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I spent several months here so you don't have to. There's some kino nature but Albanians don't respect it and throw their garbage everywhere.
The food isn't bad, there's a lot of overlap with greek food. There isn't really shit to do in the cities because Albanians are NPCs who do nothing but sit at little tables in cafes. That's not hyperbole, that's their one and only social activity.
There's a lot of hot girls with big tits but if you want to do more than just look at them then I hope you're good with cold approaching. Tinder isn't much of a thing here(a little bit in Tirana, definitely not anywhere else), and "bars" are just cafes with alcohol(like I said, their only social activity). Anyway it's a conservative culture so most girls aren't even interested in travelers. There's at least a pretty decent expat community so you can find things to do that way, a lot of boomers though for some reason.

Overall do not recommend
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Sounds like a skill issue, Albania is incredible. not a perfect location if you are a "find a resort/hotel and relax for a week" traveler, but if you're willing to push yourself a little it's one of if not the highest value locations in all of europe. it has extraordinary natural beauty, an incredible mediterranean coast with some of the best beaches you'll ever see, fantastic food, and is dirt cheap. the bus ride/drive from inland up through the forests and over then down the mountains to get to the coast is magnificent.

You sound like an inexperienced traveler, no offense lol.
>hurr durr pretty trees
Sounds like you are easily impressed. No offense.
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Yeah the nature is nice but again they don't respect it. I hiked to get to this secluded waterfall in the mountains and they had installed a fucking wifi access point lmao
And don't even try to deny the trash thrown everywhere
Do they get a lot of tourists or do you stick out like a sore thumb?

I'm gonna be there for a day in june and I want to hire a local tour guide for the day to show me around.
Is there any website or resource koreans use that isn't overpriced garbage for foreigners?

I don't want to be part of a group and I all I want is to see nice places and take pics and go to a nice lunch.
I don't mind using public transport if the route is carefully planned.

Going to punta Cana in Dominican Republic, anything I should know or do?
Sights ? Safety ? Women?
Did passport bros and sexpats already ruin it
How good is the English there my Spanish gas gone to shit now
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He would have got away with it if it wasn't for those Medellin kids
>old enough to decide to have genitals surgically removed
>not old enough to decide to have sex
Leftoids, ladies and gentlemen.
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For me its Japan. I have been there 4x and still want to go few more times.

It's been the most picture perfect country I have traveled to. Love the traditional culture and food. Also customer service/hospitality is top class.
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>Which is the most addictive country for travel which makes you keep going back again?
>For me its Japan.
For me, it's South Korea. Been there 5 times already since 2017.
It's Italy and if I wasn't a Turkish I'd say İstanbul. It's cheap to the tourists and it's one of the oldest cities in the world. You can do so many things and visit so many places.
Thailand holds a part of my heart, lived there for 3 years, love the food, love that place every time I visit.
I hope to visit Argentina when I go back in January next year since it’s only about a 5 Hour drive from where I’ll be staying at

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looking for Scientologists
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find Yeshua
What is the purpose of this schizo Gold Coast thread?
welcome to the GC sib

any wins on the bridge sister?
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I was thinking of going up tomorrow to

What's a good business class to choose for long flights? Anyone tried the new ANA "The Room"?

I flew with ANA last year and I was actually quite disappointed. The lounge at Haneda sucked ass (too small, very few food options and none of them good), the catering on the flight was also way worse than what you'd get on Finnair or even United Polaris. I don't know why people cream themselves over this airline, I guess it's just the cute cabin crew?
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>SEA sexpat gets btfo
Based Delta
How was your flight with AeroMexico? I got a good deal on a flight with them in the future but never flown their business class.
I flew it on a 787-900 and it was mediocre. Screen is fixed and the food was pretty eh. Cabin is bland but it’s 1-2-1 so it worked for me.
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I flew Finnair a few months ago from Doha to Copenhagen. I really like their new seats, by far the roomiest business seats I've been in.
Was able to sit with my legs crossed without hitting anything.
based blind bro

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What is it actually like to live in Florida?

To put it short. I'm sick of cold winters. I want to live next to theme parks... (not a disney adult)
I've visited Orlando a few times, so I'm not just shooting in the dark, but I wonder from any locals, what do I not understand as just a tourist?
What is the deal with all of the development complexes and HOA's? how do you even know which ones are for old people? What area's do I avoid?
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Where would you suggest living for decent pay but still nice weather?
Certain aspects get a lot better but unfortunately all the good places are currently overrun with leftists, druggies, and brown people with an affinity for violent crime.
Which part of Pennsylvania do you live in? Pittsburgh is significantly greyer than Philadelphia.
NYC, Chicago, and Philly are the only actual big cities in this country - high population, high density, navigable by foot. The rest are only “cities” in the sense that we draw up a border and call everything inside of it a “city”. So these are pretty much your only options as far as big cities go.

