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Anyone have the Bangkok superfuture guide? I’m going to Tokyo and Bangkok next month, someone posted the Tokyo one and I liked it.

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My expectations were low, but holy crap.

As a foreigners, I literally can't do anything here. Can't buy a sim card, can't open any useful aps, can't buy train tickets online... can't even pay for a KFC burger at the Hangzhou airport because I couldn't pay with Wechat pay! holy shiet bros. Why is China so hostile to foreigners right now?
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Can't you just by a cheap phone that's compatible with the sim?
test test
Fuck off with your shitty ass whataboutism and both sidesism
did it work?

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>Last Thread: >>2648804

>"remember, we parked the car under rollercoaster C" edition.

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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only a little bit, compared to most SLCs it's much better. the restrains are comfortable too
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Didn't think I'd make it to Fuji Q on my trip to Japan since the train and bus were sold out, but a pair of seats opened up when I checked this morning. Got good views of Fuji and low crowds. Was able to ride all of the major coasters as well as getting a second ride on Fujiyama and Eejanaika without needing to pay for their fast pass.

Zokon and Takubisha were both fun rides, but not on the level of Fujiyama and Eejanaika.

Eejanaika was easily the craziest coaster I've been on. If you asked me to recount what happened after the first drop, I wouldn't be able to tell you. Just mayhem from beginning to end. Had a looser restraint on the second ride, and it felt like my soul was leaving my body at points.

Fujiyama was probably my favorite though. I didn't have high expectations, and it blew me away. It's just a fun hyper for the first 2/3rds or so with great views, but then it kicks into overdrive at the end. Long as fuck too, and the only ride that didn't feel too impacted by retarded operations.
How retarded were the operations for you? It’s the one thing holding me back from going to any of these Japanese parks
They definitely slowed down the lines with their autistic fixation on safety (Zokon has an entire pre-show dedicated to repeating the same basic safety spiel that was already playing on loop in the queue, for example). Shit's stupid and unnecessary, but the rides are still great, as is the location.
>That Loch Ness Monster overhaul with the big monster statue is getting some decent buzz from Disney people.
Probably reminds them of a Disney coaster that also has a big static cryptid figure that roars

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Boring, expensive, unfriendly, cold for most of the year, dark. What's the appeal in this shithole?
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Whites are the most universally hated race on Earth. No one likes white people.
this nigga really mentioned islands off the coast of africa as european diversity lol europe is defintely less diverse than North America, Asia, & Africa.
Weird how everyone wants to go where they are then. It seems like wherever white people are, the non-white people want to be.
I'll rephrase for him.

If you've seen Paris you've literally seen the best Europe has to offer. It's all downhill from there.
>proceeds to selectively pick out shit from the post to pretend he has an argument by making dumbass assumptions
neck yourself brownoid

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Contrary to the stereotype you can use credit cards without ever creating a single cent of debt AND get all the benefits associated with them.
I would like to do that. But it's gonna be a hard sell for the wife. Once she got her loans paid she's completely anti-debt. I'm with her for the most part, but I still get tempted by the point potential.
>Even countries in Europe that have a tradition of proper credit cards (e.g. UK, Switzerland) will not offer rewards that go above 1~2% cashback value.
Switzerland really doesn’t do card rewards at all—I have little “Platinum/Preferred” cards from both of my local banks and the “points” I get are slightly less valuable in practice than those I get from my supermarket loyalty cards. They’re seriously great when it comes to exchange rates and foreign transaction convenience, but they don’t really even try to add anything on top.
I found upgrades to be the best value for points. Got business class from Sydney to London for 1200 dollarydoos, was glorious.
Amsterdam "ring" is green zone for Visa and MC, den haag is good for the most part, other cities are dead zones
I remember hearing about mandating Visa and MC starting from 2024 or so but I guess not

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All about travel to Central Asia.
Ever been there? Want to visit? Discuss it here.
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Afghanistan shouldn't be there either and Tajikistan is debatable
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Afghanistan is the original Stan, dumbass...

t.fought in NuriSTAN, AfghaniSTAN. Stans inside of Stans...the C'tans.
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It was just...Natural for them to call it that, and well, haha, when in Rome!
I clicked a random spot just to check...what the fuck.
My time in Almaty was a blur of studying the bible with a Kazakh girl.
It doesn't take much to sponsor one for the length of your trip. It was a bit more expensive than SEA, but the value for your money is significantly higher.

