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Anybody know anything about chartering a boat?

I'm taking my wife to New Zealand, he sister is coming with. I thought it would be really cool to charter a boat overnight to get up the coast. But I could settle for a day trip if it's cost prohibitive.

Google is telling me anywhere from $1,000-$1,000,000, so no idea where to start.

Anybody have experience with this kind of shit?
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google can tell anything but you chose up to 1 million a day as your price range to impress 2 girls, lets be real youre not gonna burn that much for a fucking boat ride. Its just a floating thing on water and then you either look at the sea or go around, get hungry and go back. They dont wanna be there for weeks. So what actually happens is youre getting dragged to a shopping mall with two girls. Guess what happens when she says hey chaaaad get me this trinket from scam mall or ill go tweet johny on is he free. You have to get it.Dont budget the boat that high, you got other expenses.
Lol my price range is like $1,000 max. I just took a boat ride in Hawaii as a kid and now it brings back those feels every time I travel to a new place. Getting drunk on the ocean watching sea turtles and shit is my jam. I worked on a fishing boat in Scandinavia for a year, I just like boats. I took my wife on one when we were in Thailand, then again in Hawaii. Was a blast.

Also my wife grew up on welfare and thinks anything is impressive. She flinches if ketchup goes up $0.15. As for my sister in law, I'm covering her ticket because she was nice enough to pay for the VRBO.

I just want to get inebriated and look at pretty ocean things. Overnight, preferably. Having trouble finding anything.
If it helps, she's a waifu pillow I enchanted with wizard magic I bought on Alibaba. Can't walk on her own, but has some basic sentience.
bump for interest in sailing to Bouvet by myself
This is the type of thing travel agencies do these days. You will save yourself a massive headache and time wasted by going through a local travel agency and telling them what you want. You will pay a bit more but you're saving time energy and being scammed.

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I finally got bitten by those mfs at the hostel, and it was a nightmare. Thankfully, I received a full refund, and they closed the room with four beds, don't know how long they will though. Have you ever had a bed bug experience?
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It's exactly like the episode from Suits, season 1. Once you have it, it's basically over for you. Trash every clothes and towels and move out, seal your belongings in plastic bags, and don't open them for 15 months. I understand some anons' methods work but this is the only certain way

avoid hostels or hotels (or airbnbs) that have wooden bunks or furniture. the bugs like to hide there. look at pictures before you book. metal is good, plastic is good. wood and upholstery is not good. the more furniture, the more chances you have of bugs.

keep your luggage and belongings inside a large garbage at all times, sealed and ideally off the floor and away from cabinets and the such.

i've been to dozens of countries including many shitholes and managed to avoid bringing home any bugs by being careful.
Keep your belongings in the bathtub/shower, they hate tiled and non porous surfaces, and bag up your sleeping clothes. When you come home throw your luggage in the dryer for 30 mins and the used clothing in another dryer for 40-60 mins (then wash hot, dry for 60)

DE is the old meta, look up Cimexa on Amazon and use it with a dusting bulb so you're not getting it everywhere. A light dusting is what you need, they avoid heavy dustings. DE kills in 72 hours vs Cimexa (Silica Aerogel Dust) in 24 hours. If you want a insecticide Crossfire is really good too.

And you can get them from planes, common areas at work, public transit, even neighbors if you live in a apartment. The only thing that works other than heat is aprehend treatment (fungal) and that's not as common. Most exterminators are fucking lazy and they pick up insecticide resistance rather quick.

I unironically had this. I thought I somehow picked up scabies since I do a lot of urbex/demo for work. Turns out it was the Downy Scent Boosters my gf was using making me itchy and giving me dermatitis (had lines and stuff on my hands). I did the permetherin lotion anyways with her but once she stopped using the scent boosters it went away.
I've never seen one in my entire life
Same and I've been traveling and living in shitholes for about half my adult life. Maybe I just don't taste good to them.

I've encountered fleas though. Holy shit what a nightmare.

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I'm going to Berlin for the first time this month. Any tips or recommendations?

I'm already pretty set on visiting historical sites and the museum island but I'm clueless when it comes to restaurants, bars, cafes and the public transport. Would also like to know the best student type sports bars. Also, is it safe enough to walk around at night?
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Canal boat tours. Potsdam. A shit load of museums. So much history.
Berlin is cheap when it comes to dining out, compared to other major cities in Europe.
Tip one is pretty good, but i stayed in arguably the most unsafe district, Wedding, and it was still fairly safe compared to Paris.
If you plan to go to clubs, prepare to gaymaxx, preferably have a male friend and hold hands when arriving at the line.
There's a few underground tours you can take (WW2 air raid bunker, Berlin Wall tunnels) but I did the nuclear bunker which was really cool. We met at the ticket booth and walked through the street to an unassuming door on a bridge that went down to it. Something different
Thank you all for the recommendations. Any bars/restaurants specifically you rate highly?
Yeah Potsdam looks really nice, I'm going to visit Sansoucci 100%. If the weather stays good I'll go to the lakes and chill out there.
>Any tips or recommendations?
don't go

