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So seeing how Armored Core 6 and the Front Mission remasters went what do you think the future looks like for /m/ games? Is more mecha even viable within the current video game industry?
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Dunno about 4 and 5. Maybe 3 will get released but well, also would not count on that because like nobody is talking about the first 2 remakes.

Do we know how much they sold?
Front Mission 5 draws A LOT of refrences to the first Front Mission game which was never released in the west and not even the PS1 remake. In fact, FM1 was not officially released in the west in until 2007 on the DS. By then, people have already moved on to the 360, Wii, and PS3. 5 was meant to be a Capstone that links all the previous mainline FM games.
6 is great. I don't think "wow every AC should be exactly like 6 in the future" but it gave us the best closer-range and fast AC we've ever had.
If you don't know what you're doing you'll just miss all your Karasawa shots and eat dick.
So that's why...
Well now that the first two games got a remaster and the 3rd one is on its way with its remaster, then I can see already that it would be a matter of time till they go with a remaster of 4 and then finishing it off with 5 getting one and finally being oficially released outside of Japan and Asia.

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Thread on one the greatest OVAs of the 80s?

Did anyone here ever pick up the continuation manga that Hirano penned? It's around in comic book form like a lot of the early North American manga releases.
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What even is all this?
The new spammer.
>one of the greatest OVAs of the 80s?
I think so too.
Yes, I also think it is great.
some anons got extremely butt hurt in the last Iczer thread

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They always look cool
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It has big swords and it was supposed to lead the Maganacs.

Deathscythe was definitely the best of the three with its stealth gimmick and the wing/shields turning it nearly invincible.
They didn't have specific roles because each Gundam was sent in a solo mission. Them getting into a group wasn't planned, but still, each Gundam has a specific purpose.

Wing = All-Around/Airborne Fighting
DeathScythe = Infiltration/Stealth (hence the camouflage)
Heavyarms = Base bombardment
Sandrock = Militia/Desert Operations (Leading Maganac)
Altron = Melee
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Another thing to consider is that each unit was customized to the individual pilots before Operation Meteor. There's no reason for a proto-Shenlong, made for Wu-Fei's fiancee to exist if the armaments were already planned.
>osmosis browsing 4chan
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Yes, as in I was busy reading other boards which were not /m/ where the invasion of Gaza could be discussed, where I could follow or catch glances of other people's discussions of why this was happening and what was going on. Is this a foreign fucking concept? If you browse any board you will pick up on snippets of information of varying kinds just by being in its presence even if you're not actively looking for them. Do I need to emphasize to you that I do not respect Israel because they seem to be in the habit of repeatedly acting like gigantic fucking jews or something? You are free, again, to explain to me exactly how my initial, very literally half baked assessment is factually wrong at any time.

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And why it's Portugal?
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duterte gundam
Zebras might not be lions but they certainly arn't like horses or anything. Zebras will fuck you up.
>Gundam Matador
>It's a non-functional Bull
Typical Spanish
A horse kick can end you instantly.
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Gee Godzilla, why does Toho let you have TWO gigabash collaborations?
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Why no mecha? With how much Dynamic is whoring Mazinger surely they can get him.
To be fair, there's only been three DLC packs so far, and they probably wanted to hit the big three or four (Godzilla, Ultraman, Gamera, Kong) before trying for others.
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Huh. If Hasbro is open to this sort of video game crossover, this gives me hope for eventually seeing the Zords in GigaBash.
Huh? There's no way this is real.
Posted on the official Ark Twitter and confirmed by multiple Ark and PR sites.

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Have you ever read or written fanfiction for /m/ shows? I'm not just talking about the more traditional kinds of fanfiction about characters doing something, but also original stories that are technically set in certain universes created by others.
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Since Valvrape was already brought up, there was this one fanfic for it that I read ages ago called Touched By The Moon that focused on Saki and Haruto.
Shame it hasn't been updated since 2016, I actually liked most of what I'd read.
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I think the fanfic Founding Of An Empire is, despite the spelling errors, one of the best fics, and what Valvrave should’ve always been. Heck, I wish that that author got hired by Sunrise.

