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Complete nonsense. Sage works as it always has.
Mazin Go, Aniki
Mazin Go, Aniki

Is tenchi muyo /m/?
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The /m/ parts are /m/. Them existing does not make the work as a whole relevant to this board. Also >>22635173.
>does absolutely nothing special with either.
Y'know, apart from the space ships being living magical trees some of which are the embodiment of the triumvirate of old gods that created reality...
Then go talk about it on /out/
This is the mecha board, not the faggot trees board
Only that one movie
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What about mecha made out of faggot trees?


Fuck it, here's a thread. The subs are off sync.
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>I don't actually mind Godzilla rarely appearing in his own movies, it actually gives his scenes more impact. Hell I actually liked Godzilla 2014 and how the entire movie was a build up to the atomic breath scene.

And you are part of the problem, fuck you and fuck that piece of shit
English motherfucker?
Honestly that idea itself doesn't even have to have Godzilla any more. Sounds more like a zombie plot set up.
>Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991)
>Godzilla (1998)
>Shin Godzilla
All of these are deconstructions.
This would honestly make a fantastic dark comedy if you played it with a similar weird tone as The Host.

I'm imagining a scene where you have a bunch of American soldiers lining up Unit 731 personnel. An American sergeant asks "You did what to those Koreans?" in angry tone. The Japanese are all visibly horrified thinking they're about to be machine gunned to death by firing squads on the spot.

Then the sergeant goes "That's pretty cool" and they all laugh and shake hands. Smash cut to the title.

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WHAAAAAAT?! Hayato, my old comrade in arms, what brings you here? You want to tell me how much you ENJOY FUCKING FRAW BOW?! And you want me to TEST THE NEW BETA GUNDAM?! I won't even get to fly it, instead my OXYGEN-DEFICIENT FATHER will create a special device that will increase its performance BASED ON HOW MANY TIMES I PASSIVELY WATCH YOU RAIL FRAW?! You will install hundreds of screen in my house that I WILL NEVER LEAVE that will show nothing but YOUR MEGA-BEAM CANNON destroying Fraw's DELICATE HULL MILLIONS OF TIMES ON REPEAT?! You and her will repopulate entire colonies and your children will grow DESPISING me for turning from a WAR HERO INTO A PATHETIC KEK to the point the entire human race will call me the FIRST EVER KEKTYPE?! What's that? CHAR AZNABLE WILL COME HERE TO LAUGH AT ME?! He will also describe in EXCRUCIATING DETAIL hundreds of his sexual experiences with Lalah before I VAPORIZED HER and we will communicate with her psyche scattered throughout the cosmos so she can tell me HOW DISGUSTED SHE IS BY ME?! All while footage of YOU UNLEASHING YOUR WILDEST SEXUAL FANTASIES upon Fraw's TENDER BODY plays in the background and I can't avoid looking at it?! What can I say? LET'S DO THIS HAYATO! AMURO! IKIMASU!
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My hero!
I know that in the novelizations Amuro was sent prostitutes during his years of house arrest to appease him but it be fucking possible that he became a womanizer in CCA. What the fuck is Hi-Streamer and who wrote this?
Mobile Suit Gundam High-Streamer was the novel Tomino wrote and used as a basis for Char's Counter Attack. The movie is an adaptation of mostly the 2nd half of High Streamer, although with various tweaks.

When it got approval to become an anime movie though, Tomino also came up with a new story outline he thought would work better as a movie, but it was rejected (this became the basis for Tomiino's later and different version of CCA novel, Beltorchika's Children).
Thanks for the trivia, I thought CCA and Beltorchikas Children were based on a original propsal and not a previously existing novel.
No! I still have to have an AI Amuro read the script!

Why they turned into a movie? Also why didn't they just make it a trilogy like the OG series instead of condensed into one film?
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Didn't he tell gunota not to buy any victory merch?
He didn't, he just got pissed off with toy demands and took them in the stupid direction we got out of spite.
And that's him regretting how Victory directly contributed to Bandai's buyout of Sunrise.