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Whats the best island to go to in the south pacific? Ive been to bora bora and im still keen to go to something similar
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Truk (formerly Chuck)
Hawaii is god tier. I'm from Aus and had been all over as a kid since my parents loved going around the pacific. I'd not been to hawaii until two years ago and it blew the others out of the water in terms of nature. If you're sitting arround in Honolulu it's a waste of time but wow those islands are beautiul
How is Hawaii different than other South Pacific islands? Bigger mountains?
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Haven't been but I feel like Tonga is extremely kino. An island nation under monarchy, under visited. It's on the top of my bucket list next year as I really wanna experience swimming with whales.
The only place I've been to in South Pacific is Niue. Great small island, no tourists whatsoever.
>bora bora
tourist trap. Kiribati is king at least before it gets underwater

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Has anyone been to Hong Kong post COVID? Is there still soul or has it been completely taken over by the CCP?
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Where is the best place to take night photos of street scenes showing streets with lots of neon signs like picel? I figured the streets around Mong Kok might be like this, or are there better areas?
Honestly Singapore seems more interesting than Dubai.
What is there to do in Singapore then?
*LED signs
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you have time until 2047. hurry up

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going to the netherlands soon
any recommended places to visit?
also gonna get fucked up so advice on easy to get boner pills would be helpful. can they be bought in pharmacies with no recipes?
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fuck off, we're full
+ bring your qt sister(s)
Zaandam was pretty
Amsterdam isn't really the adult drug disneyland you're lead to believe, they actively don't want you there for that. Just be chill
amsterdam cheese shop
Leiden, Veluwe, Schiermonnikoog. then
*get out of this shithole

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What are good destinations for medical tourism? In Asia I see mainly Thailand, India, and Malaysia mentioned as having good quality of care with good prices and occasionally Taiwan. Any experiences with these or others? Seeing India surprised me, but it is talked about pretty highly from what searching I’ve done.
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Turkey and costa rica. i wouldnt fuck with mexico, they dont even have potable water dor fucks sake. some places in europe but depends what youre in for. maybe korea for plastic surgery.

unfortunately its cheaper but not necessarily cheap. youre still paying thousands.
be aware that the quality of medical care in malaysia is hugely variable
stay away from clinics where the medical staff were just trained locally or where the staff is just malays. also steer clear of any government run place.
look out for private places where the staff is mainly chinese and qualified abroad or did their specialist training in the uk/usa/europe/australia. as a foreigner those are the places you are most likely to use anyway. i recommend sunway medical centre in subang jaya
be aware that good quality treatment is correspondingly expensive
also be aware that every doctor you see will have lied, cheated and possibly bribed their way to get to their position
Has anyone done a BBL in Thailand? I'm guessing LATAM is best for that but they're sketchy. On the other hand it seems to me that the Asians don't have the expertise in butt enlargements. Not sure if I want to pay 200K in the US. Turkey seems sketchy too.
unironically Russia. cheap cost of living but first world technology

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Has anyone been crazy enough yet to try and visit the rebel controlled parts of Myanmar? bonus points if they've actually talked to them
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Having worked in Myanmar, and having personal friends with roots in the insurgency in Kayah/Karenni State, I wouldn’t ever consider something like this. I think it could be done, but feel strongly that it shouldn’t be. If you can’t do something significant to help those people, stay the fuck out of the way.

A BBC reporter just published a piece based on spending a month among the militants, for anybody who wants a safe snapshot of some of what’s going down there. I think even his excursion was ethically questionable in some ways, but there’s arguably value in getting stories from the front lines to the world.


I don’t pray, but if I did I would pray for Burma.
I want to go but I need a rest...I think it will be over by the time Im ready to visit, but if not I'll go.

I was going to be in Moscow during the coup, missed it by changing plans to attend a scientific meetup.
Memes are like sex, best when forced.
He barely left outside Jalalabad, I went like 7 hours into the mountains, heart of militant country.
Nobody asked you brain damaged schizo nigger. And no, getting strung out in in opium den doesn't count as a scientific conference. Keep your delusional, insane, bullshit lies to yourself.

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Planning on trying to visit Egypt in late May to early June. I know I need a visa and my passport is up to date, but is there anything else I should be aware of or reserve before going? Or is the situation in the bordering countries too intense? No itinerary yet either. I appreciate any help.
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Is egypt worth it just to see the ancient sites? I love the ancient history and bronze age civilizations, but I'm not particularly interested in any of the modern history. It seems like a pretty sketchy place to go to as a white american though.
Sounds like you'll be filtered hard desu. Stay at home.
Worst country I've ever been to. Truly horrible
avoid the giza
they literally get millions of tourists a year, most of them white americans

Where you going this summer?
Family is going to Gatlinburg comin' up.
Post best RV locations, trips, etc.
Everyone here is poor and can't even?
the only people i ever see driving RVs are boomers
>yep im going to pay $80,000-100,000+ just to save $100 on hotel rooms for the month!
western US hands down, not summer though

An old friend and I are flying to Zurich on Friday, to spend about two weeks exploring the region. Current plan is to spend a few days in Switzerland before heading North by train. The only 'planned' activity is to visit a small town outside Cologne, which is where my ancestors lived before they migrated to the US in the 1850s.

