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I can walk in to a leaky roof, nails in the floor, and rats in the bed, but if the breakfast is good, you will get at least 2 stars.

on the other hand,

Your hotel can have clouds for beds, a fully stocked gym, and classy massage parlors with happy endings, but if the breakfast is ass, the best you get is 4 stars
i love getting the texas shaped waffles during breakfast at hotels in Texas. i really should move to Texas.
I don't care about hotel breakfasts. Never have never will. All I care about is a quiet room and clean sheets.
That's totally valid. Although personally the quite room thing can be ruined by noisy neighbors at no fault of the hotel management or staff, so I typically don't factor that into my judgement.

A clean space is definitely important. Again, it all factors in, but I reserve at least one of the 5 stars for breakfast

Really? Well I'll definitely have to look out for those if I ever find myself in Texas!
We're full

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>no longer wish to live in Canada
>currently graduating university with solid career lined up making low 6 figures

So uh... How exactly do I start a new life in another country? You can stay in Japan if you make enough money, but what exactly do you do for work? Or do people just find remote jobs paying USD while living abroad?

or is everyone doing this either living off career savings/crypto sell-off/being a broke ESL teacher?
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I work remotely for a company back in the US
bro i would say get in school, if you dont know that means you dont got skills.
The new city is same as your current city, do whatever the fuck you would normally do, take your emotional abuse coming in from tired sex tourists who are about to over dose in shittiest strip clubs and dont care = winning
PS. Alcohol is for losers, bar is a cope zone when youre not winning. If you avoid both youre hydrated and save $$ while theyre dehydrated, lose money, look like a fool and get arrested by cops at the end. Its a game honestly.
You should look into Canada’s equivalent of the foreign service. That’s a really good option if you can get in because you can both travel and have fun abroad while also establishing your career. The military is also obviously an option but I don’t know how that is in Canada. I don’t really blame you for giving up a six figure job to go somewhere else. I entered a six figure job when I graduated and quit because I just hated my life anyway and didn’t see a future that made it worth it. I don’t actually know what I would’ve done in retrospect because what I lacked and really needed was a sense of purpose for my life, something to do with it, and I don’t know how to acquire that other than time, experience, reading, and thinking. So other than “just be patient and think about this” there’s nothing I can say to convince you to stay. For what it’s worth, teaching English is a respectable career if you can escape ALT hell. Even better if you can get into a university or private school.

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Im trying to buy tickets for my boyfriend for his birthday. What seems like the better choice for entertainment/museums? New York or Chicago? I visited both places, though I liked New York more. We do currently live in America, he just never has been to those states, the last time I was visiting there was when I was a kid.
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Yeah and they all happen in a far off neighborhood that you will never see or go near. You’d know that if you had ever been but you prefer to talk out of your ass.
The Met is the greatest museum in the world.
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I've lived in the Chicago area for my whole life, I will say that Chicago is simultaneously the best and worst city I've been to.
Everyone I know from here either wants to leave, has concrete plans to leave, or has already left.
Yet, there's still a reason why it's called the Second City, it isn't NYC, but that's the point.
We have our own food scene, culture, architecture, world-class sights, and an actually unique past and future.
Unlike NYC, I don't know what the future holds for Chicago, and I don't plan to be here if (when?) it gets bad, but I'm glad to have been here while things still have been good.
City life wears on you no matter what so of course people want to leave. But I’ve lived in a bunch of major cities and Chicago is by far the best of the bigger cities. The only cities remotely similar are New York and Philly and Chicago is much cleaner and roomier and cheaper than both and has just as much if not more to enjoy with fewer of the downsides.
NYC hands down. Entertainment is infinite, museums are very much world class. Chicago is great, but if he's never been to NYC, NYC.
Tips - be careful around west Midtown, mostly around Penn Station. Probably get an airbnb/hotel in west Brooklyn, Upper West Side, or anywhere south of like 28th St. These are the safest areas at night, in my opinion. Do not go past the north end of Central park, it is Harlem and it's not fun. Go to the shore of north Brooklyn for a romantic night. For stuff during the day, you have infinite options so I won't list them all. Lastly, go to Flushing if you've never seen a real Chinatown, it's pretty cool.