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Am I the only guy who likes to travel abroad and try local McDonald's stuff? Pic related, Banana Pie in Brazil
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Fun fact: In Chicago, there is a McDonald's that serves some of the international/global food items. It’s known as the "Global menu" McDonald's.
I did try McDonald's overseas. To be honest the best ones are in US.
Make of that what you will.
>go to "local" and "authentic" restauraunt according to sources online
>full of tourists, waiters speak perfect english, "tip?" even though it's a non-tipping country
>go to McDonalds
>all I hear is the native language, cashier doesn't even fuckin speak english, unique menu items only available in that country that relates to their culture
Has anyone else had this experience? Honestly I think McDonalds is a worthwhile cultural experience to at least try in a country. It's fascinating to see the wagie grindset as well as how fast food is this gathering place for school kids, families with parents who can't cook and couples about to break up no matter which country you're in.
I look at Google reviews for a place. If any of the 10 most recent reviews have English/some euro language outside of Europe it's possibly a tourist trap and I expect to be disappointed. If multiple recent reviews have English, I simply won't go at all.
>Republicans are always full throttle for fucking over the American people
The "American people" means actual American citizens, not illegals, Ukrainians, Africans, and every miserable wretch from every corner of the earth. Which is what leftists prioritize first and foremost at the expense of the American people.

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You can make it here. Schools are all privately owned, you don't even need a tefl, just bullshit a resume and dress nice. Felon? Failure? It doesn't matter, you can start fresh here.
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Ok. And then what, you move and you literally never interact with those people again. And then you prove them right.
If you have to relocate to get there, or if you take too many steps without dribbling the ball, it is by definition "traveling".
Technically youre traveling while sleeping, and you dont need a license because youre not driving, check the laws, officer.

I do not consent.
>traveling while sleeping
What kind of manlet must you be for it to be possible to sleep on a plane?
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[hands over head, expanding, making explosion sound effects with spittle droplettes sticking to my lips with strings down to my shirt, unphased by it]

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Duolingo used to be a fairly useful website.

Back when people could submit courses, there was a forum and there were the guidebooks. And it's complete dogshit that the cunts who are in charge of Duolingo thought it was a good idea to just delete those features all together. All of the 3rd party submitted courses like Maori just never got to be released.

I live in England and some of the languages I've been learning are Welsh, Dutch and Finnish.

Is there anything as good as Duolingo I can use instead? The thing I hate about most language learning websites is that it tends to be the most uninteresting, unintuitive, ineffective gameplay ever. Usually just listening to audio clips of people greeting each other and just matching up words with pictures and little explanation of how to construct a sentence.

Duolingo of course was never going to make you fluent and was more for your reading and writing but at least with the old version, it was straightforward and some of the guidebooks before they were deleted actually had very elaborate and readable explanations of grammar. It just gave you a clear place to start and where to go next.

Is there anything worth using instead, again many language learning websites are crap. I feel like the only way to study a language without expensive classes or hoping for the best with immersion is to just use textbooks as the old school way.
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Just brute force Anki decks and grammar YouTube videos for 5 hours a day. Also watch into the spiderverse 50 times in your target language I hear that helps (In all seriousness repeatedly watching content in the language will help).
>I feel like the only way to study a language without expensive classes or hoping for the best with immersion is to just use textbooks as the old school way.
that's because you're right
Is there anything that is useful for learning that doesn't assume you're a retard that can't figure out the grammar. For example, learning material with three rows. I'm having trouble learning both grammar and vocab on apps like duolingo. First row native, 2nd row vocab translated still in original order (non translatable linker words can be in brackets), and third row in English?

blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Cooked I the dinner [untranslated object linker that has no English equivalent] you
I cooked dinner for you
>Any good alternatives to Duolingo?
first read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/why-shouldnt-i-just-keep-using-an-app-instead
then read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/table-of-contents
Mango is definitely a good start for most languages. Maybe you have to supplement it with a few google searches after 20 hours or so to truly have the surviving ability level, but pretty good pronunciation and what not. Duolingo made me good at reading, only, and Mango made me decent enough at speaking and hearing.

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Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Finland or Iceland?
which is your favorite and why? looking to visit one of them, or can i go in all 4 as a use citizen in the course of 1 month.
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how are the women there? would they consider fucking a foreigner?
fuck off sexpest

I'm from Iceland so I'm biased, but I vote Icealnd
Iceland is a fucking meme

You have money and want to deal with people who basically are clueless to anything but norway but really think they know something about the world based off cop drama's from the US they've seen. Most are friendly people who won't give you gruff but are very reserved.