Besides that, we have no real plan or structure around how we will spend our time or where we will go. I am used to traveling domestically in the US, so the scale makes it seem like it would be relatively easy to see Eastern France, Belgium, and Netherlands while we are there. I'm generally interested in avoiding very tourism focused areas, and enjoying whatever the local areas have to offer. Food, drink, scenery, meeting people. I had considered looking for some live music in the cities we'll be in as a way to meet locals.

My only travel outside the US was to Shanghai, which I enjoyed but was very different than I expect this part of Europe to be.

Any general advice or suggestions on how to make the most of our time in the region?
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Apart from cologne and the small town where your ancestors are from I cant recommend anything north of south germany, more or less beginning with Hessen and above. Do your daytrip to Nordrhein-Westfalen and then get out of this shithole, legitemately one of the worst states and places in western europe. Unless apart from open pit mining you like old decrepit industry thats rusting away, used for deepshaft mining, which the Ruhrgebiet has plenty of.
I have to agree monstly, Münster can be comfy, the Ruhrpott can be interesting for someone who have never seen something like it but a short trip is enough as it's all the same shit. Industrial stuff, decay, falling apart infrastructure and remains of former glory flanked by some boomer 300k all look the same houses with "gardens" and carports.
I'll add tubingen to that list, the old downtown part of town is beautiful
Münster has a nice watercastle and inner city, and there are some nicer liveable small cities between the likes of dortmund bochum essen etc but those, plus everything to the north, west and east is just a depressing shithole, one continous gray urban landscape filled to the brim with nonwhites.
it's great for urbex thou

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Is there a place or resort similar to this in real life?
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Catalina Island. You'll be moving through rings on a golf cart, though.
No but I hope Nintendo lets someone build a sports resort based on Wuhu
The golf island would probably be the biggest draw though
Grow up
Bora Bora is the closest you will get
Lospass Island
vgh wii sport resort island

Where do your kin go for retirement? I'm an autistic polack and have enough of the winter seasons, are med countries liveable for social retards?
unironically Albania

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Haven't been back to Germany in 12 years and looking to make the most of my two weeks there, planning to hit a bunch of different cities. General plan: Spend early morning driving to new place while everyone is closed, sightsee, sleep in new place, repeat.
>Friday - Landing in Frankfurt, driving to Köln
>Saturday - Aachen
>Sunday - Düsseldorf
>Monday - Bremen
>Tuesday - Hamburg
>Wednesday - Leipzig
>Thursday - Dresden
>Friday - Würtzburg
>Saturday, Sunday - Darmstadt to Stuttgart
>Monday to Sunday - München and surrounding towns like Innsbruck, Salzburg, and Regensburg.
How feasible is this, and are there any attractions in the general areas that are definite spots to visit? I have a few lined up already, but like I said, I haven't been back in over a decade, and that trip was mostly spent in the same region since I was a minor.
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Going to Dresden on Ash Wednesday, how do I enquire about the Reichstag fires in such a place?
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>visiting the German coal belt for any reason

This is genuinely retarded. The Northwest is arguably the worst place to visit and you're spending your 1/3 vacation there, THEN DRIVING DOWN SOUTH.

>Frankfurt and the surrounding area
Hanau, Wiesbaden, Aschaffenburg, Mainz
>Mannheim and the surrounding area
Heidelberg, Weinheim, Schwetzingen
>Würzburg, Bamberg, Nürnberg
>München, Regensburg

Then if you have time do Dresden and Berlin. One more piece of advice, buy the Deutschland Ticket from MyVRN's app, despite driving, you'd still want to be using city transport and the Frankfurt and Mannheim surrounding areas are just as easily reached by free (with the purchase of a DT) and fast local transport.

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I've spent a few months there, with stays in Istanbul, Izmir, Selcuk, Denizli, Fethiye, Cirali, Antalya, Burdur, Konya, and probably a couple other ones I've forgotten.

I enjoyed seeing the place. The politics are obviously messed up, and I'm disappointed by the results of last years election, but then that's a common story all over the world now.

It's more cost effective than Greece. The food is very similar, and the historical sites are from many of the same civilizations. I'm completely fascinated by the Lycian cities with cliffs covered in tombs, I didn't know anything about them until I was there, and then spent a few days visiting those sites. There's also some world class neolithic/paleolithic sites, I visited Çatalhöyük last month.

If you want islands it's not a great choice because Greece got basically all of them, but there's plenty of crinkly coast with beaches.

It's much bigger and more varied than the rest of the Balkans or most of Europe. You can genuinely see basically all of Cyprus in a three day road trip, but after multiple trips there's still a bunch more I'd like to do in Turkey.
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turk here
its pretty cool, I always wondered how amazing Istanbul must feel if you're from proper West, its like westernised east, best of both worlds

fuck* tayyip
>Gay flags all over the building
just as well; the turks love fucking twinks
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lmao even
istanbul was the most visited city in 2023 and with antalya ranking like 6th or 7th, although its for resorts only I presume

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