There are other cities - high density, relatively higher population - such as Pittsburgh, Boston, etc. but not that many.

So if you want city life, real city life, you only have a handful of options at each size. These other places are just highways and roadways with shitty fast food spots lining them and gas stations and shit like that. It’s not like that in the aforementioned places.

There’s a lot to do in Pittsburgh, a lot more than 99% of Florida actually. There’s great outdoors stuff there as well. And the neighbors are normal. They’re not shady. A Floridian calling other neighbors weird is a riot. I’ll grant you the winters are cold and it’s overcast often.
>There's a lot to do in Pittsburgh
That's cap.

Just went to NYC for 3 days. Stayed at an Airbnb in williamsburg. Although I liked it for the first ~36 hours, I started to dislike a lot more as time went on.
> Vast trash-scapes pretty much everywhere.
> Food/coffee is incredibly fucking expensive, even at the "cheaper" places. Yet these places are packed.
> Went to an extremely hipster coffee shop that charged 7 dollars for an espresso. Place was also extremely packed with mostly locals.
> Servers/waitresses generally had shitty attitudes.
> All of the Williamsburg locals seemed like giant faggots. People dress like fucking clowns. The stuff I overheard these people talking about was some of the most inconsequential, out of touch shit I've ever heard.
How do these people afford to live here? Why does everyone seem like such an insufferable shithead? I've lived in cities and in the country, but with the exception of some restaurants, this place is uniquely repulsive. Are all of these people just living off of Daddy's money?
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>No matter who you are, no matter what you're looking for, you will definitely find it in New York.
Im not looking for products or services outside of resturants, so New York will not have what I am looking for.

But I can get Wagyu in Thailand...so what do I need NYC for?
Nobody needs NYC. It’s not even a major transportation hub anymore and their economy is almost entirely service/fake job-based
>Things got noticeably worse once covid + lockdowns hit

It's really so true. Covid absolutely devastated the soul of this city. What exists now is a phantom.

Let me tell you, nothing scared me more than taking the 7 train home from work at 3pm and the entire train being completely empty, then standing in the middle of queens boulevard and no cars coming in either direction. Something died in that March 2020 and what exists now is something like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
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Pretty much everyone I know in NYC stays because
1) they make enough to live there but not enough to easily move away some where else usually in some rent lock or agreement
2) they have a place in their parents/firends/aunts house paying little to nothing to live in NYC to some reasonable rate

There are a few niche cases of people I know who've moved because work moved them but they were making +125k/yr so dumping 2-3k/mo into a place was of little issue. Even if NYC has it's obvious downsides from the outside perspective, if you live there or grew up there then it's unlikely you'd want to move away with a place you grew up around.
how much is your mortgage? I delivered wine to that building once and this stoned model answered the door but she was too fucked up to talk so some shredded finance bro answered the door and tipped me $40 bucks kek

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Do I realistically need a car in Chicago? I’m staying in Edgewater for 2 months I’ve heard the CTA is basically unusable at this point.

I will be commuting to the loop 3 times a week and have some friends in Wicker Park
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Agreed, Rahm was a huge scumbag but at least he was a competent scumbag.
I live in this picture. You'll be fine. The CTA's main purpose is getting people in and out of the loop at rush hour which it still does fine. Getting to Wicker Park will be annoying, you can take the 92(?) Foster Bus to get to the blue line from there, but it's still annoying.

Edgewater is a chill neighborhood, very middle class, kind of under the radar. Lot's of families, older people who immigrated here decades ago and never left, old gays and the most mainline middle class urban white people you'll come across. Very Walkable. Andersonville will give you everything you'd want in a fancy gentrified urban commercial street. The Lakefront is awesome, take advantage of it. The Express buses that run down lakeshore drive will be your best friends.
He definitely landed on his feet, he is the US ambassador to Japan which is probably top 3 cozy ambassadorships to get. Love that Chicago machine.
NTA but is there a meaningful difference between Edgewater, Buena Park, and Rodgers Park? I’ve been considering a move to Chicago and looking in those areas

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I don't pay for public transit.
I'm trains btw
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me neither
t. Luxembourger

what can you tell me about Columbia SC?
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You're moving there?

One of the main reasons its not good for young people. Pretty terrible place for someone under the age of 35 to meet new people.

I'd say go to bars such as Transmission and Art Bar, both are downtown and should be accessible to you by bus/biking.

