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Wholesome edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

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>XDU had Hibiki literally falling apart
>Shirabmeshi has the Autoscorers kissing everyone and (fake) domestic violence
Symphogear truly is unhinged
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The Serenas then escaped the pyramid and into the wild where they would multiply and destroy the balance of the ecosystem.
Maria was found dead, a dried-out husk completely devoid of moisture
what the fuck
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Who the fuck decided what considered a Gundam MK?
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Anything after MKIII is ugly
Didn't it appear in the Werewolf manga? Getting that version is viable enough
>Maybe there's rights issues like with Sentinel
the rights issues with Sentinel are with pretty much everything except the mechanical designs, Bandai has full ownership of those and has no issues making merchandise of them or using them in games, it's using Sentinel's story or characters that where the ownership issues exist
It's just obscure, I don't think any other G-gen original has a normal kit either.
Me. I told them what's the Mk3, 4 and 5.
Those progressively freakier Gundam designs?
All me.

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Post mechs you wish were in an official anime/maga
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needs leg day
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Patlabor but good
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Dominion Tank Police AND Patlabor are both good.
Patlabor was better, but I prefer Leona.
tomato tomaato you know what I am refering to
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Im still incredibly pissed the Gundam doesnt have access to the beam javelin or dual sabers,but the fucking hyper hammer of all things in gbo2, like what the fuck was bb thinking
>so this...this is abortion...
>my unborn child is dead...
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>he could've been like a grandson to me!
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>What was that Captain?
>Shaa, the Red Cummer?
More memes, please!

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What /m/ factions could defend Earth from the super-civilizations that can collapse dimensions and lower the speed of light from the last Three-Body Problem book? The win condition is at a minimum keeping the Earth habitable in the face of a the dual vector foil attack -- just sending a colony ship to lightspeed to escape is insufficient.

Any late-Macross singing faction seems like a decent bet, because some Protoculture asspull would warp away with the foil or make the aliens fall in love with human culture.
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3BP is unironically the last good Chinese novel that i have ever read
Gurren Lagann
>anything beyond book 1 is garbage
Nope. The Dark Forest is absolute kino and is the best book youll ever read in your life even if you look and the fact that theres no good adaptation of it is sad.

Deaths End though now that is a mess and where you start thinking like that.
These are some awfully strong opinions from someone who hasn't read the books at all. Dark Forest fucking rocks. I do sort of wish I could go back in time and stop myself from reading Death's End but I wouldn't even say that one was garbage. (I'd just say that I personally fucking hated certain very very large parts of it, not naming any names Cheng Xin.)

The minecraft adaptation. Stick with it past the first number of episodes when it's just running around in a minecraft server and the budget skyrockets. It is genuinely the most entertaining AND most accurate adaptation of the books.

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>normie faggot being forced to watch gundam seed and gundam seed destiny in preparation for the movie
>seed is pretty ok
>starts gundam seed destiny recap movies
>minerva is constantly getting attacked by earth forces
>kira: athrun pls stop fighting you cant
>kira decides to just fucking fight minerva even though everything so far seems like self defense?
i truly don't know if i'm missing something. what the fuck does kira want to happen? "athrun pls just let them kill you guys, cagalli's crying." clearly the dumb bitch isn't getting through to orb, how the fuck are they going to stop orb and the earth forces from attacking minerva? i don't understand why he's only fucking lecturing zaft when they're the ones getting attacked?? is there something in the show that's missing in the movies or am i crazy?
>is kira fucking retarded?
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most observant anon
There is zero love between kira and lacus
It could be manipulation.
Those are some large moons. Shinn is so lucky.

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Is that the stuff you find in the multi-player part of the game?
Yes and no. One can complete the collection of parts and weapons totally on campaign missions and some solo outings against the Omega bosses, which I can attest to since I've done all of that in such a way. The exploration missions rewards (the MP part) are usually variants of already existing weapons and parts, but with better stats and modifiers, for instance, Radiant Gleam parts with slots are ONLY found on exploration missions, but visually they are identical to the 'normal' Radiant Gleam parts you get on the campaign. For weapons there is a additional differential on color.
Do you think Amuro expy will appear in DxM 2?
There's some actual exclusive stuff like mumei, bardiche, and the angang arger.
Where is Game Genie when you actually need it...

Got damn. I need an Aki in my life. D boy lucked out & its deserved. She has a pretty bland personality & characterization but something about her just clicks. She's a loving waifu of the most important factor. To top it all off... she became like a mother to our dear D boy takaya.
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Love this style.

