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49 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
That was only the ships in the first episode.
Almost every One Year War story besides the original series. The Gundam was supposed to be this advanced, unique war machine that changed the tide of the war. But with all side stories there's dozens, maybe even hundreds of them in the same time frame.
>unique war machine that changed the tide of the war
The only reason it changed the tide was that Zeon dedicated an obscene amount of assets to hunting down White Base. The show is pretty damn clear that it doesn't actually believe in one fighter changing the course of anything.
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OYW is the only war with a true sense of scale. Stuff like the gunperry or other logistics vehicles that added alot of world building were dropped immediately after MSG, therefore, making wars like Gryps or CCA feel kinda insignificant and small scale. Also making battleships and other combat vehicles like the type 61 irrelevant for more pure MS v. MS combat ruined MSG's combined arms feeling. I feel author's have alot less to work with when it comes to making their stories when the world of anything afterwards MSG is just MS and boring identical space aircraft carriers. Compare that to MSG's two completely unique factions with their own vehicles and spaceships.
To be fair, Gryps and the Axis drop are explicitly much smaller scale in-universe too.

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Why did they go the stupid pandering route with Try after the original BF was a hit with multiple romantic subplots for multiple characters with zero love triangles/harem slop?
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The first series was a random project they decided to fund with no real expectations. It was mostly a love letter to the franchise as a whole. It also became wildly successful and spurred a massive amount of gunpla sales. Executives saw the massive profit and immediately began demanding more, and the follow up got focus grouped/executive meddled until nothing that made the original such a joy to watch remained.
Says Gundam's objectively most replaceable loli
>gets replaced with herself
heh, nothin personel
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Hear me out: Roux is the best pilot in ZZ, just not the strongest Newtype.

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Previous Thread: >>22637647

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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>Purple henshin hero
Seems kamen rider related to me.
Also samefag

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Bakery is closed, sorry bro.

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>amuro please, your mother won't last much longer, please give me a grandson!
I always wanted Amuro to fuck his mom. He should've done it as a fuck you to her boyfriend, as well as punishing her for cheating in the first place.
Oh yeah? Watch me shoot this nigga in the back you pinko whore!
He did in the Beltorchika children manga.

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Why are they designed like this and what purpose do they serve?
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>Why would they put the sensor at the crotch
Those are camera to take an upskirt shot of the mobile suit skirt
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>What's with the Mobile Suits crotch? Why are they designed like this and what purpose do they serve?
Designed like what? Each MS in the pic has a radically different pelvic design.
>If you didn't have genitals there would be some other use for your crotch, it's a great location logistically speaking
Absolutely correct answer.
>Crotch vulcans when
Dunbine's got you covered
>Why would they put the sensor at the crotch

The Flipper is a dedicated Recon machine, and the whole gimmick is that the tri-eye head bit can flip 180 degrees vertically, the crotch sensor suite makes sense since it gives it a fixed forward pov, that frees up the head to swivel around in any direction without loss of a forward picture.
>Crotch vulcans when
Walker Machine "Capricorn" (from Xabungle) says hi
that's CAPRICO, motherfucker

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What happened, exactly?
It was announced on the 22nd that actor Akira Nakao passed away due to heart failure. He was 81 years old. According to those involved, he was still working until May, and was surprised by the news of his sudden death. He had passed away on the 16th, and his funeral had already been held with his wife Shino Ikenami (69) and other close relatives.
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Genda-sensei ;_;
>According to those involved, he was still working until May, and was surprised by the news of his sudden death.

I know what you meant, but this kind of makes it sound like Nakao was the one surprised at his own sudden death, which I guess maybe he was.

Bernard Wiseman did nothing wrong
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>Rookie pilot assigned to Special Forces unit due to man power shortage
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he corrected Alfred and made him realize that wars aren't cool like he believed them to be
Only thing he did wrong was not putting babies in her before he died.

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Kids are still interested in mecha today and its entirely thanks to Lego and Ninjago