What are you doing in Columbia? Working, studying? But there's definitely rec sports leagues.
I'm going to study and I in between the precise age range you said it was terrible

are those bars genuinely good for making friends? I am not looking for relationships or hook ups
Make friends with your classmates.
There should also be clubs/events for graduate students. I imagine you’re studying at USC
> are those bars genuinely good for making friends?
They’re your best bet
>They’re your best bet
that's pretty bad

how about catcalling with lone girls? is this done often? and if you are with a girl, does this happen still?
Lived there for a few summers, honestly don't know many things to do aside from what >>2662010 covered.
Check out the street market they have downtown on Saturdays.
Anderson quarry is like a ~40 minute drive away, it's a pretty fun place for parties/swimming if you're into that.

Anyone been to El Salvador? Anyone been a Bitcoin tourist there?

I was just cleaning up an old flash drive and found 0.5 BTC, so I've got $32K to waste on whatever. I was thinking of flying down there and spending a few weeks on the beach.

But how the fuck do I cash this out in El Salvador? I know that outside of "Bitcoin Beach" most businesses and street food vendors and whatever just deal in paper money; as a tourist, will the banks or forex kiosks exchange Bitcoin for dollars, since both are now recognized as legal tender there?
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I was in a small town in El Salvador. Two of the hotels accepted bitcoin. I spent 6 months there in the hotel, paying only in bitcoin the whole time. The owner even kicked me some cash for 23% charge. It was a pretty good time. It's really hot there though.

Some places take it, some places don't El Salvador is kinda 3rd world. I never did go to bitcoin beach though. That place had the reputation of a party town.
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Went to Salvador for a week in January, fun times, not super touristy, kind people, undevelopped. Food was meh, prices were cheap because of USD, tried paying with BTC once but it didn't work. Nightlife wasn't too lively, beaches and surfing were fun, jungle trecks and hikes are sketchy and would recommend a guide for some of the routes. All in all enjoyed my time there but wouldn't return.
>I think you can 'cash' them at the bigger banks in San Salvador - do your own research - but yo pay a conversion fee.
Thanks! That's fine, at least if the fee is reasonable. The exchange I used to use was 1.5%, the ones in the U.S. seem to be around 2%.

>for 23% charge.
Holy crap. That's *not* reasonable. Did they at least charge you the standard rates for the rooms, and not gouge you?

Thanks, I'm hoping to do some fishing but mostly going just to GTFO from home for a while.
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>Holy crap. That's *not* reasonable. Did they at least charge you the standard rates for the rooms, and not gouge you?

the standard rate applied but to get cash for bitcoin they charged me 23%. The ATMs which should have spit out USD were not working.

I'm in Argentina now and everything seems a lot less expensive. Instead of staying in a hotel which charged 125$ a day; I'm in an apartment that's 500$ a month. El Salvador is okay but it's basically 3rd world Latin America wherever you go. The beach towns are being developed. The roads are being built. It's just so fucking hot there...
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El Salvador is dollarized. Wherever you go they use US dollars. They use a lot of the USD 1$ coins. Beers are 1.75$ to 2.50$. Cigarettes are 2.50$ to 5.00$ A nice meal may cost you 10.00$ to 20.00$ Those 1$ fried quesadilla things that everyone raves about in videos on El Salvador are a thing but less common in rural areas.

That being said: It's way better than years ago when the country was ruled by gangs. The whole country went through a slow rolling civil war for about twenty years. Everyone loves Bukele. Everyone loves being able to go out at night (even though they didn't where I was in rural El Salvador) without having to fear for their life.

I was there looking at property in the southeast part of the country which is less developed. You have to get boots on the ground to do that sort of stuff. I found a few properties which were sort of small and the owners wanted 80k$ for a small strip of land with an ocean view. It sounded like a good deal but before I could pull the trigger they said someone else bought it.

There's a really nice spot in the southeast called El Cuco, Punta Mango which has a new road being developed which will open it to tourism. The real estate sites and groups try to focus on Bitcoin City and other areas in El Salvador but El Cuco and Punta Mango seem to really be where it's at in terms of development potential.

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I can walk in to a leaky roof, nails in the floor, and rats in the bed, but if the breakfast is good, you will get at least 2 stars.

on the other hand,

Your hotel can have clouds for beds, a fully stocked gym, and classy massage parlors with happy endings, but if the breakfast is ass, the best you get is 4 stars
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That's totally valid. Although personally the quite room thing can be ruined by noisy neighbors at no fault of the hotel management or staff, so I typically don't factor that into my judgement.