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I've read the Getter Robo manga, what other mecha manga are good? I'm finding I like mecha in manga, film and OVA format more than a 50 episode TV show format.
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You have to fucking read Linebarrels of Iron, and only read it. The LN for Full Metal Panic is also good. Broken Blade, Gundam Thunderbolt and the Gundam 00 manga are also good choices.
I’m finding the manga so damn boring and I thought the TV series is alright
Just SEED Astray, Vanadis Heart, Five Star Stories, Schell Bullet, Locke the Superman, Hakaioh, 2002 Demon Lord Dante, 1999 Galaxy Express 999, the original Kamen Rider manga, Ryuu no Michi, Hi no Tori, Guyver, Mistuteru Yokoyama's MARS, and the original Giant Robo manga. For novels the SEED novels, Tomino's 0079 trilogy, Hathaway's Flash, the 1974 Yamato novelization, Secret Rendezvous, and the Gargantia sequel/prequel novels are worth reading. The ongoing Bravern novel and the upcoming Baan Gaan novel also look good. Finally, for Western comics, Void Rivals, all of Dreamwave's Transformers comics, Robo Dojo, the Exo-Force comics, Robotech II, Chaser Platoon, Armored Road Police, Broid, Cybersuit Arakdyne, the Bionicle comics, the Italian Gundam 0079 comics, the Harlock/Emeraldas/Star Blazers comics, and Mech Cadets are good.
Most mecha manga aren't worth reading since they're either abridged advertisements for the anime, straight retreads of the anime, or very poorly handled afterthoughts to the anime. Getter Robo and what I've listed are the only worthwhile mecha manga, so mecha may not be the genre for you if you don't like 50-episode shows. These shows weren't made with the expectation that you watch every single episode, and even if you don't have time to watch a 20-minute episode every day, you can split it in half at the eyecatch. There are also short mecha anime like Hikarian and Strange Steel Fairy Rouran.
The Moon!
Don't rec that!!

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Hate when they make it arcade. Means that outside of some extreme exceptions it'll never arrive in english.
I love those raisers but fucking catbutler made me not want to play them and that theyre ass for the time outside of well the butler.
>never being able to actually play your card game again because the machines get EOS'd
Oh yeah that's always an issue too. It can be fixed through emulation but modern arcade emulation is a bitch and a half.
Victor is cool as fuck. Sadly they killed Vanguard with V series and then finished it with D series.

Why is /m/ toxic? You'd think a niche hobby would bring anons together but you're all willing to go to all out wars for the slightest difference in opinions. It's like everyone refuses to understand anyone else's viewpoint here.
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>>complains when the fandom they just joined doesn't cater to them more
I doubt most posters on /m/ were watching Japanese teenagers watching Gundam in 1979
What's the point of this. And that movie was made by two Colombian-American men who worked at Disney for years and decided to make a 100 Years of Solitude clone for kids instead of taking something else and changing it, kinda different
I remember this place always bitching and moaning about eva
>I hope every single one of you pieces of shit fail to procreate
why are americans like this
More like bitching & moaning about evafags aka obnoxious zealot evatards. Rightfully so. Don't hate the show hate the fans. The show is fine its the hyper austic fans that's garbage.


Why did AGE fail again? Everything from the game looks pretty damn cool
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It's not a terrible concept at all, but narrative coherence isn't enough to balance out its incredible dullness. You could've cut the thing in half and the show would've been far better for it.
The mechanical designs of AGE are, with a handful of exceptions, decent to pretty neat. Good to know they didn't fuck up the kits.
I'd get it if it weren't for the unappologetic deadbeat dad thing.
Kind of hard to sympathize with the daddy issues thing when his dad ends up raising his kid anyways.
That anon left out Flit meeting and losing his Lalah expy in Gen 1, which plays a huge part in his Vagan hatred.
Asemu's arc did the Kira/Athrun dynamic a lot better which is another reason it gets praised.
Gundam SEED doens't do a good job of showing you Kira and Athrun being friends in the past, or even when they reunite on the same side.
AGE taking a few episodes to show Zehart and Asemu casually hanging out and doing school stuff before the war kicks off makes their version of the dynamic much stronger.
I am here once again to tell you that age is just animated crossbone, which is why its amazing

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Dump your silly plamo images like pic rel. I need a more complete library. I'll start.
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anyone got the eggplant MS-09 DOM?
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Does the other one have the SD upper body and HD legs
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in the same vein I recall seeing I think it was a 90s era Victory kit where there was still large parts of the runners attached but can't seem to find it in my old pics

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early preview of Ep1 later for a limited time
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There's been waifufaggotry since the very beginning.
Isn't there a Symphogear thread you should be sarcastic at with their 8 year old girls in skintight suits?
Phones fly now?
yours doesn't?
Hiya, Busa
why are the episodes in the amv section?

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