What do you have to say, /m/?
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People are naturally more drawn to pretty visuals then they are to meticulously crafted stories. If you have to remind people to take the animation into account than it wasn't really worth noting in the first place.
Animation has much more to it than surface level prettyness though. The quality of the timing when it comes to creating tension and a sense of impact through use of antics, the sheer expressiveness that can come through unique effects patterns, the immersive qualities of the layouts and how the trajectories of motion are set up to create a sense of space and perspective, etc. Causal viewers will think that Demon Slayer is better animated than a Ghibili film because it has hyper saturated colors, CGI camera spam and particle effects everywhere, where very well animated anime will get passed over because they have a limited color palette, are less bombastic, and "look old". Votoms has quite a bit of notable work by Anime R and Studio Dove, two premier subcontractors. Toru Yoshida's work on it is particularly famous for the density of the effects animation and the complicated layouts he used.
I agree on some points, but there are some things that have been answered already. It's been a while since my last watch, so forgive me if some details are hazy.
>The opening theme's lyrics seem to suggest that all Chirico wants is to be left alone and escape a past that haunts him, but the show actively contradicts this by saying that the only place he feels comfortable in is battle and activiely seeks it out.
It's like smoking. A smoker knows it's bad for his health, but his body still feels the physical urge to do it, to return back to the state he had before, like an addiction. Chirico knows he should stop fighting, but deep down a part of him is still drawn to it.
>The show then states that he does have a proactive goal which is to find proto one for no clear reason (I guess you could interpret it as love/lust but its still ambiguous), but he only actively pursues this goal once he's in the jungle. During Uoodo he barely makes any attempt.
His goal apart from surviving was centered around Fyana from the beginning ever since he was sent on that mission to retrieve her body and then betrayed/imprisoned. He wanted to learn more about her and why people would go to such an extent to get rid of him, but he didn't have any leads to track her until closer to the end of Uoodo.
>ending spoiler
Chirico had to kill god because he admitted to manipulating every aspect of fate and his past to bring him to that moment. Fighting him symbolizes Chirico fighting his own past. If somebody told me he was responsible for everything bad that happened to me and also put me through hellish wars, I'd want to kill him too. The setup and execution could have been better, but I understand what they were going for there.
Good for them.
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Not just Bionicle and Exo-Force, but I also see an Alien from Alien Conquest in the background too. It's a shame that most of these themes are forever going to be relegated to being background cameos in new sets while Lego continues to chase the "I want to build glorified model kits" AFOL audience and licenses, though, because I think it'd be cool to see Lego revisit these older themes with more modern building techniques and newer pieces

Took me a minute.
you forgot to shoop a coathanger into furuya’s hand
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This isn't going away for a while.

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Why no GUNPLA?
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Neptunia devs like them they even made them characters in the games
I do.
Because no one would buy it.

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Previous Thread: >>22630304


>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):
>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)
>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai)

>List of subbed series:

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362 replies and 87 images omitted. Click here to view.
No it isn't
Yamada is booked more, but Mao has a tight schedule to the point where she basically has no social life (she does seem to be introverted anyway). According to her, her day is basically get up, go to work aka recording for gajillions of anime, and then do some radio shows, get back home, play gacha games while taking a bath and that's it.
God that's depressing, I always knew him first as the Demon Wizard dude from Kitamura's Versus which was his first outing alongside other nowadays well known toku alumni
He's not wrong about the obligatory mecha fights

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Gundam Voice Actor Tōru Furuya Admits to 4-Year Affair With Fan
>Furuya acknowledged threatening to hurt fan in argument, causing her to have abortion
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Literally finished this show like, this year? Greeted this year by finishing it apparently. I was surprised it was him and I tried to make an effort to recognize him in other stuff better.
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His Casshan performance was insane for a guy who was well into his 50s, didn't sound a day over 20.
t. Earthnoid
So……what now? Do we ignore it?
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I was actually looking forwards to meeting him at MomoCon and when the news broke I really hoped he would stay long enough to do his 1 hour AMA so Char/gundam cosplayers in general could shitpost irl. It would have been glorious.

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what would he say about Gaza-C and Gaza-D?
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well I know what he would say about Gaza

"Melanie Hue Carbine... He is Jewish... one of the many activists who pushed for the colony movement in order to fulfill the ultimate goal of the Jewish people... This is very similar to the way the Jewish people control Hollywood... they intend to send all of the people on Earth up into the colonies in order to reclaim the holy land of Israel for the Jewish people... He is really little more than an entrepreneur who plays a small role in this racial movement... These details should never be addressed in the television series."
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Twink Death is a horrifying thing.
Go back groomer.
explanation? context?

F1dZqoyaMAAngto.png doesn't help with an explanation

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>Its simple, Bright
>Call in for a ceasefire and to protect the refugees
>Then, we'll use those annoying old geezers as a distraction to sneak in the Gundam and ambush those evil zeon bastards
...Pretty dishonest to use a ceasefire called in order to protect civilians just to stage an ambush, but ok. What's your plan if they send out a humanitarian effort to give aid to the refugees we let off?
>Beam rifle, sir!
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And then Char guns them all down and we don't need to deal with the refugees ever again.
What perfect timing for this thread...
>Its simple, Bright, we abort the batman
Is he the victim of Metoo like Mcgilis and Suzaku?

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Nostalgia thread
Ingrid's seems kind of overblown compared to the other two
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Still watch the first 4 episodes from time to time.

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