Outspoken on everything for whatever reason, south and north hate eachother, women are terminally stupid know it alls because they read a facebook article. Not as clueless as Norweigans to the outside world but really have skewed conversations for anyone visiting outside stockholm. Expensive as shit but everything is weirdly open late.

Cheapest of all the scandi cunts, everyone hates everything, alcohol is rampid and people will show it. English is the worst out of the bunch but they will try their hardest to communicate. Have actual most sane understanding of other world views and won't try to convince you otherwise. Depression is rampid and the women are a tough customer for dating

For tourism Finland probably is the most open to foreigners with proper trains to get around, sweden and norway make me want to die using their trains.
You can do all in a month but this is expensive

Iceland has enough nature to fill a month b itself. Very popular and this has ruined a few of the east to access sites, but the very best stuff is awkward to get to which keeps the NPCs away.

Norway can again fill a month. The most popular sites get busy but not as bad as Iceland. Exception for Lofoten in the summer which is full of motor homes choking the roads.

Gets less interesting elsewhere. Sweden is basically beta Norway but not like it’s bad. Denmark is small and boring except for Copenhagen (the only Nordic city worth an extended visit). Finland is much colder and the endless taiga gets samey quickly.

Honourable mention to the Faroes which have a kino ruggedness about them. But you can complete them in a week.
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Just go to Åland in summer

Is it possible for an anglophone to find work in Montreal?

I don't have a lot of work experience, I'd like to go back to school. I studied in Montreal for about a year when I was younger and loved it. I want to return, but I only really have work experience in retail. Has anyone else lived there extensively? Is it possible for Anglos to make a living?
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I didn't read what anyone else posted but you'd only be able to find a job in Montreal on opposite ends of the job spectrum, which means you either have to work an absolute shit job (dishwasher, ubereats, warehouse) or something very high-indemand that also isn't client facing (some software dev jobs).

The QOLF or whatever the language dictatorship ministry there mandates all corporate communication has to be done through french, so it's not like you can get some random business analyst job and get away with it.
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>Quebec is the israel of Canada
Anglo Canadians are the world's biggest assholes. God, I wish my parents never came to this shithole. The only part of this shit country I've had a good experience with is Quebec. Culture, nice architecture, actually nice people. Anglo Canadians are sub 80 IQ sociopathic two-faced scum. Nation of assholes.
The truth is, there is no one Canadian identity. The very basic proof of this is the fact that the type of maple leaf on our flag, isn't even found anywhere west past the prairies. We took an Ontario & Quebec type of leaf and put it on our national flag.

The country is super regional, every province hates eachother. We're the balkans but more polite.

You can't throw the assumption that all anglo canadians are assholes. We're not even meant to be in the same country.
Seething Franco fag(s)

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Where should I go and what should I see? Good places to meet people too? Anyone want to hang out next week?

Can not speak a word of Greek
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Greekfag here. This anon is correct in everything he said, it's better if you come with friends and hit on other tourists. Also things are inexplicably expensive both in Athens and the islands. Crete (Chania) is the best place to visit imo and Lemnos is still a hidden gem but it won't remain for too long.
Lived in Greece too after all. Used to be in Kolonaki. Eating dykanno at 8anassis in Monastiraki. There's so many hidden gems when it comes to food in Greece, it's unreal. So many backstreet yaya diners. People have NO clue.
I hang out with efoplistes in notia proastia so you know what's up anon.
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I fucked 6 different Greek bitches in 3 months and there's nothing your incel gatekeeping can do about it Stavros. I will shit up your country even more next time.
Also Chania is shit and Samaria is overrun to the point of being unenjoyable, you can go to any other gorge and it's empty.
Heraklion is a much better city, Kissamos and much of the west is good for chilling out.
Athens is cheap as fuck, you're just a poorfag mate.
And yet you can't get laid or make a single friend in Greece?
Highly doubt, especially since you are talking about whoring.
>acutally they all are stoopid and upthigh anyway, I have pictures and make fun of them with my friends, hahahahah
Ah, yes, the average rejected loser cope mechanism in action. Of course at first you wanted to fuck them, but now you actually are totally glad you didn't
>can't get laid or make a single friend in Greece
Putting words in my mouth won't make you win anon. I've lived in Athens before and I have a big network there with highly influential individuals.

