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Moving to Seattle soon for UW. Planning on spending $2000 or less on rent. Where the fuck should I live, I've been to Seattle but don't know it that well.

Would like to be near good night life stuff.

What do anons recommend?
For < $2K you're probably gonna need to stick to student housing or expect to have 1 or 2 roommates.
Just find roommates in the U District. You probably won’t be able to afford to live anywhere decent.
Are you a jeet

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i saved up 20 thousand to blow on my vacations. should i go to dubai or paris?
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For 20k you could buy some taste and still have some left over to visit somewhere that's not a shithole
You're retarded for wanting to go to either. so who cares.
Go to Uzbekistan. They opened a high speed railway between their three biggest cities a few years ago which makes it really easy to get around. Lots of beautiful and unique things to see.
why do people on this board act like they stay in 10k usd suites every day on their 1 week vacay.
With 20k you can make a good roundtrip throughout France
>B-but Paris is a shithole!
They still have the museums.

Where can I find the creepy murals? I want to get a photo of the NWO soldier and the blue horse.
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the giga rape horse is quite something
You can't miss it, really. It's really quite startling.
>replying to your own thread

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Good evening everyone, I’m going to NYC in under 48 hours for a graduation and semi vacation with my wife. I have no idea what’s there, what to do outside of food, and other obvious “things to see”

Does anyone have recommendations of things to see, do, experience that will be worth our time and money? I’m coming from Austin - I was hoping for some cool museums, mobster Italian places and maybe some off the beaten path.
Jersey Chad here:

I’m on a train heading to NYC right now. Should I go to Governor’s island? What about Madame Tussauds wax museum?
I just went to Tussauds. It was overpriced at $43.99 and it’s just a selfie trap. It’s mostly static wax figures that people take selfies with. I regret going.

I got offered completely free trip for 7 days.
Never been in US. I guess going to gun range as European would be cool. It apart from that I'm out of ideas.
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sweat your balls off
>Eat Texas BBQ (In Houston I like the Pit Room). Brisket is the main specialty of Texas BBQ, but also ribs and sausage.
>Eat Tex-Mex (fajitas are probably my favorite meal)
>Eat some tacos
>Get a nice juicy Amerifat burger
make sure to do your research on places to eat btw
>Go to the gun range, as you said
>Visit NASA
>Go to an Astros game, if there is one
>See the San Jacinto Monument
>Take a trip to Austin and then San Antonio, see the Alamo
and other stuff

Also it's fucking hot and sunny in Houston. Buy some sunscreen. You will need it.
These anons are correct

t. native Houstonian. I now live in the piney woods away from that shithole
Astros game
Quirky Rice Military shops
Czech Museum

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What transferable skills do you have that allow you to travel so frequently? Allegedly this whole board has rich people working in foreign countries constantly. What jobs have you worked that let you live the dream?
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Reading about the US salaries really makes me seethe. Also, I'm from a commie Scandi country where even ordering something off of Amazon results in 2x price. Fuck this shit.

>Captcha K8SDR
I'm just a teacher that travels once a year during the summer. Going to Italy in a week.
I'm going back home in the Balkans but I don't have great work experience so I don't know where to begin. Obviously I'm not expecting a good job or a lot of vacation days, any shit job will do as long as I get useful experience.

Has anyone tried national park jobs in Australia or shit like that? I would love to wageslave on the Golden coast
Real estate investments.
Rentoids are funding my degenerate lifestyle.
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>"how can I afford to travel" thread #1784

Save up money, quit your job, travel, return and get new job, repeat.

I just put money on the side every month, after a few years I quit my job and go for a few months. In between I do smaller vacations (1-3 weeks) without quitting my job. That's literally all you have to do. Save your money faggot.

Where's should I visit if I want to try real spicy food? Was thinking South east Asia
>Was thinking South east Asia
It's a good start. I would try to focus more on Malaysia and Indonesia, though.
Thailand is more into sour food, and the Philippines is more into sweet & salty.

In other parts of Asia, check out:
>China (Sichuan province & Chongqing municipality)
>South Korea

Other than that, there's the Caribbean. Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago can get pretty spicy.
for the food that people eat every day the answer is obviously india although other countries like china have a few spicy dishes
also probably the uk somewhere like brick lane in london since there are plenty of people who want a load of spicy food after a night out in the pub
if you just want the hottest food possible then probably the usa since there are people who eat spicy food competitively. it's some kind of tragic macho thing
a lot of the world's hottest chillis come from trinidad

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Heading to the Carolinas soon to hang out with some buddies and go on some adventures.
What are the best places to go and things to see? And what are some things to avoid?
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Ooooh anon's going to the CaroLINAS with his BUDDIES oooHHHH
Not happening unless you stay deep in the Appalachian hills. They are everywhere here.
>t. visiting family in central NC
if you have a boat, going around the Beaufort/ Hilton Head area is really cool.

If anyone's got a few days, Charleston to Savannah is a cool trip via boat
Thanks! I'll keep this all in mind, gonna start in Raleigh, work my way down to Columbia and back
Best style of BBQ imo

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Any of u been to Somalia ? Especially Mogadishu
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How's Tinder in Mogadishu?
I've been to Somaliland. Would not go to Mogadishu
>I've been to Somaliland
Not op but thinking of going to Tigray and then on through Djibouti to Somaliland. Been to Ethiopia already.
How was it?
Did you manage to travel without guards?
Did you get out of Hargeisa?
Any info appreciated
Someone's likely getting raped, one way or the other.
I lived in Stockholm

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leaf here with 1M net worth. should I just leave for spain? I did the camino and had a great time and looking at tax rates for foreigners + nice QOL plus good food, hot women, great weather. Seriously what are the downsides of getting out of this place and going to spain? I looked online and I can get a nice apartment near a beach for like 350k CAD. Not from EU so I'd need a job or something but I could rustle up something I'm sure. Maybe work at a winery I'm thinking...
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You are going to get the biggest dissapointment of your life.

