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This is a thread about Azur Lane.
CN stream tomorrow, new event due 5/21! Pouty Ms. D!
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Think I might be getting the kot along with my “domesticated” fox
I think her garterbelt + dress is still fine looking enough. This semi reverse suit could use some contrasting colors.
Depends mainly on the animations, but judging off the last two expressions it should be good
The challenge mode, I'd guess.
3:1 usually with fleet tech set to 0

String Fucker boss fight is in, remember papa Cometpants loves you
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Yeah, I've just got Saruin too. Problem is I don't have anyone to go with him. I pull for Fake Gustave, I get Maria. I pull on Asellus/Death banner, don't get them either. Makes me worried I won't be able to get Byunei since I hear she's shadow. Not getting Fempress sucks when I have some good sun chars and plan on going for many more, but I gotta keep telling myself Mirsa will make up for it months from now.
more like its a shit game
if wanting to beat new fights on release day is greedy then its your standards that are so piss poor and out of touch with reality
this game is so much more greedy than any final fantasy or chinese gacha game that it is unreal
except no one does the new shit on release day anymore it took another banner after the release to beat the recent romancing so i dont see how that matters
I used to do it on either release day or the first few days on everything but stuff like Firebringer and of course remembrance, but I think I've finally hit my limit since I'm not able to get the latest stuff. Feels like I need some specific stuff to clear 270 as it is.
what banners will be next? final emperor female looks good.

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Co-op boss never again
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is this from paid pack? i never seen this from current event
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Posei's posei... sex...
DId they mention that you can fuse sigil modules now? I don't remember it in patch notes. Have I just been a fool this entire time?
If you're talking about the blue and purple fuse. Yeah, you're retarded the whole time.

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new freya sexo skin is out
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hero tierlist as of the latest orig. server patch (May 13)
If you cant perform well with miya.... you don't deserve to touch the adc role, then once you get it for real, you move on to her direct upgrade hanabi
>akai roam
>their yin keeps ulting me randomly all game
>it goes back and forth with us killing each other
>final 1v1 we're both at a quarter health
>lord destroys our base before it can end
That was the coolest shit I've had in this game. I'm sure I would've won that final one though.
I got my gf to finally give MLBB a try. She's never once played a MOBA, only seen someone play LOL before. She still does significant better than my third world teammates somehow every single time.
They should really change the tier names because its so silly.

Post your gf

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Goodbye forever.
After a bit over 5 years of service, the servers for Kirara Fantasia have been shut down.
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Did you like the episode?
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I'm still not used to the new art syle
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she is too flat now it makes me mad

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Thread for discussion of Blue Archive's Japanese Server
Did you enjoy the band event with the After School Sweets Club?
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Do you think they'll ever change the attack type on Set after rotating through every armor type?
If 3.5 bluefes really must be a new unit then it has to be Seia or Rio
Kisaki and Akira are also candidates but with a lot less gravitas
doubt it, they'll make new bosses instead.
i want akira to go full wakamo and crash the trinity festival
My copium is that part 1 of the festival will be alts (Sakurako, Fubuki/Kirino, Ichika) and part 2 will be Akira and Seia as limiteds, kinda like Halo Fest
>Meru made the list but Miyu didn't despite roughly having the same kit
must be tough being the forgotten rabbit

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Why do you play gacha games?
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Is #compass just alive in Japan but has 0 reach outside of it? It seemed like it was super dead from the searches, but the guides are near instant on JP sites, they just got another Collab and new char and the queues are near instant in JP timezones.
It has no translation so. And also the name is bad for SEO in english. Inside Japan it does seem popular enough or at least sustainable with the various merch, it's own cafe that's always available, constant offline events. Also has an anime next year.
Here's a qooapp link if you need it: https://m-apps.qoo-app.com/en-US/app/4799
Havnt really touched a gacha in a while, but i usually enjoy the first few months before the invenitable endgame grindfest.
But reaching that point, with limited ressources and constraints due to RNG is somewhat satisfying
why not
> anime games, it's either gachaslop or low budget looking ass games that look like they could have come out for the PS Vita 12 years ago. Since gacha actually prints money, the games (that aren't total quick cashgrabs like Chink VIP 20 Battle Passes Idle Simulator #249032) actually look really nice for anime games
Not really, most games still look like ass, these hatch’s games are built for phones to begin with. All of these open world gatchaslop look mid

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Only 5 days (5/22/24) till release!
What are you most excited for?
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Honestly whoever decided that the early storyline that was more compelling needed to be scrapped because "they were too mean to me ;_;" needs to be executed because this LN tier Genshin rewrite is unbearable. The only relief is that parts can be skipped.
>30fps on a fast paced action game

>lolis do the ninja run when dashing.

I was just testing different resolutions and settings until I was satisfied with one, and 4k 30fps is the max I can get with that old shit. So people in here will get better results.
Did you even read the old plot or are you just baiting?
Is there an fan service or is it Genshin tier?

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Happy Birthday Saki
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Good. Better than collabs for current popular thing.
I tried playing it, I don't really get it. Might not be my thing...
lol you the game can prevent you from reading the story if you don't have currency to buy the song
Used up all 80 rolls to get Kokoa which is the one I wanted so that’s nice. I sure hope we don’t go straight into a bride event
You're gonna miss post HayaKoko Xross cards (post-coitus scene laying down on the same bed and can be connected like old relationship cards)

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Played the game first few minutes better than genshin worse than tower of fantasy at least in the story. Tower of fantasy has the only “decent” story that I could actbinge before getting to the paywall. The game also ran fine on my old 865 snapdragon phone. Legit that game is built for Mobil phones and nothing else.
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These characters are almost as annoying as pamion, 80% of the way there with their fluff.
The character models though do look a lot more detailed than genshin tough, and the game doesn’t heat up my iPad at all unlike cod Warzone.
Graphics are way better than genshin though
Tower of fantasy solos when it comes to the story god damn, they are speaking another language half the time, it’s better than genshin but only by a tiny bit at this point
My hair 20 years ago
My hair 10 years ago

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Barely Alive Edition

>Official Website / Download (Steam / Android / iOS)

>Is there crossplay between mobile and PC?
Yes. You need a Google account to do so.