A clean space is definitely important. Again, it all factors in, but I reserve at least one of the 5 stars for breakfast

Really? Well I'll definitely have to look out for those if I ever find myself in Texas!
We're full
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Peoples' tastes in a 'good breakfast' can be subjective. There exists a person in this world that considers a carrot "spicy", as there is a person who considers a trinidad scorpion pepper to be "bland like mayo".
The only thing that gets a good review should be the place being as advertised with the perks being a bonus. IMHO.
No one cares though?
This is pure poorfag redflag posting

I'm all for decent breakfasts but it's often not worth just going down or across the street for something decent over the slop most places provide at the up charge for the nightly rate. Like do I really want to pay 10-15 more dollars at min for something that is a gamble or just take that 10 dollars, walk down to some place and get something decent.

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I'm moving to Svalvard (Longyearbyen to be exact) bit I know shit about Norwegian regulations, customs, etc.(but im trying to both, document my ass on that and trying to learn the language or as much as I can before moving)
Any of you guys can tell me more about the place?
Anything is good, from interesting areas, internet usage related topics, dos and donts, anything is useful.
Thanks in advance anon
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Are there tours to see polar bears¿
A quick google search gave me several tour operators that offers guided tours and expeditions. Tourism is big business up there, and I'm, sure you'll find a company that suits your expectations and budget. I can't recommend any myself, I've never actually been there.
>Why would you move to place is you don't know about it?
It less than I know nothing and more about regulations there, I actually know the place kinda well regarding economical things and how fucking expensive shit tends to be there but I want to know lets say, internet regulations for example, or random british loicences one should know in advance, literally dos and don'ts
>Do you understand Svalbard is a frozen wasteland and the jobs are all absolute shit tier labor?
Im actually going to do IT stuff, was contacted by a company there and I said yes, im moving there in september
>The housing is cramped and expensive
the company said they will take care of that for the first months but yeah, its something I want to try to check asap to not be dependent on them for housing
>Is that what you are after?
Kinda, yes, I always liked the sound of it since I first heard of the place as a kid but never got an excuse to actually visit it, that's why I accepted the job asap.
yeah Im aware of the medical situation there, for what I understand you need to go to the continent for anything relatively serious.
As for the language, Im starting lessons next week, kinda funny because during my time working as an External Relationships delegate on the political party I used to be part of I had a lot of direct contact with the Norwegian embassy people but was one of the few languages I never pick up for a reason of the other. Tell me bro, there's anything I need to know about your country? because I will be going to visit Hammerfest quite regularly too
OP here, forgot to ask - what is the trans scene like on Svally? I'm about to start HRT so not sure if I will pass in time if that counts
Worked for a month on a boat that did 10 days trip around Svalbard and saw 20+ bears. Probably cheaper to go on a sled ride but maybe lower chance of seeing one

Do you let others or things annoy you when travelling?
Or do you just ignore it.

If not, post examples

1. Americans asking questions in a museum (it will be a moronically stupid child level question of ignorance).
2. French/Dutch accent is heard nearby
3. Queue skipping
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I didn't agree to a leave-no-trace principle. When the fuck did that happen, you PC faggots? Leave no trace sounds like some chick thinking or hippie shit. Leftist fuckery. I'll dump what I got when I got to dump it.
Ameicans' obsession over eu is the same tho ?
>faggot thinks whole uk = london, france = paris, netherlands = amsterdam
>lmao dude its all so tiny ! 2-3 days should do
>meet a german person = "hahah hitler, yeah"
I mean, euros wouldnt be THAT unbearable if americans didnt still live in 1940 and reminded everyone everyday that theyre the world police i guess ?
Also youre breathing manually.
Nah the worst of americans are
>Oh man your country is so great it sucks in america, did I tell you I only make 6 figures yearly have a car, multi bedroom place, eat out daily, and pay less taxes than you can dream of?
>we don't get any vacation time, I only get 2 weeks vacation + 2 weeks company holidays throughout the year... I wish I had a month off a year like they do in france

Most americans these days don't pipe up unless you're pushing their buttons or they are seriously a boomer stereotype.
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>be digital nomad
>stay in hostels sometimes due to location/cost
>make the mistake of mentioning it to someone
>every time
>offer some advice on shit to do
>lol no
>proceeds to not get this isn't something that is a crash course and doesn't look at any of the resources pointed out for them just wants 'a job' thinking it's hit a few buttons or google per day and be done with

I've learned real quick to never tell people I am a digital nomad, be it at a hostel, bar, or whatever. People do straight up not get it often takes years of experience prior to a full remote gig where you can enjoy the travel by being project based, or learned to automate a lot of your job. I will never get after explaining for a few minutes that it takes time people still go "yeah well what's the short cut lol"
Don't tell this to the blackpill thread, they seem to think le digital nomad should be available to anyone with no skill or experience because they're too good for a job

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