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Akitaka and Yoshitsune bringing back mecha musume!
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Who the fuck decided what considered a Gundam MK?
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>Gundam Mk IV
>Suddenly Xenogears like
peaked so hard at mk2
God I hate the fucking "NOOOOOOO" type of posting so much.
Same reason why anything that's not a RX-78 gets a Gundam moniker, those that made em wanted to call it that
God I hate the fucking "NOOOOOOO" type of posting so much.

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Belated Birthday Edition

>KimiNozo Kickstarter Server
https://twitter.com/age_soft/status/1640550456203300864 (embed)

>Magazines on Steam
>JP version gallery
>english (can whoever hosts the mega archive upload these?)

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Based. Truly the Russian Fucker
One time Kouki went on a whole rant about how he doesn't consider strike frontier part of his multiverse because he just let the other âge guys do whatever they wanted, which is probably one of the silliest things I've seen a creative trying to shill his IP say.
Kouki is a melting pot of halfbaked ideas, none of them more put together than SF was so it's all on the same level to me
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If the USA didn't engage in their cowboy bullshit and took into account the combat experience of countries fighting BETA...
Guns > Sword
Cry about it Tojo

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Unconventional mom edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

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The chills with the way they synched the revival with the opening can still be felt
>Ga~ta Gata-gata-kirika! Gatakirika!
There are two wolves inside you, both are pure sex

(now on Crunchyroll)
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Does story mode get harder and/or does the combat system expand at all? I'm just mashing square most of the time.
Story mode is baby mode until you get to the start of X's story and get to select the difficulty.
Combat expands a bit beyond mashing one button.
After you advance past chapter 11 I think you get the ability to raise difficulty level even for the first playthrough of story stages. You get the ability to raise diffculty levels of other mission earlier than that.
So they might have more plot, but they don't know, and might just stick in robots from other series for one story mission here or there? That'll be years from now even if they start today.
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You'll eventually get to a point where you'll wish it was easier

>it's an atmospheric reentry episode
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gbitch sucks
Felsi Fucks
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The more I look at this image, the more I think that hairstyle could have worked well on Felsi.

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I remember emulating this game and it destroyed my sdcard.
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Isn't the Blade almost lifted straight from 08th MS Team's Bloodhound hovertruck?
I've been interested in emulating the first game and I was wondering which version of the game I should play. Does the HD collection have any gameplay changes aside from the increased resolution or is the original version of the game superior?
No changes that i am aware of.

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Battletech's best machine: Timberwolf
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There’s a clan expansion launching this year my guy
No, it's still a wolf.
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I love this stupid thing
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Clan Wolf always gets the best stuff.

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I'd say pic related since it completely reinvigorated a dying genre both overseas and in Japan. Kits were flying off the shelves as it was airing and even after.
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Given how we still talk about it constantly a year later...
it's people from /u/ and /a/ who wants to troll and comes here, when no one cares in the slightest
Reminder that if you hate Arasa OL Haman you are actually a huge faggot with a small penis.
The whole series is wasted potential
I would love to know what happened behind the scenes
suuure, it's always the outsides huh?

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Couples and Throuples Edition

FREEDOM Theme Song with MV:

Sarigiwa no Romantics Ending Song:

Reborn Supporting Song with MV:

BOUKYOU Insert Song:

Escape for Two Short Story

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She's a grandma in a tiny girl's body.
Art is kinda wack but cute
Anyone else think it's absurd that the Millennium didn't take any damage in the final battle?
Meyrin always looks good with her new look in fan-arts. In official materials, she looks awful
As if that won't be the custom of billionaires in 50 years. They'll fork out the cash and have their consciousness cloned via AI, then implanted via microchip into a younger person's body

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I've seen some people act like this series is confusing or overly convoluted, but at the core it's just your usual "young man stumbles into an insurgency"-story (Captain Harlock, Dune, Star Wars, the Galaxy Express movies, etc) with more factions than usual.
I was able to understand pretty much all of the motives/alliances/etc. just by paying attention, and even then it's more focused on the journeys of the people on the frontlines.
It's not about the geopolitical maneuvrings so much as it is Tomino doing a story about young people discovering the truth about their world.

The only part I didn't care for was the 5th movie, where the drama, wonder and slapstick that defined the series take a back seat in favor of the action scenes and the most sickly-sweet positive ending you can have in this sort of story (within reason).

I haven't seen the TV show, but considering that it has the same total runtime as the movies (more or less) it'd be really messed up if it turned out that the last film's editors tore out huge chunks of the show's final stretch.
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>at the core it's just your usual "young man stumbles into an insurgency"-story
That's all fine, until the characters start talking.
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>a story about young people discovering the truth about their world
It's amazing how people still manage to miss this even though it's beaten into their head like every 5 minutes.
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The threads on /m/ during airing were honestly pretty fun. Lots of anons talking about things and pointing them out. Alongside shitposting obviously but it was mostly a well worth it series of threads to help anons keep up during airing.
>Tomino's a solid director, but I find it funny how people act like he's the only man in anime who knows how to make characters act irrationally/have ulterior motives/etc.
>I'm just saying it sounds absurdly myopic.
I think it's just anons grasping for a way to vocalize the very real uniqueness of Tomino's direction and writing that they find hard to put into words.