Ugliest cabin crew uniforms by far. Terrible color, unflattering silhouette, and the fabric looks like some cheap shiny plastic/polyester crap you find at a Chinese street market. Who the fucked approved this shit.
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sorry you got exposed so fast bro
>Who the fuck approved this shit

I have worked for the airline. They refuse to alter the uniform because internal reports say it keeps customers docile. Less anger over not receiving their desired service. And yes less harassment
I’ve never done it but I’ve seen 5/10 stewardesses give their numbers to male passengers who are almost definitely cheating on their wives
which airline

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Here's mine for a 3 week vacation in Catalonia + Andorra

Andorra (3 days): Go hiking/climbing/cycling in the mountains

Lleida (2 days): Check out the city for one day, then go hiking in Mont-Rebei Gorge

Tarragona (4 days): Roman ruins, the beach, vineyards, monestaries. Really a fuck ton to do.

Girona (5 days): There's even more here. First of all the city itself was a filming location for Game of Thrones.
Costa Brava has so many beautiful towns, too many to list, most notably Cadaques which is near Cap De Creus.
Olot provides a natural park with inactive volcanoes.

Barcelona (5 days): Has enough to explore in the city without travelling out.
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And this is my final clusterfuck. Although it is a straight path all those trips are 5x longer due to Andean roads (plus unpredictable blockades at Bolivian roads)
Interesting choice of going to Kyrgystan, don't know what there is to see there except rural villages
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this was my plan for 3 days in Rome. I am a very obsessive travel planner and will do everything in advance (apart from picking restaurants)

good luck parking in hallstatt then lmao
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i.e. I make a document like this for every trip with details
>good luck parking in hallstatt then lmao
I won't park in the town itself lol, but there are plenty of free parking areas at various distances from town

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What are you driving off the lot with, anon?

Also, thoughts on Turo? Gonna be in Detroit and Turo is much cheaper but I've never done it so I dont understand the process. If I pickup at the airport I just leave it at the airport, right?
yeah you select the pickup/drop off location when booking, if you pickup from the airport then you will also drop it off there. I like turo a lot more then any of the traditional car rental services, i find its cheaper and you can get a nicer car
Yeah I started pricing stuff out and Enterprise seemed to be over $70/day no matter what. And it's Detroit so I don't want anything too nice... but I want more than just an econo hatchback.

I will maybe try Turo in my hometown for a day just to see how it works so I am prepared for the trip. I'm anxious about the process not being smooth while I'm out of state.

Okinawa edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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>spent years desiring a Japan trip
>Had a failed 2020 trip booked
>Mfers irl telling me that I put the country on a pedestal and will be disappointed
>It's my 7th day here and yes, it really is everything I wanted it to be and I'm sad to leave in two days
Thank god I finally got here before tourism spikes actually start ruining things
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For the solo travelers who wish to dine in peace in Japan, I highly recommend Ootoya (大戸屋), a restaurant chain that specializes in home cooked set meals (teishoku) that remind customers of their mother's cooking.



Ootoya CM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ygl27quDCg

Ootoya - The most amazing Japanese restaurant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7F2W0yahIY
In Osaka tonight. Is it a bad day to go out for a drink? Just got back from kobe day trip. It's a madhouse.
In comparison to getting the Narita express to tokyo, then the yamanote to Akiba, getting from KIX to Umeda and then navigating the maze of a station to a hotel that's also near a good drinking spot/red light area is a pain.
Idk if I'll stay Osaka 5 days, might just get the shinkansen for a weekend,stay in a capsule hotel, fuck and go back to Akiba
Lots of pro Gaza people around Kobe and Osaka today making noise with vans and loudspeakers.

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Post your travel maps in this thread. Pic related is the official /trv/ Real Traveler's map™, edition 4.0.4

Fill in the countries and subdivisions you have visited, talk about your map and ask others about their maps. You can use the map however you like, the colors are more like suggestions, you don't have to use them, and you don't have to use all of them. You can add or remove colors and change the map as much as you want in any way you want. Don't like this map? Upload a completely different one. Up to you. Despite what some might say, there's no "wrong" way to use the map, and new posters and less travelled people are welcome and encouraged to stay and post :) This map is a group effort by our board, and we can only improve it if people reach out to share suggestions or corrections.