There are many ways to move to Spain without a work visa if you're canadian. Just go see a real estate agent and he can explain to you the residency options for expats looking to buy a place there.

Spain is a nice country but the taxes will absolute rape you even if you are a foreigner. So be careful when you do business there, the tax man is more aggressive than in Canada and they can take all your shit if you don't play the game.

If you don't mind the high tax rates then you'll enjoy the place.
>Just go see a real estate agent and he can explain to you the residency options for expats looking to buy a place there.
Didn't they announce in April that they were phasing out the golden visa that allowed you to get residency if you bought property for $500,000?
You’d have to live modestly and reinvest, but yes.

US treasury bonds are about 4.5%. If you buy 1M in bonds that’s a rock solid 45k/yr. And that’s just the safest option. You could make a lot more if you invest in an index fund. The average spaniard only makes 27k euro.
I thought they were doing something similar to what Portugal did that led to them raping themselves with brits and french expats? No tax for 10 years or something?

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How safe is street food? I want to try some street food in India but seems risky.
>I want to try some street food in India
why? do you hate yourself THAT much?

They're safe. In fact, you're more likely to catch food poisoning in a dine-in restaurant in an American Midwest strip-mall, than you are from some street vendor in Mumbai.

That being said, the rule of thumb in countries where there's not a government body that regulates health and safety procedures for food vendors, the key is to watch the crowds. Look where the lines form and which vendors get consistent business from the locals. Those are the ones who serve good and safe food.

It's not safe. It's not just India, but any developing country: those who can afford not to eat street food, will not eat street food. It was made for working class people, though now they realize rich tourists are willing to eat it so they cater to them. There simply is no way to keep proper temperature of the meat that's been sitting out for a while, no matter how hot they cook it. Then, developing countries usually don't have a proper health department / education system / regulations that require food workers to use proper sanitation / hygeine practices. There's a reason you won't see this type of street food in developed countries. It's cool, don't get me wrong. It really makes you feel like local, but you are also playing minesweeper with food poisoning. If you can't drink the tap water, you shouldn't eat the street food.
Depends on the place. If it's some stall on an empty road with flies crawling all over the food and the clerk idly standing there picking gunk out of his teeth, you're going to get sick. If it's a busy stall with one guy handling the money and another guy using a ladle to scoop out steaming hot food, you're probably fine.

Contrary to what inexperienced travelers think, the stuff most likely to make you sick is hotel food and stuff that caters to foreigners. The reasons for this are a lack of repeat customers (so nobody complains, and if they do, it doesn't matter), a kitchen nobody can look in to (if they drop the food on the floor and cough on it because they fucking hate rich foreigners, nobody will ever know), and they're cooking stuff they themselves will never eat (so they don't know how to properly make it and they're not concerned with whether it's safe, which is doubly true when they have religious reasons for avoiding it, like Hindus with meat).

I ate street food while traveling around SE Asia, China, and India and didn't so much as have gas. The times I got so sick I had to visit a hospital were the times I decided to be lazy and get breakfast at a hotel in Vietnam and my last day in India when a tuktuk driver took me to some shitty foreigner-oriented restaurant and I was too tired and hungry to argue. You can search around and you'll find many other reports of people who eat street food (while being careful to avoid super nasty places) and only getting sick the one time they eat at a hotel or tourist-oriented spot.

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what villages are fun for tourists?
not sure what you think is "fun"
but i guess you could go to Lacock and act out scenes from your favourite costume dramas
or Bourton on the Water and get annoyed by busloads of Chinese people getting in the way everywhere

I would say medellin

From the party culture, food, women and infastructure….if i could i would live there!
>Bourton on the Water
Going here as a kid before the influx of browns and rude Chink tourists was peak. The occasional friendly American or European tourist outside of summer and that was about it. Just another overcrowded and Flanderised victim of rampant tourism now.
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What are some fun things to do there?
Get diarrhea thrown at you.

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how was your trip to slovenia?
I didn't go to Slovenia.
Slovenia was nice before tourists found out about it. Now it's ruined.
comfy, cute country. Ljubljana is ruined by tourists though.

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i am going to land in paris without phone
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i am going to hang out at café
I visited Paris with no phone once. I spent the days mostly in the museums d'Orsay and Louvre. I considered spending the first night by the Quay d'Orsay but the fog coming off the water made me cold. I had no blanket or coat, it was November. I walked to the Champs du Mars and the rats made me afraid. I bought vodka from a brown man and found some thick bushes near the base of the Eiffel Tower. I slept good for a few hours. Two men laid down right next to me and started having sex by the light of the Tower. They said beautiful things to each other while they fucked. I found it pretty touching even as I swore loudly in French and lashed out at them with vicious kicks. They ignored me. It was 3am. I got up and sat under the hot air vent in an alley behind a bakery. In the morning I walked to a cafe in the 8th arrondissement and had 2 coffees and a croissant. While crossing the street I found a crocheted wool hat which may have saved my life in the freezing nights that followed. I spent the day in the Louvre. I thought about passing the next night in a park on Montmartre but instead I took a train to Orleans and spent a week walking along the river to Tours.
You're trying very hard to come off as ESL. I don't know why. But just know that I'm on to your stupid charade.
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holy shit this is inspiration
But how are you posting now?

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