I've been trying to find the way to put it properly for years now, since G Reco was airing itself. Mostly it feels like he likes to avoid common types of dramatic scenes. Or that is, the sense of a character's progression is left vague and open ended. In G Reco itself, you're probably going to be caught off guard when Raraiya stops being retarded. There's no dramatic, climactic moment where it happens, no conflict involved in it happening or explicit focus on the fall out. At some point you just realize she's no longer being all literally brain damaged genki and is now kind of a dick. Or how Bellri eventually gets over his crush on Aida. He's clearly struggling with it once the Star Wars reveal drops, but eventually it just stops being as present in his character moments. Again, no grand, cinematic scenes.

In other Tomino shows, there's often examples of character hypocrisy or double think that goes uncalled out but is so obvious in how they think and speak you're clearly meant to understand they're doing this. Stuff like that, there's a certain peculiarity of how characters develop and how conflicts hash out.

Also, lots of people stumbling, hitting their heads, or slipping. Just out of nowhere prat falls in the middle of otherwise straight forward scenes.
Tomino doesn't really seem to have the characters explain shit to the audience. So that's why it may seem like conversations and events are moving in all sorts of directions. In most other shows when a character explains something to another character they're really explaining to the audience.

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Which was better?
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He should've been a much more prominent character.
I feel like the movie could've had another subplot with him and Setsuna both being Innovators but butting heads about how to deal with the ELS.
Like a final battle where Setsuna tries to reach the core to do the qunatum burst while also fighting Descartes who is trying to annihilate the ELS.
>while also fighting Descartes who is trying to annihilate the ELS
well that might be kinda weird because EVERYONE else including Al and Lyle and Sumeragi and the ESF were fighting the ELS so if Setsuna was gonna attack Shaman just for fighting the ELS then it sounds stupid
Have it take place inside the planet after Graham sacrifices himself to make the opening. Setsuna and Descartes are sent to deal the final blow and blocked off from everyone else, ESF's goal is total annihilation, but Setsuna believes there's another way due to his earlier contact with the ELS.
Descartes fights him over this.
Can some someone explain what the "We are GUNDAM" line actually means in context? It sounds like such a fucking stupid line that I cant imagine making it sense, from what Ive seen Im worried about watching OO and finding out its just some Robot Battle Anime.
Its not like Amuro talking about "The Gundams Power" or Usso shouting out "Climb to the Heavens, Gundam!" as a plea to their machine and symbol of hope to help them achieve Victory in a moment of desperation, "We are gUNDAM" sounds so fucking stupid, Gundam is just a name, it doesnt have any profound meaning on its own.
When Setsuna says "I am a Gundam" it's in reference to what the gundams represent in Anno Domini, which is to say an end to war, and once the revelation of what excessive GN particle expossure does to humans the phrase "I am a Gundam" transforms into "I am someone that can change the world/myself", so by saying "We are Gundam" Setsuna is declaring that "We have changed/are changing"

At least, that's a basic interpretation

Patlabor but good
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Cmon now the fanbase’s have been friends for literal decades
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>Patlabor but good
I wouldn't go that far, but I definitely prefer the Puma Twins to most of Patlabor's antagonists. They're a lot more active and deceptive compared to most of the crooks SV2 dealt with.
As for protagonists they're fairly equal, depends on how firey you want your redheads to be.
I also have to applaud New Dominion's english dub for having the best F-bomb of all time ("OH SHIT IT'S A FUCKING CYBORG!" or something to that effect. It's in Episode 2, right after Leona is rescued from the brain surgeon.).

You're Under Arrest is kinda underwhelming though.
The characters aren't as layered, and the situations are significantly more pedestrian, for better or worse.
Kinda surprised to read that the manga came out /before/ Patlabor, the anime feels like it mostly exists to capitalize upon the gap it left while the Wasted XIII movie was in development.

J-Decker's fun, though I prefer the characters and the parts that touch upon the implications of sentient robots over most of the "monster of the week"-material.
The only Machine Robo I've seen is the first 8 episodes to Revenge of Cronos.
Hey hey boy
Wrong image, OP
This, we don't need normie template memes.

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Previous thread >>22488418
-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.
-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.
-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.

>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL
>Rare Tokusatsu Blog
>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)
>Big tokusatsu google document
>Other links of interest
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New Lion-Maru chapter!
Only three episodes of janperson left, neo-guild is no more but billgoldy is up to something nasty involving children, finale is close
Finally finished janperson, what a finale, I think that kind is right up there with the ending to sharivan. I feel like THIS show is what robot detective was trying to do but they didn’t have the budget or just couldn’t try to emulate shotaro’s original idea to life, but it was a sweet ending where janperson make a breakthrough between what is human and robots It’s such a marvelous story and a emotional roller coaster throughout. Now my comparisons with the others. Once again objectively there is no bad metal heroes shows
Up next let’s kick some alien butt in BLUE SWAT. I have a feeling this isn’t gonna be as good as the others
Penultimate chapter of Kazumine's Ultraman, & boy is it a doozy!

It's based on a script made while the show was still under the working title of Redman, & according to Japanese Wikipedia, it was scrapped because by the time the show took complete shape it was too removed from the forumla, & yeah I can see that.

I think instead of doing Lion-Maru next, I'm just gonna finish Kazumine's Ultraman first.

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On sales 29/8
current starting gunpla roster
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Was actually ragging on IGN this time. The article the video is covering claims it’s exclusive but it’s really nothing new
both are at fault then
as per usual
The only suit I would particularly say is constantly one of the best in EXVS is Destiny Gundam not X or DX
>Reborns Gundam
>Literally any of the new IBO Gundams, Vual and Asmoday would be my first choices
>not the Calre.A

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