This is the newest edition of the map, edition 4.0.4, updated for January 2024. I'll post the simplified template in the next post. Changelog:

Subdivision changes
>Added Southwest Papua province of Indonesia (located in the northwest of Papua)
>The Central African Republic created three new prefectures in 2020 that I wasn't aware of before now
>Following a referendum in August 2023, Ethiopia's Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region was finally dissolved and split into Central and South Ethiopa Regional State
>Norway reversed some of the merged counties from 2020 and now consists of an unholy mix of 15 old and new counties
>Following the war with Azerbaijan, Artsakh has been dissolved and removed from the map
And this is why we travel lads. A country just disappeared overnight. The old Artsakh has been added as DLC.
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Moving to Asia to coast for a while. Someone recommend me the best places to coast in Asia for a few years.

Also give me your Japan travel recs

So many Eurotravelchads sleep on Iceland, but it's my favorite place I've been so far.

How do you like living in Montana? I've thought about moving out to the Montana/Idaho/Wyoming area a few times.
NTA but don’t move to Montana or Idaho, you’re a bit too late having that idea. Population and cost of living has been exploding in those states and it’s only going to continue.
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>be me, OP
>make this thread
>have 100 tabs open all the time because I'm a procrastinating fuck
>forget about the thread
>come back months later, it's still up

Anyway, I've updated my map because I went to Hungary. It was a family trip so I didn't get to do much real travellin', but Budapest was really nice. Quickly became one of my favorite cities. I got to practice my newfound love for hiking and walked (not drove like the plebs) to the top of Hungary's highest peak, with the funny name Kékes. We also went on a day trip to the charming town of Szentendre, ticking off a total of three Hungarian counties and bringing my number of visited countries up to 36.
You're an actual legend and an inspiration for this board mate, always love reading your travel updates.
This might work. I'll see if I can make something out of it.

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I'm moving to Svalvard (Longyearbyen to be exact) bit I know shit about Norwegian regulations, customs, etc.(but im trying to both, document my ass on that and trying to learn the language or as much as I can before moving)
Any of you guys can tell me more about the place?
Anything is good, from interesting areas, internet usage related topics, dos and donts, anything is useful.
Thanks in advance anon
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Not one second of your time there counts towards Norwegian citizenship. So keep that in mind
>I'm moving to place
>Any of you guys can tell me more about the place?

Why would you move to place is you don't know about it? Do you understand Svalbard is a frozen wasteland and the jobs are all absolute shit tier labor? The housing is cramped and expensive for privacy, you will wind up in a worker dorm if you're trying to save and make money there.
Is that what you are after? It's a bunch of literal africans, criminal eastern euros and slavs, and weird brown fuckups from around the world. It's like a penal colony except you can leave.
>I'm moving to Svalvard
>(Longyearbyen to be exact)
You don't have to specify, it's the only settlement of note there.
>Any of you guys can tell me more about the place?
Frozen hellhole, Russia wants to invade and probably would've already if they didn't fuck up in Ukraine, you get a personal quota of two bottles of hard liquor per month, but only once you've stayed there for 90 days, carrying a gun is not only permitted but required by law outside of Longyearbyen because of polar bears, the nature is about as raw and wild as it gets, and that flag you posted is pure fanfiction, I'm Norwegian and have never seen it in my life.

Also it's not illegal to die there. That's some retard Youtube clickbait shit. You just can't be buried because of the permafrost, and the hospital isn't really equipped for seriously ill people. Remember, this is a wasteland where people come to mine coal and run various businesses around the mining industry. It's not a place for retirees or people starting a family. Pregnant women are sent to the mainland for that reason. And if you should die, your body is simply shipped back to where you came from.
Are there tours to see polar bears¿
A quick google search gave me several tour operators that offers guided tours and expeditions. Tourism is big business up there, and I'm, sure you'll find a company that suits your expectations and budget. I can't recommend any myself, I've never actually been there.

Is it possible for an anglophone to find work in Montreal?

I don't have a lot of work experience, I'd like to go back to school. I studied in Montreal for about a year when I was younger and loved it. I want to return, but I only really have work experience in retail. Has anyone else lived there extensively? Is it possible for Anglos to make a living?
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im in montreal right now. man this city is amazing. how did it manage to remain pretty good while the rest of canada becomes so shitty? whats the secret?
nationalist french government preserved a lot of old world charm... on Concordia st there are the hottest bitches ever. Crescent avenue is where all the bars are at.
I spend a decent amount of time in Montreal for work, how is Oka Beach? Are there a lot of students who go there like the UBC students who go to Wreck Beach?
Still plenty of poojeets
Thinking about going to school here