Still working on my own Valvrave fic btw. I’m about two thirds of the way through it.
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>Have you ever read
Plenty of times, yeah. I'd argue I've read more fanfiction as a whole than actual literature, lmao. But there's something endearing when a fan enjoys a franchise so much that he is willing to write hundreds of words for free for other fellow nerds to read. Yeah, plenty of shit, there's a reason why fanfiction has the reputation it has, but every blue moon you find something decent enough.
>or written fanfiction for /m/ shows?
Same too, i write a Sekirei x SRW OGs fanfic just to kill time when at work. Why those two? because my autism for a shitty harem manga nobody cares about know no bounds and OGs was simple enough. Hard to write when there's little documentation on names and stuff.
Doubt I'll finish it so i don't bother posting it, not like i think its decent enough anyway.
Also have a couple (unfinished and unpublished) side works, like a Area 88: Azur Lane or a Gundam Puru side story, and of course i've tried the foolish endeavor of writing my own SRW. Again, not like i'll ever finish them but they help pass the time, i guess.
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Now you know how Chad feels about you

Did I misunderstand something? Shouldn't she be in prison or dead by Uraki's hand?
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I always thought it was lame that in the anime Kou doesn't eject the gundam out of the giant missile carrier part of the dendrobium and stab gato's giga cockroach. That said, gato's gigaroach looks way easier and fun to use for a 1v1. Dendrobium looks godawful to use in a 1v1 against a similarly sized opponent, but seems way better to fight a horder of mobile suits with, thanks to all the missile pods.
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You reminded me how similar Balteus is to Dendrobium.
>powerful energy shield/I-field
>giant fire sword/giant beam sword
>bazooka/mega beam cannon
>both have an insane number of missiles to spam
>mobile suit/something that looks like an ac in the center
The major differences would be that Dendrobium has more handheld bazookas + arms and claws to manipulate its gear with, while Balteus has a shotgun, double minigun, and a flamethrower.
Dendrobium wasn't really designed for it, the GP units were all designed around specific roles as support units, they loosely seem based on the V Project units. GP01 is the most direct parallel to the original RX78 but faster with its additional boosters, the GP02 fills the role of the Guncannon with the added benefit if being able to deliver a nuclear payload (admittedly this is sort of a retcon with the addition of the missle pod MSV of the GP02), and the GP03 covers everything the Guntank and G Armor could do but on a wider colony/fleet sized scale. Point being the Dendrobium isn't really meant to go one to one with other comparable units, it was meant for general widespread destruction on enemy forces and being able to zip away far very fast. The Neue Ziel is a lot more agile, it has that turning speed you do want in 1v1 engagements.

The Dendrobium by all means can but just from its role as a payload delivery system it's not that suited for it.
Nina Purpleton and Nina Einstein: name a better duo of horrible /m/ bitches who ruined the world over their obsessions and got away with it.
kek he's spoken to women so few times he still considers it exceptional

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>What is Sunrise Robot Laboratory?

>The Sunrise Robot Laboratory is a research institute established to study and speculate on the imaginary robots and mecha that have appeared in Sunrise works, which have created numerous robot animation series since the first "Invincible Superhero Zambot 3" in 1977, from various perspectives, including past databases and new studies. The research institute was established to explore the imaginary robots and mecha that have appeared in Sunrise productions, which have created many robot animations.
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The Dunbine new animations looked like something out of a pachinko. I gather they are using less 'flashy' videos like so nowadays.
Kinda unrelated but I really hope this points to them doing a remaster for it, esp since kits are coming up for it on p-bandai.
They should since its 40th anniversary is this year.
Please fucking please, I want to see the auge in glorious 1080p.
I'm sure they're skipping Gundam given the entire point of this was to put focus on the less used IPs

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Mao and Kurz has returned
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That's a funny way to sideline a character and very FMP, I like it
How did he obtain the Falke? It was destroyed in the last book.

Your worthless Fandom page is spam. Nobody wants it.
Mao looking pretty damn fine for mid 40s.

