuckle anon, good job.
Drawing badly takes more effort than drawing well. I work so hard polishing turds and pushing past my limits and my art just gets worse and worse. Meanwhile good artists just go by muscle memory without thinking and shit out masterpieces.

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>art schools are using trans models for figure drawing

Regardless of your feelings on trannies, this seems like a horrible idea. You're going to ingrain horrible habits like drawing women with male proportions, gigantic shoulders, huge muscular legs. I don't think you're supposed to draw trannies how they actually look either, so the student is basically told to look at a man, "reinterpret" it inside of their head as they draw so it looks like a woman, and essentially ignore the model or get yelled at by the class for being a transphobe for drawing a "transphobic caricature"
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nah he's not completely wrong. It's normal for people to become unrecognizable when wearing full hair, makeup, and costume. But both you and OP are culture war retards
unironically anorexic male and females are a good subject matter.
I agree and disagree. I think people should learn a 'standard', before breaking said mould. I think live modeling with hot people at first is unironically the best thing - but art school's are too up their own ass to hire such models. Fat, ugly, and old only, hotties need not apply.
The lack of a proper corset natural breast is a dead giveaway its a woman but you and the other retard lack the observation skills to noticed because muh troons. Get bent retard.
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The Russian academic approach is that you learn to constructively understand things so well that your imagination drawings can be anything you want effortlessly, right?

Makes sense, but proko was trained in the academic style and his imagination drawings suck? He seems to need a model or reference to draw the simplest things
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Because it's just plain high skill realism.
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>If you want as much life as possible in your art, you should avoid studying the skeleton as far as possible.
I realized it looks like I'm disrespecting Hogarth here but no. Hogarth clearly knows about the skeleton because he otherwise wouldn't know where to put the muscles. There's a reason you should start with the skeleton, you blockhead.
Rey Bustos was taught by Hogarth and according to him the skeletal system is the most important part.

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Is it fair, bros?
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That’s not really true. A lot of non-photographers don’t realize how much professionals design the lighting, pick costumes, perspective, travel, make camera/lens choices, etc. Then there’s photo editing which has been done since the 19th century. It's part of why drawing copies of photographs is seen as unskilled. Because the photographer has made all of the artistic decisions already.
Take your meds.
> defending or pretending to defend deviantart tier plagiarism
And this is how you know /ic/ has turned to trash
these digits
The key word is "hire". He paid a commission for their services, so yes, he gets credit for the photograph.

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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw
**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What do you think about zark muckerberg
I think it belongs on /alt/ not here.
/alt/ is where skilled artist go, it’s not a /beg/ containment like this general
I refuse to post in ALT because it sounds retarded.
I've already proven my superiority years ago.

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I've been an artist my whole life really and I feel like that lifestyle made me soft. Sitting at a computer all day, just drawing shit for clients, all my colleagues/friends are soiboys or women, I don't want to be like them. How can I balance my artistic endeavors with being properly tough?
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read hemingway + bukowski and copy frazetta
Get into fist fights with homeless women at night
you're posting on 4chin instead of already doing something about it, wtf are you expecting to happen
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a real artist mostly needs strong hands. you need one of these bad boys.
5 sets every 5 hours of 100 repetitions.
work more.
Seriously people these days are dumber and dumber every second

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>want to draw
>want to write
>end up doing nothing the whole day
>"that's fine maybe next day"
>same shit happens
>"well I'm going on vacation for a week soon so I'll draw some stuff in my downtime!"
>that didn't happen
>literally just can't get started even trying to draw a line
>no matter how much I want to do it I end up never doing it

I'm not diagnosed with ADHD, but I match a lot of symptoms and this one is by far the most frustrating one I have. I just can't get it started when I want to draw, even if I really want to. I think it's called executive dysfunction or some shit. Does anyone have any tips on how to get myself to actually do the actions in the first place?

For the record, I probably need to be medicated above all, but don't have the time and money to get a shrink to see and diagnose me so I can't get adderall or something, and as far as I know there isn't any dealers near me with addy for sale.
Kill yourself, seriously. Try to reroll with better stats. You will never amount to anything in your state. Die.
There's a productivity rule called "the 10 second rule" I believe. As soon as you think about drawing, within 10 seconds you start drawing - don't try making a full blown illustration or anything, just trying scribbling, make it stress free. If you're having fun, you'll keep drawing, if not, well you drew a bit that day at least.

Make sure your drawing materials are at the ready, and your desk is clean with no distractions, etc, so you don't have any excuses to not just start drawing when you decide to.

Ultimately your biggest issue is self discipline, rather than ADHD.
Go to the doctor.
Alternatively, look for another hobbie, one that you could actually made this time.
Alternatively, kill yourself.

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>hard round brush
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Her upper body looks genuinely detached. Hard to miss desu
Remember that a spine/the torso doesn't bend sideways when looking behind the back; it twists the the torso to allow the neck to have more reach
I can't even blame it on the perspective.

If you want to have her back showing like that, you have to adjust her upper body or it will look weirder the more people look at it and realize it don't look right
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Good catch.

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Where does one get nsfw commissions in 2024?

Anyone got any discord servers they can recommend? The forum world seems completely dead by now, which is what I last remember being a thing. Is hentai foundry still popular and does it get enough traffic to get an artist exposure/commissions?

Help a brother out /ic/
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uuoooohhhhhh cat nunny cunny ToT
You're not getting commissions because your art is beg teir. Learn anatomy and how to draw faces. Your nowhere close to ready to give commissions.
That's why I thought of doing free commissions to get better at drawing. Of course my drawing skills are so shitty that I can't even get free commissions. It's so fucking embarrassing.
lots of blur color mixing
Anon, you need a reality check, and I say this with a very good inention: do not post anything for a good year or so. Draw and do not show it to anyone, because its pointless, but keep track of your progress which you'll eventually see. People are not interested in it, and no pro will take you under his wings or redline your stuff. You are at the stage, when you shouldn't even do loomis head, but a shitton of cylinders, and boxes.

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