I've got much higher than average bodycount anon.
Most likely a lot more than you'll ever get.
A lot of said specimen being headturners that make people forget where they live.

Even the Greek anon agrees with me.
I also speak Greek fluently so it's very easy for me to move in Greek society as if I were a native. I get perks that idiot tourists like you never ever could even dream of.

Greek women objectively speaking aren't that fine and aren't worth the effort.

Speaking of coping, you're free to spin up ideas in your head about me, that's entirely up to you.

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I'm here right now and fail to understand the draw of this place. It has the demographics of India and some South American Venezuelan ghetto with a sprinkle of habibis on top and at night becomes a degenerate absolute hellhole dump reminiscent of a favela
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That's literally Athen's anus…
Athens is really big and there's a LOT of things to do, but relevant for touristing is jumping from bar to bar, Athens has MAD bar game and they're really good with lounges and stuff like that. Clubs, not so much. Other more remote parts that are not in the city center are also fantastic. Up North in Kifisa for example. Athens has consistently great food, gyros is amazing if you get it the right place. Kolonaki is cute too. I used to live there for 5 years. There's quite a lot of Greek-Americans spread around the city that you might bump into here and there.
OP here. I actually left Barcelona and went down the coast along to Sitges and Tarragona and it was way better. Then I flew to Belgrade, Serbia and walked around in total relaxation, even wearing a $10k Rolex despite it being a poor Slav country cause there was no ugly nogs / morrocans on every corner looking to rob you.
The same reason the swastikas are always fucked up
>It's just Christian
It sure is
Matthew 15:24
There's articles and laws being written that are antitourist. When I was there just a few weeks ago, I bumped into the same amount of degenerates speaking Spanish as English. Fuck Spain. Don't get mad at Anglos for behaving how your people behave.

>CTRL+ F: africa
>zero results

just a few years ago it seemed like africa was becoming cool but that seems to have dissipated. what is the reason for this? the resurgence of jihadism? the chronic eternal poverty? the threat of war doesn't seem to deter you guys from wanting to visit taiwan or SEA. so what happened to africa? i'm planning a world tour and wondering if I should just skip africa altogether.
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>glass of cheap booze costs 20 bucks
>prostitutes EVERYWHERE
>bitches act like cats in heat, all flirty but then act like you're about to rape them when in bed
>everyone has a chronic hallitosis problem for some reason (and no, i didn't go there during ramadan and neither should you)
>kids LITERALLY huffing glue out of plastic bags to get high and aggressively panhandle you
>poorfags pretend to be backpackers and have a minute long conversation showing you their instagram and all this crap only to beg money from you
>uber (or rather "indrive) drivers are so fucking retarded they need to systematically call you before they arrive because they're too fucking dumb to just go to the point assigned to them, and it's not like there is any other option since EVERY FUCKING TAXI IVE BEEN ON HAD TO BE REMINDED TO TURN ON THEIR FUCKING METER, some even being argumentative about it.

Morocco sucks hard on throbbing cocks, from Marrakech to every city i've been to. When they see a foreigner, it's on fucking sight. Never ever mention morocco positively on this board again.
I’m going to Cape Verde in June I will let you know.
Climate change is fucking Africa hard. Definitely wouldn't want to travel there during the summer.
>10% of the population has HIV
Too dangerous for any sexpats.
>23 and 19
Basically the same age lmao.
HIV danger is way overblown, many african counries are taking HIV seriously and rates among non-pro 20yos are tiny fraction of that
>>prostitutes EVERYWHERE
>>bitches act like cats in heat, all flirty but then act like you're about to rape them when in bed

This is the worst shit. I couldn't stand it. Absolutely horrid mongering experience with morrocan bitches. They really resent actually performing the act.

>death by turbulence
has this ever happened before?
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Yes, that's why they have seat belts
Yep, and I don't wear my seatbelt, and I'm sitting next to you. Cuddle up, skelly
>Authorities in Bangkok reported a British citizen (73) on board died as result of a heart attack. Seven people are in critical conditions. 23 other passengers and 7 crew received injuries of varying degrees.

No he died of basically a panic attack
Fuck Putin. I want to fly over the north pole
Everytime I've been to Japan or Northern China the turbulence has been wild at some point.
And yet going to SEA there's always massive thunderstorms but it's never too bumpy

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