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I’m trying and making 3d mech models for a while now but one part has always urked me: the hip joint.

Most of the times when I look for references its either a magic ball joint thing, it’s covered by cloth or it’s just a shaft so in reality it wouldn’t be able to spread its legs.

What is the best example of a hip joint that you’ve seen/preferred method. Sort of at the end of my rope, at this point I might just cheat and make it a magic ball joint.

Pic is my main reference for what I’m making.
I don't know what constitutes a 'hip' on your example, go look at some real world things you can take inspiration from.
If it's just a 3D model you could get away with the magic ball joint. You don't need to go full CAD autism on your fictional giant robot. But if you are daring then yeah, looking at actual CAD projects might give you a pointer on functional robot joints.

Most modern gunpla models have a three-piece hip joint with a polycap, polycap holder, and an attachment point on the leg to allow for thigh swivel. Unless you're actually putting weight on these, you could probably fudge the actual mechanism.
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For further reference, this is from the HG MAILeS Byakuchi manual.

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Why are people so enamoured by Ramba Ral and the Gouf when he appears for a few chapters before blowing himself up?

He gets like two scenes.
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Great post, thank you.
>He gets like two scenes
Compilation movie fags need to be berated so hard.
Ramba Ral sees Sayla Mass, whom he recognizes as Artesia Som Deikun, who he knew when she was little, aboard the White Base when he infiltrates it - as an enemy combatant. He has a moment of weakness where confusion and horror overcomes his ability to keep his cool. The narrator sums it up as "In the heat of battle, Ramba Ral forgot how to fight."

Now watch the series, you ferocious cockmongler.
I read the novelization first where he has a much bigger role. I thought it was weird that he was just some villain of the week in the anime.
Amuro was at that point the experienced MS-on-MS combatant in the universe.

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No Medabots thread? Let's change that.
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Mug and keychain
Burns me up there is no legitimate way to play the gacha.... I just want to show there is still love for Medarot over here in the west.....

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I‘d be interested to know if there are any drawfags on /m/ that designed their own Mecha, or variations of existing mecha.
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>drawing more basic forms in perspective
individually, for the most part i am, but in combination i find it much harder
>line thickness/direction
not super confident but i have a rudimentary understanding from practicing calligraphy with a fountain pen for a good while
>design own or make fanart
mainly making my own designs, which seems much more challenging than fan art. sometimes i’ll have a certain form or philosophy behind the look, like wanting a more organic and curved look rather than sharp and geometric, or like taking design cues from existing objects like cars or even animals or certain body types. i find it hard to make something look cohesive though, outside of basic shapes i’m terrible at deciding details or panel lining or whatever especially if i don’t have an idea of the internal mechanical structure
always to get better of course. in the somewhat short term id like to at least dabble in making a short visual novel
i like the mechanical designs in aura battler dunbine, nausicaa, patlabor, FSS, dune/lensman/old scifi. izubuchi’s designs are cool and as much as nagano gets shit on for being pretentious his earlier designs for mecha and fashion are just astoundingly beautiful imo. i like designs that feel heavy but have grace and elegance in them that gives the clunkiness its own beauty. i also love the weirder gundam series designs, just because they’re so odd at times. i know it’s ridiculous to mention such beautiful designs while mine still look like middle schooler scribbles, but damn they can be so beautiful sometimes. even small things, like in ghost in the shell the guy’s fingers split open into lots of tiny sub fingers, i just adore that shit. it just feels hard climbing the mountain of getting to that point, i’m already pretty old (30) so i feel like my chance has already passed. feels like im much better with words, and that trying to learn drawing is an insult to those who can draw naturally
>basic forms
Something you could consider is to find some photos of tanks, planes or other vehicles to study - try to replicate their proportions using basic forms, then gradually up the fidelity.
>Why tanks etc. and not mechs?
Generally speaking, vehicles will have fewer forms and points of rotation for you to worry about. This makes them more approachable than a full mech for a form study, while giving you opportunities to try drawing some of the details that you'll often see incorporated on mechs (ie. paneling, greebles, etc.)