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Is $2000 CAD a good price for a round trip from Toronto to Tokyo? Booking like 5 months in advance.
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price was 1200cdn a month ago. prices jumped just as gov budget was released and """summer gas"" came back. bought tix for 1900 just recently kickin myself as i shouldve locked in a few weeks prior. will kys myself if they drop again.
Which search sites are still usable post covid?
The ones I used to use are dead
Actually funny enough you can again. Search for ANA flights using United (or ANA itself if you can navigate their website stuck in 2000). Once you find a savor fare flight on United or ANA, you can call Aeroplan and book it. You just can’t use the website anymore because of Chinese Churners
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Should i buy now or wait for it to drop again??!
can you refund for like $50 and rebuy the tickets now to get a lower price?
No. It's a really bad price. I use to pay only around 1000 - 1100 before pandemic every year.

Because globalhomo economics and inflation is rampant. I suggest waiting until price drops around 1400 - 1700. Set up price alerts so you can get an email/text

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Duolingo used to be a fairly useful website.

Back when people could submit courses, there was a forum and there were the guidebooks. And it's complete dogshit that the cunts who are in charge of Duolingo thought it was a good idea to just delete those features all together. All of the 3rd party submitted courses like Maori just never got to be released.

I live in England and some of the languages I've been learning are Welsh, Dutch and Finnish.

Is there anything as good as Duolingo I can use instead? The thing I hate about most language learning websites is that it tends to be the most uninteresting, unintuitive, ineffective gameplay ever. Usually just listening to audio clips of people greeting each other and just matching up words with pictures and little explanation of how to construct a sentence.

Duolingo of course was never going to make you fluent and was more for your reading and writing but at least with the old version, it was straightforward and some of the guidebooks before they were deleted actually had very elaborate and readable explanations of grammar. It just gave you a clear place to start and where to go next.

Is there anything worth using instead, again many language learning websites are crap. I feel like the only way to study a language without expensive classes or hoping for the best with immersion is to just use textbooks as the old school way.
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Unironically just talk to ChatGPT. Tell it that you want to learn Dutch. It's a little clunky but it's so responsive to your needs that you learn much faster than the rote learning with the apps. Once they get the accents down and the text-to-speech is more smooth all language learning apps will probably go out of business. It's not for everyone but I've been learning languages for a long time. If you're willing to look past the warts you can learn a lot really fast.

Of course nothing beats working with a native tutor.
This is a pretty typical interaction. Overall it feels very fluid and natural, and pretty fun. Duolingo so often feels like "hitting the books." With ChatGPT you can just talk about whatever you want and it teaches you new words.
There's a non-profit alternative springing up called Lingonaut.
Just brute force Anki decks and grammar YouTube videos for 5 hours a day. Also watch into the spiderverse 50 times in your target language I hear that helps (In all seriousness repeatedly watching content in the language will help).
>I feel like the only way to study a language without expensive classes or hoping for the best with immersion is to just use textbooks as the old school way.
that's because you're right

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Anyone have experience with working holiday orgs like work away and wwoof? It sounds kind of gay but I want to stay in other countries for extended periods of time on a low budget. Idgaf about tourist stuff I just want to learn the language.

Worth my time or poorly disguised slavery?
its almost exclusively the most retarded lefty communists imaginable, so you need to be one of those people or be okay with them

otherwise it probably won't be tolerable

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Burger wants to visit Cuba, is it reasonable or am I retarded? Also, only basic Spanish knowledge - can I cheese my way through a two week visit with Google Translate?
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>Does Cuba have a decent internet connection yet
lol, no. its slow, very expensive, only available in a handful of hotspots in the blazing sun, and most sites are blocked. nothing works there...NOTHING.
How mad will the Commies be if I try to hand out Spanish versions of Mises Human Action
>Why can't they invest in some decent internet?
It's called "authoritarianism"
You'll probably get arrested and shot
China, Russia, Britain, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Dubai have great internet though. Even Laos, Cambodia and Thailand have good internet despite being authoritarian.

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I've decided that the most reliable way to tell who is an NPC is to look at who closes the shutters/curtains on planes and buses. Anyone with a soul leaves these open.
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>no big spiders
>Bali, Taiwan, Thailand
OP is always a faggot, but today he's a cool faggot, like Freddie Mercury.
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I like how many NPCs are just shamelessly outing themselves ITT. Also this thread needs more frogs.
Outrageously based
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Pepe thread? Pepe thread.

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