>Player Resources
>Guides compilation (KR):

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I'm not interested in 3D action rpg games so didnt try either Genshin or WuWa, but from the sounds of it, even Astra probably had a better release?
>even Astra probably had a better release?
Lmao no. So much no.
>Current event actually gives more than what they gave away at the start
>Shoe gain is super slow at 120 cap at 1 shoe per 8 minutes
>AI was super rudimentary, Full Auto (with switching) wasn't a thing since they explicitly stated they didn't want to add it
>Farming was worse since there's no guarantee gold drops
>50/50 DID NOT carry over despite a community manager confirming it
>The only 5* Poison unit is much worse than the only 4* poison unit, exacerbated when they decided to nerf him causing drama
>Some bizarre bug allowing players to get ahead via Co-op leading to bans even though they may not be aware, which they decided to """fix"""" by handing out 45 hero shoes (this is much more than what you'll get even if you've played the game from day 1 to this point)
>And so much more
Astra had a very, very, rough launch and most of it aren't bugs or lack of polish but just weird design decisions. They've mostly fixed these though.
fucking hate that my nigga Capecchi was nerfed, he was an absolute beast even in F1.
Poison loli still sucks
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Are these the ideal stats?
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>Get lucky and get a 5s large bow at around the 20 rolls in Auroras weapon banner.
>Its not Auroras sig.
Well, at least I think(?) it's useful? And I got a guaranteed early if the 50/50 also works on weapons. I wonder if I should now try to risk it and start farming trophies to be able to pull the bow in time. all my stages are at trophy 5 or lower.

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New trailer just dropped: https://youtu.be/4TmccWDP1V4?si=7ZuIfCy8XXU3glkm

Cherno sure has a lot of character development. You rolling?
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Keep your shitposting in the /vg/ thread please
not just on 4chan, saw the same comments on youtube, it literally looks like a script, they always use the same combination of words

>day1 player here, how could they do this to siris, omg this is so bad, muh cute flat chest, too much fanservice

Where were they when 5* haru released? These people would rather see the game go EoS, so they don't actually play. If you've been around, virtually no one has ever cared about Siris, never see her in coop, no one uses her avatar in the friends list. She has always been irrelevant suddenly everyone cares about her though, totally organic just like the "why don't you watch porn instead" fags
Yep, you recognised the shitposter. He was falseflagging spamming that so people who had similar opinions are dismissed.

And I'm afraid I must contest your remark that no one cared about Siris based on the evidence that no one played her in co-op. She is a well beloved character who had a major role in chapter 12 and will continue this role in the next chapter. I think most people don't really care or speak up unless they are affected. Last patch was Cherno, this time it's Siris. You only call the fire brigade when there is a fire. And this game has a fundamental problem with regards to the incentive to play supports in co-op mode. The very same can be said about any other supports like Kaguya, Tess, Mauxir, Eatchel and so on, who don't get used often in co-op.

Whilst I appreciate that you are frustrated about the crowd who dismiss the fanservice elements of the game, I believe some of the comments carry genuine care for the game, just as you wish to protect the thing you like. Personally I feel the developer is investing their resources into a style of fanservice that is not convincing, at the expense of other elements like storytelling and gameplay. While the new Siris design and characterisation is attractive, it's up there with Cherno in turning them into completely different characters. Whereas in Haru's case, she was still a serious soldier talking about honour.

That said, I think the best course of action is to let the developers know calmly in specific details through proper channels. So I will refrain from boring you further with the discussion on this topic.
As a filthy mechanized cop player, I've always wondered how well flopping around like a goldeen with 4Siris would work, but never got around to it. Now I just don't feel like it anymore.
How's this game treat f2poors?

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Pendulum debut in JP soon
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Genuinely how are you supposed to beat these Auto Health damage missions?
I even have New Years CC passive recovery and everyone still gets melted
This happened last time with one of the challenge events too
auto health damage? do you mean boss orange's ability? Don't use BK units, as his DoT only effects those guys.
Meant the extra stage on Knightmare supression
Update for those, DMM player can be once again accessed without a vpn for now.

Maybe the recent mass region blocking was not intentional
Baseball Suzaku and baseball Lancelot for JP

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The global version launches soon. How bad is it if I'm starved for DMC content?
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Royal Guard bros ....
Here's the actual full video with aislop voice overs
>Fist and Knuckle weapons on Trish
These fucking gooks can't even get her arsenal right.
small indie ex-mihoyo team, prease understando
not anymore

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Some new coomer gacha just dropped. Any of you lads try it out?
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Not a fan of how RNG and grind heavy getting gear is
Joined for coom, ended up feeling terrible for Rubi and Lucia. Game has some great sufferkino
Got the last half anni banner unit I was missing on the 120th roll, what the fuck do I spend the coins on now? One of the bonds or one of their potential breaks?
coulda fooled me with the perfect rolls everyone gets on their speed gear in arena you'd think it was free
I find it refreshing how 90% of the cast are assholes

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