>line thickness
Right now I think the most impactful thing for you to pin down is line control - being able to have your line go where you want it to smoothly, without requiring too much trial and error (ie. "ctrl+z spam"). There are exercises for this that you can use to get stabler and smoother lines.

Awesome! What you refer to as the "form/philosophy" is sometimes referred to "form language" or "visual language" - it's the sum of all design decisions going into an object that visually distinguishes it from other objects of a similar nature.
For example, Soviet cast metal / submarine-influenced spacecraft have an organic and curved form language, as opposed to Western aeronautics-derived geometric and sharp spacecraft.
You get better at identifying and applying form language by familiarizing yourself with their origins - building a "visual library", so to speak. The aforementioned vehicle studies will have the secondary effect of slowly building up your visual library of machinery, which you can then apply to your mechs.


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For example, if you want to do pilot portraits with expression sheets, you may also need to do facial and emotion studies of the kinds of people you want to include in your VN (or outsource it if you want to focus on mechs).
For mechs, maybe try gathering some examples of what you want to attain as a intermediate goal - then break down what skills you'll need to get there.

It's good that you have a clear idea of and can articulate what kind of designs you like. Don't disparage yourself for looking up to designers who are better than you, that's how it's supposed to be - it'd be a lot more concerning if you mentioned exclusively shit designs. It's a lot easier to teach how to draw than it is to teach good taste.
Something you should consider is compiling a folder of your favorite designs, regardless of source - set it as a scrolling wallpaper or screensaver on your desktop. Have it be a reminder of what you're working towards.

>I'm already pretty old (30)
Missed your chance for what? If it's about working as a professional designer, that's not necessarily the case. Ralph McQuarrie, for example, started learning how to draw in his 30s before he went on to do principal design work on the likes of Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica in his 40s.
That said, there are other factors affecting the entertainment design industry that make it very difficult to get into right now - an oversaturated market, investors pulling out, lack of faith in new IP etc.
But your age wouldn't really be a significant one. There are more entertainment designers in the industry on their second career path than you might think.

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wonderful advice, thank you so much!
it’s sort of a romance game at the core, the player would be an engineer who repairs mecha, and there would be four pilots as potential love interests.
mainly character portraits and backgrounds, and definitely mecha designs. it’s still just on paper, but i enjoy just thinking about it. picrel is the rough sketch of a protagonist, or at least his outfit. i have a vague idea of the pilots too, but they’re pretty much just handsome men which makes drawing them easier since i like that subject matter

>folder of designs
good idea again, thanks! right now i have a lose pics floating around, consolidating them would definitely be a good idea
>not old
that’s good point too, im not looking for a job job. it’d be great if i could do indie gamedev, since i can already write pretty well and code decently enough to have made a short game already. it is a learning process i guess, and age can be a boon that’s easy to overlook at one’s. thanks for the thoughtful and in depth response!!
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Post your continuity breaking cash gra- I mean, obscure prototype and limited deployment mobile suits from MSV
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What the fuck going on with the knees?
those are hyper beam sabres on the knees. they also work as beam cannons
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I love things that are cannon!

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>claims to be a mecha fan
>hates 0083
How does one explain this contradiction?
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Nope. It had 2 directors.
One director did episodes 1 to 7.
Another did episodes 8 to end.

Both directors worked on every episode.
That's a disproven myth. Imanishi worked on every episode and is also responsible for Mayfly of Space.
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I don't hate 0083 for anything that 0083 specifically does. It's a problem I have with every gundam side story, especially the UC ones. There's too many things that are too different to the mainline stuff, and they either have to twist all logic to make it fit or treat you like a moron and just hope you turn your brain off like you're a Star Wars fan.
Yes, the robots are cool. The GM Custom and GM Quel are amazing. But you cannot tell me that the federation and anaheim made machines like what's on display in 0083, the men who would go on to lead the Titans knew all about it, and then the next thing all three would share in developing is the fucking Marasai.
Japanese wiki disagrees with you


>加瀬充子(第1話 - 第7話)
>今西隆志(第2話 - 第13話)

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