Also I feel it's necessary to state that the "fourth episode first" thing was not an executive mandate, but was done by the production team because they were unwilling to redo their first handful of episodes and just moved the first episode with the Victory in it to the front of the broadcast order. Tomino's bunch were just as concerned about ratings as anyone else.
>And that's him regretting how Victory directly contributed to Bandai's buyout of Sunrise.
Idk that sounds like sabotage to me. The series lives off of merch sales. I don't think gundam viewership was ever really that high compared to the really popular contemporaries
Victory's ratings were pretty "just there", I've heard. But Victory being made at all was apparently a pre-condition of the Bandai buyout.
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I think he meant the DVDs

Bernard Wiseman did nothing wrong
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isn't the opposite ?
Did not impregnate.
desu part of me believes that the ending would have been even more impactful if he had been completely stomped by the Alex.
Where would he run to? Nukes don't discriminate.
Bernie best zeon

New chapter out now:

Japanese - https://viewer.heros-web.com/episode/2550689798309301136

English - https://mangadex.org/chapter/d4cd6c32-e04b-42df-a065-b966a837f546/31

Since we're at 20 chapters and that releases have become not as frequent as they used to be, I'll make it a new policy for Despair Memory threads to have links to earlier chapters. Below are the links:

Chapter 1 - https://mangadex.org/chapter/a7be2e9c-b77d-4584-8daa-f2ad8b114836/1

Chapter 2 - https://mangadex.org/chapter/db6819cd-5904-4fdd-af29-977121fefeee/1

Chapter 3 - https://mangadex.org/chapter/9a2b12b0-1b50-4b04-8057-b3e83581f29c/1

Chapter 4 - https://mangadex.org/chapter/268538c4-21f1-41f4-b813-7d96f176e0f6/1

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You're a brainlet. Linking to the title page is enough. Who cares if someone gave up in the middle. They're not going back.
A sequal to the "One year War" when Newtypes where purged from the earth before they grew by gassing all of them in a colony .

Because WfM soured on me, especially with its ending.

As to why I see it as a duty to set up DMGS threads, if no one else will do it, I will.

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Rayearth OVA is truly a criminally underrated and forgotten mecha OVA, all because it deviated from the source material (magical girl) and became a full fledged mecha OVA that’s hyper violent and hyper sexualized. If you give it a fair chance, it’s actually pretty amazing.
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Toei are kind of awful with film preservation and home releases - so that may be something localized to them. In my case - I've seen anime VHS that specifically said :"For sale" and ones with two prices, one for consumers and one for shops , I don't doubt that the opposite could happen, I just wonder how common it actually was?
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It's says for Sale & Rental in the very series, for the very format you posted, you fucking idiot. Are you on drugs?

Because it's bullshit, that's why.
Part of Eagle's deception is that Emeraude is tricked to believe Zagato's mummified corpse is still his live self who is deep in slumber. Iirc there's a throw-away line or two in there which imply that she still attempts to ... console him.
Chicks dig rigor mortis, I guess?
That quite literally doesn't answer the question. Why was it the business model?
Good answer.
>>That quite literally doesn't answer the question. Why was it the business model?
Because it worked.

Got damn. I need an Aki in my life. D boy lucked out & its deserved. She has a pretty bland personality & characterization but something about her just clicks. She's a loving waifu of the most important factor. To top it all off... she became like a mother to our dear D boy takaya.
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Post monke inspired mechs, ive always like how volatile and insanely strong this combination is portrayed
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Cant believe noone mentioned ol boy yet
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You guys think theyll ever do a movie about the OG mechamonke
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Is it really "wank" if we're just sharing our favorite MP units? It's not like we're bringing up "grunts beating special units" we're just showing our favorites
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Post mechs you wish were in an official anime/maga
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Loved this variant ever since I first saw it. Always wished it could have gotten a showing in a game or something.
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needs leg day
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It might be Detonator Orgun
Yeah, it's Orgun.
based, thanks /m/en
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Reminder that THIS is the real Tallgeese. Give it up boys Leofags won.
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Not true for the graze. The thing on the front is an entirely seperate camera from the inner one. The inner camera is more powerful but more easily damaged during close combat so when not needed it's covered by the armor to protect it.
He got the girl in the end so that nonsense worked.
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>Behold, a Gundam!
the fucking inconsistencies, lmao
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>Bad ass spike shield
>no snag hazard exposed pipes
>Actually destroyed a Gundam
It’s a better mobile suit than its successor.
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I like the early type Zaku II
>the goal was to lower the overall weight the very next iteration was the chunky C type.
>Actually destroyed a Gundam

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>Migaki, who was the head of the maintenance team, modified a Zaku I that had been deployed in Fenrir's unit for work purposes. An acoustic sensor was added for Schmitzer, who has a sequela on his optic nerve. Aboard this machine, he defeated the far superior RX-78-6 Mudrock Gundam of the Earth Federation Forces, becoming the first pilot in history to defeat a Gundam with a Zaku.
Makes sense to me. You mostly see out of your dominant eye, not centered. It behooves a pilot to position the monoeye and align right along his dominant. Eye. Which is why pilots use those one eyed cameras when aiming instead of putting on some VR head set.
I wish they made a perfect grade ms-05 zaku

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